949 resultados para vigor and forest seeds
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar o estabelecimento da dormência nas sementes de sabiá (Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth.) durante o processo de maturação. Foram realizadas 16 colheitas semanais de frutos e sementes, na localidade de Engenho Bujari, município de Areia, PB, no período de 9 de agosto a 22 de novembro de 2001. As colheitas ocorreram aos 105 dias após a antese (d.a.a.) e se estenderam até os 210 d.a.a., sendo avaliadas as porcentagens de germinação, sementes dormentes, vigor (primeira contagem de germinação, comprimento e massas fresca e seca das plântulas). Concluiu-se que a colheita deverá ser efetuada aos 154 d.a.a., quando a germinação se apresenta com aproximadamente 80% e o acúmulo de massa seca nas sementes atinge o máximo
Patógenos em sementes de milho (Zea mays) causam sérios problemas, como a perda de sua capacidade germinativa. O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar qual o melhor tempo para infecção das sementes de milho com Fusarium graminearum, para posterior avaliação dos danos causados pelo fungo na germinação e vigor das mesmas. As sementes foram colocadas sobre meio de BDA contendo o patógeno e incubadas por 4, 8, 16 e 32 h. Após os respectivos períodos de incubação, estas foram submetidas ao teste de sanidade (papel de filtro), com duas variações, sem e com assepsia superficial, usando hipoclorito de sódio a 1% de cloro ativo, por 3 min. Determinado o melhor tempo para infecção, outras sementes foram infetadas com o patógeno, para realização dos testes de germinação e vigor (envelhecimento acelerado e teste de frio) com uma mistura de sementes sadias (colocadas sobre o meio BDA) e sementes inoculadas, resultando em 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 e 100% de sementes infetadas com o fungo em estudo. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o período de incubação de 32 h foi suficiente para se obter sementes infetadas. Com relação à germinação, não houve diferenças significativas entre os diferentes níveis de infecção, provavelmente devido ao alto vigor das sementes de milho testadas. Quanto aos testes de vigor, os níveis de infecção diferiram significativamente da testemunha, apesar de não terem diferido entre si.
The accelerated ageing (AA) test is widely used to evaluate seed vigor in various species including vegetable crops. The objective of this work was to study procedures for conducting AA to evaluate seed vigor of pumpkin and zucchini seed lots. Five seed lots of commercially acceptable quality (germination) standards were selected from both cv. `Menina Brasileira' (zucchini) and `Barbara' Hybrid (pumpkin). The following tests were conducted: standard germination, the first count of germination, and AA with and without saline solution (periods of 48, 72 and 96 hours). For each combination of temperature and ageing period, seeds were placed in a single layer on a screen in a germination plastic box with either 40 mL deionized water or 40g NaCl/100mL of water. Both AA methods identified lots 2 and 5 of `Menina Brasileira' and lot 10 of `Barbara' hybrid as having the lowest physiological quality. The temperature 41 C promoted a more drastic reduction in germination than did 38 C. This observation was more marked after 96 hours. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the combination 41 degrees C/96 hours should be used to evaluate the physiological potential of pumpkin and zucchini seeds; however, additional studies are necessary to evaluate other combinations and confirm this indication.
The purpose of treating seeds chemically is to eradicate their pathogens and/or protect them against soil pathogens, mainly by germination time. However, there is little research on vegetables investigating the effect of this treatment on seed quality. Therefore, this study evaluates the effects of Carboxin + Thiram doses on germination and vigor of three lots of broccoli seeds, as well as on the incidence of fungi in treated seed. The 15 treatments were evaluated in a factorial system (3x5), with the first factor consisting of three lots of 'Avenger' broccoli seeds (lots 82744, 82745 and 82749), and the second factor consisting of five doses (0, 0.04, 0.06, 0.10 and 0.12% of a.i.) of Carboxin + Thiram fungicide (commercial name Vitavax-Thiran). The germination and seed vigor were evaluated, in addition to the presence of pathogens in seeds after treatment (blotter test). All lots showed high levels of germination and vigor. The lot 82749, however, showed higher value in plug test in substrate emergence (99%) than lot 82745 (95%). Regarding the treatment with Carboxin + Thiram, no changes in germination average (98%) and vigor were noticed (average for the first germination count, length, and dry weight of seedling, plug test at 10 days after sowing of 97%, 4.9 cm, 4.0 mg and 96%, respectively), showing that this fungicide, in the evaluated doses, does not affect the quality of broccoli seeds. As to seeds health, the pathogens Alternaria spp. and Fusarium spp. were detected, in addition to saprophytic species such as Penicillium, Aspergillus, Trichoderma, and Rhizopus. The higher incidence of Fusarium spp. was noticed in lot 82744, and the lowest in lot 82749. As to Penicillium spp., lot 82479 was the most contaminated. Regarding other fungi, the general incidence was very low and there was no difference between lots and doses used.
Plant nutrition can positively influence quality of seeds by improving plant tolerance to adverse climate. In this context, silicon is currently considered a micronutrient and it is beneficial to plant growth, especially Poaceaes such as white oat and wheat, thereby improving physiological quality of seeds. This study had the objective of evaluating the effects of silicon leaf application on plant tillering, silicon levels and physiological quality of white oat and wheat seeds besides establishing correlations between them. Two experiments were carried out in winter with white oat and wheat. The experimental design was the completely randomized block with eight replications. Treatments consisted of foliar application of silicon (0.8% of soluble silicon, as stabilized orthosilicic acid) and a control (with no application). Silicon levels in leaves were determined at flowering whereas the number of plants and panicles/spikes per area was counted right before harvest. Seed quality was evaluated right after harvest through mass, germination and vigor tests. Data was submitted to variance analysis and means were compared by the Tukey test at a probability level of 5%. Person's linear correlation test was performed among silicon level in plants, tillering and seed quality data. Silicon leaf application increases root and total length of white oat seedlings as an effect of higher Si level in leaves. Silicon leaf application increases mass of wheat seeds without affecting germination or vigor.
One of the ways in which indigenous communities seek justice is through the formal recognition of their sovereign rights to land. Such recognition allows indigenous groups to maintain a physical and spiritual connection with their land and continue customary management of their land. Indigenous groups world over face significant hurdles in getting their customary rights to land recognized by legal systems. One of the main difficulties for indigenous groups in claiming customary land rights is the existence of a range of conflicting legal entitlements attaching to the land in question. In Australia, similar to New Zealand and Canada legal recognition to customary land is recognized through a grant of native title rights or through the establishment of land use agreement. In other jurisdictions such as Indonesia and Papua New Guinea a form of customary land title has been preserved and is recognized by the legal system. The implementation of REDD+ and other forms of forest carbon investment activities compounds the already complex arrangements surrounding legal recognition of customary land rights. Free, prior and informed consent of indigenous groups is essential for forest carbon investment on customary land. The attainment of such consent in practice remains challenging due to the number of conflicting interests often associated with forested land. This paper examines Australia’s experience in recongising indigenous land rights under its International Forest Carbon Initiative and under its domestic Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act (Australia) 2011. Australia’s International Forest Carbon initiative has a budget of $273 million dollars. In 2008 the governments of Australia and Indonesia signed the Indonesia-Australia Forest Carbon Partnership Agreement. This paper will examine the indigenous land tenure and justice lessons learned from the implementation of the Kalimantan Forest and Climate Partnership (KFCP). The KFCP is $30 million dollar project taking place over 120,000 hectares of degraded and forested peatland in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. The KFCP project site contains seven villages of the Dayak Ngdu indigenous people. In 2011 Australia established a domestic Forest Carbon Initiative, which seeks to provide new economic opportunities for farmers, forest growers and indigenous landholders while helping the environmental by reducing carbon pollution. This paper will explore the manner in which indigenous people are able to participate within these scheme noting the limits and opportunities in deriving co-benefits for indigenous people in Australia under this scheme.
The forest simulator is a computerized model for predicting forest growth and future development as well as effects of forest harvests and treatments. The forest planning system is a decision support tool, usually including a forest simulator and an optimisation model, for finding the optimal forest management actions. The information produced by forest simulators and forest planning systems is used for various analytical purposes and in support of decision making. However, the quality and reliability of this information can often be questioned. Natural variation in forest growth and estimation errors in forest inventory, among other things, cause uncertainty in predictions of forest growth and development. This uncertainty stemming from different sources has various undesirable effects. In many cases outcomes of decisions based on uncertain information are something else than desired. The objective of this thesis was to study various sources of uncertainty and their effects in forest simulators and forest planning systems. The study focused on three notable sources of uncertainty: errors in forest growth predictions, errors in forest inventory data, and stochastic fluctuation of timber assortment prices. Effects of uncertainty were studied using two types of forest growth models, individual tree-level models and stand-level models, and with various error simulation methods. New method for simulating more realistic forest inventory errors was introduced and tested. Also, three notable sources of uncertainty were combined and their joint effects on stand-level net present value estimates were simulated. According to the results, the various sources of uncertainty can have distinct effects in different forest growth simulators. The new forest inventory error simulation method proved to produce more realistic errors. The analysis on the joint effects of various sources of uncertainty provided interesting knowledge about uncertainty in forest simulators.
The structure and function of northern ecosystems are strongly influenced by climate change and variability and by human-induced disturbances. The projected global change is likely to have a pronounced effect on the distribution and productivity of different species, generating large changes in the equilibrium at the tree-line. In turn, movement of the tree-line and the redistribution of species produce feedback to both the local and the regional climate. This research was initiated with the objective of examining the influence of natural conditions on the small-scale spatial variation of climate in Finnish Lapland, and to study the interaction and feedback mechanisms in the climate-disturbances-vegetation system near the climatological border of boreal forest. The high (1 km) resolution spatial variation of climate parameters over northern Finland was determined by applying the Kriging interpolation method that takes into account the effect of external forcing variables, i.e., geographical coordinates, elevation, sea and lake coverage. Of all the natural factors shaping the climate, the geographical position, local topography and altitude proved to be the determining ones. Spatial analyses of temperature- and precipitation-derived parameters based on a 30-year dataset (1971-2000) provide a detailed description of the local climate. Maps of the mean, maximum and minimum temperatures, the frost-free period and the growing season indicate that the most favourable thermal conditions exist in the south-western part of Lapland, around large water bodies and in the Kemijoki basin, while the coldest regions are in highland and fell Lapland. The distribution of precipitation is predominantly longitudinally dependent but with the definite influence of local features. The impact of human-induced disturbances, i.e., forest fires, on local climate and its implication for forest recovery near the northern timberline was evaluated in the Tuntsa area of eastern Lapland, damaged by a widespread forest fire in 1960 and suffering repeatedly-failed vegetation recovery since that. Direct measurements of the local climate and simulated heat and water fluxes indicated the development of a more severe climate and physical conditions on the fire-disturbed site. Removal of the original, predominantly Norway spruce and downy birch vegetation and its substitution by tundra vegetation has generated increased wind velocity and reduced snow accumulation, associated with a large variation in soil temperature and moisture and deep soil frost. The changed structural parameters of the canopy have determined changes in energy fluxes by reducing the latter over the tundra vegetation. The altered surface and soil conditions, as well as the evolved severe local climate, have negatively affected seedling growth and survival, leading to more unfavourable conditions for the reproduction of boreal vegetation and thereby causing deviations in the regional position of the timberline. However it should be noted that other factors, such as an inadequate seed source or seedbed, the poor quality of the soil and the intensive logging of damaged trees could also exacerbate the poor tree regeneration. In spite of the failed forest recovery at Tunsta, the position and composition of the timberline and tree-line in Finnish Lapland may also benefit from present and future changes in climate. The already-observed and the projected increase in temperature, the prolonged growing season, as well as changes in the precipitation regime foster tree growth and new regeneration, resulting in an advance of the timberline and tree-line northward and upward. This shift in the distribution of vegetation might be decelerated or even halted by local topoclimatic conditions and by the expected increase in the frequency of disturbances.
XVIII IUFRO World Congress, Ljubljana 1986.
This paper reviews integrated economic and ecological models that address impacts and adaptation to climate change in the forest sector. Early economic model studies considered forests as one out of many possible impacts of climate change, while ecological model studies tended to limit the economic impacts to fixed price-assumptions. More recent studies include broader representations of both systems, but there are still few studies which can be regarded fully integrated. Full integration of ecological and economic models is needed to address forest management under climate change appropriately. The conclusion so far is that there are vast uncertainties about how climate change affects forests. This is partly due to the limited knowledge about the global implications of the social and economical adaptation to the effects of climate change on forests.
The nuclear magnetic resonance imaging technique has been used to obtain images of different transverse and vertical sections in groundnut and sunflower seeds. Separate images have been obtained for oil and water components in the seeds. The spatial distribution of oil and water inside the seed has been obtained from the detailed analysis of the images. In the immature groundnut seeds obtained commercially, complementary oil and water distributions have been observed. Attempts have been made to explain these results.
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) is considered as an important mechanism under the UNFCCC aimed at mitigating climate change. The Cancun Agreement on REDD mechanism has paved the way for designing and implementation of REDD+ activities, to assist countries experiencing large-scale deforestation and forest degradation. Contrary to the general perception, the present analysis shows that India is currently experiencing deforestation and forest degradation. According to the latest assessment of the Forest Survey of India, the net annual loss of forests is estimated to be 99,850 ha during the period 2007-2009, even though the total area under forests has increased. The REDD+ mechanism aims to provide financial incentives for reducing deforestation and forest degradation. India, despite having robust legislations, policies and remote sensing capabilities, is not ready to benefit from the emerging REDD+ mechanism, with potential flow of large financial benefits to rural and forest-dependent communities from international financial sources.