952 resultados para venereal transmission
Thirteen goat herds and seven sheep flocks in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil were screened for leptospirosis. From the three herds and three flocks with greatest seroreactivity, 19 goats (16 females and three bucks) and 40 sheep (26 ewes and 14 rams) that were seropositive (specific anti-Leptospira titres >= 400, based on a microscopic agglutination test), were selected for more detailed studies. From those animals, samples of vaginal fluids or semen were collected for bacteriological and molecular assays. For both species of animals, the most prevalent reactions were to serovars Hardjo, Shermani, and Grippotyphosa. Although leptospires were detected by darkfield microscopy in three vaginal fluid samples (from two goats and one ewe), pure isolates were not obtained by bacteriological culture of vaginal fluids or semen. However, seven vaginal fluid samples (from four goats and three ewes) and six semen samples (all from rams) were positive on polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Based on these findings, in addition to analogous findings in cattle, we inferred that there is potential for venereal transmission of leptospirosis in small ruminants. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Eight reproductive boars were divided into three groups and inoculated with Toxoplasma gondii [GI (n=3) 1.5x10(4) oocysts strain P; GII (n=3) 1.0x10(6) tachyzoites strain RH; and GIII (n=2) non-inoculated control]. Clinical, hematological, parasitemia and serological tests and studies of the parasite in the semen through bioassay and PCR, and in reproductive organs (Bioassay and immunohistochemical analyses) were conducted to evaluate the toxoplasmic infection. Blood and semen were collected on day -2, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14 and weekly up to 84 days post-inoculation (DPI). No clinical or hematimetric alteration was observed in the boars. Parasitemia was detected in one boar inoculated with oocysts at the 7th DPI and in another boar infected with tachyzoites (GII) at the 3rd and 49th DPI. Serological tests revealed antibodies against T. gondii in animals inoculated with oocysts or tachyzoites at the 7th DPI with dilutions of 1:256 and 1:64, which reached peaks of 1:4096 at day 11 and 9, respectively. The bioassays revealed the presence of the parasite in semen samples of a boar inoculated with oocysts (GI) at 3, 49 and 56 DPI and from two boars infected with tachyzoites (GII), one animal at 5 and two animals at 49 days DPI. Mice inoculated with semen from the control group (GIII) remained serologically negative. PCR analysis showed T. gondii DNA in the semen of Boar 1 and Boar 3 inoculated with tachyzoites and oocysts, respectively. The immuno-histochemical tests showed T. gondii in the reproductive organs of Boar 1 and Boar 2, inoculated with tachyzoites and oocysts, respectively. These findings suggest the possible occurrence of venereal transmission of T. gondii in swine.
Considerando a importância do sêmen na transmissão da leptospira bovina, foi realizado o presente estudo que teve como objetivo aplicar a reação em cadeia pela polimerase (PCR) para a detecção de leptospiras em sêmen bovino experimentalmente contaminado. A reação de PCR foi capaz de amplificar um fragmento de DNA específico de 330 pares de bases a partir de cultivos puros de 26 sorovares de Leptospira spp. A contaminação experimental de sêmen com Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo revelou que a técnica de PCR conseguiu detectar 10 bactérias/ml, concentração sensivelmente mais baixa que as 1.000 bactérias/ml detectadas através do cultivo microbiológico. Os resultados observados revelam o grande potencial da reação de PCR para a detecção de Leptospira spp. em sêmen bovino, notadamente em centrais de inseminação artificial.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In view of the importance of venereal transmission of bovine leptospirosis, the objective of the present study was to apply the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to 26 serovars of Leptospira interrogans, L. borgpetersenii, L. santarosai, L. noguchii and L. biflexa, to determine the detection threshold in semen samples and to evaluate the possibility of differentiation among serovars using 19 restriction endonucleases. The results showed that all serovars were amplified and the detection threshold in semen samples of a bull was 100 bacteria/ml. Using endonucleases we could classify the 26 serovars into eight groups. The present results show that PCR is a method of great potential for the detection of Leptospira spp, at bovine artificial insemination centers. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: In view of the considerable importance of venereal transmission of bovine leptospirosis, the objective of the present study was to compare the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), culture/isolation and serology to detect leptospire infection in bovine semen. Design: Blood for serologic examination and semen for bacterial culture and PCR were collected from 20 bulls at artificial insemination centres in Brazil. Each animal was sampled twice for serology. Result: Forty-five percent (9/20) of the serum samples collected showed agglutinin titers to serovar hardjo in the first sample and 25% (5/20) had agglutinin titers to serovar hardjo in the second sample. Eighty percent (16/20) of semen samples were positive by PCR. Leptospires could not be isolated from any of the semen samples examined. Conclusion: Polymerase chain reaction can be a method of great potential for the detection of leptospires at artificial insemination centres.
Eight reproductive boars were divided into three groups and inoculated with Toxoplasma gondii [GI (n=3) 1.5×104 oocysts strain P; GII (n=3) 1.0×106 tachyzoites strain RH; and GIII (n=2) non-inoculated control]. Clinical, hematological, parasitemia and serological tests and studies of the parasite in the semen through bioassay and PCR, and in reproductive organs (Bioassay and immunohistochemical analyses) were conducted to evaluate the toxoplasmic infection. Blood and semen were collected on day -2, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14 and weekly up to 84 days post-inoculation (DPI). No clinical or hematimetric alteration was observed in the boars. Parasitemia was detected in one boar inoculated with oocysts at the 7th DPI and in another boar infected with tachyzoites (GII) at the 3rd and 49 th DPI. Serological tests revealed antibodies against T. gondii in animals inoculated with oocysts or tachyzoites at the 7th DPI with dilutions of 1:256 and 1:64, which reached peaks of 1:4096 at day 11 and 9, respectively. The bioassays revealed the presence of the parasite in semen samples of a boar inoculated with oocysts (GI) at 3, 49 and 56 DPI and from two boars infected with tachyzoites (GII), one animal at 5 and two animals at 49 days DPI. Mice inoculated with semen from the control group (GIII) remained serologically negative. PCR analysis showed T. gondii DNA in the semen of Boar 1 and Boar 3 inoculated with tachyzoites and oocysts, respectively. The immunohistochemical tests showed T. gondii in the reproductive organs of Boar 1 and Boar 2, inoculated with tachyzoites and oocysts, respectively. These findings suggest the possible occurrence of venereal transmission of T. gondii in swine.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Tumor venéreo transmissível (TVT) é uma neoplasia de células redondas que acomete a mucosa genital externa de cães, machos e fêmeas. A transmissão decorre da implantação de células tumorais durante o coito, brigas ou interações entre animais portadores e susceptíveis. Existem relatos referindo-se a localizações atípicas do TVT, mas metástases raramente ocorrem. O presente relato descreve um caso incomum de TVT, com acometimento intra-ocular e metástases nos linfonodos ingüinais, num cão Terrier Brasileiro, com seis anos de idade. O animal apresentava massas anormais de tecido no olho direito, extremidade do pênis e aumento de volume de linfonodos da região ingüinal. A histopatologia do globo ocular e as citologias da massa peniana e dos nódulos subcutâneos evidenciaram aspectos citológicos semelhantes, caracterizados por células redondas com núcleo grande e nucléolo proeminente localizado centralmente. O citoplasma apresentou-se pálido e com presença de vacúolos pequenos e arredondados. O diagnóstico de TVT com acometimento intra-ocular e metástases em linfonodos foi baseado nos achados clínicos, citológicos e histopatológicos.
Leishmaniasis is a vector-borne disease with Leishmania chagasi being the etiological agent of canine visceral leishmaniasis in South America. Canine venereal tumor is a transplantable round cell tumor of histiocytic origin which is mostly observed in sexually active male and female intact dogs. It has been shown that Leishmania amastigotes have higher tropism for the canine male genital tract tissues and venereal leishmaniasis transmission has been documented in dogs but, to date, a canine venereal tumor-dependent transmission route has not been fully demonstrated. In this report, a 10-year-old, mixed breed, intact female dog presented a vaginal venereal transmissible tumor but no other clinical abnormalities otherwise. Unexpectedly, tumor tissue imprint smears examination revealed Leishmania sp. amastigotes within infiltrating macrophages. In addition to the cytological direct identification, the protozoan was confirmed within the neoplastic tissue by means of immunohistochemistry and polymerase chain reaction. This report illustrates an asymptomatic Leishmania sp. infection that may have started on or from the canine venereal tumor tissue, the latter option further supporting previous evidence of such an alternative vector-independent route of transmission for canine visceral leishmaniasis in areas where these diseases coexist.
One of the great challenges of the scientific community on theories of genetic information, genetic communication and genetic coding is to determine a mathematical structure related to DNA sequences. In this paper we propose a model of an intra-cellular transmission system of genetic information similar to a model of a power and bandwidth efficient digital communication system in order to identify a mathematical structure in DNA sequences where such sequences are biologically relevant. The model of a transmission system of genetic information is concerned with the identification, reproduction and mathematical classification of the nucleotide sequence of single stranded DNA by the genetic encoder. Hence, a genetic encoder is devised where labelings and cyclic codes are established. The establishment of the algebraic structure of the corresponding codes alphabets, mappings, labelings, primitive polynomials (p(x)) and code generator polynomials (g(x)) are quite important in characterizing error-correcting codes subclasses of G-linear codes. These latter codes are useful for the identification, reproduction and mathematical classification of DNA sequences. The characterization of this model may contribute to the development of a methodology that can be applied in mutational analysis and polymorphisms, production of new drugs and genetic improvement, among other things, resulting in the reduction of time and laboratory costs.
The basic reproduction number is a key parameter in mathematical modelling of transmissible diseases. From the stability analysis of the disease free equilibrium, by applying Routh-Hurwitz criteria, a threshold is obtained, which is called the basic reproduction number. However, the application of spectral radius theory on the next generation matrix provides a different expression for the basic reproduction number, that is, the square root of the previously found formula. If the spectral radius of the next generation matrix is defined as the geometric mean of partial reproduction numbers, however the product of these partial numbers is the basic reproduction number, then both methods provide the same expression. In order to show this statement, dengue transmission modelling incorporating or not the transovarian transmission is considered as a case study. Also tuberculosis transmission and sexually transmitted infection modellings are taken as further examples.
In this study, the transmission-line modeling (TLM) applied to bio-thermal problems was improved by incorporating several novel computational techniques, which include application of graded meshes which resulted in 9 times faster in computational time and uses only a fraction (16%) of the computational resources used by regular meshes in analyzing heat flow through heterogeneous media. Graded meshes, unlike regular meshes, allow heat sources to be modeled in all segments of the mesh. A new boundary condition that considers thermal properties and thus resulting in a more realistic modeling of complex problems is introduced. Also, a new way of calculating an error parameter is introduced. The calculated temperatures between nodes were compared against the results obtained from the literature and agreed within less than 1% difference. It is reasonable, therefore, to conclude that the improved TLM model described herein has great potential in heat transfer of biological systems.
The aim of this study was to estimate barite mortar attenuation curves using X-ray spectra weighted by a workload distribution. A semi-empirical model was used for the evaluation of transmission properties of this material. Since ambient dose equivalent, H(⁎)(10), is the radiation quantity adopted by IAEA for dose assessment, the variation of the H(⁎)(10) as a function of barite mortar thickness was calculated using primary experimental spectra. A CdTe detector was used for the measurement of these spectra. The resulting spectra were adopted for estimating the optimized thickness of protective barrier needed for shielding an area in an X-ray imaging facility.