977 resultados para velvet bean caterpillar


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"Compiled from the publications of the agricultural experiment stations."


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The digestive tract of insects is an important natural, physical, and chemical defense barrier against pathogen invasion. Certain. lepidopteran caterpillars are serious pests of agricultural crops and their biology has received much attention, but little is known about the larval noctuid gut. The morphological analysis of the digestive tract in Anticarsia gemmatalis under scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is a good model for studies about its defense mechanism. The material was fixed (2,5% glutaraldehyde solution; 0.1 M-phosphate buffer, pH 7.3), post-fixed (1% osmium tetroxide in the same buffer), dried at critical point, gold coated and analyzed in a SEM 515-Philips. A. gemmatalis digestive tract consists of a straight duct of varying length and diameter, subdivided in three main regions: the foregut formed by the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, and crop; the midgut that is the largest portion of the digestive tract without noticeable morphological differentiation along its length; and the hindgut that is morphologically differentiated in pylorus, ileum, colon, and rectum. Although the general morphology of the A. gemmatalis digestive tract is quite similar to the other Lepidoptera species, the anatomical array of the crop muscular layers is quite different comparing with the description for other larval insect.


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This investigation compares the peritrophic membrane (PM) morphology along the midgut of susceptible (SL) and resistant (RL) Anticarsia gemmatalis larvae to the AgMNPV. The PM increased the thickness from the anterior to the posterior midgut region in both insects strain; however, the intensity of FITC-WGA reaction of the PM in the RL were greater than in SL. The PM in RL was ultrastructurally constituted by several layers of fibrous/vesicular materials in comparison with the few ones in SL. Our results showed that the structure of PM in the RL could be one of the resistance barriers to AgMNPV. © 2007.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Recently, microbial pest control agents (MPCAs) have been worldwide used to reduce chemical pesticide use and to diminish the high risk of those compounds in the environment. Among various MPCAs, the nuclear polyhedrosis virus Baculovirus anticarsia is widely used in Brazil in the biological control of the velvet bean caterpillar. Although literature data do not show adverse effects of baculoviruses to nontarget organisms, it is necessary to evaluate their toxicity or patogenicity in order to study th environmental risk of those products and to register the formulations in the Brazilian Environmental Regularory Agency - IBAMA. In the presente work, the influence of a Baculovirus anticarsia formulation was evaluted to measure the consequences in the growth rateof the green algae Selenastrum capricornutum, the duckweed Lemna valdiviana and the microcrustacean Daphnia similis. The survival of the fish Hyphessobrycon scholzei exposed during 28 days was also evaluated. No significative adverse effects (P > 0.05) were observed in the test organisms which were exposed to 1-1000 times the maximum calculated pesticide concentration following a direct application to 15 cm layer of water.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of antagonistic plants on nematode control in vegetables growing areas. The experiment was conducted in two periods in randomized complete block design in plots 1.5 x 1.4 m, corresponding to experimental units and randomly cultivated with the different plants. From each plot 100 cm(3) of soil and 10 g of tomato root were collected for estimating the initial population of the first and second experiment, respectively. Sixteen antagonistic plant seedlings of velvet bean (Stizolobium aterrimum), sunn plant (Crotalaria spectabilis) and pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) were transferred to the plots and tomato (Solanun lycopersicum) cultivar Santa Clara was used as a control. After 116 days, two root systems and 100 cm(3) of soil were collected from each plot for a final nematode population analysis. Lettuce seedlings (Lactuca sativa) were transferred to the plots and evaluated after 28 and 42 days, respectively, for galls and eggs on the root system and fresh and dry weight of shoots,. Each treatment consisted of 6 replicates and the means were compared by LSD test (p<0.05). Meloidogyne incognita was found in the first survey. After the crop of the antagonistic plants, the M. incognita population in the root systems and the final population (soil + root) were statistically lower than in the control, which demonstrates the antagonistic effect of these plants on the nematode population. There were also a reduced number of galls on the lettuce cultivated after the antagonistic plants when compared to the control. The velvet bean and sunn plant showed an increase in dry shoot weight of the lettuce cultivated after the antagonists, respectively, in the first and second experiments.


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A mucuna-preta, leguminosa empregada como adubação verde e forrageira, produz sementes com dormência causada pela impermeabilidade do tegumento à água (dureza). O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar as relações entre a secagem das sementes no interior das vagens e a ocorrência desse fenômeno. Para tanto, nas colheitas realizadas semanalmente entre 40 e 89 dias após o florescimento, foram obtidas sementes de vagens submetidas ou não à secagem. Foram realizadas determinações de teor de água das sementes na colheita, coloração nas vagens e nas sementes no momento da colheita, condutividade elétrica, germinação e presença de sementes duras. A secagem das sementes nas vagens, separadas da planta-mãe, favorece o surgimento da dureza; essa ocorrência, contudo, é atenuada com o retardamento da referida separação.


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As propriedades físicas do solo podem ser alteradas mediante diferentes sistemas de manejo do solo e cultivo adotados. Assim, o presente trabalho foi desenvolvido em 2003/04, na região de Cerrado do Mato Grosso Sul, em Selvíria (MS), objetivando-se avaliar a produção de massa seca, porcentagem de recobrimento do solo e a influência de sucessões de culturas e sistemas de manejo nas propriedades físicas de um Latossolo Vermelho e na produtividade do feijoeiro de inverno irrigado. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualisados, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro blocos. As parcelas foram constituídas pelos sistemas de manejo do solo - grade pesada, escarificador e plantio direto, e as subparcelas por seis sucessões implantadas no verão - milho, milho + mucuna-preta, milho + braquiária, soja, arroz e Crotalaria juncea. A cultura do feijão foi semeada após a colheita/manejo das plantas cultivadas no verão. C. juncea, milho + mucuna-preta, milho + braquiária e milho, independentemente do manejo do solo utilizado, constituem adequadas opções de sucessão de culturas, mediante alta produção de massa seca e recobrimento do solo. No plantio direto, comparado aos demais sistemas de manejo estudados, é causada compactação na camada superficial, mediante redução da macroporosidade. Com exceção da macroporosidade na camada mais superficial (0-0,1 m), as propriedades umidade, macroporosidade, microporosidade e porosidade total do solo não são influenciadas pelos sistemas de manejo do solo. Apesar de efeitos diferentes em alguns componentes de produção do feijoeiro devido a determinado manejo do solo ou sucessão de culturas, isso não repercute na produtividade do feijoeiro de inverno irrigado.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O manejo inadequado do solo tem promovido a degradação de suas propriedades físicas, químicas e biológicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, após três anos da instalação de sistemas de manejo do solo, os efeitos da rotação com adubo verde, soja ou milho (verão) e feijão de inverno, sendo utilizadas as seguintes espécies na adubação verde: mucuna-preta, milheto, crotalária e guandu, nas propriedades físicas e químicas de um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico e na produtividade das culturas. Outro tratamento foi adicionado como alternativa à adubação verde, o pousio. Os sistemas de manejo do solo foram: semeadura direta não consolidada e preparo convencional. O estudo foi realizado em Selvíria-MS, no ano agrícola de 1999/2000. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. O sistema de semeadura direta, após três anos de instalada a rotação, degradou mais as propriedades físicas do solo na camada superficial. Por outro lado, neste sistema e camada de solo, houve acréscimo no teor de matéria orgânica e no pH, bem como na produtividade do milho, superior à do sistema de preparo convencional. O feijão em rotação à cultura do milho, na semeadura convencional, e em rotação à soja, na semeadura direta, foi a melhor opção quanto à produtividade.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A área cultivada no sistema de plantio direto no Brasil tem sido incrementada rapidamente e a cultura do arroz de terras altas pode ser incluída no sistema, em rotação com outras culturas. Outro aspecto importante é a utilização de adubação adequada sendo o nitrogênio um dos nutrientes absorvidos em maior quantidade pelo arroz. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi o de avaliar algumas características agronômicas e a produtividade do arroz de terras altas, cv. IAC 202, utilizando-se a combinação de culturas de cobertura - milheto, sorgo granífero, milho, guandu, crotalária, mucuna-preta, além da vegetação espontânea no pousio e doses de N em cobertura - zero, 25, 50, 75, 100 e 125 kg ha-1, no município de Selvíria (MS), nos anos agrícolas 2001/2002 e 2002/2003. Considerando-se os resultados, concluiu-se que a cultura do sorgo é opção viável ao fornecimento de adequada quantidade de massa de matéria seca e ao recobrimento da superfície do solo, mas não para o aumento da produtividade na cultura do arroz em sucessão, em sistema de plantio direto em terras altas; a situação é inversa com a cultura do guandu como planta de cobertura, sendo a produtividade na cultura do arroz em sucessão, em sistema de plantio direto em terras altas, distintamente influenciada pela adubação nitrogenada, em dois anos consecutivos.


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The objective of this research was to verify the influence of plant residues and the nitrogen fertilization in covering on the mycorrhization (colonization and number of spores of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi), and grain yield of upland rice grown under a no tillage system. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm Station of Unesp/Ilha Solteira Campus, at Selviria (Mato Grosso do Sul State). In the main plots, the leguminous were tested: sun hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.) and velvet bean (Stizolobium aterrimum Piper & Tracy) and the grass: corn (Zea mays L.), millet (Peenisetum americamum L.) and grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), plus no planted area during the winter, as plant cover. In the subplots, after the rice sowing, the nitrogen fertilization in covering (zero and 75 kg ha(-1) of N at the urea form) was used. The rice grain yield was influenced by the plant residues, but not for the N doses or the interaction. The sorghum grain showed negative influence on the rice productivity. The nitrogen fertilization influenced the number of spores, but not the mycorrhizal colonization or the grain yield, at the time of the crop. Correlation between the studied variable was riot found.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The construction of a large reservoir on the Parana River (Selviria, MS, Brazil) disturbed the soil of an extensive agricultural area in which between 5 and 8m of topsoil were removed. In this area, a restoration process was carried out using revegetation with green manure without or with amendments (for 4 years), crops (2 years), and Brachiaria decumbens cultivation for 6 years. The following treatments were used: control plots, T0 (residual subsoil) and T1 (soil tillage without culture); plots with green manure and without amendments: T2 (velvet bean) and T3 (pigeon pea); plots with green manure and with amendments: T4 (limed + velvet bean), T5 (limed + pigeon pea); T6 (limed + gypsum + velvet bean) and T7 (limed + gypsum + pigeon-pea). They were arranged in randomized blocks. After 13 years of rehabilitation process, when the soil was cultivated with brachiaria, the structural stability in three depths was evaluated. Organic-matter content and others chemical properties did not show any relationship with the stability of aggregates of the experimental area as measured by mean weight diameter (MWD). Significant differences between depths were found for MWD and the other parameters measured. Nevertheless, there were no significant differences observed between treatments, independent of the adopted system of revegetation. By taking an absolute value of MWD, the stability of superficial layer was observed in the following sequence: T7 T5 T6 T1 T2 T3 T4 T0. The control plot (T0) gave the lowest value of MWD (1.76mm) in relation to the plots in restoration process. Treatment T7 was the most effective in recovering the stability of aggregates (2.63mm). However, treatments T5 and T6 displayed a similar value. After 13 years of revegetation practices, a slight recovery of the stability was observed, although this is still lower than stability in soils of similar edaphic conditions in the original topsoil of experimental area.