998 resultados para vehicle exhaust


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Measurements in the exhaust plume of a petrol-driven motor car showed that molecular cluster ions of both signs were present in approximately equal amounts. The emission rate increased sharply with engine speed while the charge symmetry remained unchanged. Measurements at the kerbside of nine motorways and five city roads showed that the mean total cluster ion concentration near city roads (603 cm-3) was about one-half of that near motorways (1211 cm-3) and about twice as high as that in the urban background (269 cm-3). Both positive and negative ion concentrations near a motorway showed a significant linear increase with traffic density (R2=0.3 at p<0.05) and correlated well with each other in real time (R2=0.87 at p<0.01). Heavy duty diesel vehicles comprised the main source of ions near busy roads. Measurements were conducted as a function of downwind distance from two motorways carrying around 120-150 vehicles per minute. Total traffic-related cluster ion concentrations decreased rapidly with distance, falling by one-half from the closest approach of 2m to 5m of the kerb. Measured concentrations decreased to background at about 15m from the kerb when the wind speed was 1.3 m s-1, this distance being greater at higher wind speed. The number and net charge concentrations of aerosol particles were also measured. Unlike particles that were carried downwind to distances of a few hundred metres, cluster ions emitted by motor vehicles were not present at more than a few tens of metres from the road.


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he induced current and voltage on the skin of an airborne vehicle due to the coupling of external electromagnetic field could be altered in the presence of ionized exhaust plume. So in the present work, a theoretical analysis is done to estimate the electrical parameters such as electrical conductivity and permittivity and their distribution in the axial and radial directions of the exhaust plume of an airborne vehicle. The electrical conductivity depends on the distribution of the major ionic species produced from the propellant combustion. In addition it also depends on temperature and pressure distribution of the exhaust plume as well as the generated shock wave. The chemically reactive rocket exhaust flow is modeled in two stages. The first part is simulated from the combustion chamber to the throat of the supersonic nozzle by using NASA Chemical Equilibrium with Application (CEA) package and the second part is simulated from the nozzle throat to the downstream of the plume by using a commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solver. The contour plots of the exhaust parameters are presented. Eight barrel shocks which influence the distribution of the vehicle exhaust parameters are obtained in this simulation. The computed peak value of the electrical conductivity of the plume is 0.123 S/m and the relative permittivity varies from 0.89 to 0.99. The attenuation of the microwave when it is passing through the conducting exhaust plume has also been presented.


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The intake fraction (iF) of nonreactive constituents of exhaust from mobile vehicles in the urban area of HongKong is investigated using available monitoring data for carbon monoxide (CO) as a tracer of opportunity. Correcting for regional transport of carbon monoxide into HongKong, the annual-average iF for nonreactive motor vehicle emissions within the city is estimated to be around 270 per million. This estimated iF is much higher than values previously reported for vehicle emissions in US urban areas, Helsinki and Beijing, and somewhat lower than those reported for a densely populated street canyon in downtown Manhattan, New York City, or for emissions into indoor environments. The reported differences in intakefractions in various cities mainly result from the differences in local population densities. Our analysis highlights the importance of accounting for the influence of upwind transport of pollutants when using ambient data to estimate iF for an urban area. For vehicleexhaust in HongKong, it is found that the in/near vehicle microenvironment contributes similarly to the indoor home environment when accounting for the overall iF for children and adults. Keywords Intakefraction; Vehicle emission; Regional pollutant transport; Carbon monoxide; Exposure


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Increasing pressure on lowering vehicle exhaust emissions to meet stringent California and Federal 1993/1994 TLEV emission standards of 0.125 gpm NMOG, 3.4 gpm CO and 0.4 gpm NOx and future ULEV emission standards of 0.04 gpm NMOG, 1.7 gpm CO and 0.2 gpm NOx has focused specific attention on the cold start characteristics of the vehicle's emission system, especially the catalytic converter. From test data it is evident that the major portion of the total HC and CO emissions occur within the first two minutes of the driving cycle while the catalyst is heating up to operating temperature. The use of an electrically heated catalyst (EHC) has been proposed to alleviate this problem but the cost and weight penalties are high and the durability has yet to be fully demonstrated (1)*. This paper describes a method of reducing the light-off time of the catalytic converter to less than 20 seconds by means of an afterburner. The system uses exhaust gases from the engine calibrated to run rich and additional air injected into the exhaust gas stream to form a combustible mixture. The key feature concerns the method of making this combustible mixture ignitable within 2 seconds from starting the engine when the exhaust gases arriving at the afterburner are cold and essentially non-reacting. © Copyright 1992 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.


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Recent research on particle size distributions and particle concentrations near a busy road cannot be explained by the conventional mechanisms for particle evolution of combustion aerosols. Specifically they appear to be inadequate to explain the experimental observations of particle transformation and the evolution of the total number concentration. This resulted in the development of a new mechanism based on their thermal fragmentation, for the evolution of combustion aerosol nano-particles. A complex and comprehensive pattern of evolution of combustion aerosols, involving particle fragmentation, was then proposed and justified. In that model it was suggested that thermal fragmentation occurs in aggregates of primary particles each of which contains a solid graphite/carbon core surrounded by volatile molecules bonded to the core by strong covalent bonds. Due to the presence of strong covalent bonds between the core and the volatile (frill) molecules, such primary composite particles can be regarded as solid, despite the presence of significant (possibly, dominant) volatile component. Fragmentation occurs when weak van der Waals forces between such primary particles are overcome by their thermal (Brownian) motion. In this work, the accepted concept of thermal fragmentation is advanced to determine whether fragmentation is likely in liquid composite nano-particles. It has been demonstrated that at least at some stages of evolution, combustion aerosols contain a large number of composite liquid particles containing presumably several components such as water, oil, volatile compounds, and minerals. It is possible that such composite liquid particles may also experience thermal fragmentation and thus contribute to, for example, the evolution of the total number concentration as a function of distance from the source. Therefore, the aim of this project is to examine theoretically the possibility of thermal fragmentation of composite liquid nano-particles consisting of immiscible liquid v components. The specific focus is on ternary systems which include two immiscible liquid droplets surrounded by another medium (e.g., air). The analysis shows that three different structures are possible, the complete encapsulation of one liquid by the other, partial encapsulation of the two liquids in a composite particle, and the two droplets separated from each other. The probability of thermal fragmentation of two coagulated liquid droplets is discussed and examined for different volumes of the immiscible fluids in a composite liquid particle and their surface and interfacial tensions through the determination of the Gibbs free energy difference between the coagulated and fragmented states, and comparison of this energy difference with the typical thermal energy kT. The analysis reveals that fragmentation was found to be much more likely for a partially encapsulated particle than a completely encapsulated particle. In particular, it was found that thermal fragmentation was much more likely when the volume ratio of the two liquid droplets that constitute the composite particle are very different. Conversely, when the two liquid droplets are of similar volumes, the probability of thermal fragmentation is small. It is also demonstrated that the Gibbs free energy difference between the coagulated and fragmented states is not the only important factor determining the probability of thermal fragmentation of composite liquid particles. The second essential factor is the actual structure of the composite particle. It is shown that the probability of thermal fragmentation is also strongly dependent on the distance that each of the liquid droplets should travel to reach the fragmented state. In particular, if this distance is larger than the mean free path for the considered droplets in the air, the probability of thermal fragmentation should be negligible. In particular, it follows form here that fragmentation of the composite particle in the state with complete encapsulation is highly unlikely because of the larger distance that the two droplets must travel in order to separate. The analysis of composite liquid particles with the interfacial parameters that are expected in combustion aerosols demonstrates that thermal fragmentation of these vi particles may occur, and this mechanism may play a role in the evolution of combustion aerosols. Conditions for thermal fragmentation to play a significant role (for aerosol particles other than those from motor vehicle exhaust) are determined and examined theoretically. Conditions for spontaneous transformation between the states of composite particles with complete and partial encapsulation are also examined, demonstrating the possibility of such transformation in combustion aerosols. Indeed it was shown that for some typical components found in aerosols that transformation could take place on time scales less than 20 s. The analysis showed that factors that influenced surface and interfacial tension played an important role in this transformation process. It is suggested that such transformation may, for example, result in a delayed evaporation of composite particles with significant water component, leading to observable effects in evolution of combustion aerosols (including possible local humidity maximums near a source, such as a busy road). The obtained results will be important for further development and understanding of aerosol physics and technologies, including combustion aerosols and their evolution near a source.


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Atmospheric ions are produced by many natural and anthropogenic sources and their concentrations vary widely between different environments. There is very little information on their concentrations in different types of urban environments, how they compare across these environments and their dominant sources. In this study, we measured airborne concentrations of small ions, particles and net particle charge at 32 different outdoor sites in and around a major city in Australia and identified the main ion sources. Sites were classified into seven groups as follows: park, woodland, city centre, residential, freeway, power lines and power substation. Generally, parks were situated away from ion sources and represented the urban background value of about 270 ions cm-3. Median concentrations at all other groups were significantly higher than in the parks. We show that motor vehicles and power transmission systems are two major ion sources in urban areas. Power lines and substations constituted strong unipolar sources, while motor vehicle exhaust constituted strong bipolar sources. The small ion concentration in urban residential areas was about 960 cm-3. At sites where ion sources were co-located with particle sources, ion concentrations were inhibited due to the ion-particle attachment process. These results improved our understanding on air ion distribution and its interaction with particles in the urban outdoor environment.


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In recent years, the effect of ions and ultrafine particles on ambient air quality and human health has been well documented, however, knowledge about their sources, concentrations and interactions within different types of urban environments remains limited. This thesis presents the results of numerous field studies aimed at quantifying variations in ion concentration with distance from the source, as well as identifying the dynamics of the particle ionisation processes which lead to the formation of charged particles in the air. In order to select the most appropriate measurement instruments and locations for the studies, a literature review was also conducted on studies that reported ion and ultrafine particle emissions from different sources in a typical urban environment. The initial study involved laboratory experiments on the attachment of ions to aerosols, so as to gain a better understanding of the interaction between ions and particles. This study determined the efficiency of corona ions at charging and removing particles from the air, as a function of different particle number and ion concentrations. The results showed that particle number loss was directly proportional to particle charge concentration, and that higher small ion concentrations led to higher particle deposition rates in all size ranges investigated. Nanoparticles were also observed to decrease with increasing particle charge concentration, due to their higher Brownian mobility and subsequent attachment to charged particles. Given that corona discharge from high voltage powerlines is considered one of the major ion sources in urban areas, a detailed study was then conducted under three parallel overhead powerlines, with a steady wind blowing in a perpendicular direction to the lines. The results showed that large sections of the lines did not produce any corona at all, while strong positive emissions were observed from discrete components such as a particular set of spacers on one of the lines. Measurements were also conducted at eight upwind and downwind points perpendicular to the powerlines, spanning a total distance of about 160m. The maximum positive small and large ion concentrations, and DC electric field were observed at a point 20 m downwind from the lines, with median values of 4.4×103 cm-3, 1.3×103 cm-3 and 530 V m-1, respectively. It was estimated that, at this point, less than 7% of the total number of particles was charged. The electrical parameters decreased steadily with increasing downwind distance from the lines but remained significantly higher than background levels at the limit of the measurements. Moreover, vehicles are one of the most prevalent ion and particle emitting sources in urban environments, and therefore, experiments were also conducted behind a motor vehicle exhaust pipe and near busy motorways, with the aim of quantifying small ion and particle charge concentration, as well as their distribution as a function of distance from the source. The study found that approximately equal numbers of positive and negative ions were observed in the vehicle exhaust plume, as well as near motorways, of which heavy duty vehicles were believed to be the main contributor. In addition, cluster ion concentration was observed to decrease rapidly within the first 10-15 m from the road and ion-ion recombination and ion-aerosol attachment were the most likely cause of ion depletion, rather than dilution and turbulence related processes. In addition to the above-mentioned dominant ion sources, other sources also exist within urban environments where intensive human activities take place. In this part of the study, airborne concentrations of small ions, particles and net particle charge were measured at 32 different outdoor sites in and around Brisbane, Australia, which were classified into seven different groups as follows: park, woodland, city centre, residential, freeway, powerlines and power substation. Whilst the study confirmed that powerlines, power substations and freeways were the main ion sources in an urban environment, it also suggested that not all powerlines emitted ions, only those with discrete corona discharge points. In addition to the main ion sources, higher ion concentrations were also observed environments affected by vehicle traffic and human activities, such as the city centre and residential areas. A considerable number of ions were also observed in a woodland area and it is still unclear if they were emitted directly from the trees, or if they originated from some other local source. Overall, it was found that different types of environments had different types of ion sources, which could be classified as unipolar or bipolar particle sources, as well as ion sources that co-exist with particle sources. In general, fewer small ions were observed at sites with co-existing sources, however particle charge was often higher due to the effect of ion-particle attachment. In summary, this study quantified ion concentrations in typical urban environments, identified major charge sources in urban areas, and determined the spatial dispersion of ions as a function of distance from the source, as well as their controlling factors. The study also presented ion-aerosol attachment efficiencies under high ion concentration conditions, both in the laboratory and in real outdoor environments. The outcomes of these studies addressed the aims of this work and advanced understanding of the charge status of aerosols in the urban environment.


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Atmospheric ultrafine particles play an important role in affecting human health, altering climate and degrading visibility. Numerous studies have been conducted to better understand the formation process of these particles, including field measurements, laboratory chamber studies and mathematical modeling approaches. Field studies on new particle formation found that formation processes were significantly affected by atmospheric conditions, such as the availability of particle precursors and meteorological conditions. However, those studies were mainly carried out in rural areas of the northern hemisphere and information on new particle formation in urban areas, especially those in subtropical regions, is limited. In general, subtropical regions display a higher level of solar radiation, along with stronger photochemical reactivity, than those regions investigated in previous studies. However, based on the results of these studies, the mechanisms involved in the new particle formation process remain unclear, particularly in the Southern Hemisphere. Therefore, in order to fill this gap in knowledge, a new particle formation study was conducted in a subtropical urban area in the Southern Hemisphere during 2009, which measured particle size distribution in different locations in Brisbane, Australia. Characterisation of nucleation events was conducted at the campus building of the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), located in an urban area of Brisbane. Overall, the annual average number concentrations of ultrafine, Aitken and nucleation mode particles were found to be 9.3 x 103, 3.7 x 103 and 5.6 x 103 cm-3, respectively. This was comparable to levels measured in urban areas of northern Europe, but lower than those from polluted urban areas such as the Yangtze River Delta, China and Huelva and Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain. Average particle number concentration (PNC) in the Brisbane region did not show significant seasonal variation, however a relatively large variation was observed during the warmer season. Diurnal variation of Aitken and nucleation mode particles displayed different patterns, which suggested that direct vehicle exhaust emissions were a major contributor of Aitken mode particles, while nucleation mode particles originated from vehicle exhaust emissions in the morning and photochemical production at around noon. A total of 65 nucleation events were observed during 2009, in which 40 events were classified as nucleation growth events and the remainder were nucleation burst events. An interesting observation in this study was that all nucleation growth events were associated with vehicle exhaust emission plumes, while the nucleation burst events were associated with industrial emission plumes from an industrial area. The average particle growth rate for nucleation events was found to be 4.6 nm hr-1 (ranging from 1.79-7.78 nm hr-1), which is comparable to other urban studies conducted in the United States, while monthly particle growth rates were found to be positively related to monthly solar radiation (r = 0.76, p <0.05). The particle growth rate values reported in this work are the first of their kind to be reported for the subtropical urban area of Australia. Furthermore, the influence of nucleation events on PNC within the urban airshed was also investigated. PNC was simultaneously measured at urban (QUT), roadside (Woolloongabba) and semi-urban (Rocklea) sites in Brisbane during 2009. Total PNC at these sites was found to be significantly affected by regional nucleation events. The relative fractions of PNC to total daily PNC observed at QUT, Woolloongabba and Rocklea were found to be 12%, 9% and 14%, respectively, during regional nucleation events. These values were higher than those observed as a result of vehicle exhaust emissions during weekday mornings, which ranged from 5.1-5.5% at QUT and Woolloongabba. In addition, PNC in the semi-urban area of Rocklea increased by a factor of 15.4 when it was upwind from urban pollution sources under the influence of nucleation burst events. Finally, we investigated the influence of sulfuric acid on new particle formation in the study region. A H2SO4 proxy was calculated by using [SO2], solar radiation and particle condensation sink data to represent the new particle production strength for the urban, roadside and semi-urban areas of Brisbane during the period June-July of 2009. The temporal variations of the H2SO4 proxies and the nucleation mode particle concentration were found to be in phase during nucleation events in the urban and roadside areas. In contrast, the peak of proxy concentration occurred 1-2 hr prior to the observed peak in nucleation mode particle concentration at the downwind semi-urban area of Brisbane. A moderate to strong linear relationship was found between the proxy and the freshly formed particles, with r2 values of 0.26-0.77 during the nucleation events. In addition, the log[H2SO4 proxy] required to produce new particles was found to be ~1.0 ppb Wm-2 s and below 0.5 ppb Wm-2 s for the urban and semi-urban areas, respectively. The particle growth rates were similar during nucleation events at the three study locations, with an average value of 2.7 ± 0.5 nm hr-1. This result suggested that a similar nucleation mechanism dominated in the study region, which was strongly related to sulphuric acid concentration, however the relationship between the proxy and PNC was poor in the semi-urban area of Rocklea. This can be explained by the fact that the nucleation process was initiated upwind of the site and the resultant particles were transported via the wind to Rocklea. This explanation is also supported by the higher geometric mean diameter value observed for particles during the nucleation event and the time lag relationship between the H2SO4 proxy and PNC observed at Rocklea. In summary, particle size distribution was continuously measured in a subtropical urban area of southern hemisphere during 2009, the findings from which formed the first particle size distribution dataset in the study region. The characteristics of nucleation events in the Brisbane region were quantified and the properties of the nucleation growth and burst events are discussed in detail using a case studies approach. To further investigate the influence of nucleation events on PNC in the study region, PNC was simultaneously measured at three locations to examine the spatial variation of PNC during the regional nucleation events. In addition, the impact of upwind urban pollution on the downwind semi-urban area was quantified during these nucleation events. Sulphuric acid was found to be an important factor influencing new particle formation in the urban and roadside areas of the study region, however, a direct relationship with nucleation events at the semi-urban site was not observed. This study provided an overview of new particle formation in the Brisbane region, and its influence on PNC in the surrounding area. The findings of this work are the first of their kind for an urban area in the southern hemisphere.


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Numbers of diesel engines in both stationary and mobile applications are increasing nowadays. Diesel engines emit lower Hydrocarbon (HC) and Carbon monoxide (CO) than gasoline engines. However, they can produce more nitrogen oxides (NOx) and have higher particulate matter (PM). On the other hand, emissions standards are getting stringent day by day due to considerable concerns about unregulated pollutants and particularly ultrafine particles deleterious effect on human health. Non-thermal plasma (NTP) treatment of exhaust gas is known as a promising technology for both NOx and PM reduction by introducing plasma inside the exhaust gas. Vehicle exhaust gases undergo chemical changes when exposed to plasma. In this study, the PM removal mechanism using NTP by applying high voltage pulses of up to 20 kVpp with a repetition rate of 10 kHz are investigated. It is found that, voltage increase not necessarily has a positive effect on PM removal in diesel engine emissions.


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A measurement campaign was conducted from 3 to 19 December 2012 at an urban site of Brisbane, Australia. Size distribution of ions and particle number concentrations were measured to investigate the influence of particle formation and biomass burning on atmospheric ion and particle concentrations. Overall ion and particle number concentrations during the measurement period were found to be (-1.2 x 103 cm-3 | +1.6 x 103 cm-3) and 4.4 x 103, respectively. The results of correlation analysis between concentrations of ions and nitrogen oxides indicated that positive and negative ions originated from similar sources, and that vehicle exhaust emissions had a more significant influence on intermediate/large ions, while cluster ions rapidly attached to larger particles once emitted into the atmosphere. Diurnal variations in ion concentration suggested the enrichment of intermediate and large ions on new particle formation event days, indicating that they were involved in the particle formation processes. Elevated total ions, particularly larger ions, and particle number concentrations were found during biomass burning episodes. This could be due to the attachment of cluster ions onto accumulation mode particles or production of charged particles from biomass burning, which were in turn transported to the measurement site. The results of this work enhance scientific understanding of the sources of atmospheric ions in an urban environment, as well as their interactions with particles during particle formation processes.


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Long term exposure to organic pollutants, both inside and outside school buildings may affect children’s health and influence their learning performance. Since children spend significant amount of time in school, air quality, especially in classrooms plays a key role in determining the health risks associated with exposure at schools. Within this context, the present study investigated the ambient concentrations of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in 25 primary schools in Brisbane with the aim to quantify the indoor and outdoor VOCs concentrations, identify VOCs sources and their contribution, and based on these; propose mitigation measures to reduce VOCs exposure in schools. One of the most important findings is the occurrence of indoor sources, indicated by the I/O ratio >1 in 19 schools. Principal Component Analysis with Varimax rotation was used to identify common sources of VOCs and source contribution was calculated using an Absolute Principal Component Scores technique. The result showed that outdoor 47% of VOCs were contributed by petrol vehicle exhaust but the overall cleaning products had the highest contribution of 41% indoors followed by air fresheners and art and craft activities. These findings point to the need for a range of basic precautions during the selection, use and storage of cleaning products and materials to reduce the risk from these sources.


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Aerosol deposition in cylindrical tubes is a subject of interest to researchers and engineers in many applications of aerosol physics and metrology. Investigation of nano-particles in different aspects such as lungs, upper airways, batteries and vehicle exhaust gases is vital due the smaller size, adverse health effect and higher trouble for trapping than the micro-particles. The Lagrangian particle tracking provides an effective method for simulating the deposition of nano-particles as well as micro-particles as it accounts for the particle inertia effect as well as the Brownian excitation. However, using the Lagrangian approach for simulating ultrafine particles has been limited due to computational cost and numerical difficulties. In this paper, the deposition of nano-particles in cylindrical tubes under laminar condition is studied using the Lagrangian particle tracking method. The commercial Fluent software is used to simulate the fluid flow in the pipes and to study the deposition and dispersion of nano-particles. Different particle diameters as well as different flow rates are examined. The point analysis in a uniform flow is performed for validating the Brownian motion. The results show good agreement between the calculated deposition efficiency and the analytic correlations in the literature. Furthermore, for the nano-particles with the diameter more than 40 nm, the calculated deposition efficiency by the Lagrangian method is less than the analytic correlations based on Eulerian method due to statistical error or the inertia effect.


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As concentrações na exaustão e os fatores de emissão dos hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPA) prioritários de um veículo a diesel e as suas respectivas concentrações no diesel usado durante os ensaios de emissão veicular foram determinados com a finalidade de estimar a contribuição dos HPA provenientes do combustível nas emissões. Os produtos da combustão foram coletados diretamente nas emissões brutas do escapamento, utilizando um sistema de amostragem a volume constante sem diluição dos gases da exaustão. Os HPA associados ao MP foram amostrados de forma estratificada, utilizando um impactador em cascata MOUDI e filtros de fibra de vidro como substratos, e os HPA em fase gasosa foram amostrados usando cartuchos de amberlite XAD-2. A concentração dos HPA no óleo lubrificante do motor também foi monitorada ao longo do tempo até a sua troca após 12.000 km de uso. Após a extração e tratamento das amostras, a identificação e quantificação dos HPA foram realizadas, utilizando cromatografia de fase gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas (CG-EM) com injetor de grande volume de vaporização com a temperatura programável (PTV-LVI). Cinco variáveis do PTV-LVI foram otimizadas, utilizando planejamento de experimentos, o que permitiu obter limites de detecção menores do que 2,0 g L-1. Somente 7 dos 16 HPA prioritários foram identificados na exaustão: NAP, ACY, ACE, FLU, FEN, FLT e PYR. Os ensaios de emissão veicular foram realizados com o veículo em modo estacionário, sem aplicação de carga e com baixa velocidade de rotação do motor (1500 rpm), utilizando um diesel com menor teor de enxofre (10 mg kg-1) e com 5% v/v de biodiesel. Esses fatores possivelmente contribuíram para reduzir as emissões dos outros 9 HPA a valores abaixo dos limites de detecção do método desenvolvido. Aproximadamente 80% da massa dos HPA totais associados ao MP estavam presentes em partículas com tamanho entre 1,0 m e 56 nm, e aproximadamente 4,5% estavam presentes em partículas menores do que 56 nm. Partículas menores que 2,5 m são facilmente inaladas e depositadas no trato respiratório e na região alveolar, justificando a preocupação com relação às emissões de HPA associados a partículas provenientes da exaustão veicular de motores a diesel. Somente 5 dos 7 HPA identificados na exaustão foram detectados no diesel: NAP, ACY, FLU, FEN e PYR. A razão entre os fatores de emissão (g L-1diesel) dos HPA na exaustão e suas respectivas concentrações do diesel (g L-1) variaram de 0,01 0,02 a 0,05 0,029, dependendo do HPA. Esses valores indicam que pelo menos 95 a 99% dos HPA identificados no diesel foram destruídos e/ou transformados em outros compostos durante a combustão, e/ou foram retidos no reservatório do óleo lubrificante. Por outro lado, os HPA que tiveram maiores concentrações no diesel também apresentaram maiores fatores de emissão, o que sugere que os HPA provenientes do diesel possuem uma contribuição significativa para as emissões dos HPA totais. O perfil dos HPA prioritários no óleo lubrificante mostrou-se semelhante ao perfil dos HPA no diesel e nas emissões totais, onde o NAP, FEN e PYR foram os HPA majoritários


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Acetaldehyde is an environmentally widespread genotoxic aldehyde present in tobacco smoke, vehicle exhaust and several food products. Endogenously, acetaldehyde is produced by the metabolic oxidation of ethanol by hepatic NAD-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase and during threonine catabolism. The formation of DNA adducts has been regarded as a critical factor in the mechanisms of acetaldehyde mutagenicity and carcinogenesis. Acetaldehyde reacts with 2`-deoxyguanosine in DNA to form primarily N(2)-ethylidene-2`-deoxyguanosine. The subsequent reaction of N(2)-ethylidenedGuo with another molecule of acetaldehyde gives rise to 1,N(2)-propano-2`-deoxyguanosine (1,N(2)-propanodGuo), an adduct also found as a product of the crotonaldehyde reaction with dGuo. However, adducts resulting from the reaction of more than one molecule of acetaldehyde in vivo are still controversial. In this study, the unequivocal formation of 1,N(2)-propanodGuo by acetaldehyde was assessed in human cells via treatment with [(13)C(2)]-acetaldehyde. Detection of labeled 1,N(2)-propanodGuo was performed by HPLC/MS/MS. Upon acetaldehyde exposure (703 mu M), increased levels of both 1,N(2)-etheno-2`-deoxyguanosine (1,N(2)-epsilon dGuo), which is produced from alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehydes formed during the lipid peroxidation process, and 1,N(2)-propanodGuo were observed. The unequivocal formation of 1,N(2)-propanodGuo in cells exposed to this aldehyde can be used to elucidate the mechanisms associated with acetaldehyde exposure and cancer risk.


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Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) exist widely in both the indoor and outdoor environment. The main contributing sources of VOCs are motor vehicle exhaust and solvent utilization. Some VOCs are toxic and carcinogenic to human health, such as benzene. In this study, TiO2–SiO2 based photocatalysts were synthesized using the sol–gel method, with high surface areas of 274.1–421.1 m2/g obtained. Two types of pellets were used as catalysts in a fixed-bed reactor installed with a UV black light lamp. Experiments were conducted to compare their efficiencies in degrading the VOCs. Toluene was used as the VOC indicator. When the toluene laden gas stream passed through the photocatalytic reactor, the removal efficiencies were determined using a FTIR multi-gas analyser, which was connected to the outlet of the reactor to analyse the toluene concentrations. As the TiO2–SiO2 pellets used have a high adsorption capacity, they had dual functions as a photocatalyst and adsorbent in the hybrid photocatalysis and adsorption system. The experiments demonstrated that the porous photocatalyst with very high adsorptive capacity enhanced the subsequent photocatalysis reactions and lead to a positive synergistic effect. The catalyst can be self-regenerated by photocatalytic oxidation of the adsorbed VOCs. When the UV irradiation and feeding gas is continuous, a destruction efficiency of about 25% was achieved over a period of 20 h. Once the system was designed and operated into adsorption/regeneration mode, a higher removal efficiency of about 55% was maintained. It was found that the catalyst pellets with a higher surface area (421 m2/g) achieved higher conversion efficiency (100%) for a longer period than those with a lower surface area. A full spectrum scan was carried out using a Bio-rad Infrared spectrometer, finding that the main components of the treated gas stream leaving the reactor, along with untreated toluene, were CO2 and water. The suspected intermediates of aliphatic hydrocarbons and CO were found in minimal amounts or were non detectable. The kinetic rate constants were calculated from the experimental results, it appeared that the stronger adsorption capacity, i.e. larger specific surface area, the higher conversion efficiency would be achieved.