1000 resultados para vector bundle neighborhoods


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In this paper we use the singularity method of Koschorke [2] to study the question of how many different nonstable homotopy classes of monomorphisms of vector bundles lie in a stable class and the percentage of stable monomorphisms which are not homotopic to stabilized nonstable monomorphisms. Particular attention is paid to tangent vector fields. This work complements some results of Koschorke [3; 4], Libardi-Rossini [7] and Libardi-do Nascimento-Rossini [6].


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Given manifolds M and N, with M compact, we study the geometrical structure of the space of embeddings of M into N, having less regularity than C(infinity) quotiented by the group of diffeomorphisms of M.


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Here we study the integers (d, g, r) such that on a smooth projective curve of genus g there exists a rank r stable vector bundle with degree d and spanned by its global sections.


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An explicit construction of all the homogeneous holomorphic Hermitian vector bundles over the unit disc D is given. It is shown that every such vector bundle is a direct sum of irreducible ones. Among these irreducible homogeneous holomorphic Hermitian vector bundles over D, the ones corresponding to operators in the Cowen-Douglas class B-n(D) are identified. The classification of homogeneous operators in B-n(D) is completed using an explicit realization of these operators. We also show how the homogeneous operators in B-n(D) split into similarity classes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The curvature (T)(w) of a contraction T in the Cowen-Douglas class B-1() is bounded above by the curvature (S*)(w) of the backward shift operator. However, in general, an operator satisfying the curvature inequality need not be contractive. In this paper, we characterize a slightly smaller class of contractions using a stronger form of the curvature inequality. Along the way, we find conditions on the metric of the holomorphic Hermitian vector bundle E-T corresponding to the operator T in the Cowen-Douglas class B-1() which ensures negative definiteness of the curvature function. We obtain a generalization for commuting tuples of operators in the class B-1() for a bounded domain in C-m.


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For a domain Omega in C and an operator T in B-n(Omega), Cowen and Douglas construct a Hermitian holomorphic vector bundle E-T over Omega corresponding to T. The Hermitian holomorphic vector bundle E-T is obtained as a pull-back of the tautological bundle S(n, H) defined over by Gr(n, H) a nondegenerate holomorphic map z bar right arrow ker(T - z), z is an element of Omega. To find the answer to the converse, Cowen and Douglas studied the jet bundle in their foundational paper. The computations in this paper for the curvature of the jet bundle are rather intricate. They have given a set of invariants to determine if two rank n Hermitian holomorphic vector bundle are equivalent. These invariants are complicated and not easy to compute. It is natural to expect that the equivalence of Hermitian holomorphic jet bundles should be easier to characterize. In fact, in the case of the Hermitian holomorphic jet bundle J(k)(L-f), we have shown that the curvature of the line bundle L-f completely determines the class of J(k)(L-f). In case of rank Hermitian holomorphic vector bundle E-f, We have calculated the curvature of jet bundle J(k)(E-f) and also obtained a trace formula for jet bundle J(k)(E-f).


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Assume that X is an oriented smooth (n+k)-manifold. Then the kernel of the forgetful map F considered in this work consists of immersions f: Mn → X nullbordant as a continuous map. Using an exact sequence of normal bordism groups previously given, we present a homological characterization of the kernel of the forgetful map F. Also, we prove that Ωi(X, εs - ηs and Hi(X,Z) are -isomorphic for i≤3 and C2-isomorphic for i≤2, where C2,3 (resp. C2 is the class of abelian groups whose elements have order 2p. 3q (resp. 2p), and ηs is an orientable stable vector bundle over X. © 2009 Pushpa Publishing House.


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The central idea of this dissertation is to interpret certain invariants constructed from Laplace spectral data on a compact Riemannian manifold as regularized integrals of closed differential forms on the space of Riemannian metrics, or more generally on a space of metrics on a vector bundle. We apply this idea to both the Ray-Singer analytic torsion

and the eta invariant, explaining their dependence on the metric used to define them with a Stokes' theorem argument. We also introduce analytic multi-torsion, a generalization of analytic torsion, in the context of certain manifolds with local product structure; we prove that it is metric independent in a suitable sense.


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Immersions of an m-manifold in an n-manifold, n>m, are classified up to regular homotopy by the homotopy classes of sections of a vector bundle E associated to the tangent bundle of M.  When N = Rn , the fibre of E is the Stiefel manifold of m-frames in n-space.


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Given a smooth, projective variety Y over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and a smooth, ample hyperplane section X subset of Y, we study the question of when a bundle E on X, extends to a bundle epsilon on a Zariski open set U subset of Y containing X. The main ingredients used are explicit descriptions of various obstruction classes in the deformation theory of bundles, together with Grothendieck-Lefschetz theory. As a consequence, we prove a Noether-Lefschetz theorem for higher rank bundles, which recovers and unifies the Noether-Lefschetz theorems of Joshi and Ravindra-Srinivas.


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It is known that all the vector bundles of the title can be obtained by holomorphic induction from representations of a certain parabolic group on finite-dimensional inner product spaces. The representations, and the induced bundles, have composition series with irreducible factors. We write down an equivariant constant coefficient differential operator that intertwines the bundle with the direct sum of its irreducible factors. As an application, we show that in the case of the closed unit ball in C-n all homogeneous n-tuples of Cowen-Douglas operators are similar to direct sums of certain basic n-tuples. (c) 2015 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Over the past decade, plants have been used as expression hosts for the production of pharmaceutically important and commercially valuable proteins. Plants offer many advantages over other expression systems such as lower production costs, rapid scale up of production, similar post-translational modification as animals and the low likelihood of contamination with animal pathogens, microbial toxins or oncogenic sequences. However, improving recombinant protein yield remains one of the greatest challenges to molecular farming. In-Plant Activation (InPAct) is a newly developed technology that offers activatable and high-level expression of heterologous proteins in plants. InPAct vectors contain the geminivirus cis elements essential for rolling circle replication (RCR) and are arranged such that the gene of interest is only expressed in the presence of the cognate viral replication-associated protein (Rep). The expression of Rep in planta may be controlled by a tissue-specific, developmentally regulated or chemically inducible promoter such that heterologous protein accumulation can be spatially and temporally controlled. One of the challenges for the successful exploitation of InPAct technology is the control of Rep expression as even very low levels of this protein can reduce transformation efficiency, cause abnormal phenotypes and premature activation of the InPAct vector in regenerated plants. Tight regulation over transgene expression is also essential if expressing cytotoxic products. Unfortunately, many tissue-specific and inducible promoters are unsuitable for controlling expression of Rep due to low basal activity in the absence of inducer or in tissues other than the target tissue. This PhD aimed to control Rep activity through the production of single chain variable fragments (scFvs) specific to the motif III of Tobacco yellow dwarf virus (TbYDV) Rep. Due to the important role played by the conserved motif III in the RCR, it was postulated that such scFvs can be used to neutralise the activity of the low amount of Rep expressed from a “leaky” inducible promoter, thus preventing activation of the TbYDV-based InPAct vector until intentional induction. Such scFvs could also offer the potential to confer partial or complete resistance to TbYDV, and possibly heterologous viruses as motif III is conserved between geminiviruses. Studies were first undertaken to determine the levels of TbYDV Rep and TbYDV replication-associated protein A (RepA) required for optimal transgene expression from a TbYDV-based InPAct vector. Transient assays in a non-regenerable Nicotiana tabacum (NT-1) cell line were undertaken using a TbYDV-based InPAct vector containing the uidA reporter gene (encoding GUS) in combination with TbYDV Rep and RepA under the control of promoters with high (CaMV 35S) or low (Banana bunchy top virus DNA-R, BT1) activity. The replication enhancer protein of Tomato leaf curl begomovirus (ToLCV), REn, was also used in some co-bombardment experiments to examine whether RepA could be substituted by a replication enhancer from another geminivirus genus. GUS expression was observed both quantitatively and qualitatively by fluorometric and histochemical assays, respectively. GUS expression from the TbYDV-based InPAct vector was found to be greater when Rep was expected to be expressed at low levels (BT1 promoter) rather than high levels (35S promoter). GUS expression was further enhanced when Rep and RepA were co-bombarded with a low ratio of Rep to RepA. Substituting TbYDV RepA with ToLCV REn also enhanced GUS expression but more importantly highest GUS expression was observed when cells were co-transformed with expression vectors directing low levels of Rep and high levels of RepA irrespective of the level of REn. In this case, GUS expression was approximately 74-fold higher than that from a non-replicating vector. The use of different terminators, namely CaMV 35S and Nos terminators, in InPAct vectors was found to influence GUS expression. In the presence of Rep, GUS expression was greater using pInPActGUS-Nos rather than pInPActGUS-35S. The only instance of GUS expression being greater from vectors containing the 35S terminator was when comparing expression from cells transformed with Rep, RepA and REnexpressing vectors and either non-replicating vectors, p35SGS-Nos or p35SGS-35S. This difference was most likely caused by an interaction of viral replication proteins with each other and the terminators. These results indicated that (i) the level of replication associated proteins is critical to high transgene expression, (ii) the choice of terminator within the InPAct vector may affect expression levels and (iii) very low levels of Rep can activate InPAct vectors hence controlling its activity is critical. Prior to generating recombinant scFvs, a recombinant TbYDV Rep was produced in E. coli to act as a control to enable the screening for Rep-specific antibodies. A bacterial expression vector was constructed to express recombinant TbYDV Rep with an Nterminal His-tag (N-His-Rep). Despite investigating several purification techniques including Ni-NTA, anion exchange, hydrophobic interaction and size exclusion chromatography, N-His-Rep could only be partially purified using a Ni-NTA column under native conditions. Although it was not certain that this recombinant N-His-Rep had the same conformation as the native TbYDV Rep and was functional, results from an electromobility shift assay (EMSA) showed that N-His-Rep was able to interact with the TbYDV LIR and was, therefore, possibly functional. Two hybridoma cell lines from mice, immunised with a synthetic peptide containing the TbYDV Rep motif III amino acid sequence, were generated by GenScript (USA). Monoclonal antibodies secreted by the two hybridoma cell lines were first screened against denatured N-His-Rep in Western analysis. After demonstrating their ability to bind N-His-Rep, two scFvs (scFv1 and scFv2) were generated using a PCR-based approach. Whereas the variable heavy chain (VH) from both cell lines could be amplified, only the variable light chain (VL) from cell line 2 was amplified. As a result, scFv1 contained VH and VL from cell line 1, whereas scFv2 contained VH from cell line 2 and VL from cell line 1. Both scFvs were first expressed in E. coli in order to evaluate their affinity to the recombinant TbYDV N-His-Rep. The preliminary results demonstrated that both scFvs were able to bind to the denatured N-His-Rep. However, EMSAs revealed that only scFv2 was able to bind to native N-His-Rep and prevent it from interacting with the TbYDV LIR. Each scFv was cloned into plant expression vectors and co-bombarded into NT-1 cells with the TbYDV-based InPAct GUS expression vector and pBT1-Rep to examine whether the scFvs could prevent Rep from mediating RCR. Although it was expected that the addition of the scFvs would result in decreased GUS expression, GUS expression was found to slightly increase. This increase was even more pronounced when the scFvs were targeted to the cell nucleus by the inclusion of the Simian virus 40 large T antigen (SV40) nuclear localisation signal (NLS). It was postulated that the scFvs were binding to a proportion of Rep, leaving a small amount available to mediate RCR. The outcomes of this project provide evidence that very high levels of recombinant protein can theoretically be expressed using InPAct vectors with judicious selection and control of viral replication proteins. However, the question of whether the scFvs generated in this project have sufficient affinity for TbYDV Rep to prevent its activity in a stably transformed plant remains unknown. It may be that other scFvs with different combinations of VH and VL may have greater affinity for TbYDV Rep. Such scFvs, when expressed at high levels in planta, might also confer resistance to TbYDV and possibly heterologous geminiviruses.