39 resultados para uvi äldreomsorg


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Bakgrund: Urinvägsinfektion (UVI) är en av de vanligaste infektionerna hos äldre kvinnor. Escherichia coli (E-coli) är den vanligaste bakterien vid UVI. Äldre kvinnor lider när de är drabbade av UVI och det är sjuksköterskans uppgift att bland annat förebygga sjukdom och lindra lidande. Syfte: Att beskriva riskfaktorer och förebyggande omvårdnadsåtgärder mot UVI hos äldre kvinnor. Metod: Litteraturstudie, med databassökning genom databaser speciellt inriktade på vård och omvårdnad, CINAHL, PubMed, WEB OF SCIENCE och Medline. 15 artiklar har använts till resultatet. Resultat: Recidiverande UVI, diabetes, urininkontinens, smittspridning och förstoppning är riskfaktorer att drabbas av UVI. God hygien och regelbunden tillförsel av vätska ses som god evidensbaserad omvårdnadsåtgärd mot UVI. Ökad tillförsel av vätska förkastas, Tranbärstillägg behöver ytterligare forskning. Slutsats. Hög hygieniskstandard genom de basala hygienrutinerna är en viktig förebyggande åtgärd mot UVI.


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The adequacy of the UV Index (UVI), a simple measure of ambient solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation, has been questioned on the basis of recent scientific data on the importance of vitamin D for human health, the mutagenic capacity of radiation in the UVA wavelength, and limitations in the behavioral impact of the UVI as a public awareness tool. A working group convened by ICNIRP and WHO met to assess whether modifications of the UVI were warranted and to discuss ways of improving its effectiveness as a guide to healthy sun-protective behavior. A UV Index greater than 3 was confirmed as indicating ambient UV levels at which harmful sun exposure and sunburns could occur and hence as the threshold for promoting preventive messages. There is currently insufficient evidence about the quantitative relationship of sun exposure, vitamin D, and human health to include vitamin D considerations in sun protection recommendations. The role of UVA in sunlight-induced dermal immunosuppression and DNA damage was acknowledged, but the contribution of UVA to skin carcinogenesis could not be quantified precisely. As ambient UVA and UVB levels mostly vary in parallel in real life situations, any minor modification of the UVI weighting function with respect to UVA-induced skin cancer would not be expected to have a significant impact on the UV Index. Though it has been shown that the UV Index can raise awareness of the risk of UV radiation to some extent, the UVI does not appear to change attitudes to sun protection or behavior in the way it is presently used. Changes in the UVI itself were not warranted based on these findings, but rather research testing health behavior models, including the roles of self-efficacy and self-affirmation in relation to intention to use sun protection among different susceptible groups, should be carried out to develop more successful strategies toward improving sun protection behavior. Health Phys. 103(3):301-306; 2012


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Esta publicaci??n dirigida a los alumnos de Bachillerato es el fruto del trabajo realizado por un grupo de profesores del IES Padre Feijoo de Gij??n. Con la intenci??n de dar a conocer mejor la figura del Padre Feijoo se han planteado la elaboraci??n de diversos materiales did??cticos.En este caso se pretende acercar a los alumnos a aquellos itinerarios del Oviedo antiguo que fueron transitados por tan iustre personaje prestando especial antenci??n al estudio de la arquitectura de la zona.


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Bakgrund: Det är en vanlig arbetsuppgift för sjuksköterskan att följa upp effekt och eventuella biverkningar av läkemedelsbehandling för återkoppling till ordinerande läkare. I och med att sjuksköterskan i den kommunala äldrevården har en konsultativ roll, är informationen mellan henne och vårdpersonalen, som är nära patienten dygnet om, mycket viktig. Denna del av läkemedelskedjan är av central betydelse för att minska onödigt lidande för den äldre patienten i form av läkemedelsrelaterade problem. Syfte: Att kartlägga hur sjuksköterskan i kommunens äldreomsorg följer upp läkemedelsordinationer avseende effekt och biverkningar, särskilt i de fall när patienten själv inte har förmåga att uttrycka sitt mående i ord. Metod: En empirisk studie med kvantitativ ansats. En enkät utformades med frågor om vanligt förekommande arbetssituationer kring uppföljning av läkemedelsordination. Enkäten besvarades av trettiosju sjuksköterskor anställda i den kommunala äldrevården och i särskilda omsorgen, i två kommuner i Sverige. Resultat: Skriftlig rutin, hur uppföljning av läkemedelsordination ska utföras, saknades. Sjuksköterskan erhöll inte alltid direktiv från ordinerande läkare att/när/hur uppföljning skulle ske. Det var vanligt förekommande att en sjuksköterska lämnade ut läkemedel, och att en annan följde upp utfall av läkemedelsbehandlingen. Faktorer som kunde påverka resultatet av läkemedelsuppföljning var: hög arbetsbelastning på äldreboendet, frånvaro av ordinarie personal och vem av vårdpersonalen som rapporterade observationer under en uppföljningsperiod. Slutsats: För att stärka länkarna i läkemedelskedjan finns ett trängande behov av en övergripande instruktion hur sjuksköterskan ska följa upp läkemedelsbehandling


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Consensus and personified conflicts: representations of elderly care issues in Swedish newspapers Elderly care issues are commonly framed in public discourse. In mass media the representations of such issues are influenced by media logic. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyse how elderly care issues were represented in three Swedish newspapers during the first half of 2007. How were the problems characterized? How were different actors characterized and which roles were they assigned? How are conflicts of interests described? Finally, we aim to discuss how media contribute to an understanding of the complexity of elderly care as a whole. Taken together, the articles do not provide a coherent picture. However, costs, quality of care and demographic issues were common themes. The elderly were commonly represented in personal narratives about problems that occurred when they needed elderly care. The elderly in the future are projected as more active and demanding than the elderly today. The care workers were active voices in discussions about working conditions, but absent in discussions about their education and professional identity, which was an issue commonly advocated by politicians. Many issues were represented as conflicts between the individual elderly and the care system or between care workers and their employers. More elaborated discussions about how to prioritize between different needs and demands were rare. This can be seen as examples of how the media tends to use personification, simplification and polarization as means to tell interesting stories.


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Para mejorar la cobertura en el nivel de educación superior, fomentar el reconocimiento cultural, lingüístico y étnico, así como formar profesionales comprometidos(as) con el desarrollo de sus comunidades, la Coordinación General de Educación Intercultural y Bilingüe (CGEIB) de la Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP), impulsó desde el año 2001 la creación de universidades interculturales en México. En la actualidad existen nueve universidades interculturales en diversos estados del país (SEP, 2015), "con una matrícula total de 10,962 estudiantes, de los cuales 46% son mujeres" (SEGOB, 2014:12). A catorce años de su apertura, se han producido varios estudios y críticas acerca de los resultados de estas instituciones. Se alude a su baja calidad educativa por localizarse en zonas marginadas del país y operar con poco presupuesto; a la alta rotación de su personal; a un insuficiente conocimiento de su oferta educativa en las regiones; y a las dificultades que enfrentan para colocar a sus egresados(as) en campos laborales complejos donde hay escaso margen para el autoempleo. Otro señalamiento es que, a pesar del genuino interés por trascender los fantasmas que persiguen históricamente a las políticas indigenistas, las universidades interculturales evidencian una reconfiguración en clave neoindigenista del proyecto educativo, por un lado, y de las historias de resistencia y de capacidad de agencia, por otro...


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THE UVI working group acknowledges the contribution of Vitamin D to bone health as stated in our paper. However, we concluded that an optimal level of Vitamin D for humans has not yet been established with any certainty...


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NOAA's Biogeograpy Branch, the National Park Service (NPS), US Geological Survey, and the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) are using acoustice telemetry to quantify spatial patterns and habitat affinities of reef fishes in the US Virgin Islands (USVI). The objective of the study is to define the movements of reef fishes among habitats within and between the Virgin Islands Coral Reef Nationla Monument (VICRNM), adjacent to Virgin Islands National Park (VIIS), and USVI Territorial waters. In order to better understand species habitat utilization patterns and movement of fishes among management regimes and areas open to fishing around St. John, we deployed an array of hydroacoutstic receivers and acoustically tagged reef fishes. A total of 150 fishes, representing 18 species and 10 families were acoustically tagged along the south shore of St. John from July 2006 to June 2008. Thirty six receivers with a detection range of approximately 300m each were deployed in shallow nearshore bays and across the shelf to depths of approximately 30m. Receivers were located within reefs and adjacent to reefs in seagrass, algal beds, or sand habitats. Example results include the movement of lane snappers and blue striped grunts that demonstrated diel movement from reef habitats during daytime hours to offshore seagrass beds at night. Fish associated with reefs that did not have adjacent seagrass beds made more extensive movements than those fishes associated with reefs that had adjacent seagrass habitats. The array comprised of both nearshore and cross shelf location of receives provides information on fine to broad scale fish movement patterns across habitats and among management units to examine the strength of ecological connectivity between management areas and habitats. For more information go to: http://ccma.nos.noaa.gov/ecosystems/ coralreef/acoustic_tracking.html


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We have recently exchanged and integrated into a single database tag detections for conch, teleost and elasmobranch fish from four separately maintained arrays in the U.S. Virgin Islands including the NMFS queen conch array (St. John nearshore), NOAA’s Biogeography Branch array (St. John nearshore & midshelf reef); UVI shelf edge arrays (Marine Conservation District, Grammanik & other shelf edge); NOAA NMFS Apex Predator array COASTSPAN (St. John nearshore). The integrated database has over 7.5 million hits. Data is shared only with consent of partners and full acknowledgements. Thus, the summary of integrated data here uses data from NOAA and UVI arrays under a cooperative agreement. The benefits of combining and sharing data have included increasing the total area of detection resulting in an understanding of broader scale connectivity than would have been possible with a single array. Partnering has also been cost-effectiveness through sharing of field work, staff time and equipment and exchanges of knowledge and experience across the network. Use of multiple arrays has also helped in optimizing the design of arrays when additional receivers are deployed. The combined arrays have made the USVI network one of the most extensive acoustic arrays in the world with a total of 150+ receivers available, although not necessarily all deployed at all times. Currently, two UVI graduate student projects are using acoustic array data.


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A UV indicator/dosimeter based on benzyl viologen (BV2+) encapsulated in polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is described. Upon exposure to UV light, the BV2+/PVA film turns a striking purple colour due to the formation of the cation radical, BV center dot+. The usual oxygen sensitivity of BV center dot+ is significantly reduced due to the very low oxygen permeability of the encapsulating polymer, PVA. Exposure of a typical BV2+/PVA film, for a set amount of time, to UVB light with different UV indices produces different levels of BV center dot+, as measured by the absorbance of the film at 550 nm. A plot of the change in absorbance at this wavelength, Delta Abs(550), as a function of UV index, UVI, produces a linear calibration curve which allows the film to be used as a UVB indicator, and a similar procedure could be employed to allow it to be used as a solar UVI indicator. A typical BV2+/PVA film generates a significant, semi-permanent (stable for > 24 h) saturated purple colour (absorbance similar to 0.8-0.9) upon exposure to sunlight equivalent to a minimal erythemal dose associated with Caucasian skin, i.e. skin type II. The current drawbacks of the film and the possible future use of the BV2+/PVA film as a personal solar UV dosimeter for all skin types are briefly discussed.


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Trabalho de Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Vias de Comunicação e Transportes


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Dirigido preferentemente a alumnos de ense??anza secundaria esta propuesta de material did??ctico de apoyo de las clases de Llingua Asturiana desarrolla nueve unidades did??cticas basadas en las grabaciones radiof??nicas del programa de la RTPA 'Nomes d'Asturies' que usa la f??rmula de la radio-teatro. Se pretende con ellas trabajar las destrezas b??sicas en el estudio de la lengua asturiana reforzando, con el uso de un medio de difusi??n oral como es la radio, la expresi??n y comprensi??n oral. Para aprovechar todas las potencialidades de este medio se tiene en cuenta el ??mbito cultural y social en el que se sit??a, interrelacion??ndolo con la literatura, la historia o la etnograf??a entre otras ??reas. De este modo la naturaleza de los materiales propuestos es muy variada: a) auditivos, con audiciones de programas y guiones radiof??nicos, fragmentos de obras literarias, efectos sonoros, etc.; b) visuales, con ilustraciones, mapas y textos que nos aproximan a la historia de Asturias, a su cultura y a su lengua; c) creativos, con an??lisis y creaci??n de guiones, para lo que los alumnos utilizar??n las nuevas tecnolog??as; y d) participativos, los guiones elaborados se transformar??n en programas de radio en los que el alumnado, mediante la representaci??n oral, se repartir?? los trabajos de locutor, actor y controlador de sonido y montaje. Las propuestas van desde las audiciones y guiones radiof??nicos, la antolog??a po??tica, las notas culturales, la gram??tica, la atenci??n a la diversidad, etc. Todo ello con la intenci??n de ofertar una herramienta ??til con la que estudiantes y profesores puedan trabajar la lengua asturiana desde un medio de comunicaci??n de masas como es la radio.