989 resultados para uterine contractility


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Regulation of uterine quiescence involves the integration of the signaling pathways regulating uterine contraction and relaxation. Uterine contractants increase intracellular calcium through receptor/GαqPLC coupling, resulting in contraction of the myometrium. Elevation of cAMP concentration has been correlated with relaxation of the myometrium. However, the mechanism of cAMP action in the uterus is unclear. ^ Both endogenous and exogenous increases in cAMP inhibited oxytocin-stimulated phosphatidylinositide turnover in an immortalized pregnant human myometrial cell line (PHM1-41). This inhibition was reversed by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) inhibitors, suggesting the involvement of PKA. cAMP inhibited phosphatidyinositide turnover stimulated by different agonists in different cell lines. These data suggest that the cAMP inhibitory mechanism is neither cell nor receptor dependent, and inhibits Gαq/PLCβ1 and PLCβ3 coupling. ^ The subcellular localization of PKA occurs via PKA binding to A-Kinase-Anchoring-Proteins (AKAP), and peptides that inhibit this association have been developed (S-Ht31). S-Ht31 blocked cAMP-stimulated PKA activity and decreased PKA concentration in PHM1-41 cell plasma membranes. S-Ht31 reversed the ability of CPT-cAMP, forskolin and relaxin to inhibit phosphatidylinositide turnover in PHM1-41 cells. Overlay analysis of both PHM1-41 cell and nonpregnant rat myometrium found an AKAPs of 86 kDa and 150 kDa associated with the plasma membrane, respectively. These data suggest that PKA anchored to the plasma membrane via AKAP150/PKA anchoring is involved in the cAMP inhibitory mechanism. ^ CPT-cAMP and isoproterenol inhibited phosphatidylinositide turnover in rat myometrium from days 12 through 20 of gestation. In contrast, neither agent was effective in the 21 day pregnant rat myometrium. The decrease in the cAMP inhibitory mechanism was correlated with a decrease in PKA and an increase in protein phosphatase 2B (PP2B) concentration in rat myometrial plasma membranes on day 21 of gestation. In myometrial total cell homogenates, both PKA and PP2B concentration increased on day 21. S-Ht31 inhibited cAMP inhibition of phosphatidylinositide turnover in day 19 pregnant rat myometrium. Both PKA and PP2B coimmunoprecipitated with an AKAP150 in a gestational dependent manner, suggesting this AKAP localizes PKA and PP2B to the plasma membrane. ^ These data presented demonstrate the importance of the cAMP inhibitory mechanism in regulating uterine contractility. ^


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Purpose: the objective of the present investigation was to determine implantation and pregnancy rates in patients undergoing ICSI and treated with beta(2)-adrenergic agonists, considering the uterine-relaxing action of these agents.Methods: A total of 225 women undergoing ICSI at the Center for Human Reproduction, Sinha Junqueira Maternity Foundation, entered the study. Patient participation in each group was random, by drawing lots, using a randomization table previously elaborated for the study (2:2:1). The group I (90 women) received 10 mg of terbutaline daily for 15 days starting on the day of oocyte retrieval; group II (90 women) received 20 mg of ritodrine daily during the same period of time as group I; group III (45 patients) received no treatment and was used as control. The evaluation was interrupted in 3 patients of group I and in 30 patients of group II because of a high incidence of side effects.Results: Pregnancy, implantation, and miscarriage rates were not significantly different (p>0.05) between the three groups: 29.88%, 13.25%, and 26.9% for group I; 33.33%, 17.5%, and 10.0% for group II; 28.88%, 15.07%, and 15.38% for group III, respectively.Conclusions: the results of this study do not support the routine use of beta(2)-adrenergic agonists during the peri-implantation period in assisted reproductive technology cycles.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A anestesia da paciente grávida engloba situações diversas e que devem ser analisadas com muita propriedade. Além da exposição do feto e de uma possível ação tóxica dos agentes a serem utilizados na anestesia, devem ser considerados o período gestacional, as características de cada droga e as doses a serem utilizadas. A falta de informações adequadas sobre o risco do uso de drogas na gestação torna difícil ao anestesiologista uma opção segura quando se vê diante da necessidade de anestesiar uma paciente grávida, tanto para cirurgia não obstétrica, como em cirurgia obstétrica. No primeiro caso, é importante evitar o parto prematuro (ou o aborto) e o aparecimento de alterações permanentes no feto. No segundo caso, não deve haver interferência na contratilidade uterina nem depressão significativa no feto. A finalidade desta revisão é atualizar os conhecimentos sobre a passagem transplacentária e os efeitos maternofetais das drogas usadas em anestesia. CONTEÚDO: São revisados os mecanismos de passagem transplacentária de drogas, os princípios fundamentais de embriofetotoxicidade e analisados alguns aspectos importantes sobre efeitos embriofetais das drogas utilizadas na anestesia. Também é apresentada a classificação de risco teratogênico, de acordo com o FDA, das drogas que o anestesiologista mais utiliza durante o ato anestésico. CONCLUSÕES: Embora ainda persistam muitas dúvidas em relação à escolha de drogas para a anestesia de pacientes grávidas, o anestesiologista dispõe hoje de novas drogas e de informações que lhe permitem oferecer maior segurança para o binômio mãe-feto.


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Objective. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of misoprostol in two different formulations: vaginal tablets of 25 mu g and one-eighth of a 200-mu g oral tablet, also administered intravaginally, for cervical ripening and labor induction of term pregnancies with an indication for that. Methods. A single-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial was carried out in 120 pregnant women who randomly received one of the two formulations. The main dependent variables were mode of delivery, need for additional oxytocin, time between beginning of induction and delivery, perinatal results, complications, and maternal side effects. Student's t, Mann-Whitney, chi(2), Fisher's Exact, Wilcoxon and Kolmogorov-Smirnoff tests, as well as survival analysis, were used in the data analysis. Results. There were no significant differences between the groups in terms of general characteristics, uterine contractility, and fetal well-being during labor, cesarean section rates, perinatal outcomes, or maternal adverse events. The mean time between the beginning of cervical ripening and delivery was 31.3 h in the vaginal tablet group and 30.1 h in the oral tablet group, a difference that was not statistically significant. Conclusion. The results showed that the 25-mu g vaginal tablets of misoprostol were as effective and safe for cervical ripening and labor induction as the dose-equivalent fraction of 200-mu g oral tablets.


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Apesar dos avanços tecnológicos alcançados no manejo de criação de búfalos e de técnicas de melhoramento genético, pouco se utilizam na prática para búfalos criados de forma extensiva. O desenvolvimento de protocolos de sincronização, que diminuam o estresse de contenção e reduzem os custos, contribuirá para o incremento da utilização da IATF nos rebanhos bubalinos. O experimento objetivou avaliar um método de sincronização e IATF econômico e pratico compatível ao tipo de criação extensiva. O experimento foi realizado em três fazendas distintas, duas em uma região de várzea, no Estado do Amapá (Local 1 e 2) conduzido na estação reprodutiva favorável. O terceiro no estado do Pará em pastagem cultivada de terra firme. Foram utilizadas 208 búfalas lactantes mestiças mediterrâneo/murrah com idades variadas de 2,5 a 10 anos com histórico de período pós parto ≥ 60 dias. As matrizes que portavam um corpo lúteo foi aplicado 2.0 ml Intra-Muscular de prostaglandina (PGF2α) (150μg/D-cloprostenol) no Dia 0 = D0. Setenta duas horas depois (Dia 3 = D3), foram realizados exame ginecológico para verificar a presença de muco e contratilidade uterina, e posterior inseminação e aplicação de 1.0 ml (100μg) IM de GnRH, com sêmen, de diferentes reprodutores. O diagnóstico de prenhez foi realizado entre 45 a 90 dias, através da palpação retal. O CL-Synch proporcionou uma taxa de prenhez media de 42,79%. Houve efeito significativo das variáveis: presença de contratilidade uterina (χ²= 10.9891; P= 0.0009), muco (χ²= 10.9891; P= 0.0009) e a condição corporal, (χ²= 20.2247; P= 0.0005). A presença do tônus uterino e do muco uterino mostraram-se como excelentes sinais indicativos de uma resposta de crescimento e diferenciação folicular e ovulação à estimulação hormonal. A relação reprodutor e taxa de prenhez não foi estatisticamente significativo (P=0,1684), sugerindo a uniformidade na qualidade do sêmen congelado proveniente da mesma central. Concluí-se que o CL-synch é promissor e suas vantagens se concentram no manejo de contenção das fêmeas e o baixo custo, pois possibilita a contenção somente duas vezes, quando comparado aos demais protocolos que necessitam de contenção de quatro vezes ou mais, diminuindo consideravelmente o estresse.


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Incrementa o uso da Inseminação Artificial em Tempo Fixo (IATF) em búfalas criadas em sistema produtivo extensivo de terras alagadas sazonalmente. O experimento realizado na cidade de Itaubal, no estado do Amapá, mais precisamente na Fazenda Motogeral LTDA, no período de novembro de 2004 a fevereiro de 2005, na estação favorável à reprodução. A propriedade possui um rebanho bubalino mestiço, onde predomina as raças Mediterrâneo e Murrah. Os animais possuem idade média de seis anos, em sua maioria plurípara e todas amamentando. Utilizou-se 93 animais, sendo que 70 animais sincronizados e inseminados em tempo fixo e 23 animais como grupo controle. Todos os animais foram previamente selecionados através de exame ginecológico e escore de condição corporal (ECC). Os animais sincronizados dividiram-se em três grupos: No grupo 1 (G1) com 20 animais utilizou-se o protocolo ovsynch; No grupo 2 (G2) com 29 animais utilizou-se o protocolo DIB-synch; e no grupo 3 (G3), 21 animais compuseram o grupo denominado CLsynch. E os não sincronizados compuseram o grupo controle ou Grupo 4 (G4) composto por 23 animais que foram inseminados 12h após a visualização do cio. Das 93 búfalas inseminadas 52 (55,91%) tornaram-se gestantes. Das 70 búfalas sincronizadas e inseminadas em tempo pré-determinado 43 (61,43%) ficaram gestantes. No G1 12 (60%) búfalas ficaram gestantes, no G2 19 (65,5%) búfalas ficaram gestantes e no G3 12 (57,14%) búfalas ficaram gestantes. No grupo controle a taxa de prenhez foi de 39,13%. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos sincronizados e o grupo controle (P=0,27; X²=3,86). Nos grupos sincronizados não se observou diferença significativa entre os grupos (P=0,82; X² =0,38). As variáveis presença de muco (P= 4,11; Fisher=0,99) e contratilidade uterina (P=8,65; Fisher=0,99) influenciaram significativamente na taxa de prenhez. Dos 70 animais sincronizados 34 (48,57%) apresentaram muco e 54 (77,14%) apresentaram contratilidade uterina durante a IATF. Quanto ao ECC apesar de estatisticamente não ter influencia nos resultados, notou-se que os animais com ECC• 2.5 apresentaram as maiores taxas de prenhez. Pode-se concluir que os protocolos utilizados mostram que a IATF em bubalinos, criados de forma extensiva em áreas pantanosas, são uma alternativa promissora para melhorar a eficiência reprodutiva desta espécie na região Amazônica. O protocolo CL-synch precisa de mais estudos, com maior número de animais. Os custos dos tratamentos, não inviabilizam a adoção da técnica em propriedades rurais com sistema de produção extensiva.


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Uterine smooth muscle specimens were collected from euthanatized mares in estrus and diestrus. Longitudinal and circular specimens were mounted in organ baths and the signals transcribed to a Grass polygraph. After equilibration time and 2 g preload, their physiologic isometric contractility was recorded for a continuous 2.0 h. Area under the curve, frequency and time occupied by contractions were studied. Differences between cycle phases, between muscle layers, and over the recorded time periods were statistically evaluated using linear mixed-effect models. In the mare, physiologic contractility of the uterus decreased significantly over time for all variables evaluated (time as covariate on a continuous scale). For area under the curve, there was a significant effect of muscle layer (longitudinal > circular). For frequency, higher values were recorded in estrus for circular smooth muscle layer, whereas higher values were seen in longitudinal smooth muscle layers during diestrus. In longitudinal layer and in diestrus, more time was occupied by contractions than in circular layer, and in estrus. This study is describing physiologic myometrial motility in the organ bath depending on cycle phase.


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Objective Uterine Papillary Serous Carcinoma (UPSC) is uncommon and accounts for less than 5% of all uterine cancers. Therefore the majority of evidence about the benefits of adjuvant treatment comes from retrospective case series. We conducted a prospective multi-centre non-randomized phase 2 clinical trial using four cycles of adjuvant paclitaxel plus carboplatin chemotherapy followed by pelvic radiotherapy, in order to evaluate the tolerability and safety of this approach. Methods This trial enrolled patients with newly diagnosed, previously untreated patients with stage 1b-4 (FIGO-1988) UPSC with a papillary serous component of at least 30%. Paclitaxel (175 mg/m2) and carboplatin (AUC 6) were administered on day 1 of each 3-week cycle for 4 cycles. Chemotherapy was followed by external beam radiotherapy to the whole pelvis (50.4 Gy over 5.5 weeks). Completion and toxicity of treatment (Common Toxicity Criteria, CTC) and quality of life measures were the primary outcome indicators. Results Twenty-nine of 31 patients completed treatment as planned. Dose reduction was needed in 9 patients (29%), treatment delay in 7 (23%), and treatment cessation in 2 patients (6.5%). Hematologic toxicity, grade 3 or 4 occurred in 19% (6/31) of patients. Patients' self-reported quality of life remained stable throughout treatment. Thirteen of the 29 patients with stages 1–3 disease (44.8%) recurred (average follow up 28.1 months, range 8–60 months). Conclusion This multimodal treatment is feasible, safe and tolerated reasonably well and would be suitable for use in multi-institutional prospective randomized clinical trials incorporating novel therapies in patients with UPSC.


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Objectives: To evaluate the clinical value of pre-operative serum CA125 in predicting the presence of extra-uterine disease in patients with apparent early stage endometrial cancer. Methods: Between October 6, 2005 and June 17, 2010, 760 patients were enrolled in an international, multicentre, prospective randomized trial (LACE) comparing laparotomy with laparoscopy in the management of endometrial cancer apparently confined to the uterus. This study is based on data from 657 patients with endometrial adenocarcinoma who had a pre-operative serum CA125 value, and was undertaken to correlate pre-operative serum CA125 with final stage. Results: Using a pre-operative CA-125 cutpoint of 30U/ml was associated with the smallest misclassification error (14.5%) using a multiple cross-validation method. Median pre-operative serum CA-125 was 14U/ml, and using a cutpoint of 30U/ml, 14.9% of patients had elevated CA-125 levels. Of 98 patients with elevated CA-125 level, 36 (36.7%) had evidence of extra-uterine disease. Of the 116 patients (17.7%) with evidence of extra-uterine disease, 31.0% had elevated CA-125 level. In univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis, only pre-operative CA-125 level was found to be associated with extra-uterine spread of disease. Utilising a cutpoint of 30U/ml achieved a sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of 31.0%, 88.5%, 36.7% and 85.7% respectively. Overall, 326/657 (49.6%) of patients had full surgical staging involving lymph node dissection. When analysis was limited to patients that had undergone full surgical staging, the outcomes remained essentially unchanged. Conclusions: Elevated CA-125 above 30U/ml in patients with apparent early stage disease is associated with a sensitivity of 31.0% and specificity of 88.5% in detecting extra-uterine disease. Pre-operative identification of this risk factor may assist to triage patients to tertiary centres and comprehensive surgical staging.


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This study investigates the cyclic changes in innate immunity in the female reproductive tract (FRT) of mice during the estrous cycle. By examining uterine and vaginal tissues and secretions we show that innate immunity varies with the stage of the estrous cycle and site in the FRT. Secretions from the uterine lumen contained cytokines and chemokines that were significantly higher at proestrus and estrus relative to that measured at diestrus. In contrast, analysis of vaginal secretions indicated that only IL-1β and CXCL1/mouse KC changed during the cycle, with highest levels measured at diestrus and estrus. In contrast, vaginal α-defensin 2 and β-defensins 1-4 mRNA levels peaked at proestrus and estrus and are expressed 1-4 logs greater than that seen in the uterus. These studies further indicate that TLR5 and TLR12 in the uterus, and TLR1, TLR2, TLR5 and TLR13 in the vagina varies with stage of the estrous cycle, with some peaking at proestrus/estrus and others at diestrus. Overall, these studies indicate that innate immune parameters in the uterus and vagina are separate and discrete, and regulated precisely during the estrous cycle.


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This thesis investigated how enzymes called phosphodiesterases control changes in contractility mediated by noradrenaline and adrenaline through activation of β1- and β2-adrenoceptors in live human heart tissue from patients with advanced heart failure undergoing transplantation. The study compared patients who had been administered β-blocker medicines metoprolol or carvedilol or no β-blocker treatment. This work helped to further elucidate the complex roles of target receptors and enzymes that are integral to the progression of heart failure, to compare the mechanisms of action of β-blockers currently used to manage heart failure and to identify new drug targets for heart failure treatment.


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Uterine leiomyomata (UL), the most prevalent pelvic tumors in women of reproductive age, pose a major public health problem given their high frequency, associated morbidities, and most common indication for hysterectomies. A genetic component to UL predisposition is supported by analyses of ethnic predisposition, twin studies, and familial aggregation. A genome-wide SNP linkage panel was genotyped and analyzed in 261 white UL-affected sister-pair families from the Finding Genes for Fibroids study. Two significant linkage regions were detected in 10p11 (LOD = 4.15) and 3p21 (LOD = 3.73), and five additional linkage regions were identified with LOD scores > 2.00 in 2q37, 5p13, 11p15, 12q14, and 17q25. Genome-wide association studies were performed in two independent cohorts of white women, and a meta-analysis was conducted. One SNP (rs4247357) was identified with a p value (p = 3.05 x 10(-8)) that reached genome-wide significance (odds ratio = 1.299). The candidate SNP is under a linkage peak and in a block of linkage disequilibrium in 17q25.3, which spans fatty acid synthase (FASN), coiled-coil-domain-containing 57 (CCDC57), and solute-carrier family 16, member 3 (SLC16A3). By tissue microarray immunohistochemistry, we found elevated (3-fold) FAS levels in UL-affected tissue compared to matched myometrial tissue. FAS transcripts and/or protein levels are upregulated in various neoplasms and implicated in tumor cell survival. FASN represents the initial UL risk allele identified in white women by a genome-wide, unbiased approach and opens a path to management and potential therapeutic intervention.


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A major limitation to progress in primate embryology is the lack of an adequate supply of preimplantation embryos. We describe a method for recovering preimplantation-embryos in bonnet monkeys (Macaca radiata ) using a nonsurgical uterine flushing technique similar to the one previously employed in rhesus monkeys. Forty cyclic females were screened for cervical cannulation, and 10% of these had an impassable cervix. Eleven females suitable for cannulation were selected, and 27 menstrual cycles were monitored over a 5-mo period. Seventy-one percent of the cycles showed estrogen peaks, which were observed between Days 9 and 14 of the cycle. Following natural mating, uterine flushings were performed on Days 5 to 8 of pregnancy (Day 0 = the day following the estrogen peak). Of the 27 recovery attempts, 9 (33.3%) resulted in the recovery of ovulation products, including those of an unfertilized oocyte and empty zona (2 cases), retarded cleavage-stage (4 to 8-cell) embryos (4 cases), morula (1 case) and blastocysts (2 cases). These results show, for the first time, that the nonsurgical uterine flushing technique can be successfully performed to recover uterine-stage preimplantation embryos from bonnet monkeys.