985 resultados para usability study
This paper focuses on evaluating the usability of an Intelligent Wheelchair (IW) in both real and simulated environments. The wheelchair is controlled at a high-level by a flexible multimodal interface, using voice commands, facial expressions, head movements and joystick as its main inputs. A Quasi-experimental design was applied including a deterministic sample with a questionnaire that enabled to apply the System Usability Scale. The subjects were divided in two independent samples: 46 individuals performing the experiment with an Intelligent Wheelchair in a simulated environment (28 using different commands in a sequential way and 18 with the liberty to choose the command); 12 individuals performing the experiment with a real IW. The main conclusion achieved by this study is that the usability of the Intelligent Wheelchair in a real environment is higher than in the simulated environment. However there were not statistical evidences to affirm that there are differences between the real and simulated wheelchairs in terms of safety and control. Also, most of users considered the multimodal way of driving the wheelchair very practical and satisfactory. Thus, it may be concluded that the multimodal interfaces enables very easy and safe control of the IW both in simulated and real environments.
Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), the standard subject language used in library catalogues, are often criticized for their lack of currency, biased language, and atypical syndetic structure. Conversely, folksonomies (or tags), which rely on the natural language of their users, offer a flexibility often lacking in controlled vocabularies and may offer a means of augmenting more rigid controlled vocabularies such as LCSH. Content analysis studies have demonstrated the potential for folksonomies to be used as a means of enhancing subject access to materials, and libraries are beginning to integrate tagging systems into their catalogues. This study examines the utility of tags as a means of enhancing subject access to materials in library online public access catalogues (OPACs) through usability testing with the LibraryThing for Libraries catalogue enhancements. Findings indicate that while they cannot replace LCSH, tags do show promise for aiding information seeking in OPACs. In the context of information systems design, the study revealed that while folksonomies have the potential to enhance subject access to materials, that potential is severely limited by the current inability of catalogue interfaces to support tag-based searches alongside standard catalogue searches.
Most of the patients that reside in the intensive care unit experience fear, frustration and high levels of anxiety as they are not able to communicate properly. In this sense, the use of communication tools can be helpful to reduce the frustration levels and also, to improve the efficiency and the speed of the communication. The objective of this work, is to design a tool that allows solving the communication problems that patients suffer when they are admitted in the intensive care unit. In order to achieve the objective of this work, a qualitative study that involved interviews with former patients, hospital staff members and family relatives was performed. Afterwards, the design of a prototype was developed to later conduct and analyze usability evaluations with former patients, hospital staff members and patients relatives. The results expose that participants of the usability evaluations were able to perform most of the tasks effectively.
Ein Tag ohne Internet ist für viele kaum vorstellbar. Das Spektrum der Internetnutzer ist breiter geworden und damit sind die Ansprüche an die Websites massiv angestiegen. Die Entscheidung auf einer Website zu bleiben oder auf einer anderen zu suchen fällt innerhalb von wenigen Sekunden. Diese Entscheidung ist sowohl vom Website-Design als auch von dem dargestellten Inhalt abhängig. Die Auswertung, wie schnell der Benutzer Online-Informationen finden und wie einfach er sie verstehen kann, ist die Aufgabe von Web-Usability-Testing. Für das Finden und Verstehen von Informationen sind die computertechnischen zusammen mit den linguistischen Aspekten zuständig. In der Usability-Forschung liegt jedoch der Fokus bislang weitgehend auf der Bewertung der computer¬linguistischen und ästhetischen Aspekte der Websites. In den Hintergrund gedrängt wurden dabei die linguistischen Aspekte. Im Vergleich sind diese weniger systematisch erforscht und in Usability-Richtlinien kaum zu finden. Stattdessen stößt man überwiegend auf allgemeine Empfehlungen. Motiviert davon hat die vorliegende Arbeit das Ziel, Die Web-Usability systematisch sowohl aus linguistischer als auch aus formaler Sicht zu erforschen. Auf linguistischer Ebene wurde in Anlehnung an die Zeichentheorie von Morris die Web-Usability analysiert und der Begriff Linguistische Web-Usability eingeführt. Auf Basis dieser Analyse sowie einer literaturstudie ‘literature review’ mehrerer Usability-Richtlinien wurde ein Kriterienkatalog entwickelt. Bei der Umsetzung dieses Kriterienkatalogs im Rahmen einer Usability-Studie wurde die Website der Universität Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (JGU) im Usability-Labor unter Anwendung der Methode Eye-Tracking zusammen mit der Think-Aloud-Methode und der Retrospective-Think-Aloud-Methode getestet. Die empirischen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die linguistischen Usability-Probleme genau wie die formalen die Benutzer hindern, die gesuchten Informationen zu finden, oder zumindest ihre Suche verlangsamen. Dementsprechend sollten die linguistischen Perspektiven in die Usability-Richtlinien miteinbezogen werden.
The Florida International University Libraries’ Web site’s new look was launched in Fall 2001. As a result of the new look, a group formed to undertake a usability study on the top page of the site. The group tested three target groups to determine the usability of the top page. The study pointed out some revisions for the top page; however, more importantly, it suggested areas for future research.
Emily Daly and Gordon Chadwick conducted a think-aloud usability study on June 20, 2016 in the Perkins Library at Duke University. The study tested users’ perceptions of a new search results page for online journal titles.
Thomas Crichlow and Gordon Chadwick conducted a think-aloud usability study on August 1, 2016 in the Perkins Library at Duke University. The study tested users’ perceptions of a new LibGuides driven research guide for scholarly images by asking them to complete information seeking tasks and provide feedback.
Physical computing has spun a true global revolution in the way in which the digital interfaces with the real world. From bicycle jackets with turn signal lights to twitter-controlled christmas trees, the Do-it-Yourself (DiY) hardware movement has been driving endless innovations and stimulating an age of creative engineering. This ongoing (r)evolution has been led by popular electronics platforms such as the Arduino, the Lilypad, or the Raspberry Pi, however, these are not designed taking into account the specific requirements of biosignal acquisition. To date, the physiological computing community has been severely lacking a parallel to that found in the DiY electronics realm, especially in what concerns suitable hardware frameworks. In this paper, we build on previous work developed within our group, focusing on an all-in-one, low-cost, and modular biosignal acquisition hardware platform, that makes it quicker and easier to build biomedical devices. We describe the main design considerations, experimental evaluation and circuit characterization results, together with the results from a usability study performed with volunteers from multiple target user groups, namely health sciences and electrical, biomedical, and computer engineering. Copyright © 2014 SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications. All rights reserved.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
Os avanços nas Interfaces Cérebro-máquina, resultantes dos avanços no tratamento de sinal e da inteligência artificial, estão a permitir-nos aceder à atividade cerebral, descodificá-la, e usála para comandar dispositivos, sejam eles braços artificiais ou computadores. Isto é muito mais importante quando os utilizadores são pessoas que perderam a capacidade de comunicar, embora mantenham as suas capacidades cognitivas intactas. O caso mais extremo desta situação é o das pessoas afetadas pela Síndrome de Encarceramento. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade de vida das pessoas afetadas por esta síndrome, disponibilizando-lhes um meio de comunicação adaptado às suas limitações. É essencialmente um estudo de usabilidade aplicada a um tipo de utilizador extremamente diminuído na sua capacidade de interação. Nesta investigação começamos por compreender a Síndrome de Encarceramento e as limitações e capacidades das pessoas afetadas por ela. Abordamos a neuroplasticidade, o que é, e em que medida é importante para a utilização das Interfaces Cérebro-máquina. Analisamos o funcionamento destas interfaces, e os fundamentos científicos que o suportam. Finalmente, com todo este conhecimento em mãos, investigamos e desenvolvemos métodos que nos permitissem otimizar as limitadas capacidades do utilizador na sua interação com o sistema, minimizando o esforço e maximizando o desempenho. Foi para o efeito desenhado e implementado um protótipo que nos permitisse validar as soluções encontradas.
Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.
Benefits of long-term monitoring have drawn considerable attention in healthcare. Since the acquired data provides an important source of information to clinicians and researchers, the choice for long-term monitoring studies has become frequent. However, long-term monitoring can result in massive datasets, which makes the analysis of the acquired biosignals a challenge. In this case, visualization, which is a key point in signal analysis, presents several limitations and the annotations handling in which some machine learning algorithms depend on, turn out to be a complex task. In order to overcome these problems a novel web-based application for biosignals visualization and annotation in a fast and user friendly way was developed. This was possible through the study and implementation of a visualization model. The main process of this model, the visualization process, comprised the constitution of the domain problem, the abstraction design, the development of a multilevel visualization and the study and choice of the visualization techniques that better communicate the information carried by the data. In a second process, the visual encoding variables were the study target. Finally, the improved interaction exploration techniques were implemented where the annotation handling stands out. Three case studies are presented and discussed and a usability study supports the reliability of the implemented work.
S'ha realitzat l'anàlisi del site www.tortosa.cat, realitzant un estudi d'usabilitat centrada en l'usuari sobre webs orientades al comerç electrònic i als serveis.
Tätä diplomityötä sponsoroi suuri Isobritannialainen lentokoneteollisuudessa toimiva yritys, joka huomasi että globaalin tuotantostrategian ollessa painopisteenä ja tietoteknisten järjestelmien kuten CAD/CAM ollessa merkittävänä osana tuotantoa, on löydettävä ymmärrys siitä, mitkä ovat tuotannon tietojärjestelmien tarpeet ja onko niiden kehittämisestä hyötyä yritykselle.Diplomityössä selitetään Internet teknologiaan perustuvan kioskin kehittämisestä tietotukijärjestelmäksi tuotanto-osastolle, jossa valmistetaan moottorin osia CNC-koneilla. Kioskeissa on piirteitä, jotka voisivat osoittautua hyödyllisiksi myös tuotantoympäristöissä ja siksi tässä työssä tutkitaan kioskiin perustuvaa lähestymistapaa tuotantoympäristöön sovellettuna.Diplomityö kuvaa informaatiokioskin kehittämistä alkaen alkuvaatimusten keruusta tietojärjestelmää varten, tietojärjestelmän suunnittelu- ja kehitysvaiheen sekä lopuksi analysoi kioskin onnistuneisuutta tuotantoympäristössä käytettävyystutkimuksen avulla, joka suoritettiin sen jälkeen kun kioski oli implementoitu tehtaassa.Johtopäätökset osoittavat, että kioski on hyvin implementoitavissa tuotantoympäristöön ja todistaa, että tuotantoinformaation jakelu sähköisessä muodossa on huomattavasti tehokkaampaa kuin paperilla. Käyttäjien kommentit osoittavat että kioski on sopiva heidän tietotarpeisiinsa ja siitä on hyötyä heidän työlleen. Kioski tarjoaa hyötyjä tuotantotason lisäksi myös johtotasolle.
Chemistry students have difficulty understanding molecular structures and their functions. To aide their comprehension, molecular visualization software has been developed to run on smart phones, but in order to positively influence learning it must have a high degree of usability (usability measures how software is used in terms of efficiency, efficacy and satisfaction). This paper describes a usability study of molecular visualization software running on a smart phone, where chemistry students analyzed molecular models. Results showed very good usability and 95% of students wanted to use it in further classes.