911 resultados para unsaturated polyester


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Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli tutkia miten kuluttajien kierrättämästä polyeteenitereftalaatista ( PET ) voi valmistaa tyydyttymättömiä polyesterihartseja. Työssä valmistettiin yleiskäyttöön soveltuva laminointihartsi sekä 'gel coat' -hartsi jota käytetään esim. veneiden pintamaalina. Yleishartsin depolymerointiin käytettiin propyleeniglykolia ja 'gel coat' -hartsin valmistamiseen neopentyyliglykolia. Polykondensaatiovaiheessa reaktioon lisättiin maleiinihappoa ja lopuksi hartsit liuotettiin styreeniin. Kirjallisuusosassa esitetään eri menetelmiä PET:n depolymeroimiseksi. Lisäksi esitetään eri vaihtoehtoja glykolien, happojen, katalyyttien ja vinyylimonomeerien valitsemiseksi tyydyttymättömien polyesterihartsien valmistuksessa. Analyysimenetelmiä nestemäisten ja kovetettujen hartsien tutkimiseen ja vertailuun käydään läpi kuten myös erilaisia sovelluksia polyesterihartsien käyttämiseksi. Kokeellinen osa todisti että PET-pullojäte voidaan prosessoida hartsiksiilman uusia investointeja prosessilaitteistoon. PET:n glykolyysi kesti viidestäseitsemään tuntia ja polykondensaatiovaihe kahdesta ja puolesta viiteen tuntiin. Hartsien molekyylipainot ja mekaanisten testien tulokset olivat vertailukelpoisia kaupallisten hartsien antamien tulosten kanssa. Glykolyysivaiheen momomeeri- ja oligomeeripitoisuudet mitattiin geelipermeaatiokromatografialla, jotta nähtiin miten pitkälle depolymerisaatio oli edennyt. Tätä tietoa voidaan hyödyntää uusien hartsireseptin suunnittelussa. Polymeeriketjussa jäljellä olevien C=C kaksoissidosten määrä ja niiden isomeraatioaste maleaattimuodosta fumaraattimuotoon mitattiin 1H-NMR -menetelmällä. Tislevesien koostumus määritettiin kaasukromatografialla, ja tulokset kertoivat katalyytin sisältämän kloorin reagoineen glykolien kanssa, johtaen suureen glykolikulutukseen ja muihin ei-toivottuihin sivureaktioihin. Hartsien sietokykyä auringon valolle mitattiin niiden UV-absorption avulla. Kummastakin hartsista valmistettiin 'gel coat' -maalit jotkalaitettiin sääkoneeseen, joka simuloi auringonpaistetta ja vesisadetta vuorotellen. Näistä 'gel coateista' mitattiin niiden kellastumista. Kummastakin hartsista tehdyt valut asetettiin myös sääkoneeseen ja IR-spektreistä ennen jajälkeen koetta nähtiin että C=O ja C-O esterisidoksia oli hajonnut.


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Vesistöissä laivojen pintaan tarttuvat eliöt ovat sekä taloudellinen että kosmeettinen ongelma. Kontrolloimattoman eliöiden kiinnittymisen seurauksena aiheutuu kitkaa, joka puolestaan hidastaa laivan nopeutta ja aiheuttaa polttoaineen kulutuksen kasvua. Tavallisesti eliöiden kiinnittymistä ehkäistään kiinnittymisenestomaalien avulla. Niiden toiminta perustuu biosidien liukenemiseen, jolloin veden ja pinnoitteen väliselle rajapinnalle muodostuu korkea biosidipitoisuus, joka estää eliöiden kiinnittymistä pinnalle. Maailmanlaajuinen orgaanisten tinayhdisteiden käyttökielto kiinnittymisen-estomaaleissa tulee voimaan vuoden 2003 alusta. Tällä hetkellä 70 % maailman laivastoista on suojattu orgaanista tinayhdistettä sisältävällä kiinnittymisenestomaalilla. Nyt onkin kasvava tarve kehittää uusia ympäristöystävällisempiä kiinnittymisenesto-pinnoitteita. Todennäköisesti tinayhdisteet tullaan korvaamaan synteettisillä orgaanisilla yhdisteillä käytettyinä yhdessä kuparin kanssa. Työn tarkoituksena oli valmistaa ympäristöystävällisempi tyydyttämätön polyesteripinnoite, joka itsessään ehkäisisi eliöiden kiinnittymistä. Kirjallisuusosassa tutustuttiin markkinoilla oleviin biosideihin, niiden myrkyllisyyteen ja vaikutuksiin ympäristölle sekä muuttuvaan lainsäädäntöön. Työssä tarkasteltiin myös tällä hetkellä markkinoilla olevia pinnoitteita ja niiden toimintamekanismeja sekä myrkyttömiä vaihtoehtopinnoitteita kiinnittymisenestoon. Kokeellinen osa koostui kahdesta osasta. Ensimmäisessä osassa tutkittiin biosidien sopivuutta käytettäväksi yhdessä tyydyttymättömän polyesterin kanssa. Yhteensopivuutta määritettiin applikaatiotesteillä ja pinnoitteen käyttäytymisen perusteella. Toinen vaihe oli selvittää pinnoitteen tehokkuus leväntarttumista vastaan. Tyydyttymätön polyesteri gel coat kiinnittymisenesto-ominaisuuksilla valmistettiin dispergoimalla biosideja tyydyttymättömään polyesterigeeliin. Yhteensopivuustestien tulosten perusteella huomattiin, ettei biosidien lisääminen geeliin vaikuta mainittavasti applikaatio-ominaisuuksien huononemiseen. Brookfield viskositeetin stabiilisuus jopa paranee ja yksi työssä käytetyistä biosideista parantaa pinnoitteen säänkestoominaisuuksia. Tässä työssä ei pystytty määrittämään eri biosidien välisiä eroja tehokkuudessa levää vastaan.


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Hybrid polymer networks (HPNs) based on unsaturated polyester resin (UPR) and epoxy resins were synthesized by reactive blending. The epoxy resins used were epoxidised phenolic novolac (EPN), epoxidised cresol novolac (ECN) and diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA). Epoxy novolacs were prepared by glycidylation of the novolacs using epichlorohydrin. The physical, mechanical, and thermal properties of the cured blends were compared with those of the control resin. Epoxy resins show good miscibility and compatibility with the UPR resin on blending and the co-cured resin showed substantial improvement in the toughness and impact resistance. Considerable enhancement of tensile strength and toughness are noticed at very low loading of EPN. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and diVerential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were employed to study the thermal properties of the toughened resin. The EPN/ UPR blends showed substantial improvement in thermal stability as evident from TGA and damping data. The fracture behaviour was corroborated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The performance of EPN is found to be superior to other epoxy resins


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Unsaturated polyester resins (UPRs) are extensively used by the fiber-reinforced plastic (FRPs) industry. These resins have the disadvantages of brittleness and poor resistance to crack propagation. In this study, UPRs were chemically modified by reactive blending with polyurethane prepolymers having terminal isocyanate groups. Hybrid networks were formed by copolymerisation of unsaturated polyesters with styrene and simultaneous reaction between terminal hydroxyl groups of unsaturated polyester and isocyanate groups of polyurethane prepolymer. The prepolymers were based on toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and each of hydroxy-terminated natural rubber (HTNR), hydroxy- terminated polybutadiene (HTPB), polyethylene glycol (PEG), and castor oil. Properties like tensile strength, toughness, impact resistance, and elongation-at-break of the modified UPRs show considerable improvement by this modification. The thermal stability of the copolymer is also marginally better


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Unsaturated polyester resins (UPRs) are used widely in the fiber-reinforced plastics (FRPs) industry. These resins have the disadvantages of brittleness and poor resistance to crack propagation. In this study, hybrid polymer networks (HPNs) based on UPR and epoxidized phenolic novolacs (EPNs) were prepared by reactive blending. A HPN is composed of a backbone polymer containing two types of reactive groups that can take part in crosslinking reactions via different mechanisms. EPNs were prepared by glycidylation of novolacs using epichlorohydrin. The novolacs had varying phenol: formaldehyde ratios. Blends of unsaturated polyester with EPN were then prepared. The physical properties of the cured blends were compared with those of the control resin. EPN shows good miscibility and compatibility with the resin and improves the toughness and impact resistance substantially. Considerable enhancement of tensile strength is also noticed at about 5% by weight of epoxidized novolac resin. TGA, DMA, and DSC were used to study the thermal properties of the toughened resin and the fracture behavior was studied using SEM. The blends are also found to have better thermal stability. Blending with EPN can be a useful and cost-effective technique for modification of UPR


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Curauá fiber processing characterization has been performed throughout the different processing steps. Unsaturated polyester has been used as matrix in the production of curauá reinforced composite samples. Compression molding process has been used to prepare the samples. Tensile strength, impact resistance, flexural strength, Young's modulus and elongation at break have been accessed for curauá composites in comparison with fiberglass composites. Mechanical properties were found not to attend the company's internal standards specification. However, the work has shown some alternatives to solve these problems such as the modification of equipment characteristics and resin formulation, the necessity of incorporation of a higher content of fiber and the possibility of using a new type of filler. Copyright © 2000 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.


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This work has been performed at Tapetes Sao Carlos-Brazil with the cooperation of the DaimlerChrysler Research Center Team in Ulm - Germany. The objective of the present paper is to report the results obtained with natural fiber reinforced unsaturated polyester (UP) composites, concerning surface quality measurements. The fibers that have been chosen for this work were sisal and curaua. The samples were produced by compression molding technique and afterwards submitted to three different tests, namely: a) thermal aging; b) water absorption and c) artificial weathering. The surface parameters measured before and after the tests were gloss, haze, short and long-waviness. The results have shown that after the tests there is a high loss of gloss, a high increase in haze, and a high increase in short and long-waviness as well. Curaua reinforced composites had a slightly better behavior when compared with sisal reinforced composites. The effect of the presence of filler and the addition of thermoplastic polyester (TP) on the material behavior has not been evidently detected. This result shows that the conventional technology/methods applied to UP-Fiberglass systems cannot be transferred to natural fibers without any modification. The fiber-matrix interaction and its response to the presence of additives must be fully understood before a successful processing route can be developed for painted natural fibers reinforced UP. Copyright © 2001 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.


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This paper reports on the thermal behavior and mechanical properties of nanocomposites based on unsaturated polyester resin (UP) modified with poly(ɛ-caprolactone) (PCL) and reinforced with an organically modified clay (cloisite 30B). To optimize the dispersion of 30B and the mixing of PCL in the UP resin, two different methods were employed to prepare crosslinked UP–PCL-30B hybrid nanocomposites. Besides, two samples of poly(ɛ-caprolactone) of different molecular weight (PCL2: Mn = 2.103g.mol−1 and PCL50: Mn = 5.104g.mol−1) were used at several concentrations (4, 6, 10 wt%). The 30B concentration was 4 wt% in all the nanocomposites. The morphology of the samples was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The analysis of X-ray patterns reveals that intercalated structures have been found for all ternary nanocomposites, independently of the molecular weight, PCL concentration and the preparation method selected. A slight rise of the glass transition temperature, Tg, is observed in UP/PCL/4%30B ternary nanocomposites regarding to neat UP. The analysis of the tensile properties of the ternary (hybrid) systems indicates that UP/4%PCL2/4%30B nanocomposite improves the tensile strength and elongation at break respect to the neat UP while the Young modulus remains constant


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The aim of this investigation is to study the effectiveness of isora fibre as reinforcement material in short and long forms, for unsaturated polyester and epoxy resins.Studies on the optimization of fibre length and fibre loading of randomly oriented isora-polyester composite are described.The salient features of the alkali treatment of short isora fibre on the properties of randomly oriented isora-polyester composite are outlined in this thesis.The effect of surface modification of the hydrophilic isora fibre by different chemical treatments on the properties of randomly oriented isora-polyester composite is outlined.The properties of oriented and randomly oriented isora fibre reinforced epoxy composites with special reference to the effect of fibre loading are reported and also the dynamic mechanical properties ofthe oriented and randomly oriented isora-polyester and isora-epoxy composites are presented and the water absorption kinetics of oriented and randomly oriented isora-polyester composites and oriented isoraepoxy composites are given. The effect of hot air oven aging on the tensile and flexural properties of oriented isora-polyester and isora-epoxy composites are also reported in this thesis.


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Block copolymers of unsaturated polyester were prepared by condensation polymerization of hydroxyl or carboxyl terminated liquid rubbers with maleic anhydride, phthalic anhydride, and propylene glycol. The condensate obtained was mixed with styrene monomer to get an unsaturated polyester resin formulation. In this study, copolymers of unsaturated polyesters with hydroxy terminated polybutadiene, carboxy terminated nitrile rubber, and hydroxy terminated natural rubber were prepared. Mechanical properties such as tensile strength, tensile modulus, elongation at break, toughness, impact strength, surface hardness, abrasion resistance, and water absorption were evaluated after the resin was cured in appropriate molds for comparison with the control resin. The fracture toughness and impact resistance of CTBN-modified unsaturated polyester show substantial improvement by this copolymerization without seriously affecting any other property


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of the fibrous material obtained from ethanol-water fractionation of bagasse as reinforcement of thermoplastic starches in order to improve their mechanical properties. The composites were elaborated using matrices of corn and cassava starches plasticized with 30 wt%glycerin. The mixtures (0,5,10 and 15 wt% bagasse fiber) were elaborated in a rheometer at 150 degrees C. The mixtures obtained were pressed on a hot plate press at 155 degrees C. The test specimens were obtained according to ASTM D638. Tensile tests, moisture absorption tests for 24 days (20-23 degrees C and 53% RH, ASTM E104), and dynamic-mechanical analyses (DMA) in tensile mode were carried out. Images by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction were obtained. Fibers (10 wt% bagasse fiber) increased tensile strength by 44% and 47% compared to corn and cassava starches, respectively. The reinforcement (15 wt% bagasse fiber) increased more than fourfold the elastic modulus on starch matrices. The storage modulus at 30 C (E(30 degrees C)`) increased as the bagasse fiber content increased, following the trend of tensile elastic modulus. The results indicate that these fibers have potential applications in the development of biodegradable composite materials. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química


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In this work, a steel heated pultrusion die was designed, developed and manufactured to produce U200 glass fibre reinforced thermosetting matrix (GRP) profiles. The finite element analysis (FEA) was used to predict and optimise the developed die heating by using cylindrical electrical powered cartridges. To assess the new die performance it was mounted in the 120 kN pultrusion line of the Portuguese company Vidropol SA and used to produce continuously U200 profiles able to meet all requirements specified for the E23 grade accordingly to the European Standard EN 13706: 2002. After setting up the type, orientation and sequence of layers in laminate, orthophthalic, isophthalic and bisphenolic unsaturated polyester as well as vinylester resins were used to produce glass fibre reinforced U 200 composite profiles. An appropriated catalyst system was selected and the processing variables optimised for each case, namely, pultrusion pull-speed and die temperature. Finally, the produced U200 profiles were submitted to visual inspection, calcination and mechanical tests, namely, flexural, tensional and interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) tests, to assess their accomplishment with the EN 13706 requirements.


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In this work, a new steel heated pultrusion die was designed, developed and manufactured to produce U200 glass fibre reinforced thermosetting matrix (GRP) profiles. The finite element analysis (FEA) was used to predict and optimise the developed die heating by using cylindrical electrical powered cartridges. To assess the new die performance it was mounted in the 120 kN pultrusion line of the Portuguese company Vidropol SA and used to produce continuously U200 profiles able to meet all requirements specified for the E23 grade accordingly to the European Standard EN 13706: 2002. After setting up the type, orientation and sequence of layers in the U 200 laminate, different types of thermosetting resins were used in its production. Orthophthalic, isophthalic and bisphenolic unsaturated polyester as well as vinylester resins were used to produce glass fibre reinforced U 200 composite profiles. All applied resins were submitted to SPI gel tests in order to select the more appropriated catalyst system and optimise the processing variables to be used in each case, namely, pultrusion pull-speed and die temperature. The best pultrusion operational conditions were selected by varying and monitoring the pull-speed and die temperature and, at the same time, measuring the temperature on the manufactured U 200 profile during processing. Finally, the produced U200 profiles were submitted to visual inspection, calcination and mechanical tests, namely, flexural, tensional and interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) tests, to assess their accomplishment with the EN 13706 requirements.


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This thesis aims to develop new toughened systems for epoxy resin via physical and chemical modifications. Initially the synthesis of DGEBA was carried out and the properties compared with that of the commercial sample. Subsequently the modifier resins to be employed were synthesized. The synthesized resin were characterized by spectroscopic method (FTIR and H NMR), epoxide equivalent and gel permeation chromatography. Chemical modification involves the incorporation of thermoset resins such a phenolics, epoxy novolacs, cardanol epoxides and unsaturated polyester into the epoxy resin by reactive belnding. The mechanical and thermal properties of the blends were studied. In the physical modification route, elastomers, maleated elastomers and functional elastomers were dispersed as micro-sized rubber phase into the continuous epoxy phase by a solution blending technique as against the conventional mechanical blending technique. The effect of matrix toughening on the properties of glass reinforced composites and the effect of fillers on the properties of commercial epoxy resin were also investigated. The blends were characterized by thermo gravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, dynamic mechanical analysis, scanning electron microscopy and mechanical property measurements. Among the thermoset blends, substantial toughening was observed in the case of epoxy phenolic novolacs especially epoxy para cresol novolac (ECN). In the case of elastomer blending , the toughest blends were obtained in the case of maleic anhydride grafted NBR. Among functional elastomers the best results were obtained with CTBN. Studies on filled and glass reinforced composites employing modified epoxy as matrix revealed an overall improvement in mechanical properties