880 resultados para universal joint
The dynamics of a passive back-to-back test rig have been characterised, leading to a multi-coordinate approach for the analysis of arbitrary test configurations. Universal joints have been introduced into a typical pre-loaded back-to-back system in order to produce an oscillating torsional moment in a test specimen. Two different arrangements have been investigated using a frequency-based sub-structuring approach: the receptance method. A numerical model has been developed in accordance with this theory, allowing interconnection of systems with two-coordinates and closed multi-loop schemes. The model calculates the receptance functions and modal and deflected shapes of a general system. Closed form expressions of the following individual elements have been developed: a servomotor, damped continuous shaft and a universal joint. Numerical results for specific cases have been compared with published data in literature and experimental measurements undertaken in the present work. Due to the complexity of the universal joint and its oscillating dynamic effects, a more detailed analysis of this component has been developed. Two models have been presented. The first represents the joint as two inertias connected by a massless cross-piece. The second, derived by the dynamic analysis of a spherical four-link mechanism, considers the contribution of the floating element and its gyroscopic effects. An investigation into non-linear behaviour has led to a time domain model that utilises the Runge-Kutta fourth order method for resolution of the dynamic equations. It has been demonstrated that the torsional receptances of a universal joint, derived using the simple model, result in representation of the joint as an equivalent variable inertia. In order to verify the model, a test rig has been built and experimental validation undertaken. The variable inertia of a universal joint has lead to a novel application of the component as a passive device for the balancing of inertia variations in slider-crank mechanisms.
The aim of the present thesis was to investigate the influence of lower-limb joint models on musculoskeletal model predictions during gait. We started our analysis by using a baseline model, i.e., the state-of-the-art lower-limb model (spherical joint at the hip and hinge joints at the knee and ankle) created from MRI of a healthy subject in the Medical Technology Laboratory of the Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute. We varied the models of knee and ankle joints, including: knee- and ankle joints with mean instantaneous axis of rotation, universal joint at the ankle, scaled-generic-derived planar knee, subject-specific planar knee model, subject-specific planar ankle model, spherical knee, spherical ankle. The joint model combinations corresponding to 10 musculoskeletal models were implemented into a typical inverse dynamics problem, including inverse kinematics, inverse dynamics, static optimization and joint reaction analysis algorithms solved using the OpenSim software to calculate joint angles, joint moments, muscle forces and activations, joint reaction forces during 5 walking trials. The predicted muscle activations were qualitatively compared to experimental EMG, to evaluate the accuracy of model predictions. Planar joint at the knee, universal joint at the ankle and spherical joints at the knee and at the ankle produced appreciable variations in model predictions during gait trials. The planar knee joint model reduced the discrepancy between the predicted activation of the Rectus Femoris and the EMG (with respect to the baseline model), and the reduced peak knee reaction force was considered more accurate. The use of the universal joint, with the introduction of the subtalar joint, worsened the muscle activation agreement with the EMG, and increased ankle and knee reaction forces were predicted. The spherical joints, in particular at the knee, worsened the muscle activation agreement with the EMG. A substantial increase of joint reaction forces at all joints was predicted despite of the good agreement in joint kinematics with those of the baseline model. The introduction of the universal joint had a negative effect on the model predictions. The cause of this discrepancy is likely to be found in the definition of the subtalar joint and thus, in the particular subject’s anthropometry, used to create the model and define the joint pose. We concluded that the implementation of complex joint models do not have marked effects on the joint reaction forces during gait. Computed results were similar in magnitude and in pattern to those reported in literature. Nonetheless, the introduction of planar joint model at the knee had positive effect upon the predictions, while the use of spherical joint at the knee and/or at the ankle is absolutely unadvisable, because it predicted unrealistic joint reaction forces.
The assembly and maintenance of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) vacuum vessel (VV) is highly challenging since the tasks performed by the robot involve welding, material handling, and machine cutting from inside the VV. The VV is made of stainless steel, which has poor machinability and tends to work harden very rapidly, and all the machining operations need to be carried out from inside of the ITER VV. A general industrial robot cannot be used due to its poor stiffness in the heavy duty machining process, and this will cause many problems, such as poor surface quality, tool damage, low accuracy. Therefore, one of the most suitable options should be a light weight mobile robot which is able to move around inside of the VV and perform different machining tasks by replacing different cutting tools. Reducing the mass of the robot manipulators offers many advantages: reduced material costs, reduced power consumption, the possibility of using smaller actuators, and a higher payload-to-robot weight ratio. Offsetting these advantages, the lighter weight robot is more flexible, which makes it more difficult to control. To achieve good machining surface quality, the tracking of the end effector must be accurate, and an accurate model for a more flexible robot must be constructed. This thesis studies the dynamics and control of a 10 degree-of-freedom (DOF) redundant hybrid robot (4-DOF serial mechanism and 6-DOF 6-UPS hexapod parallel mechanisms) hydraulically driven with flexible rods under the influence of machining forces. Firstly, the flexibility of the bodies is described using the floating frame of reference method (FFRF). A finite element model (FEM) provided the Craig-Bampton (CB) modes needed for the FFRF. A dynamic model of the system of six closed loop mechanisms was assembled using the constrained Lagrange equations and the Lagrange multiplier method. Subsequently, the reaction forces between the parallel and serial parts were used to study the dynamics of the serial robot. A PID control based on position predictions was implemented independently to control the hydraulic cylinders of the robot. Secondly, in machining, to achieve greater end effector trajectory tracking accuracy for surface quality, a robust control of the actuators for the flexible link has to be deduced. This thesis investigates the intelligent control of a hydraulically driven parallel robot part based on the dynamic model and two schemes of intelligent control for a hydraulically driven parallel mechanism based on the dynamic model: (1) a fuzzy-PID self-tuning controller composed of the conventional PID control and with fuzzy logic, and (2) adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system-PID (ANFIS-PID) self-tuning of the gains of the PID controller, which are implemented independently to control each hydraulic cylinder of the parallel mechanism based on rod length predictions. The serial component of the hybrid robot can be analyzed using the equilibrium of reaction forces at the universal joint connections of the hexa-element. To achieve precise positional control of the end effector for maximum precision machining, the hydraulic cylinder should be controlled to hold the hexa-element. Thirdly, a finite element approach of multibody systems using the Special Euclidean group SE(3) framework is presented for a parallel mechanism with flexible piston rods under the influence of machining forces. The flexibility of the bodies is described using the nonlinear interpolation method with an exponential map. The equations of motion take the form of a differential algebraic equation on a Lie group, which is solved using a Lie group time integration scheme. The method relies on the local description of motions, so that it provides a singularity-free formulation, and no parameterization of the nodal variables needs to be introduced. The flexible slider constraint is formulated using a Lie group and used for modeling a flexible rod sliding inside a cylinder. The dynamic model of the system of six closed loop mechanisms was assembled using Hamilton’s principle and the Lagrange multiplier method. A linearized hydraulic control system based on rod length predictions was implemented independently to control the hydraulic cylinders. Consequently, the results of the simulations demonstrating the behavior of the robot machine are presented for each case study. In conclusion, this thesis studies the dynamic analysis of a special hybrid (serialparallel) robot for the above-mentioned special task involving the ITER and investigates different control algorithms that can significantly improve machining performance. These analyses and results provide valuable insight into the design and control of the parallel robot with flexible rods.
Nelivalssaimia käytetään yleisesti metallinauhojen ja -levyjen kylmämuovaukseen. Valssaimissa ristinivel siirtää vääntömomenttia kahden kulmassa olevan akselin välillä. Tässä tutkimuksessa haettiin ratkaisuja nelivalssaimessa esiintyvään epäsymmetriseen taivutustarpeeseen. Valssattavat kuparinauhat alkavat aaltoilla valssaajan puolelta noin yhden millimetrin paksuudessa. Tutkimuksen tarkastelu rajattiin koskemaan vain voimansiirrossa olevaa ristiniveltä, jonka epäiltiin olevan yksi mahdollinen ongelman aiheuttaja. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että ristinivel ei aiheuta pystysuuntaisia voimia, jotka vaikuttaisivat suoraan nauhan poikkipintaprofiiliin. Kuitenkin ristinivelen aiheuttamat vaakasuuntaiset voimat voivat vaikuttaa epäsuorasti nauhan poikkipintaprofiiliin. Laatupoikkeamien taloudellinen merkitys havaittiin pieneksi, mutta myöhemmissä prosessivaiheissa kuparinauhan epäsymmetrinen poikkipintaprofiili aiheutti ongelmia.
This paper presents the research and development of a 3-legged micro Parallel Kinematic Manipulator (PKM) for positioning in micro-machining and assembly operations. The structural characteristics associated with parallel manipulators are evaluated and the PKMs with translational and rotational movements are identified. Based on these identifications, a hybrid 3-UPU (Universal Joint-Prismatic Joint-Universal Joint) parallel manipulator is designed and fabricated. The principles of the operation and modeling of this micro PKM is largely similar to a normal size Stewart Platform (SP). A modular design methodology is introduced for the construction of this micro PKM. Calibration results of this hybrid 3-UPU PKM are discussed in this paper.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Wootters [Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 2245 (1998)] has given an explicit formula for the entanglement of formation of two qubits in terms of what he calls the concurrence of the joint density operator. Wootters's concurrence is defined with the help of the superoperator that flips the spin of a qubit. We generalize the spin-flip superoperator to a universal inverter, which acts on quantum systems of arbitrary dimension, and we introduce the corresponding generalized concurrence for joint pure states of D-1 X D-2 bipartite quantum systems. We call this generalized concurrence the I concurrence to emphasize its relation to the universal inverter. The universal inverter, which is a positive, but not completely positive superoperator, is closely related to the completely positive universal-NOT superoperator, the quantum analogue of a classical NOT gate. We present a physical realization of the universal-NOT Superoperator.
O Rastreio Universal da Audição Neonatal tem sido um objectivo que várias gerações de audiologistas, otorrinolaringologistas e pediatras tem tentado ao longo dos anos. Os autores fazem uma revisão dos principais métodos utilizados para a avaliação da audição dos recém-nascidos, bem como das dificuldades encontradas e limitações da sua utilização. Desde o inicio da década de noventa vêm a ser implementados verdadeiros métodos de detecção precoce e universal da surdez infantil, utilizando métodos fisiológicos tais como os potenciais evocados auditivos e as otoemissões acústicas (c1ássicos e automáticos). São descritos os artigos mais importantes que fundamentam a necessidade de diagnóstico e intervenção precoces na surdez sensorioneural, com vista a melhorar a aquisição e desenvolvimento da fala e da competência linguística, o que permite uma melhor integração da criança, independentemente do seu grau de surdez. São também enunciadas as directivas do "European Consensus Development on Neonatal Hearing Screening" e do "Joint Comitee on Infant Hearing".
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a perda de solo de área de nascentes da Microbacia do Córrego do Tijuco, SP. Foi utilizada a análise espacial dos fatores da equação universal da perda de solo (EUPS), em integração com análise de componentes principais e geoestatística. A perda de solo média, estimada para a área, foi de 118,5 Mg ha‑1 por ano, considerada alta. Próximo à zona urbana, houve alta interação dos fatores erosividade da chuva e práticas conservacionistas, o que evidencia grande perda de solo, em razão da concentração da água proveniente da camada impermeabilizada urbana, com alta velocidade de escoamento. Nos divisores de águas, a atuação da erodibilidade foi proeminente, em contraste com o fator topográfico. Foram observadas áreas com atuação conjunta destes fatores, inclusive em locais de inclinação suave, porém com alto potencial natural de erosão. A interação das análises multivariadas e geoestatística permite a estratificação da área, identifica locais com propriedades específicas quanto à perda de solo, e espacializa os fatores do processo erosivo e suas interações ao longo do relevo.
Pós-graduação em Pediatria - FMB
Programa de doctorado: Avances en Traumatología, Medicina del Deporte y Cuidados de Heridas.
INTRODUCTION Every joint registry aims to improve patient care by identifying implants that have an inferior performance. For this reason, each registry records the implant name that has been used in the individual patient. In most registries, a paper-based approach has been utilized for this purpose. However, in addition to being time-consuming, this approach does not account for the fact that failure patterns are not necessarily implant specific but can be associated with design features that are used in a number of implants. Therefore, we aimed to develop and evaluate an implant product library that allows both time saving barcode scanning on site in the hospital for the registration of the implant components and a detailed description of implant specifications. MATERIALS AND METHODS A task force consisting of representatives of the German Arthroplasty Registry, industry, and computer specialists agreed on a solution that allows barcode scanning of implant components and that also uses a detailed standardized classification describing arthroplasty components. The manufacturers classified all their components that are sold in Germany according to this classification. The implant database was analyzed regarding the completeness of components by algorithms and real-time data. RESULTS The implant library could be set up successfully. At this point, the implant database includes more than 38,000 items, of which all were classified by the manufacturers according to the predefined scheme. Using patient data from the German Arthroplasty Registry, several errors in the database were detected, all of which were corrected by the respective implant manufacturers. CONCLUSIONS The implant library that was developed for the German Arthroplasty Registry allows not only on-site barcode scanning for the registration of the implant components but also its classification tree allows a sophisticated analysis regarding implant characteristics, regardless of brand or manufacturer. The database is maintained by the implant manufacturers, thereby allowing registries to focus their resources on other areas of research. The database might represent a possible global model, which might encourage harmonization between joint replacement registries enabling comparisons between joint replacement registries.
Mode of access: Internet.
"Questions on the maps," 2 p. of text printed inside front and back covers.
Mode of access: Internet.