988 resultados para unit delivery model


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Present paper is the first one in the series devoted to the dynamics of traveling waves emerging in the uncompressed, tri-atomic granular crystals. This work is primarily concerned with the dynamics of one-dimensional periodic granular trimer (tri-atomic) chains in the state of acoustic vacuum. Each unit cell consists of three spherical particles of different masses subject to periodic boundary conditions. Hertzian interaction law governs the mutual interaction of these particles. Under the assumption of zero pre-compression, this interaction is modeled as purely nonlinear, which means the absence of linear force component. The dynamics of such chains is governed by the two system parameters that scale the mass ratios between the particles of the unit cell. Such a system supports two different classes of periodic solutions namely the traveling and standing waves. The primary objective of the present study is the numerical analysis of the bifurcation structure of these solutions with emphasis on the dynamics of traveling waves. In fact, understanding of the bifurcation structure of the traveling wave solutions emerging in the unit-cell granular trimer is rather important and can shed light on the more complex nonlinear wave phenomena emerging in semi-infinite trimer chains. (c) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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There is a general consensus that new service delivery models are needed for children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD). Emerging principles to guide service delivery include the use of graduated levels of intensity and evidence-based services that focus on function and participation. Interdisciplinary, community-based service delivery models based on best practice principles are needed. In this case report, we propose the Apollo model as an example of an innovative service delivery model for children with DCD. We describe the context that led to the creation of a program for children with DCD, describe the service delivery model and services, and share lessons learned through implementation. The Apollo model has 5 components: first contact, service delivery coordination, community-, group- and individual-interventions. This model guided the development of a streamlined set of services offered to children with DCD, including early-intake to share educational information with families, community interventions, inter-disciplinary and occupational therapy groups and individual interventions. Following implementation of the Apollo model, waiting times decreased and numbers of children receiving services increased, without compromising service quality. Lessons learned are shared to facilitate development of other practice models to support children with DCD.


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The role and responsibilities of an itinerant teacher of students who are deaf or hard of hearing were investigated to create a database of information about the effective traits of successful itinerant teachers.


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Deakin University has recently moved to an academic calendar of three trimesters. This change aims to provide students with greater flexibility to plan their study around work or life commitments, create options for students to commence their degree and enable students to fast track their study. It has been found for students in the Bachelor of Construction Management that engagement and satisfaction during summer (Trimester 3) are less than when those same units are delivered during other trimesters. This research addresses the use of Supported Cloud learning to improve learning and the relationship with students. The School of Architecture and Built Environment used two units as case studies to examine different innovative unit delivery strategies that combined cloud and located learning. The research design included evaluation surveys, questionnaires, and semi-structured interviews as well as reflection by participating teachers. The findings show that students’ results are improved when the cloud based learning is supported by well-developed resources, structured delivery and availability of some face-to-face contacts. This innovation will serve as a benchmark for Cloud delivery in the School in all trimesters.


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Deakin University has recently moved to an academic calendar of three trimesters. This change aims to provide students with greater flexibility to plan their study around work or life commitments, create options for students to commence their degree and enable students to fast track their study. It has been found for students in the Bachelor of Construction Management that engagement and satisfaction during summer (Trimester 3) are less than when those same units are delivered during other trimesters. This research addresses the use of Supported Cloud learning to improve learning and the relationship with students. The School of Architecture and Built Environment used two units as case studies to examine different innovative unit delivery strategies that combined cloud and located learning. The research design included evaluation surveys, questionnaires, and semi-structured interviews as well as reflection by participating teachers. The findings show that students’ results are improved when the cloud based learning is supported by well-developed resources, structured delivery and availability of some face-to-face contacts. This innovation will serve as a benchmark for Cloud delivery in the School in all trimesters.


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In this paper, we propose a GARCH-based unit root test that is flexible enough to account for; (a) trending variables, (b) two endogenous structural breaks, and (c) heteroskedastic data series. Our proposed model is applied to a range of time-series, trending, and heteroskedastic energy variables. Our two main findings are: first, the proposed trend-based GARCH unit root model outperforms a GARCH model without trend; and, second, allowing for a time trend and two endogenous structural breaks are important in practice, for doing so allows us to reject the unit root null hypothesis.


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The optimal delivery model for units always puzzle curriculum designers and lecturers, particularly when the unit is offered in the summer trimester and students have greater choice as to whether to enrol in a unit or not. An ongoing research project in the School of Architecture and Built Environment at Deakin University aims to understand students’ perceptions on unit delivery in the summer trimester in order to improve support for online delivery models. The five delivery models in the study ranged from ‘traditional’ i.e. on campus lectures and tutorials for each week of the trimester; to ‘wholly online’ i.e. learning materials and communications entirely through the web-based student portal. Students rated their preferences for the five delivery models with additional comments. Students overwhelmingly prefer wholly online delivery during the summer trimester despite the benefits of other delivery models and that wholly online delivery may not offer their preferred learning experience. The students’ primary need is for flexibility which can be at odds with their equal need for interaction with academics and peers. It is important that academics recognise students’ perspectives to ensure their design of online delivery models improves teaching and learning in the summer trimester.