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La version intégrale de ce mémoire est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la bibliothèque de musique de l'Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).


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Dans cette thèse, nous étudions la period room présentée dans le musée d’art. À travers un examen de sa spécificité matérielle, spatiale et temporelle, nous analysons les mécanismes propres à cette stratégie de mise en exposition et nous identifions ses principales conditions de possibilité. Ce faisant, nous étudions les différents savoirs qui sont sollicités par la period room, leurs interactions ainsi que l’apport réciproque de cette stratégie de mise en exposition à la construction de ces savoirs et ce, de manière à établir les fondements d’une épistémologie de la period room. Nous montrons ainsi quelle est sa contribution particulière à l’élaboration et à la médiation de l’histoire dans l’espace muséal. Grâce à cette étude, nous posons des assises conceptuelles qui permettent de repenser le rôle de la period room pour la discipline de l’histoire de l’art, déjouant par le fait même les apories de l’historicisme et de l’authenticité en vertu desquelles la period room est le plus souvent discréditée. Nous procédons par études de cas à partir d’un corpus principalement composé de period rooms ayant pour référents des intérieurs français de la seconde moitié du 18ième siècle et qui sont présentées dans des musées d’art américains (Frick Collection, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Philadelphia Museum of Art) et dans un musée canadien d’histoire naturelle et culturelle (Royal Ontario Museum). Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous établissons la typologie muséographique de la period room et nous envisageons les enjeux, notamment idéologiques, associés à la question de son « authenticité » à travers une analyse de son double statut de pastiche et de simulacre. Nous posons en outre l’un des fondements théoriques de notre étude en montrant que, parce qu’elle est formée de l’articulation entre pouvoirs et savoirs, la period room est un dispositif au sens où l’entendent Michel Foucault (1977) et Giorgio Agamben (2007). Dans la seconde partie, nous examinons la spécificité matérielle de la period room en démontrant comment elle est simultanément une réunion d’objets et un « tout », c’est-à-dire un objet muséographique en elle-même. Nous étudions les implications épistémologiques de cette idée pour la représentation de l’histoire proposée au moyen de la period room, tout en portant une attention particulière aux enjeux politiques qui informent cette représentation dans l’espace muséal. Dans la troisième partie, nous nous concentrons sur les particularités spatiales et temporelles de cette stratégie de mise en exposition et nous démontrons que, en dépit de son apparente unité de lieu et de temps, la period room est composée de plusieurs espaces et concentre plusieurs temps. En puisant dans la spécificité même de ce dispositif, nous élaborons des outils théoriques et méthodologiques inédits qui contribuent à repenser la fonction de la period room pour la mise en forme et la transmission de l’histoire. En conclusion, nous présentons une dernière étude de cas qui, examinant l’intervention de Valerie Hegarty dans trois period rooms du Brooklyn Museum (2013), synthétise les principaux enjeux traités dans la thèse et défend la valeur d’actualité de la period room.


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A new method for estimating the time to colonization of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) patients is developed in this paper. The time to colonization of MRSA is modelled using a Bayesian smoothing approach for the hazard function. There are two prior models discussed in this paper: the first difference prior and the second difference prior. The second difference prior model gives smoother estimates of the hazard functions and, when applied to data from an intensive care unit (ICU), clearly shows increasing hazard up to day 13, then a decreasing hazard. The results clearly demonstrate that the hazard is not constant and provide a useful quantification of the effect of length of stay on the risk of MRSA colonization which provides useful insight.


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The Australian tourism tertiary education sector operates in a competitive and dynamic environment, which necessitates a market orientation to be successful. Academic staff and management in the sector must regularly assess the perceptions of prospective and current students, and monitor the satisfaction levels of current students. This study is concerned with the setting and monitoring of satisfaction levels of current students, reporting the results of three longitudinal investigations of student satisfaction in a postgraduate unit. The study also addresses a limitation of a university’s generic teaching evaluation instrument. Importance-performance analysis (IPA) has been recommended as a simple but effective tool for overcoming the deficiencies of many student evaluation studies, which have generally measured only attribute importance or importance at the end of a semester. IPA was used to compare student expectations of the unit at the beginning of semester with their perceptions of performance ten weeks later. The first stage documented key benchmarks for which amendments to the unit based on student feedback could be evaluated during subsequent teaching periods.


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Objective To evaluate staff perceptions about working environment, efficiency and the clinical safety of a cardiovascular intervention short stay unit (SSU) during the first year of operation. Design Postal questionnaire. Setting Cardiac catheterisation laboratory (CCL), coronary care unit (CCU), general cardiology ward (GCW) and the short stay unit (SSU) of a tertiary referral hospital situated in the mid coastal region of NSW. Subjects Cardiologists (including visiting medical officers [VMO]), cardiology fellows, cardiology advanced trainees and nurses. Results Responses on the working environment of the SSU and the discharge process were statistically significant. A substantial proportion of both nurses and doctors had concerns about patient safety, even though no adverse events were formally recorded in the database. Conclusions Though the participants of the survey agree on the efficiency of the SSU in providing beds to the hospital, they disagree on aspects that are important in the functioning of the SSU, including the working environment, patient selection and clinical safety. The results highlight potential issues that could be improved or addressed and are relevant to the rollout of SSUs across NSW.


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Healthcare-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) infection may cause increased hospital stay or, sometimes, death. Quantifying this effect is complicated because it is a time-dependent exposure: infection may prolong hospital stay, while longer stays increase the risk of infection. We overcome these problems by using a multinomial longitudinal model for estimating the daily probability of death and discharge. We then extend the basic model to estimate how the effect of MRSA infection varies over time, and to quantify the number of excess ICU days due to infection. We find that infection decreases the relative risk of discharge (relative risk ratio = 0.68, 95% credible interval: 0.54, 0.82), but is only indirectly associated with increased mortality. An infection on the first day of admission resulted in a mean extra stay of 0.3 days (95% CI: 0.1, 0.5) for a patient with an APACHE II score of 10, and 1.2 days (95% CI: 0.5, 2.0) for a patient with an APACHE II score of 30. The decrease in the relative risk of discharge remained fairly constant with day of MRSA infection, but was slightly stronger closer to the start of infection. These results confirm the importance of MRSA infection in increasing ICU stay, but suggest that previous work may have systematically overestimated the effect size.


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In Semester 1 2007, a Monitoring Student Engagement study, conducted as part of the Enhancing Transition at Queensland University of Technology (ET@QUT) Project and extending earlier work in the Project by Arora (2006), aimed at mapping the processes and resources used at that time to identify, monitor and manage students in their first year who were at risk of leaving QUT (Shaw, 2007). This identified a lack of documentation of the processes and resources used and revealed an ad-hoc rather than holistic and systematic approach to monitoring student engagement. One of Shaw’s recommendations was to: “To introduce a centralised case management approach to student engagement” (p. 14). That provided the genesis for the Student Success Project that is being reported on here. The aim of the Student Success Project is to trial, evaluate and ultimately establish holistic and systematic ways of helping students who appear to be at-risk of failing or withdrawing from a unit to persist and succeed. Students are profiled as being at-risk if they are absent from more than 2 tutorials in a row without contacting their tutor or if they fail to submit their first assignment. A Project Officer makes personal contact with these students to suggest ways they can get further assistance depending on their situation.


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Professional prac− tice guidelines for endoscope reprocessing re− commend reprocessing endoscopes between each case and proper storage following repro− cessing after the last case of the list. There is lim− ited empirical evidence to support the efficacy of endoscope reprocessing prior to use in the first case of the day; however, internationally, many guidelines continue to recommend this practice. The aim of this study is to estimate a safe shelf life for flexible endoscopes in a high−turnover gastroenterology unit. Materials and methods: In a prospective obser− vational study, all flexible endoscopes in active service during the 3−week study period were mi− crobiologically sampled prior to reprocessing be− fore the first case of the day (n = 200). The main outcome variables were culture status, organism cultured, and shelf life. Results: Among the total number of useable samples (n = 194), the overall contamination rate was 15.5 %, with a pathogenic contamination rate of 0.5 %. Mean time between last case one day and reprocessing before the first case on the next day (that is, shelf life) was 37.62 h (SD 36.47). Median shelf life was 18.8 h (range 5.27± 165.35 h). The most frequently identified organ− ism was coagulase−negative Staphylococcus, an environmental nonpathogenic organism. Conclusions: When processed according to es− tablished guidelines, flexible endoscopes remain free from pathogenic organisms between last case and next day first case use. Significant re− ductions in the expenditure of time and resources on reprocessing endoscopes have the potential to reduce the restraints experienced by high−turnover endoscopy units and improve ser− vice delivery.


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Introduction: Some types of antimicrobial-coated central venous catheters (A-CVC) have been shown to be cost-effective in preventing catheter-related bloodstream infection (CR-BSI). However, not all types have been evaluated, and there are concerns over the quality and usefulness of these earlier studies. There is uncertainty amongst clinicians over which, if any, antimicrobial-coated central venous catheters to use. We re-evaluated the cost-effectiveness of all commercially available antimicrobialcoated central venous catheters for prevention of catheter-related bloodstream infection in adult intensive care unit (ICU) patients. Methods: We used a Markov decision model to compare the cost-effectiveness of antimicrobial-coated central venous catheters relative to uncoated catheters. Four catheter types were evaluated; minocycline and rifampicin (MR)-coated catheters; silver, platinum and carbon (SPC)-impregnated catheters; and two chlorhexidine and silver sulfadiazine-coated catheters, one coated on the external surface (CH/SSD (ext)) and the other coated on both surfaces (CH/SSD (int/ext)). The incremental cost per qualityadjusted life-year gained and the expected net monetary benefits were estimated for each. Uncertainty arising from data estimates, data quality and heterogeneity was explored in sensitivity analyses. Results: The baseline analysis, with no consideration of uncertainty, indicated all four types of antimicrobial-coated central venous catheters were cost-saving relative to uncoated catheters. Minocycline and rifampicin-coated catheters prevented 15 infections per 1,000 catheters and generated the greatest health benefits, 1.6 quality-adjusted life-years, and cost-savings, AUD $130,289. After considering uncertainty in the current evidence, the minocycline and rifampicin-coated catheters returned the highest incremental monetary net benefits of $948 per catheter; but there was a 62% probability of error in this conclusion. Although the minocycline and rifampicin-coated catheters had the highest monetary net benefits across multiple scenarios, the decision was always associated with high uncertainty. Conclusions: Current evidence suggests that the cost-effectiveness of using antimicrobial-coated central venous catheters within the ICU is highly uncertain. Policies to prevent catheter-related bloodstream infection amongst ICU patients should consider the cost-effectiveness of competing interventions in the light of this uncertainty. Decision makers would do well to consider the current gaps in knowledge and the complexity of producing good quality evidence in this area.