16 resultados para undergrowth
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In the Salgesch forest in the Canton of Valais in Switzerland, the understory has been removed to test whether effects on pine tree vitality. The data set published here compromises 120 time series of 60 soil temperature and 60 volumetric water content (VWC) sensors (EC-TM and 5-TM) (Decagon Devices, WA, USA) at three soil depth levels (5, 30, 60 cm) employed in the direct vicinity of six control trees and six trees with the undergrowth removed. At the levels 5 and 60 cm, three replications were made whereas 4 replications were made at level 30 cm. Six loggers recorded hourly data since 2010 with 18% gaps or 11% when not considering winter months December, January and February. The figure attached to this repository shows the average VWC and temperature of all measurements within the same depth and treatment specific setting aggregated in a defined time interval and period. In addition to that, the standard deviations are plotted as transparent polygons. In case of insufficient values for calculating standard deviations, the setting specific mean standard deviation of the considered time period are inserted.
Portuguese northern forests are often and severely affected by wildfires during the summer season. Some preventive actions, such as prescribed (or controlled) burnings and clear-cut logging, are often used as a measure to reduce the occurrences of wildfires. In the particular case of Serra da Cabreira forest, due to extremely difficulties in operational field work, the prescribed (or controlled) burning technique is the the most common preventive action used to reduce the existing fuel load amount. This paper focuses on a Fuzzy Boolean Nets analysis of the changes in some forest soil properties, namely pH, moisture and organic matter content, after a controlled fire, and on the difficulties found during the sampling process and how they were overcome. The monitoring process was conducted during a three-month period in Anjos, Vieira do Minho, Portugal, an area located in a contact zone between a two-mica coarse-grained porphyritic granite and a biotite with plagioclase granite. The sampling sites were located in a spot dominated by quartzphyllite with quartz veins whose bedrock is partially altered and covered by slightly thick humus, which maintains low undergrowth vegetation.
This paper proposes the establishment of a second diameter measuring standard at 30cm shoot extension ('diam30') as input variable for allometric biomass estimation of small and mid-sized plant shoots. This diameter standard is better suited than the diameter at breast height (DBH, i.e. diameter at 1.30m shoot extension) for adequate characterization of plant dimensions in low bushy vegetation or in primary forest undergrowth. The relationships between both diameter standards are established based on a dataset of 8645 tree, liana and palm shoots in secondary and primary forests of central Amazonia (ranging from 1-150mm dbh). Dbh can be predicted from the diam(30) with high precision, the error introduced by diameter transformation is only 2-3% for trees and palms, and 5% for lianas. This is well acceptable for most field study purposes. Relationships deviate slightly from linearity and differ between growth forms. Relationships were markedly similar for different vegetation types (low secondary regrowth vs. primary forests), soils, and selected genera or species. This points to a general validity and applicability of diameter transformations for other field studies. This study provides researchers with a tool for the allometric estimation of biomass in low or structurally heterogeneous vegetation. Rather than applying a uniform diameter standard, the measuring position which best represents the respective plant can be decided on shoot-by-shoot. Plant diameters measured at 30cm height can be transformed to dbh for subsequent allometric biomass estimation. We recommend the use of these diameter transformations only for plants extending well beyond the theoretical minimum shoot length (i.e., >2m height). This study also prepares the ground for the comparability and compatability of future allometric equations specifically developed for small- to mid-sized vegetation components (i.e., bushes, undergrowth) which are based on the diam(30) measuring standard.
We assessed the effect of abandonment of sylvo-pastoral practices in chestnut orchards (Castanea sativa) on bats in southern Switzerland to determine practical recommendations for bat conservation. We compared bat species richness and foraging activities between traditionally managed and unmanaged chestnut orchards, testing the hypothesis that managed orchards provide better foraging opportunities and harbour more bat species. Echolocation calls of foraging bats were sampled simultaneously at paired sites of managed and unmanaged orchards using custom made recorders. Vegetation structure and aerial insect availability were sampled at the recording sites and used as explanatory variables in the model. In a paired sampling design, we found twice the number of bat species (12) and five times higher total foraging activity in the managed chestnut orchards compared to the unmanaged ones. Bat species with low flight manoeuvrability were 14 times more common in managed orchards, whereas bats with medium to high manoeuvrability were only 5 times more common than in abandoned orchards. The vegetation structure was less dense in managed orchards. However, management did not affect relative insect abundance. Bats primarily visited the most open orchards, free of undergrowth. As a result of restricted access into the overgrown forests, the abandonment of chestnut orchards leads to a decline in bat species richness and foraging activities. Continued management of chestnut orchards to maintain an open structure is important for the conservation of endangered bat species in the southern Swiss Alps.
Aquest es un estudi de la contribució d’un ramat mixt d’oví i cabrum a la gestió de les masses forestals per a la prevenció d’incendis al municipi de Matadepera. L’avaluació de l’acció del ramat s’ha efectuat mitjançant un estudi integrat a traves del coneixement local i l’estudi ecològic de les zones pasturades. La ramaderia extensiva i especialment els ramats d’ovelles i cabres han contribuït durant segles a la neteja del sotabosc mitjançant l’aprofitament productiu d’aquestes zones, per tant no es quelcom nou, sinó un reconeixement als serveis ecològics no productius de la ramaderia extensiva i com aquesta es eficaç en la prevenció d’incendis forestals.
Review of the book : The undergrowth of science: delusion, self-deception and human frailty, by W. Gratzer, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK
With 420 trap-nights we sampled shrews in different habitats of the Souss-Massa National Park. Crocidura viaria (n=11) was found in 5 habitats (cultivated land, wetland, beach dunes with Chenopodia, sand dunes with patchy vegetation and also in the Euphorbia association). No shrews were captured in Eucalyptus forest with undergrowth. Southward from Essaouira, C. viaria is obviously the most frequent species in dense or patchy lowland vegetation. Two other species (C. whitakeri and C. tarfayaensis) which occur in sympatry in the Agadir region were not captured. They live probably not in syntopy with C. viaria and their ecological requirements remain to be studied.
Collembolan communities in conifer plantations (Japanese cedar, Cryptomeria japonica) and secondary deciduous broad-leaved forests of varying ages were investigated to determine the extent to which forest conversion (broad-leaved to coniferous) affects the species richness and assemblage composition of Collembola in central Japan. Density and total species richness of Collembola not differed between the broad-leaved and cedar forests except immediately after clear-cutting. The amount of forest-floor organic matter was larger in cedar forests and positively correlated with the species richness of detritus feeders. Species richness of fungal feeders and sucking feeders positively correlated with the species richness of forest-floor plants. There was difference in collembolan species composition between the forest types. The age of the forests seemed to have only small importance for the collembolan community, except during the first four years after clear-cutting. The conversion to artificial cedar stands has not reduced the abundance or species richness of collembolan communities, but has affected community composition. Differences in species composition may be related to the ground floras.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Se determinó la composición de la dieta de verano de bovinos pastoreando en sistemas formados por bosques de Nothofagus pumilio (lenga) y mallines, del noroeste del Chubut. Se estimó la disponibilidad forrajera de los mallines y del sotobosque mediante cortes de biomasa aérea, y se determinó la composición dietaria mediante análisis microhistológico de heces. La dieta está integrada principalmente por especies de gramíneas y graminoides, que disminuyeron su frecuencia al final del verano, mientras que los renovales de lenga y otras especies leñosas la aumentaron. El ganado selecciona gramíneas en ambos períodos, y al final del verano también los renovales de lenga. La ganadería constituye una importante y creciente forma de subsistencia para los pobladores rurales del noroeste del Chubut. Este trabajo aporta elementos para avanzar en la búsqueda de herramientas que permitan la sustentabilidad de los bosques de lenga.
We examined factors affecting roost tree selection by the white-striped freetail bat Tadarida australis (Chiroptera: Molossidae), a large insectivorous bat in suburban Brisbane, Australia. We compared biophysical characteristics associated with 34 roost trees and 170 control trees of similar diameter, height and tree senescence characters. Roost trees used by the white-striped freetail bat had significantly higher numbers of hollows in the trunk and branches (P < 0.003) and were more likely to contain a large trunk cavity with an internal diameter of > 30 cm (P < 0.001) than control trees. These trees also accommodated more species of hollow-using fauna (P = 0.005). When comparing roost trees with control trees of similar diameters and heights, roost trees were on average at a later stage of tree senescence (P < 0.001). None of the roost trees were found in the large forest reserves fringing the Brisbane metropolitan area despite these areas being used for foraging by the white-striped freetail bat. Although all tree locations in this study were in modified landscapes, roost trees tended to be surrounded by groups of trees and undergrowth. Roost trees provide important habitat requirements for hollow-using fauna in suburban, rural and forested environments.
Mid-Cretaceous sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 183 (Cores 183-1138A-69R to 73R) on the central Kerguelen Plateau have been analyzed palynologically and paleobotanically to determine the age of the strata and to reconstruct vegetational development and paleoecology. The lower strata (Cores 183-1138A-71R to 73R), a dark, organic-rich silty claystone with many wood fragments and fern remains (sedimentary Unit VI), certainly of terrestrial origin, directly overlies the volcanic basement, which is dated as latest Albian (~95 to 103 Ma) to earliest Cenomanian. The age of the terrestrial strata can be determined by sporomorphs as late Albian to earliest Cenomanian as well. This shows that parts of the central Kerguelen Plateau must have been subaerial at least until the late Albian and were covered with a diverse high-latitude flora, probably dense conifer forest with various fern taxa in the undergrowth. Early angiosperms are also present. The vegetational character represented in Unit VI did not change significantly through time. However, varying percentages of several sporomorph groups seem to show recurring abundance variations, which might possibly be cyclic, caused by Milankovitch-type cyclic events. Cores 183-1138A-67R through 69R, of open marine origin, contain medium- to high-diversity dinocyst assemblages. Based on previous stratigraphic zonation schemes, the ages of these strata range within the Heterosphaeridium Superzone, from the Palaeohystrichophora infusorioides Zone to the Conosphaeridium striatoconus Zone, which correlates to the latest Cenomanian to Coniacian.
Résumé : Dans les couverts forestiers, le suivi de l’humidité du sol permet de prévenir plusieurs désastres tels que la paludification, les incendies et les inondations. Comme ce paramètre est très dynamique dans l’espace et dans le temps, son estimation à grande échelle présente un grand défi, d’où le recours à la télédétection radar. Le capteur radar à synthèse d’ouverture (RSO) est couramment utilisé grâce à sa vaste couverture et sa résolution spatiale élevée. Contrairement aux sols nus et aux zones agricoles, le suivi de l’humidité du sol en zone forestière est très peu étudié à cause de la complexité des processus de diffusion dans ce type de milieu. En effet, la forte atténuation de la contribution du sol par la végétation et la forte contribution de volume issue de la végétation réduisent énormément la sensibilité du signal radar à l’humidité du sol. Des études portées sur des couverts forestiers ont montré que le signal radar en bande C provient principalement de la couche supérieure et sature vite avec la densité de la végétation. Cependant, très peu d’études ont exploré le potentiel des paramètres polarimétriques, dérivés d’un capteur polarimétrique comme RADARSAT-2, pour suivre l’humidité du sol sur les couverts forestiers. L’effet du couvert végétal est moins important avec la bande L en raison de son importante profondeur de pénétration qui permet de mieux informer sur l’humidité du sol. L’objectif principal de ce projet est de suivre l’humidité du sol à partir de données radar entièrement polarimétriques en bandes C et L sur des sites forestiers. Les données utilisées sont celles de la campagne terrain Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation EXperiment 2012 (SMAPVEX12) tenue du 6 juin au 17 juillet 2012 au Manitoba (Canada). Quatre sites forestiers de feuillus ont été échantillonnés. L’espèce majoritaire présente est le peuplier faux-tremble. Les données utilisées incluent des mesures de l’humidité du sol, de la rugosité de surface du sol, des caractéristiques des sites forestiers (arbres, sous-bois, litières…) et des données radar entièrement polarimétriques aéroportées et satellitaires acquises respectivement, en bande L (UAVSAR) à 30˚ et 40˚ et en bande C (RADARSAT-2) entre 20˚ et 30˚. Plusieurs paramètres polarimétriques ont été dérivés des données UAVSAR et RADARSAT-2 : les coefficients de corrélation (ρHHVV, φHHVV, etc); la hauteur du socle; l’entropie (H), l’anisotropie (A) et l’angle alpha extraits de la décomposition de Cloude-Pottier; les puissances de diffusion de surface (Ps), de double bond (Pd) extraites de la décomposition de Freeman-Durden, etc. Des relations entre les données radar (coefficients de rétrodiffusion multifréquences et multipolarisations (linéaires et circulaires) et les paramètres polarimétriques) et l’humidité du sol ont été développées et analysées. Les résultats ont montré que 1) En bande L, plusieurs paramètres optimaux permettent le suivi de l’humidité du sol en zone forestière avec un coefficient de corrélation significatif (p-value < 0,05): σ[indice supérieur 0] linéaire et σ[indice supérieur 0] circulaire (le coefficient de corrélation, r, varie entre 0,60 et 0,96), Ps (r entre 0,59 et 0,84), Pd (r entre 0,6 et 0,82), ρHHHV_30˚, ρVVHV_30˚, φHHHV_30˚ and φHHVV_30˚ (r entre 0,56 et 0,81) alors qu’en bande C, ils sont réduits à φHHHV, φVVHV et φHHVV (r est autour de 0,90). 2) En bande L, les paramètres polarimétriques n’ont pas montré de valeur ajoutée par rapport aux signaux conventionnels multipolarisés d’amplitude, pour le suivi de l’humidité du sol sur les sites forestiers. En revanche, en bande C, certains paramètres polarimétriques ont montré de meilleures relations significatives avec l’humidité du sol que les signaux conventionnels multipolarisés d’amplitude.
Durant les années 1950, les autorités municipales, sous la pression du département de la police, ont demandé le déboisement d’une section du parc du Mont-Royal. Cette section, communément appelée la « Jungle » et principalement composée de broussailles, de buissons et d’arbres, était fréquentée par une clientèle considérée comme indésirable. Cette dernière comprenait, essentiellement, des alcooliques, des voyous, des pervers, et, surtout, des homosexuels. Leur éradication s’est alors déployée selon un plan en trois étapes qui avait pour objectif de simplifier les techniques de surveillance utilisées par le département de la police. D’abord, une augmentation de l’éclairage, puis, le déboisement de la « Jungle », et, finalement, la construction d’une route, aujourd’hui connue sous le nom de Camillien-Houde. Le parc devenait ainsi plus accessible et plus sécuritaire. Les coupes, que l’on a appelées les « coupes de la moralité », ont eu un effet considérable sur l’environnement et la composition écologique du parc, donnant, entre autres, aux Montréalais, l’impression que le parc était devenu chauve (ce qui lui conféra d’ailleurs le surnom de Mont Chauve). Les transformations du parc du Mont-Royal n’étaient cependant pas limitées à sa Jungle. En fait, des modifications furent aussi mises en application dans d’autres sections considérées comme sous-développées. La métamorphose du parc et de sa « Jungle » était un acte de développement caractéristique de l’ère moderniste de la planification du Montréal d’après-guerre. La re-planification du parc du Mont-Royal témoigne ainsi d’une volonté sans bornes des autorités d’instaurer la moralité et la modernité dans la ville, volonté qui aura pour conséquence d’altérer la composition écologique du parc. C’est ce qui sera à l’origine d’une campagne nommée « Save-the-Mountain Movement », qui a cherché à empêcher la modernisation de l’espace et milité pour la réhabilitation du parc en tant que boisé paisible.