968 resultados para umbu (Spondias tuberosa Arr. Cam.)


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The umbu tree (Spondias tuberosa Arr. Cam) is an important fruit tree the economy of the semi-arid northeastern region of Brazil. With the objective of finding use for the seeds, physical and chemical characterizations of the seeds from 2 cultivars in 2 maturation stages were carried out and their fatty acid and mineral profiles determined. The results showed no differences between the seeds analyzed. The yield was about 10% and the dimensions as follows: length from 1.48 to 2.11 cm and width from 0.76 to 1.16 cm. The average lipid content was 55% of which 69% was unsaturated and the average protein content was 24%. The seeds were a good source of the following minerals: P, K, Mg, Fe and Cu. The overall results indicated that the oil or the seeds could be used for food stuffs if no toxic agents were found.


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The experiment was carried out at the Embrapa Semi-Árido, Petrolina-PE, Brazil, in order to study the physiological responses of umbu plants propagated by seeds and by stem cuttings under water stress conditions, based on leaf water potential and gas exchange measurements. Data were collected in one-year plants established in pots containing 30 kg of a sandy soil and submitted to twenty-day progressive soil water deficit. The evaluations were based on leaf water potential and gas exchange data collection using psychrometric chambers and a portable infra-red gas analyzer, respectively. Plants propagated by seeds maintained a significantly higher water potential, stomatal conductance, transpiration and photosynthesis under decreasing soil water availability. However, plants propagated by stem cuttings were unable to maintain a favorable internal water balance, reflecting negatively on stomatal conductance and leaf gas exchange. This fact is probably because umbu plants propagated by stem cuttings are not prone to formation of root tubers which are reservoirs for water and solutes. Thus, the establishing of umbu plants propagated by stem cuttings must be avoided in areas subjected to soil water deficit.


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The umbu tree (Spondias tuberosa Arruda) is a fruit native to the northeast of Brazil with great economic, social and ecological importance for the northeastern semi-arid region. Despite its role, the umbu tree has suffered negative pressure thanks to cluttered extractivism and to negative selection of its fruits, which as the deforestation and the dormancy of seeds contribute to the decrease of its production year after year, making necessary studies that contribute to the improvement of this specie and its conservation. Given the risks to the conservation of the specie and its usefulness to the population, the association between plant biotechnology, for being a tool that can be used to increase its production. and the perception of gathering communities, by valuing the point of view and the knowledge of the population, can facilitate its conservation. This work aimed to develop methods of propagation for umbu tree as well as contribute to its conservation by using biotechnology, with specific objectives to contribute to the conservation of this species; determine concentrations of BAP and ANA in the formation of buds; testing the efficiency of different substrates and concentrations of gibberellic acid on germination in vitro and ex vitro, as well as capture the perception of families in communities that engage in the gathering of umbu. To study the germination, the seeds were inoculated in different substrates (vermiculite, vermiculite + clay, clay, clay + manure and manure + vermiculite) and in different concentrations of gibberellic acid (0 mg, 250 g and 500 mg). For the formation of buds BAP to 0.1 mg-1 was associated with different concentrations of ANA (0.2; 0.4; 0.8mg.L-1). The study of perception was conducted by applying semi-structured questionnaire with Malhada Vermelha community. The experiments resulted in vermiculite and concentration of 500 mg gibberellic acid as the best for germination. The association of 0.1 mg.L-1 of BAP to 0.2 mg.L-1 of ANA provided better formation of buds. As to the application of questionnaires, they revealed that the population understands the decreased amount of umbu plants and umbu fruit in the region, as well as shows concern for its conservation.


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O umbuzeiro (Spondias tuberosa Arr. Câmara) é uma planta de grande valor econômico para a região semiárida nordestina, notadamente pela produção de doces em massa. Este trabalho teve como objetivo monitorar a vida de prateleira de quatro formulações de doces em massa de umbu verde e maduro à temperatura de 30 °C durante 120 dias. As alterações físico-químicas e microbiológicas foram avaliadas no referido tempo. Os resultados mostraram um decréscimo na atividade de água, um aumento nos sólidos solúveis e no açúcar redutor; pH e acidez mantiveram estáveis; e uma tendência à redução no conteúdo de açúcar não redutor em ambos os doces. Os produtos foram microbiologicamente estáveis. Recomenda-se o uso de pectina ao processo de formulações de umbu maduro e goma xantana ou xarope de glicose para produção de doces de umbu verde.


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Spondias tuberosa Arruda (Anacardiaceae) is a fruitful tree popularly known as umbuzeiro, tapereba or umbu. It is a native and endemic species from Brazil, widespread in Brazilian Northeast. The species is important in folk medicine of the semi-arid Northeast, where it is mainly used to treat various inflammatory conditions, digestive problems as well as viral and bacterial infections. However, despite the common use in folk medicine, there are scarce pharmacological and phytochemicals studies that afford scientific evidence to its popular use. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize the chemical markers in S. tuberosa leaves extract, obtained by maceration ethanol:water (70:30, [v/v]), and evaluate its anti-inflammatory potential in vivo. The phytochemical profile in TLC analysis suggested the occurence of the flavonoids rutin and isoquercitrin. HPLC analysis enabled us to confirm the presence of flavonoids and also, were detected the phenolic acids, chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid. In addition was developed and validated a HPLC method to evaluate the content of the identified compounds in S. tuberosa leaves extract according to RDC 899/2003 of ANVISA and ICH Guidelines 2005. In order to evaluate the anti-inflammatory potential of S. tuberosa leaves extract, the peritonitis and paw edema models induced by carrageenan were used, administration i.p. in mice. The results highlighted the anti-inflammatory property in vivo at 125, 250 and 500 mg/kg since a decrease in leukocyte influx to the site of inflammation, diameter of the edema and the level of myeloperoxidase were observed when compared to the drug control dexamethasone (2 mg/kg, i.p. route). Taken together, the results pointed out S. tuberosa as a potential species for developing phytotherapic derivatives in according to its popular use. With regard to the characterization markers, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, rutin and isoquercitrin were identified and quantified in Spondias tuberosa leaves extract so they could be used in quality control analyses of the raw material and extracts of this species.


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O umbuzeiro é uma fruteira nativa do Nordeste brasileiro, cujos frutos são usados na alimentação humana, tendo, portanto, grande potencial de exploração agroindustrial. A lenta germinação das sementes limita a produção de mudas, daí a realização deste trabalho que objetivou estudar o efeito dos diferentes estádios de maturação do fruto e tempos de pré-embebição dos endocarpos em água na germinação das sementes de umbu. Os frutos foram despolpados manualmente, e os endocarpos pré-embebidos em água destilada substituída a cada 24 horas. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso, em fatorial (4´4´2), sendo os fatores: estádios de maturação dos frutos (verde, de vez, maduro e maturação avançada), tempos de pré-embebição dos endocarpos em água (0, 48, 96 e 144 horas) e tipos de umbuzeiros (azedo e doce), com quatro repetições e dez endocarpos/parcela. Os endocarpos foram semeados em bandejas de isopor contendo Areia Quartzosa Distrófica. Pelos resultados, concluiu-se que o tipo de umbu e o estádio de maturação do fruto influenciaram na germinação. Entretanto, a pré-embebição dos endocarpos em água não influenciou na germinação das sementes de umbuzeiro.


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Vários frutos de espécies nativas da região semiárida possuem grande potencial de comercialização, dentre eles destaca-se o umbuzeiro (Spondias tuberosa, Arr. Câmara). Entretanto, cultivos comerciais desta espécie são limitados pela dificuldade da obtenção de mudas, em função principalmente da dormência de suas sementes. Desta forma, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os métodos de superação de dormência da semente de umbuzeiro, visando a promover incrementos nas taxas de germinação, uniformidade e vigor das plântulas. Foram montados dois experimentos independentes. Os tratamentos do primeiro experimento foram: testemunha, imersão dos pirênios em água por 24 horas, imersão dos pirênios em solução de ácido giberélico com 1.000 mg/L por 24 horas, escarificação dos pirênios com ácido sulfúrico PA por 10 minutos e escarificação mecânica. No segundo experimento, os tratamentos consistiram em se plantar os pirênios com 0; 30; 60; 90; 120; 150; 180 e 210 dias de armazenados em sacos de papel sob condições de laboratório, a uma temperatura média de 22,5C° e umidade relativa do ar média de 65%. No primeiro estudo, constatou-se que houve efeito significativo dos métodos de superação de dormência, sendo que escarificação mecânica foi o que apresentou os melhores resultados, com uma taxa de germinação média aos 60 dias pós-plantio de 26,6%. Já no segundo, as sementes armazenadas influenciaram positivamente na germinação e no vigor da plântula. Os melhores resultados para uniformidade e porcentagem de germinação (83%) foram obtidos entre 120 e 210 dias de armazenamento das sementes, enquanto para o comprimento e massa fresca da radícula e hipocótilo foram entre 120 e 150 dias.


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The goal of this work was to develop a homemade device to desalinate brackish water, using biological material like seeds from different plant species of the semi arid regions. Umbu seeds (Spondias tuberosa Arruda Câmara) were found to be the most appropriate material, removing a higher quantity of salt from the water compared to the other tested materials. The salt content in 1 L of brackish water typical of the region can be removed with only 1 g of the material, if the water is heated to 50 °C and it may also lower the water hardness, achieving drinking water standards.


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Umbu pulp is an important product in the economy of the northeastern region of Brazil, and its preservation can be ensured by heat treatment. A complete factorial design with 2 factors (time and temperature) and 3 central points was used to verify the effect of the HTST process on the physicochemical, chemical, physical, microbiological, and sensory qualities of umbu pulps. The results showed that the heat treatments applied resulted in products without significant alterations on the physicochemical, chemical, and microbiological characteristics. With respect to color, the parameters L and a* were altered by increases in temperature indicating by darkening of color. The sensory evaluation indicated that a treatment of 88 °C for 10 seconds was the best processing condition due to the greater similarity of the resulting product to the reference sample (blanched pulp).


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The brazilian-plum (Spondias tuberosa, His) is a tropical fruit tree that has been consolidated in the market for agribusiness processing, due to its characteristic flavor of fruit. Accordingly, studies to optimize the propagation of plants are necessary for production of seedlings with agronomic and quality assurance measures. This study aimed at determining the efficient techniques for uniform seed germination, as brazilian-plum seed present mechanical dormancy, and establish optimal culture media for multiplication of shoots from the in vitro micropropagation. Firstly, in a greenhouse at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, was evaluated the influence of different methods of breaking dormancy in the emergence of seedlings of brazilian-plum and speed of germination (IVG) of seeds. After 60 days of cultivation, it was found that splay in the distal portion of the seed was the best treatment, with rates of 85.33% in germinability and 3.415 of IVG, compared with the treatment of seed-soaking in water for 12h + humus and the control group. Subsequently, new sources of seedling explants were obtained in studies of tissue culture. Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology that the university, was used stem apex, nodal segments and internodes in search of decontamination with various concentrations of calcium hypochlorite [Ca(OCl)2] and micropropagation, inoculating them in half WPM (1980) with various concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP). We used 10 sample units with three replications for different concentrations of [Ca(OCl)2], BAP and explants type. After thirty days, which was observed for the control of contamination, during the establishment in vitro, concentrations of [Ca(OCl)2] between 0.5% and 2.0% were effective in combating exogenous contamination of the apex. In nodal segments and internodes, concentrations of [Ca(OCl)2] between 1.0% and 2.0% and 1.5% and 2.0% were respectively, sufficient to reduce the percentage of losses in these infestations explants. For micropropagation, the culture medium supplemented with 0.1 mg.L-1 BAP promotes better development of multiple shoots per explants from nodal segment. However, success does not get to shoot training in internodal segment


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A espécie Spondias tuberosa Arr. Cam. (umbuzeiro) destaca-se como uma das espécies arbóreas de maior potencial do semiárido brasileiro. Apesar de sua relevante importância socioeconômica e ambiental, há falta de estudos voltados para o estabelecimento de um modelo de produção de mudas da espécie. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a produção de mudas de Spondias tuberosa utilizando diferentes substratos e tamanho de recipientes. O experimento foi conduzido no viveiro do Laboratório de Ecologia Vegetal (LEV) do Centro de Ciências Agrárias (CCA) da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), Areia - PB. O delineamento experimental usado foi em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 2 x 7 e parcelas subdivididas, sendo que os recipientes representaram as parcelas e os substratos as subparcelas. Foram utilizados substratos formulados a partir da mistura de terra de subsolo (37,5-100%), areia lavada (12,5- 25%) e esterco bovino curtido (10-50%). Os recipientes utilizados foram sacos de polietileno preto com volumes de 1900 cm3 (15 x 27 cm) e 5000 cm3 (25 x 26 cm). Para a obtenção das plântulas, sementes de Spondias tuberosa foram semeadas em sementeira de alvenaria até a repicagem (90 dias após o semeio). Aos 78 dias, após a repicagem, as mudas foram avaliadas quanto à altura, diâmetro do colo, relação altura/ diâmetro do colo, diâmetro do xilopódio, comprimento de raiz, massa seca da parte aérea e raiz. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância e ao teste F, sendo as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey ao nível de 5% de probabilidade, utilizando o software SISVAR®. Os substratos com esterco bovino curtido proporcionaram os maiores valores em altura e comprimento de raiz. Para a produção de mudas de Spondias tuberosa, é recomendado o substrato contendo terra de subsolo (45%) + Areia (15%) + Esterco bovino (40%).


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The brazilian-plum (Spondias tuberosa, His) is a tropical fruit tree that has been consolidated in the market for agribusiness processing, due to its characteristic flavor of fruit. Accordingly, studies to optimize the propagation of plants are necessary for production of seedlings with agronomic and quality assurance measures. This study aimed at determining the efficient techniques for uniform seed germination, as brazilian-plum seed present mechanical dormancy, and establish optimal culture media for multiplication of shoots from the in vitro micropropagation. Firstly, in a greenhouse at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, was evaluated the influence of different methods of breaking dormancy in the emergence of seedlings of brazilian-plum and speed of germination (IVG) of seeds. After 60 days of cultivation, it was found that splay in the distal portion of the seed was the best treatment, with rates of 85.33% in germinability and 3.415 of IVG, compared with the treatment of seed-soaking in water for 12h + humus and the control group. Subsequently, new sources of seedling explants were obtained in studies of tissue culture. Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology that the university, was used stem apex, nodal segments and internodes in search of decontamination with various concentrations of calcium hypochlorite [Ca(OCl)2] and micropropagation, inoculating them in half WPM (1980) with various concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP). We used 10 sample units with three replications for different concentrations of [Ca(OCl)2], BAP and explants type. After thirty days, which was observed for the control of contamination, during the establishment in vitro, concentrations of [Ca(OCl)2] between 0.5% and 2.0% were effective in combating exogenous contamination of the apex. In nodal segments and internodes, concentrations of [Ca(OCl)2] between 1.0% and 2.0% and 1.5% and 2.0% were respectively, sufficient to reduce the percentage of losses in these infestations explants. For micropropagation, the culture medium supplemented with 0.1 mg.L-1 BAP promotes better development of multiple shoots per explants from nodal segment. However, success does not get to shoot training in internodal segment


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A study was carried out at Embrapa Semi-Árido, Petrolina-PE, Brazil, aiming to understand the gas exchange process of the umbu tree (Spondias tuberosa Arr. Cam.) in the dry and rainy seasons. Stomatal conductance, transpiration, photosynthesis and internal CO2 concentration were obtained with a portable infrared gas analyzer (IRGA). During the dry season the umbu tree showed a much lower stomatal conductance early in the morning, as soon as the vapor pressure deficit increased, apparently affecting CO2 assimilation more than transpiration. The highest values were detected around 6:00 am but decreased to the lowest points between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm. During the rainy season, however, stomatal conductance, transpiration and photosynthesis were significantly higher, reaching the highest values between 8:00 and 10:00 am and the lowest around 2:00 pm. It was also observed at 4:00 pm, mainly during the rainy season, an increase on these variables indicating that the umbu tree exhibits a two-picked daily course of gas exchange.


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Realizou-se um estudo objetivando avaliar a resistencia estomatica, transpiracao e temperatura da folha do umbuzeiro (Spondias tuberosa Arr. Cam.), no seu habitat natural, no final da estacao seca e apos as primeiras chuvas. A resistencia estomatica comecou a aumentar em torno das 7 horas nos dois periodos, porem de forma mais brusca durante a seca, resultando em baixa transpiracao. Apos as primeiras chuvas, a resistencia estomatica comecou a aumentar em torno de 13 horas, quando as condicoes ambientais ainda eram favoraveis a uma grande demanda evapotranspiratoria. Estes resultados sugeram uma acentuada economia de agua pelo umbuzeiro. Nao se observaram diferencas na temperatura das folhas relativas aos dois periodos.


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A - NORTE - A floresta em tôrno de Belém parece já bastante alterada, sendo poucas as árvores de grande porte. O solo é sempre arenoso, com uma camada de húmus muito fina a qual, quando é removida, deixa ver uma areia branca. Em Utinga era de notar o grande número de árvores caídas, justamente as maiores, o que sugere um solo pobre e raso, originando um enraizamento superficial e conseqüente queda das mesmas pelos ventos. Na floresta de àgua Preta é muito maior o número de árvores finas, o que sugere um solo ainda mais pobre. Trata-se de floresta típica da planície (Quartenário antigo), onde o solo foi formado por deposição do arenitos pobres do Centro-oeste capturados pela bacia do Tocatins. B - Nordeste - 1. Caatinga: O tipo de vegetação que predomina no Nordeste é o da caatinga, vegetação de arbustiva a arbórea, espinhosa e decidual. A parte vista, de Terezina até Paulo Afonso, via Ubajara, Fortaleza, Crato e Floresta, apresenta várias nuances fisiográficas de densidade e porte. Essas são devidas, aparentemente ao menos, não só à intervenção humana, como também à grande variação na constituição física do solo. Assim é que observamos: a) Caatinga arbórea - dominada pela carnaúba: Copernicia cerifera (A. Cam.) Mart. nos lugares encharcados, pela oiticica: Licania rigida Benth. na linha demarcatória das maiores enchentes, e pelo juàzeiro: Zizyphus joazeiro Mart., fora da influência das àguas dos rios. b) Caatinga aberta - nos solos pedregosos, com dominância da imburana-de-espinho: Bursera leptophloeos Engl. e do umbu: Spondias tuberosa A. Cam. Ocorre nas enconstas dessecadas dos serrotes de quartzito. c) Caatinga arbustiva densa - existente nos largos vales dos maiores rios, provável fruto da intervenção...