999 resultados para ultrastructural localization


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A post-embedding immunogold technique has been used to examine the subcellular distribution of immunoreactivities to vertebrate pancreatic polypeptide (PP) and to the invertebrate peptide, FMRFamide within the central nervous system (CNS) of the nematode, Ascaris suum. Gold labelling of peptide was localized exclusively over dense-cored vesicles within nerve cell bodies, nerve axons and nerve terminals of the main ganglia and nerve cords in the CNS. Double-labelling of peptides demonstrated an apparent co-localization of PP and FMRFamide immunoreactivities in the same dense-cored vesicles, although populations of dense-cored vesicles that labelled solely for FMRFamide were also evident. Antigen preabsorption studies indicated little or no cross-reactivity between the two antisera.


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A post-embedding immunogold technique was used to examine the subcellular distribution of immunoreactivities to the invertebrate peptide, FMRFamide, and to vertebrate pancreatic polypeptide (PP) within the central nervous system of the trematode, Fasciola hepatica. Gold labeling of peptide was localised exclusively over both dense-cored and ellipsoidal electron-dense vesicles (with a homogeneous matrix) present within nerve cell bodies, small and 'giant' nerve processes of the neuropile in the cerebral ganglia and transverse commissure, as well as in the main longitudinal nerve cords. Double labeling demonstrated an apparent co-localisation of FMRFamide and PP immunoreactivities in the same dense-cored vesicles, although populations of ellipsoidal electron-dense vesicles that labeled solely for FMRFamide were also evident. Antigen pre-absorption studies indicated little, if any, cross-reactivity of the two antisera.


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A series of monoclonal antibodies was prepared against tegumental and internal antigens of Fasciola hepatica by immunizing mice with whole adult-fluke homogenates prior to harvesting the splenic lymphocytes for fusion. Preliminary screening by the Indirect Fluorescent Antibody technique indicated the occurrence of discrete groups of monoclonals differing from one another in tissue-specificity but within which IFA labelling patterns were fairly consistent. Representative hybridomas for 5 of these groups were stabilized and used to produce ascites fluid in mice. By application of an immunogold labelling technique it was possible to map the distribution of antigens for which each monoclonal antibody had affinity throughout the tissues of 4-week and 12-week flukes. Several monoclonals specifically labelled antigenic determinants on the important tegumental antigen T1. However the distribution of gold colloid labelling suggested that epitopes other than that normally exposed to the infected host were recognized; and several monoclonals specifically attached to T1 antigen in the tegument of juvenile worms only. The glycocalyx of the gut and excretory system of flukes shared T1 antigenicity with the tegument. Monoclonal antibodies were produced against an internal immunogen associated with ribosomes and heterochromatin in active protein-producing cells, and against interstitial material of adult flukes. Monoclonals against antigens in parenchymal cell cytoplasm and in mature vitelline cells were recognized but the corresponding hybridomas were not stabilized.


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Zinc transporter-3 (ZnT-3), a member of a growing family of mammalian zinc transporters, is expressed in regions of the brain that are rich in histochemically reactive zinc (as revealed by the Timm’s stain), including entorhinal cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus. ZnT-3 protein is most abundant in the zinc-enriched mossy fibers that project from the dentate granule cells to hilar and CA3 pyramidal neurons. We show here by electron microscopy that ZnT-3 decorates the membranes of all clear, small, round synaptic vesicles (SVs) in the mossy fiber boutons of both mouse and monkey. Furthermore, up to 60–80% of these SVs contain Timm’s-stainable zinc. The coincidence of ZnT-3 on the membranes of SVs that accumulate zinc, and its homology with known zinc transporters, suggest that ZnT-3 is responsible for the transport of zinc into SVs, and hence for the ability of these neurons to release zinc upon excitation.


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Previous work has shown that the fluorescent styryl dye FM1-43 stains nerve terminals in an activity-dependent fashion. This dye appears to label the membranes of recycled synaptic vesicles by being trapped during endocytosis. Stained terminals can subsequently be destained by repeating nerve stimulation in the absence of dye; the destaining evidently reflects escape of dye into the bathing medium from membranes of exocytosing synaptic vesicles. In the present study we tested two key aspects of this interpretation of FM1-43 behavior, namely: (i) that the dye is localized in synaptic vesicles, and (ii) that it is actually released into the bathing medium during destaining. To accomplish this, we first photolyzed the internalized dye in the presence of diaminobenzidine. This created an electron-dense reaction product that could be visualized in the electron microscope. Reaction product was confined to synaptic vesicles, as predicted. Second, using spectrofluorometry, we quantified the release of dye liberated into the medium from tubocurarine-treated nerve-muscle preparations. Nerve stimulation increased the amount of FM1-43 released, and we estimate that normally a stained synaptic vesicle contains a few hundred molecules of the dye. The key to the successful detection of released FM1-43 was to add the micelle-forming detergent 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS), which increased FM1-43 quantum yield by more than two orders of magnitude.


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Sodium, potassium adenosine triphosphatase (Na,K-ATPase) is a membrane-bound enzyme that maintains the Na+ and K+ gradients used in the nervous system for generation and transmission of bioelectricity. Recently, its activity has also been demonstrated during nerve regeneration. The present study was undertaken to investigate the ultrastructural localization and distribution of Na,K-ATPase in peripheral nerve fibers. Small blocks of the sciatic nerves of male Wistar rats weighing 250-300g were excised, divided into two groups, and incubated with and without substrate, the para-nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP). The material was processed for transmission electron microscopy, and the ultra-thin sections were examined in a Philips CNI 100 (TM) electron microscope. The deposits of reaction product were localized mainly on the axolemma, on axoplasmic profiles, and irregularly dispersed on the myelin sheath, but not in the unmyelinated axons. In the axonal membrane, the precipitates were regularly distributed on the cytoplasmic side. These results together with published data warrant further studies for the diagnosis and treatment of neuropathies with compromised Na,K-ATPase activity. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In mammals, acquisition of fertilization competence of spermatozoa is dependent on the phenomenon of sperm capacitation. One of the critical molecular events of sperm capacitation is protein tyrosine phosphorylation. In a previous study, we demonstrated that a specific epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-tyrosine kinase inhibitor, tyrphostin-A47, inhibited hamster sperm capacitation, accompanied by a reduced sperm protein tyrosine phosphorylation. Interestingly, a high percentage of tyrphostin-A47-treated spermatozoa exhibited circular motility, which was associated with a distinct hypo-tyrosine phosphorylation of flagellar proteins, predominantly of Mr 45,000-60,000. In this study, we provide evidence on the localization of capacitation-associated tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins to the nonmembranous, structural components of the sperm flagellum. Consistent with this, we show their ultrastructural localization in the outer dense fiber, axoneme, and fibrous sheath of spermatozoa. Among hypo-tyrosine phosphorylated major proteins of tyrphostin-A47-treated spermatozoa, we identified the 45 kDa protein as outer dense fiber protein-2 and the 51 kDa protein as tektin-2, components of the sperm outer dense fiber and axoneme, respectively. This study shows functional association of hypo-tyrosine-phosphorylation status of outer dense fiber protein-2 and tektin-2 with impaired flagellar bending of spermatozoa, following inhibition of EGFR-tyrosine kinase, thereby showing the critical importance of flagellar protein tyrosine phosphorylation during capacitation and hyperactivation of hamster spermatozoa.


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本文主要利用等离子体发射光谱元素含量分析( ICP)、亚细胞定位观察技术、以及电镜与能谱分析相结合技术,研究镧在绿豆(Phmeatus radiatus L.)幼苗不同部位组织细胞中的进入、运转、分配、含量和超微结构定位及与钙、铝关系。在全营养液加镧和缺钙营养液加镧处理的幼苗中,细胞超微结构受到不同程度影响,但其内未检测到镧。无离子水加镧处理幼苗,在低浓度、短时间条件下,镧进入、分布在质膜以外质外体系统中。高浓度镧处理时,镧沉淀能进入细胞内,并常看到堵塞胞间连丝,在质膜以外发现解体物质穿壁转移,并在壁中形成明暗相间的染色带。镧在植株中运输层层受阻,由根向叶其含量逐渐减少,而钙含量变化呈负相关,表明镧钙之间存在拮抗作用。 用焦锑酸钙的电镜细胞化学方法与能谱分析技术相结合,研究镧对细胞内Ca2+定位分布的影响,发现镧、钙沉淀颗粒的差异。在镧胁迫下,细胞质和核中Ca2+增多,液泡中Ca2+趋向于沿被膜分布,细胞结构受到破坏,说明镧胁迫下Ca2+水平增加与膜透性变化和Ca2+_CaM相关的许多生理生化过程有关。 初步探讨铝的毒害机理,发现铝也能进行超微结构定位观察,铝通过拮抗钙起作用,其作用机制与镧相似。


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In this paper, to understand the roles of amorphous structures which were observed within the viromatrix of Rana grylio virus (RGV), an improved immunoelectron microscopy (IEM) method was developed to detect the localization of RGV in carp Epithelipma papulosum cyprinid (EPC) cells. Infected EPC cells were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde-0.25% glutaraldehyde mixture, dehydrated completely, and embedded in LR White resin. This method allowed good ultrastructural preservation and specific labeling with anti-RGV antibodies. The results of IEM showed that colloidal gold mainly bound to the capsids of viral particles at the stage of viral assembly, while during the viral maturation colloidal gold bound to the envelop of virions. In addition, within the viromatrix, the amorphous structures, including dense floccules, membranous materials and tubules, also had strong colloidal gold signals, revealing that those amorphous structures were participated in RGV assembly. In contrast, no significant gold labeling signals were obtained in negative controls. The present study not only provided further evidence that amorphous structures within the viromatrix were involved in the process of RGV assembly, but also developed an improved IEM method for studying the interaction between iridovirus and host cells. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Over the past decade it has become clear that the nervous systems of platyhelminths are both complex and highly developed, particularly in peptidergic elements. The central position of an ancestral flatworm in the evolution of the Bilateria has placed a greater importance on the study of modern flatworms. Using antisera generated to the C-terminal region of platyhelminth neuropeptide F and the molluscan neuropeptide, FMRFamide, in immunocytochemistry at both Light and ultrastructural levels, immunoreactivities have been localised within the nervous systems of three species of triclad turbellarians, Dugesia lugubris, Dendrocoelum lacteum, and Polycelis nigra, and one species of monogenean trematode, Diclidophora merlangi. Extensive immunostaining was obtained with both antisera throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems of all species studied, but intensity and abundance was significantly greater in the turbellarians. Indirect electron-immunogold labeling demonstrated that immunoreactivity to both neuropeptides was often colocalised in neurosecretory vesicles, although discrete populations of vesicles were also observed. Radioimmunoassay of extracts of all species confirmed that neuropeptide F immunoreactivity was consistently more abundant than FMRFamide immunoreactivity, and that the levels of both in the three turbellarians were several orders of magnitude greater than those found in the monogenean. Chromatographic analyses of turbellarian extracts revealed that neuropeptide F and FMRFamide immunoreactivities were attributable to different peptides. These data imply that the neuropeptidergic systems of turbellarians are considerably more extensive than those of monogeneans, and would suggest that a regression has occurred in the latter as a consequence of the adoption of a more sedentary parasitic lifestyle. (C) 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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A survey of existing data suggests that trophoblast cells produce factors involved in extracellular matrix degradation. In this study, we correlated the expression of cathepsins D and B in the murine ectoplacental cone with the ultrastructural progress of decidual invasion by trophoblast cells. Both proteases were immunolocalized at implantation sites in lysosome-endosome-like compartments of trophoblast giant cells. Cathepsin D, but not cathepsin B, was also detected ultrastructurally in extracellular compartments surrounded by processes of the invading trophoblast containing extracellular matrix components and endometrial cell debris. The expression of cathepsins D and B by trophoblast cells was confirmed by RT-PCR in ectoplacental cones isolated from implantation chambers at gestation day 7.5. Our data addressed a positive relationship between the expression and presence of cathepsin D at the extracellular compartment of the maternal-fetal interface and the invasiveness of the trophoblast during the postimplantation period, suggesting a participation of invading trophoblast cells in the cathepsin D release. Such findings indicate that mouse trophoblast cells might exhibit a proteolytic ability to partake in the decidual invasion process at the maternal-fetal interface. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Wilson disease is an autosomal recessive copper transport disorder resulting from defective biliary excretion of copper and subsequent hepatic copper accumulation and liver failure if not treated. The disease is caused by mutations in the ATP7B (WND) gene, which is expressed predominantly in the liver and encodes a copper-transporting P-type ATPase that is structurally and functionally similar to the Menkes protein (MNK), which is defective in the X-linked copper transport disorder Menkes disease. The toxic milk (tx) mouse has a clinical phenotype similar to Wilson disease patients and, recently, the tx mutation within the murine WND homologue (Wnd) of this mouse was identified, establishing it as an animal model for Wilson disease. In this study, cDNA constructs encoding the wild-type (Wnd-wt) and mutant (Wnd-tx) Wilson proteins (Wnd) were generated and expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The tx mutation disrupted the copper-induced relocalization of Wnd in CHO cells and abrogated Wnd-mediated copper resistance of transfected CHO cells. In addition, co-localization experiments demonstrated that while Wnd and MNK are located in the trans-Golgi network in basal copper conditions, with elevated copper, these proteins are sorted to different destinations within the same cell. Ultrastructural studies showed that with elevated copper levels, Wnd accumulated in large multi-vesicular structures resembling late endosomes that may represent a novel compartment for copper transport. The data presented provide further support for a relationship between copper transport activity and the copper-induced relocalization response of mammalian copper ATPases, and an explanation at a molecular level for the observed phenotype of tx mice