987 resultados para ultrashort laser-plasma interactions
The interaction of electromagnetic radiation with plasmas is studied in relativistic four-vector formalism. A gauge and Lorentz invariant ponderomotive four-force is derived from the time dependent nonlinear three-force of Hora (1985). This four-force, due to its Lorentz invariance, contains new magnetic field terms. A new gauge and Lorentz invariant model of the response of plasma to electromagnetic radiation is then devised. An expression for the dispersion relation is obtained from this model. It is then proved that the magnetic permeability of plasma is unity for a general reference frame. This is an important result since it has been previously assumed in many plasma models.
We describe a parallel multi-threaded approach for high performance modelling of wide class of phenomena in ultrafast nonlinear optics. Specific implementation has been performed using the highly parallel capabilities of a programmable graphics processor. © 2011 SPIE.
A study has been carried out to understand the influence of ambient gases on the dynamics of laser-blow-off plumes of multi-layered LiF–C thin film. Plume images at various time intervals ranging from 100 to 3000 ns have been recorded using an intensified CCD camera. Enhancement in the plume intensity and change in size and shape occurs on introducing ambient gases and these changes are highly dependent on the nature and composition of the ambient gas used. Velocity of the plume was found to be higher in helium ambient whereas intensity enhancement is greater in argon environment. The plume shapes have maximum size at 10−2 and 10−1 Torr of Ar and He pressures, respectively. As the background pressure increases further (>10−2 Torr: depending on the nature of gas), the plume gets compressed/focused in the lateral direction. Internal structure formation and turbulences are observed at higher pressures (>10−1 Torr) in both ambient gases.
Multiple ion acceleration mechanisms can occur when an ultrathin foil is irradiated with an intense laser pulse, with the dominant mechanism changing over the course of the interaction. Measurement of the spatial-intensity distribution of the beam of energetic protons is used to investigate the transition from radiation pressure acceleration to transparency-driven processes. It is shown numerically that radiation pressure drives an increased expansion of the target ions within the spatial extent of the laser focal spot, which induces a radial deflection of relatively low energy sheath-accelerated protons to form an annular distribution. Through variation of the target foil thickness, the opening angle of the ring is shown to be correlated to the point in time transparency occurs during the interaction and is maximized when it occurs at the peak of the laser intensity profile. Corresponding experimental measurements of the ring size variation with target thickness exhibit the same trends and provide insight into the intra-pulse laser-plasma evolution.
Hybridihitsaukseksi nimitetään yleensä hitsausprosesseja, joissa yhdistetään kaari- ja laserhitsauksen vahvuudet. Laser- MIG/MAG- prosessit ovat näistä selvästi yleisimpiä, mutta muillekin prosesseille on sovelluksia. Tässä kandidaatintyössä on arvioitu laser- plasma- hybridihitsausprosessin käytettävyyttä teollisuuden prosesseissa. Arviointi on tehty vertailevana kirjallisuustutkimuksena laser- plasma- hybridiprosessin, laserhitsauksen, sekä muiden laser- hybridihitsausprosessien kesken. Prosessien vertailun lisäksi työssä on käsitelty hybridihitsausprosessien parametrien valintaa ja laser- plasma- hybridiprosessin erityispiirteitä.
The theoretical model and underlying physics described in this thesis are about the interaction of femtosecond-laser and XUV pulses with solids. The key to understand the basics of such interaction is to study the structural response of the materials after laser interaction. Depending on the laser characteristics, laser-solid interaction can result in a wide range of structural responses such as solid-solid phase transitions, vacuum phonon squeezing, ultrafast melting, generation of coherent phonons, etc. During my research work, I have modeled the systems irradiated by low-, medium- and high-laser intensities, and studied different types of structural dynamics of solids at various laser fluences.
We report on the generation of tunable light around 400 nm by frequency-doubling ultrashort laser pulses whose spectral phase is modulated by a sum of sinusoidal functions. The linewidth of the ultraviolet band produced is narrower than 1 nm, in contrast to the 12 nm linewidth of the non-modulated incident spectrum. The influence of pixellation of the liquid crystal spatial light modulator on the efficiency of the phase-modulated second harmonic generation is discussed.
The laser driven ion acceleration is a burgeoning field of resarch and is attracting a growing number of scientists since the first results reported in 2000 obtained irradiating thin solid foils by high power laser pulses. The growing interest is driven by the peculiar characteristics of the produced bunches, the compactness of the whole accelerating system and the very short accelerating length of this all-optical accelerators. A fervent theoretical and experimental work has been done since then. An important part of the theoretical study is done by means of numerical simulations and the most widely used technique exploits PIC codes (“Particle In Cell'”). In this thesis the PIC code AlaDyn, developed by our research group considering innovative algorithms, is described. My work has been devoted to the developement of the code and the investigation of the laser driven ion acceleration for different target configurations. Two target configurations for the proton acceleration are presented together with the results of the 2D and 3D numerical investigation. One target configuration consists of a solid foil with a low density layer attached on the irradiated side. The nearly critical plasma of the foam layer allows a very high energy absorption by the target and an increase of the proton energy up to a factor 3, when compared to the ``pure'' TNSA configuration. The differences of the regime with respect to the standard TNSA are described The case of nearly critical density targets has been investigated with 3D simulations. In this case the laser travels throughout the plasma and exits on the rear side. During the propagation, the laser drills a channel and induce a magnetic vortex that expanding on the rear side of the targer is source of a very intense electric field. The protons of the plasma are strongly accelerated up to energies of 100 MeV using a 200PW laser.
Theories and numerical modeling are fundamental tools for understanding, optimizing and designing present and future laser-plasma accelerators (LPAs). Laser evolution and plasma wave excitation in a LPA driven by a weakly relativistically intense, short-pulse laser propagating in a preformed parabolic plasma channel, is studied analytically in 3D including the effects of pulse steepening and energy depletion. At higher laser intensities, the process of electron self-injection in the nonlinear bubble wake regime is studied by means of fully self-consistent Particle-in-Cell simulations. Considering a non-evolving laser driver propagating with a prescribed velocity, the geometrical properties of the non-evolving bubble wake are studied. For a range of parameters of interest for laser plasma acceleration, The dependence of the threshold for self-injection in the non-evolving wake on laser intensity and wake velocity is characterized. Due to the nonlinear and complex nature of the Physics involved, computationally challenging numerical simulations are required to model laser-plasma accelerators operating at relativistic laser intensities. The numerical and computational optimizations, that combined in the codes INF&RNO and INF&RNO/quasi-static give the possibility to accurately model multi-GeV laser wakefield acceleration stages with present supercomputing architectures, are discussed. The PIC code jasmine, capable of efficiently running laser-plasma simulations on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) clusters, is presented. GPUs deliver exceptional performance to PIC codes, but the core algorithms had to be redesigned for satisfying the constraints imposed by the intrinsic parallelism of the architecture. The simulation campaigns, run with the code jasmine for modeling the recent LPA experiments with the INFN-FLAME and CNR-ILIL laser systems, are also presented.
Uno dei maggiori obiettivi della ricerca nel campo degli acceleratori basati su interazione laser-plasma è la realizzazione di una sorgente compatta di raggi x impulsati al femtosecondo. L’interazione tra brevi impulsi laser e un plasma, a energie relativistiche, ha recentemente portato a una nuova generazione di sorgenti di raggi x con le proprietà desiderate. Queste sorgenti, basate sulla radiazione emessa da elettroni accelerati nel plasma, hanno in comune di essere compatte, produrre radiazione collimata, incoerente e impulsata al femtosecondo. In questa tesi vengono presentati alcuni metodi per ottenere raggi x da elettroni accelerati per interazione tra laser e plasma: la radiazione di betatrone da elettroni intrappolati e accelerati nel cosiddetto “bubble regime”, la radiazione di sincrotrone da elettroni posti in un ondulatore convenzionale con lunghezza dell’ordine dei metri e la radiazione ottenuta dal backscattering di Thomson. Vengono presentate: la fisica alla base di tali metodi, simulazioni numeriche e risultati sperimentali per ogni sorgente di raggi x. Infine, viene discussa una delle più promettenti applicazioni fornite dagli acceleratori basati su interazione tra laser e plasma: il Free-electron laser nello spettro dei raggi x, capace di fornire intensità 108-1010 volte più elevate rispetto alle altre sorgenti.
A computational study of line-focus generation was done using a self-written ray-tracing code and compared to experimental data. Two line-focusing geometries were compared, i.e., either exploiting the sagittal astigmatism of a tilted spherical mirror or using the spherical aberration of an off-axis- illuminated spherical mirror. Line focusing by means of astigmatism or spherical aberration showed identical results as expected for the equivalence of the two frames of reference. The variation of the incidence angle on the target affects the line-focus length, which affects the amplification length such that as long as the irradiance is above the amplification threshold, it is advantageous to have a longer line focus. The amplification threshold is physically dependent on operating parameters and plasma-column conditions and in the present study addresses four possible cases.
We demonstrate a simple self-referenced single-shot method for simultaneously measuring two different arbitrary pulses, which can potentially be complex and also have very different wavelengths. The method is a variation of cross-correlation frequency-resolved optical gating (XFROG) that we call double-blind (DB) FROG. It involves measuring two spectrograms, both of which are obtained simultaneously in a single apparatus. DB FROG retrieves both pulses robustly by using the standard XFROG algorithm, implemented alternately on each of the traces, taking one pulse to be ?known? and solving for the other. We show both numerically and experimentally that DB FROG using a polarization-gating beam geometry works reliably and appears to have no nontrivial ambiguities.
An analytical study of the relativistic interaction of a linearly-polarized laser-field of w frequency with highly overdense plasma is presented. Very intense high harmonics are generated produced by relativistic mirrors effects due to the relativistic electron plasma oscillation. Also, in agreement with 1D Particle-In-Cell Simulations (PICS), the model self-consistently explains the transition between the sheath inverse bremsstrahlung (SIB) absorption regime and the J×B heating (responsible for the 2w electron bunches), as well as the mean electron energy.