254 resultados para typologie d’utilisateurs.


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This work describes a methodology for converting a specialized dictionary into a learner’s dictionary. The dictionary to which we apply our conversion method is the DiCoInfo, Dictionnaire fondamental de l’informatique et de l’Internet. We focus on changes affecting the presentation of data categories. What is meant by specialized dictionary for learners, in our case, is a dictionary covering the field of computer science and Internet meeting our users’ needs in communicative and cognitive situations. Our dictionary is aimed at learners’ of the computing language. We start by presenting a detailed description of four dictionaries for learners. We explain how the observations made on these resources have helped us in developing our methodology.In order to develop our methodology, first, based on Bergenholtz and Tarp’s works (Bergenholtz 2003; Tarp 2008; Fuertes Olivera and Tarp 2011), we defined the type of users who may use our dictionary. Translators are our first intended users. Other users working in the fields related to translation are also targeted: proofreaders, technical writers, interpreters. We also determined the use situations of our dictionary. It aims to assist the learners in solving text reception and text production problems (communicative situations) and in studying the terminology of computing (cognitive situations). Thus, we could establish its lexicographical functions: communicative and cognitive functions. Then, we extracted 50 articles from the DiCoInfo to which we applied a number of changes in different aspects: the layout, the presentation of data, the navigation and the use of multimedia. The changes were made according to two fundamental parameters: 1) simplification of the presentation; 2) lexicographic functions (which include the intended users and user’s situations). In this way, we exploited the widgets offered by the technology to update the interface and layout. Strategies have been developed to organize a large number of lexical links in a simpler way. We associated these links with examples showing their use in specific contexts. Multimedia as audio pronunciation and illustrations has been used.


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La transparence de l'action gouvernementale et des administrations publiques est devenue une exigence démocratique inscrite dans de nombreux pays dans des lois sur l'accès à l'information. Or, si ces lois ont permis d'accroître l'information des citoyens, on constate toujours que de nombreuses organisations publiques cherchent à dissimuler de l'information alors qu'aucun intérêt public ou privé prépondérant ne justifie ce comportement. Ce working paper établit une typologie de ces comportements et les décrit avec notamment de nombreux exemples tirés des expériences faites aux USA, au Canada et en Suisse.


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Cette thèse propose de passer en revue les modalités de la représentation écrite de l'oralité en français. La pratique littéraire constitue le matériau et l'horizon de la théorisation. La problématique - comment l'écrit représente-t-il l'oral ? - est d'abord située et reformulée dans le cadre de la linguistique de la parole (I). Les rapports entre oralité et scripturalité sont ensuite étudiés sous trois angles. L'angle biotechnologique compare la matérialité et l'affordance des signaux graphiques et des signaux acoustiques (II 1). L'examen sémiotique reconnaît dans le français écrit un système dit phonographique dont la fonction est de représenter l'expression des signes du français oral. Sont analysées alors les relations entre les systèmes de signes impliqués, la diversité des actualisations possibles du système phonographique (effets d'écoute), ainsi que diverses sémiotiques analogiques (II 2). On étudie ensuite le rôle de la prosodie dans la lecture. La position adoptée est la suivante : bien qu'elle soit facultative dans l'activité de lecture, la prosodie est spécialement sollicitée par des écrits qu'on peut caractériser linguistiquement. L'interprétation prosodique apporte à ces écrits un surcroît de signification en même temps qu'il produit un mode spécifique de représentation de l'oral appelé effet prosodique (II 3). L'angle sémantique est esquissé finalement : il conduit à dégager deux modalités de représentation supplémentaire. Pour la première, l'oral se situe sur le plan sémantico-référentiel de l'expression écrite (écrire à propos d'oral) ; pour la seconde, l'oral est un extérieur discursif modalisant le dire écrit : l'écrit est reconnu comme énoncé à la manière de l'oral (effet de style oral). - This PhD thesis attempts to review the modalities of orality in written representation. Literary writings act as the material for theorization. First of all, the thesis statement - how does writing represent oral - is situated and then, reformulated within the frame of linguistique de la parole (the linguistic field of speech) (I). The connections between orality and writing are then studied under three angles. The biotechnological angle compares the materiality and the affordance of graphic signs and acoustic signals (II 1). A semiotic examination acknowledges, in French, a phonographical system whose function is to represent the expression of French oral signs. Thus, the relationships between the systems of implicated signs, the diversity of possible actualisations of the phonographic system (voice effects), as well as various analogical semiotics are analysed (II 2). Furthermore, the role of prosody is studied within reading. The stand taken is the following : even though it is optional during a reading activity, prosody is especially sought-after by linguistically characterised writings. The prosodie interpretation brings to these writings a surge of signification while producing a specific mode of oral representation called the prosodie effects (II 3). The semantic angle is finally drawn : it leads to two additional modalities of representation. For the first part, speech is located on the semantic and referential plan of the written expression (writing about speech); as for the second part, spoken language is a discursive exteriority : writing is recognised as an oral-like utterance {oral-like effect).


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Soils on gypsum are well known in dry climates, but were very little described in temperate climate, and never in Switzerland. This study aims to describe soils affected by gypsum in temperate climate and to understand their pedogenesis using standard laboratory analyzes performed on ten Swiss soils located on gypsum outcrops. In parallel, phytosociological relevés described the vegetation encountered in gypsiferous grounds. Gypsification process (secondary gypsum enrichment by precipitation) was observed in all soils. It was particularly important in regions where potential evapotranspiration exceed strongly precipitations in summer (central Valais, Chablais under influence of warm wind). Gypsum contents were regularly measured above 20% in deep horizons, and exceeded locally 70%, building a white, indurate horizon. However, the absence of such a gypsic horizon in the top soil hindered the use of gypsosol (according to the Référentiel pédologique, BAIZE & GIRARD 2009), the typical name of soils affected by gypsum, but restricted to dry regions. As all soils had a high content of magnesium carbonates, they were logically classified in the group of DOLOMITOSOLS. However, according to the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (IUSS 2014), five soils can be classified among the Gypsisols, criteria being here less restricting. These soils are characterized by a coarse texture and a particulate brittle structure making a filtering substrate. They allow water to flow easily taking nutrients. They are not retained by clay, which does generally not exceed 1% of the fine material. The saturation of calcium blocks the breakdown of organic matter. Moreover, these soils are often rejuvenated by erosion caused by the rough relief due to gypsum (landslides, sinkholes, cliffs and slopes). Hence, the vegetation is mainly characterized by calcareous and drought tolerant species, with mostly xerothermophilic beech (Cephalanthero-Fagenion) and pine forests (Erico-Pinion sylvestris) in lowlands, or subalpine heathlands (Ericion) and dry calcareous grasslands (Caricion firmae) in higher elevations.


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Cette analyse de l'évolution de la formation en Suisse s'appuie sur la forme des itinéraires suivis. La typologie construite permet de mesurer l'évolution, sur près de soixante-dix ans, des trajectoires empruntées selon l'origine sociale et de montrer l'émergence de nouveaux parcours. Les données attestent un accroissement des parcours atypiques, à cheval sur plusieurs filières, comportant des interruptions ou composés de formations complémentaires. Plus qu'à une égalisation du niveau d'éducation, on assiste à une inflation des diplômes, caractérisée par une multiplication des périodes de formations tardives, plutôt mesurable à la complexification des parcours qu'au niveau final atteint. On peut donc faire l'hypothèse que ce n'est plus le diplôme atteint qui détermine la valeur de la formation suivie mais le nombre et la pertinence des reformations.