982 resultados para two-body interaction


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The dynamics of a nonconservative Gross-Pitaevskii equation for trapped atomic systems with attractive two-body interaction is numerically investigated, considering wide variations of the nonconservative parameters, related to atomic feeding and dissipation. We study the possible limitations of the mean-field description for an atomic condensate with attractive two-body interaction, by defining the parameter regions, where stable or unstable formation can be found. The present study is useful and timely considering the possibility of large variations of attractive two-body scattering lengths, which may be feasible in recent experiments.


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The quantitative effect in the maximum number of particles and other static observables was determined. A deviation in the harmonic trap potential that is effective only outside the central part of the potential, with the addition of a term that is proportional to a cubic or quartic power of the distance was considered. Results showed that this study could be easily transferred to other trap geometries to estimate anharmonic effects.


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The deuteron binding energy and wave function are calculated by using the recently developed three-dimensional form of low-momentum nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction. The homogeneous Lippmann-Schwinger equation is solved in momentum space by using the low-momentum two-body interaction, which is constructed from Malfliet-Tjon potential. The results for both, deuteron binding energy and wave function, obtained with low-momentum interaction, are compared with the corresponding results obtained with bare potential. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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In the present report, we review recent investigations that we have conducted on the stability of atomic condensed systems, when the two-body interaction is attractive. In particular, the dynamics that occurs in the condensate due to nonconservative terms is considered in the context of an extension of the mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii approximation. Considering the relative intensity of the nonconservative parameters, chaotic and solitonic solutions are verified. Also discussed is the possibility of a liquid-gas phase transition in the presence of positive three-body elastic collisions.


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Imitation learning is a promising approach for generating life-like behaviors of virtual humans and humanoid robots. So far, however, imitation learning has been mostly restricted to single agent settings where observed motions are adapted to new environment conditions but not to the dynamic behavior of interaction partners. In this paper, we introduce a new imitation learning approach that is based on the simultaneous motion capture of two human interaction partners. From the observed interactions, low-dimensional motion models are extracted and a mapping between these motion models is learned. This interaction model allows the real-time generation of agent behaviors that are responsive to the body movements of an interaction partner. The interaction model can be applied both to the animation of virtual characters as well as to the behavior generation for humanoid robots.


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It is argued that the common classification of abrasive wear into 'two-body abrasion' and 'three-body abrasion' is seriously flawed. No definitions have been agreed upon for these terms, and indeed there are two quite different interpretations, the implications of which are mutually inconsistent. In the dominant interpretation, the primary thrust of the two-body/three-body concept is to describe whether the abrasive particles are constrained (two-body) or free to roll (three-body). In this view, two-body abrasion is generally much more severe than three-body. The alternative interpretation emphasises the presence (three-body) or absence (two-body) of a rigid counterface backing the abrasive. In this view, three-body abrasion is equated to high-stress (or grinding) abrasion and is generally more severe than two-body (low-stress) abrasion. This paper recommends that the 'two-body/three-body' terminology be abandoned, to be replaced by an alternative classification scheme based directly upon the manifest severity of wear. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.


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Thomas-Fermi theory is developed to evaluate nuclear matrix elements averaged on the energy shell, on the basis of independent particle Hamiltonians. One- and two-body matrix elements are compared with the quantal results, and it is demonstrated that the semiclassical matrix elements, as function of energy, well pass through the average of the scattered quantum values. For the one-body matrix elements it is shown how the Thomas-Fermi approach can be projected on good parity and also on good angular momentum. For the two-body case, the pairing matrix elements are considered explicitly.


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The results of a search for the rare two-body charmless baryonic decays TeX and TeX are reported. The analysis uses a data sample, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 0.9 fb−1, of pp collision data collected by the LHCb experiment at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. An excess of TeX candidates with respect to background expectations is seen with a statistical significance of 3.3 standard deviations. This is the first evidence for a two-body charmless baryonic B 0 decay. No significant TeX signal is observed, leading to an improvement of three orders of magnitude over previous bounds. If the excess events are interpreted as signal, the 68.3% confidence level intervals on the branching fractions are $ TeX $ where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic.


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We study the phonon dispersion, cohesive and thermal properties of raxe gas solids Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe, using a variety of potentials obtained from different approaches; such as, fitting to crystal properties, purely ab initio calculations for molecules and dimers or ab initio calculations for solid crystalline phase, a combination of ab initio calculations and fitting to either gas phase data or sohd state properties. We explore whether potentials derived with a certain approaxih have any obvious benefit over the others in reproducing the solid state properties. In particular, we study phonon dispersion, isothermal ajid adiabatic bulk moduli, thermal expansion, and elastic (shear) constants as a function of temperatiue. Anharmonic effects on thermal expansion, specific heat, and bulk moduli have been studied using A^ perturbation theory in the high temperature limit using the neaxest-neighbor central force (nncf) model as developed by Shukla and MacDonald [4]. In our study, we find that potentials based on fitting to the crystal properties have some advantage, particularly for Kr and Xe, in terms of reproducing the thermodynamic properties over an extended range of temperatiures, but agreement with the phonon frequencies with the measured values is not guaranteed. For the lighter element Ne, the LJ potential which is based on fitting to the gas phase data produces best results for the thermodynamic properties; however, the Eggenberger potential for Ne, where the potential is based on combining ab initio quantum chemical calculations and molecular dynamics simulations, produces results that have better agreement with the measured dispersion, and elastic (shear) values. For At, the Morse-type potential, which is based on M0ller-Plesset perturbation theory to fourth order (MP4) ab initio calculations, yields the best results for the thermodynamic properties, elastic (shear) constants, and the phonon dispersion curves.


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Thomas-Fermi theory is developed to evaluate nuclear matrix elements averaged on the energy shell, on the basis of independent particle Hamiltonians. One- and two-body matrix elements are compared with the quantal results, and it is demonstrated that the semiclassical matrix elements, as function of energy, well pass through the average of the scattered quantum values. For the one-body matrix elements it is shown how the Thomas-Fermi approach can be projected on good parity and also on good angular momentum. For the two-body case, the pairing matrix elements are considered explicitly.


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A system constituted of three bosons interacting via two-body separable potentials with fixed two-boson binding is known to lead to bound-state collapse in the case where the potential parameters allow two-boson S-matrix poles close to (resonance) and on (continuum bound state) the real momentum axis. The collapse is shown to be accompanied by an increase in the average kinetic energy of the two-body bound state, which signals a decrease in the range of the two-body interaction for fixed two-body binding. The collapse is claimed to be a manifestation of the well-known Thomas effect which leads to a collapse of the three-body system when the range of the two-body interaction goes to zero for a fixed two-body binding.


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The original model of Das et al. is modified in extending the electron-ion interaction on a three-body forces and including the crystal equilibrium condition to reduce one independent parameter. We studied the phonon dispersion relations along the three principal symmetry directions i.e. [xi, 0, 0], [xi, xi, 0] and [xi, xi, xi] and theta-T curves of alkali metals, Na, K, Rb, Cs and Li. There is close agreement between the computed results and the experimental observations.


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Quite recently we modified the original model of Sarkar et al. for cubic metals in extending the ion-ion interaction, ion-electron interaction and the introduction of crystal equilibrium condition. We applied our scheme to alkali metals. We studied here the lattice dynamics of noble metals on our approach by calculating phonon dispersion relations along the three principal symmetry directions, [ξ00], [ξξ00] and [ξξξ] and the (θ-T) curves of three noble metals: copper, silver and gold. We obtained reasonable agreement with the experimental findings.


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The two-body Dirac(Breit) equation with potentials associated to one-boson-exchanges with cutoff masses is solved for the deuteron and its observables calculated. The 16-component wave-function for the Jπ = 1+ state contains four independent radial functions which satisfy a system of four coupled differential equations of first order. This system is numerically integrated, from infinity towards the origin, by fixing the value of the deuteron binding energy and imposing appropriate boundary conditions at infinity. For the exchange potential of the pion, a mixture of direct plus derivative couplings to the nucleon is considered. We varied the pion-nucleon coupling constant, and the best results of our calculations agree with the lower values recently determined for this constant.