954 resultados para tv-kort


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Denna rapport är resultatet av kursen Examensarbete i Informatik på Högskolan Dalarna. Examensarbetet är uppdelat i två delar. Ena delen har som syfte att ge en förstagångsanvändare en introduktion i Mobile.NET. Här beskrivs även vissa skillnader mot traditionell ASP. Andra delen, som uppfyller målet har varit att utveckla en tjänst som gör det möjligt att spela in tv-program på en dator från olika mobila enheter samt pc. Det arbete som föranlett rapporten har bestått av en egenhändigt framtagen metod som hämtat inspiration från Direct-modellen samt Polyas generella metod.Slutsatserna som framkommit är att det idag inte finns tillräckligt bra wap-tjänster som lockar allmänheten att wappa. Mobiltelefonen kommer till sin fulla rätt som en förlängd fjärr-kontroll, som kan integrera människan med hemmet på långa avstånd. För att utvecklingen av wap-tjänster ska ta fart krävs högre prestanda och nya idéer om tjänster. En tanke är att fler tjänster och nya idéer kommer ta fart nu när Microsoft släppt sitt utvecklingsverktyg Mobile Internet Toolkit. Nu behöver utvecklaren inte göra en tillämpning för varje mobilenhet. Kanske kommer denna rapport väcka en ny tanke om vad wap-tjänster kan göra.


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Huvudsyftet med denna uppsats är redogöra hur två våtmarker i Ängelholms kommun har kommit till och dess nytta för miljön. För att kunna besvara denna fråga har jag noga studerat beslutsgången, gjort fältstudier, talat med markägare tagit del av opublicerat material och studerat äldre och nya kartor över de båda våtmarkerna, båda belägna i trakten av Höja, ungefär fem kilometer sydost om Ängelholm, och även gjort fältstudier. Utöver detta har jag visat hur Ängelholms och Åstorps kommun arbetar för att främja anläggningen av våtmarker. Båda intresserar sig för att minska övergödningen och med våtmarker så åstadkommer de detta. Utöver vattenrenare så är våtmarker också av intresse rent utbildningsmässigt och bra för att få en heterogen landskapsbild. Slutsatser Det är skillnad på storleken av våtmarker i nordvästra Skåne gentemot i Danmark. Detta beror på att Danmark tidigare var indelade i amt som hade hand om vattenfrågor och kunde genomdriva våtmarksanläggningar i större utsträckning. Våtmarkerna i Skörpinge och Höja fungerar båda som naturliga reningsverk av närsalter. Våtmarken i Skörpinge bör vara mer effektiv när det gäller rening av närsalter då denna har större antal hektar avrinningsområde i förhållandet till våtmarksareal. Till detta skapar våtmarkerna en biologisk mångfald, Våtmarken i Höja visade sig vara väldigt effektiv, 43,4%, när det gällde rening av kväve. Men siffrorna är troligen missvisande i och med att det gjorde för få stickprov under för kort tidsrymd. Andra studier visar en reningseffektivitet på mellan 2 – 20 %. Det som skiljer våtmarkerna åt är dels formen och utförandet och dels antalet markägare. Våtmarken i Höja ägs av bara en markägare medan den andra ägs av fyra. Till detta krävdes det ett godkännande från Miljödomstolen för att våtmarken i Skörpinge skulle få anläggas. Båda våtmarkerna tog lika lång tid att anlägga, ungefär två år. Hur lång tid det tar att anlägga en våtmark kan bero på om markägare vill ha bidrag eller inte och i så fall från vilket myndighet. Så det kan säkerligen ta kortare tid att anlägga en våtmark. För att följa upp nyttan av våtmarkerna i Höja och Skörpinge bör det göras fler stickprov under längre tid och med dessa avgöra hur effektiva våtmarkerna egentligen är. Till detta bör det göras en inventering av flora och fauna för att undersöka den biologiska mångfalden.  


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This chapter revisits the concept of the ‘bardic function’ (Fiske & Hartley 1978), using historical analysis of the oral bardic institutions to re-theorise it for the era of interactive media and digital storytelling. It shows how ‘representative’ storytelling has transformed into self-representation, and proposes that the ‘bardic function’ can be divided into three types: representative (the ‘Taliesin function’); pedagogic (the ‘Gandalf function’); and self-organised (the ‘eisteddfod function’).


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The rise of videosharing and self-(re)broadcasting Web services is posing new threats to a television industry already struggling with the impact of filesharing networks. This paper outlines these threats, focussing especially on the DIY re-broadcasting of live sports using Websites such as Justin.tv and a range of streaming media networks built on peer-to-peer filesharing technology.


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Purpose: Television viewing time, independent of leisure-time physical activity, has cross-sectional relationships with the metabolic syndrome and its individual components. We examined whether baseline and five-year changes in self-reported television viewing time are associated with changes in continuous biomarkers of cardio-metabolic risk (waist circumference, triglycerides, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose; and a clustered cardio-metabolic risk score) in Australian adults. Methods: AusDiab is a prospective, population-based cohort study with biological, behavioral, and demographic measures collected in 1999–2000 and 2004–2005. Non-institutionalized adults aged ≥ 25 years were measured at baseline (11,247; 55% of those completing an initial household interview); 6,400 took part in the five-year follow-up biomedical examination, and 3,846 met the inclusion criteria for this analysis. Multiple linear regression analysis was used and unstandardized B coefficients (95% CI) are provided. Results: Baseline television viewing time (10 hours/week unit) was not significantly associated with change in any of the biomarkers of cardio-metabolic risk. Increases in television viewing time over five years (10 hours/week unit) were associated with increases in: waist circumference (cm) (men: 0.43 (0.08, 0.78), P = 0.02; women: 0.68 (0.30, 1.05), P <0.001), diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) (women: 0.47 (0.02, 0.92), P = 0.04), and the clustered cardio-metabolic risk score (women: 0.03 (0.01, 0.05), P = 0.007). These associations were independent of baseline television viewing time and baseline and change in physical activity and other potential confounders. Conclusion: These findings indicate that an increase in television viewing time is associated with adverse cardio-metabolic biomarker changes. Further prospective studies using objective measures of several sedentary behaviors are required to confirm causality of the associations found.


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John Hartley discusses TV past, present and future and concludes that 'This brave new world does have a couple of dystopian elements. One is that no-one knows how to fund non-universal TV production. Another is that any future 'imagined community' will have to get used to the fact that most people aren't inside it.


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Journalism has achieved a crucial importance as a social institution linked with the notion of the public interest. It is still doing so but is nevertheless increasingly challenged by getting networked with the interested publics. This becomes more apparent in times when the media repertoires and audiences as such are changing, when the public relies on more than one news source for the transmission and formulation of world events, but when the importance of TV news nevertheless remains relatively stable. Against this backdrop we may ask what publics contribute to or take away from the new plethora of images and stories saturating the media? This article gives an approximate answer by drawing on a comparative analysis of the present-day presentations of violence on British, German, and Russian television news. Violence in the media is not a new phenomenon, as age-old literary masterpieces like Homer’s Odyssey show, but it is still a very popular one, especially in the news. This article highlights trans-national and national elements in the reporting of violence in three different news cultures. At first glance, both the substantial cross-national violence news flow and the cross-national visual violence flow (key visuals) may be interpreted as distinctly trans-national elements. Event-related textual analysis, however, reveals how the historical rootedness of nations and their specific symbols of power are still very much manifested in respective television mediations of violence. In conclusion, this study recommends the pursuit of conscientious comparisons in journalist research and practice in order to understand what violence news convey in the different arenas of present-day newsmaking.


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Beginning around 2003, television studies has seen the growth of interest in the genre of reality shows. However, concentrating on this genre has tended to sideline the even more significant emergence of the program format as a central mode of business and culture in the new television landscape. "Localizing Global TV" redresses this balance, and heralds the emergence of an important, exciting and challenging area of television studies. Topics explored include reality TV, makeover programs, sitcoms, talent shows and fiction serials, as well as broadcaster management policies, production decision chains and audience participation processes. This seminal work will be of considerable interest to media scholars internationally.


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This article examines the BBC program Top Gear, discussing why it has become one of the world’s most-watched TV programs, and how it has very successfully captivated an audience who might otherwise not be particularly interested in cars. The analysis of the show is here framed in the form of three ‘lessons’ for journalists, suggesting that some of the entertaining (and highly engaging) ways in which Top Gear presents information to its viewers could be usefully applied in the coverage of politics – a domain of knowledge which, like cars, many citizens find abstract or boring.


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Australian National Cinema and Australian Television Culture. These two books, magisterial accounts of Australian media cultures, are very different. The first analyses (according to its cover blurb) 'the distinct and diverse nature of Australian cinema'; the second offers 'a picture of Australian television'. The books share an author.2 Despite this, their objects of study are constituted very differently. The first is replete with examples of particular films, analyses of their representational strategies, and links to the social context of production. The second addresses almost no programs and those that are mentioned appear only in passing. There is no analysis of any particular television text. The difference between these books cannot be explained in terms of authorial fickleness: rather, it represents the different ways in which television and film have been constructed as objects of study. While film has a recognised canon and a tradition of close textual analysis, in the study of television the programs themselves have tended to vanish - as they do in Australian Television Culture. Most academic work on Australian television is not interested in its programs. Writers have tended to find other aspects more rewarding: industries, institutions, ownership, legislation, technology and production.3 Australian Television Culture is part of this tradition; and an example of how such work, done well, can be a useful contribution to understanding the medium.


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Independent television production is recognised for its capacity to generate new kinds of program content, as well as deliver innovation in formats. Globally, the television industry is entering into the post-broadcasting era where audiences are fragmented and content is distributed across multiple platforms. The effects of this convergence are now being felt in China, as it both challenges old statist models and presents new opportunities for content innovation. This thesis discusses the status of independent production in China, making relevant comparisons with independent production in other countries. Independent television production has become an important element in the reform of broadcasting in China in the past decade. The first independent TV production company was registered officially in 1994. While there are now over 4000 independent companies, the term „independent. does not necessarily constitute autonomy. The question the thesis addresses is: what is the status and nature of independence in China? Is it an appropriate term to use to describe the changing environment, or is it a misnomer? The thesis argues that Chinese independents operate alongside the mainstream state-owned system; they are „dependent. on the mainstream. Therefore independent television in China is a relative term. By looking at several companies in Beijing, mainly in entertainment, TV drama and animation, the thesis shows how the sector is injecting fresh ideas into the marketplace and how it plays an important role in improving innovation in many aspects of the television industry. The thesis shows how independent television companies in China are looking to protect their property rights. It demonstrates that far from being at the cutting edge, independents are reliant on a system that has many inbuilt structural problems. The thesis outlines many of the challenges facing 'independents'.