981 resultados para turbidity
In anticipation of regulation involving numeric turbidity limit at highway construction sites, research was done into the most appropriate, affordable methods for surface water monitoring. Measuring sediment concentration in streams may be conducted a number of ways. As part of a project funded by the Iowa Department of Transportation, several testing methods were explored to determine the most affordable, appropriate methods for data collection both in the field and in the lab. The primary purpose of the research was to determine the exchangeability of the acrylic transparency tube for water clarity analysis as compared to the turbidimeter.
In the present study, we examined seawater biofiltration in terms of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and turbidity. A pilot biofilter continuously fed with fresh seawater reduced both turbidity and biological activity measured by ATP. Experiments operated with an empty bed contact time (EBCT) of between 2 and 14 min resulted in cellular ATP removals of 32% to 60% and turbidity removals of 38% to 75%. Analysis of the water from backwashing the biofilter revealed that the first half of the biofilter concentrated around 80% of the active biomass and colloidal material that produces turbidity. By reducing the EBCT, the biological activity moved from the first part of the biofilter to the end. Balances of cellular ATP and turbidity between consecutive backwashings indicated that the biological activity generated in the biofilter represented more than 90% of the detached cellular ATP. In contrast, the trapped ATP was less than 10% of the overall cellular ATP detached during the backwashing process. Furthermore, the biological activity generated in the biofilter seemed to be more dependent on the elapsed time than the volume filtered. In contrast, the turbidity trapped in the biofilter was proportional to the volume filtered, although a slightly higher amount of turbidity was found in the backwashing water; this was probably due to attrition of the bed medium. Finally, no correlations were found between turbidity and ATP, indicating that the two parameters focus on different matter. This suggests that turbidity should not be used as an alternative to cellular concentration.
The aim of this thesis was to examine how aquatic organisms, such as fish, behave in an altered environmental condition. Many species of fish use vision as their primary tool to gain information about their surrounding environment. The visual conditions of aquatic habitats are often altered as a result of anthropogenic disturbance, such as eutrophication that initiates algal turbidity. In general, turbidity reduces the visibility and can be hypothesized to have an influence on the behaviour of fish. I used the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) as a model species and conducted four studies in the laboratory to test how algal turbidity affects its behaviour. In this thesis, two major behavioural aspects are discussed. The first is antipredator behaviour. In study I, the combined effects of turbidity and shoot density on habitat choice (shelter vs open) behaviour was tested on a group of sticklebacks (20 fish) in the presence and absence of piscivorous perch (Perca fluviatilis). In study II, I examined the behavioural responses of feeding sticklebacks when they were exposed to the sudden appearance of an avian predator (the silhouette of a common tern, Sterna hirundo). The study was done in turbid and clear water using three different groups sizes (1, 3 and 6 fish). The second aspect is foraging behaviour. Study III & IV focused on the effects of algal turbidity on the foraging performance of sticklebacks. In study III, I conducted two separate experiments to examine the effects of turbidity on prey consumption and prey choice of sticklebacks. In this experiment turbidity levels and the proportion of large and small prey (Daphnia spp.) were manipulated. In study IV, I studied whether a group of six sticklebacks can distribute themselves according to food input at two feeding stations in a way that provided each fish with the same amount of food in clear and turbid water. I also observed whether the fish can follow changes in resource distribution between the foraging patches. My results indicate an overall influence of algal turbidity on the antipredator and foraging behaviour of sticklebacks. In the presence of a potential predator, the use of the sheltered habitat was more pronounced at higher turbidity. Besides this, sticklebacks reduced their activity levels with predator presence at higher turbidity and shoot density levels, suggesting a possible antipredator adaptation to avoid a predator. When exposed to a sudden appearance of an avian predator, sticklebacks showed a weaker antipredator response in turbid water, which suggests that turbidity degrades the risk assessment capabilities of sticklebacks. I found an effect of group size but not turbidity in the proportion of sticklebacks that fled to the shelter area, which indicates that sticklebacks are able to communicate among group members at the experimental turbidity levels. I found an overall negative effect of turbidity on food intake. Both turbidity and changes in the proportion of prey sizes played a significant role in a stickleback’s prey selection. At lower turbidity levels (clear <1 and 5 NTU) sticklebacks showed preferences for large prey, whereas in more turbid conditions and when the proportion of large to small prey increased sticklebacks became increasingly random in their prey selection. Finally, my results showed that groups of sticklebacks disperse themselves between feeding stations according to the reward ratios following the predictions of the ideal free distribution theory. However, they took a significantly longer time to reach the equilibrium distribution in turbid water than in clear water. In addition, they showed a slower response to changes in resource distribution in a turbid environment. These findings suggest that turbidity interferes with the information transfer among group foragers. It is important to understand that aquatic animals are often exposed to a degraded environment. The findings of this thesis suggest that algal turbidity negatively affects their behavioural performance. The results also shed light on the underlying behavioural strategies of sticklebacks in turbid conditions that might help them adapt to an altered environmental situation and increase their survival. In conclusion, I hold that although algal turbidity has detrimental effects on the antipredator and foraging behaviour of sticklebacks, their behavioural adjustment might help them adapt to a changing environment.
The most common and conventional method for removing turbidity from water is by coagulating with alum or iron salts, and settling the precipitate in suitably designed clarifiers followed by filtration. But the sludge produced is bulky, difficult to dewater and accumulates in the dumping grounds causing environmental problems. Synthetic polymers such as polyacrylamide and polyethyleneoxide have been investigated for their ability to remove turbidity. They overcome many of the disadvantages of conventional methods, but are cost—effective only when rapid flocculation and reduction in sludge volume are demanded. Considering the aforementioned situation, it was felt that more easily available and eco-friendly materials must be developed for removing turbidity from water. The results of our studies in this direction are presented in this thesis. The thesis comprises of nine chapters, with a common bibliography at the end. Chapter 1 gives an introduction to the nature of turbidity and colour usually present in water. Chapter 2 discusses the nature and availability of the principal material used in these studies, namely chitosan. Chapters 3 to 8, which deal with the actual experimental work, are further subdivided into (a) introduction, (b) materials and methods, (c) results and discussion and (d) conclusions. Chapter 9 summarises the entire work so as to put the results and conclusions into proper perspective.
Study of Liposomes Stability Containing Soy Phosphatidyleholine and Hydrogenated Soy Phosphatydylcholine Adding or Not Cholesterol by Turbidity Method. Liposomes are structures composed by phospholipids as soy phosphatidylcholine (PC) and hydrogenated soy phosphatydylcholine (PCH). Among the methods used to prove liposomes stability, turbidity method is widely used. The objective of this work was to study the liposomes stability containing PC or PCH with and without cholesterol (CHOL) by turbidity method. Liposomes were stored a 30 degrees C during 90 days and periodically absorbance readings at 410 nm were made to verify possible turbidity alterations. Increases in the turbidity with time occurred for PC liposomes. In the presence of CHOL higher turbidity was obtained probably reflecting the increase in the size of liposomes. For PCH liposomes the presence of CHOL did not affect the turbidity suggesting higher physical stability of the structures.
The thermotropic phase behavior of cationic liposomes in mixtures of two of the most investigated liposome-forming double-chain lipids, dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) and didodecyldimethylammonium bromide (DDAB), was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), turbidity, and Nile Red fluorescence. The dispersions were investigated at 1.0 mM total surfactant concentration and varying DODAB and DDAB concentrations. The gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition temperatures (T-m) of neat DDAB and DODAB in aqueous dispersions are around 16 and 43 degrees C, respectively, and we aim to investigate the T-m behavior for mixtures of these cationic lipids. Overall, DDAB reduces the T-m of DODAB, the transition temperature depending on the DDAB content, but the T-m of DDAB is roughly independent of the DODAB concentration. Both DSC and fluorescence measurements show that, within the mixture, at room temperature (ca. 22 degrees C), the DDAB-rich liposomes are in the liquid-crystalline state, whereas the DODAB-rich liposomes are in the gel state. DSC results point to a higher affinity of DDAB for DODAB liposomes than the reverse, resulting in two populations of mixed DDAB/DODAB liposomes with distinctive phase behavior. Fluorescence measurements also show that the presence of a small amount of DODAB in DDAB-rich liposomes causes a pronounced effect in Nile Red emission, due to the increase in liposome size, as inferred from turbidity results.
Freshwater copepods were sampled in the La Plata River basin to identify the processes that affect beta diversity and to determine the main factors influencing their geographical distribution and patterns of endemism. Beta diversity patterns exhibited strong dissimilarity between locations; the turnover process was predominant and indicated a replacement of species along the basin. Redundancy analysis indicated the presence of two large sets of species separated geographically by a boundary zone, with several associated variables. Northern species were associated with water transparency and temperature, mean air temperature, mean air temperature during winter and minimum air temperature of coldest month, indicating that these species are not tolerant to low temperatures and are abundant in reservoirs that are common in the upper stretch of the Paraná River basin. Southern species were related with amplitude of air temperature, turbidity, total phosphorus and total suspended matter, indicating that these species are polythermic and have adapted to live in river stretches. From 20 environmental variables analyzed in our study, partial least squares analysis indicated four variables with increased retention of effects on copepod abundance: air temperature, minimum temperature of coldest month, turbidity and transparency. Because almost all of the species found in this study occurred across a wide range of habitat types, the cause of the separation between river and reservoir species could be considered to be more anthropogenic than natural, and it primarily affected species abundance. For certain members of the northern group of copepod species, distribution was dependent on high temperatures, whereas the distribution of the southern group indicated that the species were polythermic.
The spectral reflectance of the sea surface recorded using ocean colour satellite sensors has been used to estimate chlorophyll-a concentrations for decades. However, in bio-optically complex coastal waters, these estimates are compromised by the presence of several other coloured components besides chlorophyll, especially in regions affected by low-salinity waters. The present work aims to (a) describe the influence of the freshwater plume from the La Plata River on the variability of in situ remote sensing reflectance and (b) evaluate the performance of operational ocean colour chlorophyll algorithms applied to Southwestern Atlantic waters, which receive a remarkable seasonal contribution from La Plata River discharges. Data from three oceanographic cruises are used, in addition to a historical regional bio-optical dataset. Deviations found between measured and estimated concentrations of chlorophyll-a are examined in relation to surface water salinity and turbidity gradients to investigate the source of errors in satellite estimates of pigment concentrations. We observed significant seasonal variability in surface reflectance properties that are strongly driven by La Plata River plume dynamics and arise from the presence of high levels of inorganic suspended solids and coloured dissolved materials. As expected, existing operational algorithms overestimate the concentration of chlorophyll-a, especially in waters of low salinity (S<33.5) and high turbidity (Rrs(670)>0.0012 sr−1). Additionally, an updated version of the regional algorithm is presented, which clearly improves the chlorophyll estimation in those types of coastal environment. In general, the techniques presented here allow us to directly distinguish the bio-optical types of waters to be considered in algorithm studies by the ocean colour community.
Pumped-storage (PS) systems are used to store electric energy as potential energy for release during peak demand. We investigate the impacts of a planned 1000 MW PS scheme connecting Lago Bianco with Lago di Poschiavo (Switzerland) on temperature and particle mass concentration in both basins. The upper (turbid) basin is a reservoir receiving large amounts of fine particles from the partially glaciated watershed, while the lower basin is a much clearer natural lake. Stratification, temperature and particle concentrations in the two basins were simulated with and without PS for four different hydrological conditions and 27 years of meteorological forcing using the software CE-QUAL-W2. The simulations showed that the PS operations lead to an increase in temperature in both basins during most of the year. The increase is most pronounced (up to 4°C) in the upper hypolimnion of the natural lake toward the end of summer stratification and is partially due to frictional losses in the penstocks, pumps and turbines. The remainder of the warming is from intense coupling to the atmosphere while water resides in the shallower upper reservoir. These impacts are most pronounced during warm and dry years, when the upper reservoir is strongly heated and the effects are least concealed by floods. The exchange of water between the two basins relocates particles from the upper reservoir to the lower lake, where they accumulate during summer in the upper hypolimnion (10 to 20 mg L−1) but also to some extent decrease light availability in the trophic surface layer.
In July 1995 geological and biological studies in the axial zone of the northern part of the Mohn's Ridge (72°20'N) were carried out during Cruise 36 of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh. Slopes of the neovolcanic zone, as well as a caldera on its crest were investigated with use of deep-sea manned submersibles Mir, geological and biological samples were also collected. Use of the Rosette sounding complex provided recognition of several major hydrothermal plumes. Bottom sediments of the marginal depression are enriched in metals characteristic for hydrothermal metalliferous sediments. Thus, a new unknown hydrothermal field was found.