830 resultados para tuprolog estensione android input grafico console
L’obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di estendere l’interfaccia grafica di tuProlog nella versione per Android, il più diffuso sistema operativo per tablet e smartphone. TuProlog è un’ interprete Prolog interamente scritto in java, leggero e open–source. L’applicazione è disponibile sotto forma di archivio JAR eseguibile e può essere utilizzato tramite un’interfaccia a riga di comando, nella versione Java, o per mezzo di interfacce grafiche negli ambienti Java, .NET e Android. La versione per Android supporta pienamente Java e la maggior parte delle librerie dell’applicativo per JVM. Lo sviluppo di applicazioni per dispositivi mobile, però, limita lo sviluppatore in termini di complessità delle elaborazioni effettuabili dal programma e comprensibilità dell’interfaccia grafica; per questi e altri motivi, la struttura dell’applicativo in versione Android, fatta eccezione per il core Prolog, è diversa dalle versioni per altri ambienti. L’applicazione, giunta ora alla versione 2.7.2, manca della possibilità di input da console in tutte le versioni ad interfaccia grafica. Scopo di questa tesi è quindi integrare tale funzionalità, inserendola all’interno del contesto applicativo senza modificare il normale flusso delle operazioni, intervenendo in modo mirato, il meno invasivo possibile e garantendo l’espandibilità della modifica ad estensioni future.
tuProlog su piattaforma Android: reingegnerizzazione in ottica Modern UI e fruibilità "as a service"
Questa tesi si occupa principalmente della revisione grafica in ottica Modern UI dell'app tuProlog Android, nella prospettiva di renderlo in futuro disponibile anche in modalità as-a-service. Dopo una attenta analisi preliminare dell'architettura di tuProlog in generale e in particolare della struttura dell'app tuProlog preesistente e del relativo progetto in ambiente Eclipse, ci si è focalizzati sulla riprogettazione dell'app, dall'analisi dei requisiti - ivi incluso il nuovo strumento di sviluppo da utilizzare, Android Studio - alla successiva analisi e progettazione della nuova soluzione, seguita da implementazione e collaudo.
In questa tesi descriveremo e analizzeremo il motore grafico OGRE, acronimo di Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine. La scelta di analizzare proprio questo motore grafico è legata a diverse considerazioni. Innanzitutto, OGRE è rilasciato con licenza open source e quindi rende disponibile il suo codice sorgente. Questo è molto importante, in un contesto di studio e sperimentazione come quello universitario, perché permette di comprendere e analizzare anche il funzionamento interno del motore grafico. Inoltre, OGRE è un progetto maturo e stabile con una vasta comunità di sviluppatori e utilizzatori alle spalle. Esiste molta documentazione a riguardo, tra wiki, libri e manuali, e un forum molto attivo per la richiesta di aiuto e consigli. A conferma, sia della bontà del progetto che delle ottime prestazioni del motore grafico, basta dire che OGRE è utilizzato anche da applicazioni commerciali, come videogame, editor 3D e simulatori. Infine, la caratteristica che contraddistingue OGRE da tutti gli altri motori grafici è il fatto di essere "solamente" un motore di rendering puro. Ciò significa che qualsiasi funzionalità non direttamente legata al rendering, come ad esempio la gestione degli input dell'utente, non è supportata da OGRE. Anche se questo può sembrare un difetto, in realtà ciò permetterà di concentrarci solamente sugli aspetti legati al rendering che, in un motore grafico, costituiscono la parte fondamentale.
L’obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di progettare e sviluppare un'applicazione Android inerente alle palestre. In particolare l'utente finale dovrà essere in grado di poter scaricare i propri allenamenti da un server SQL remoto e visualizzarli con un layout grafico che ne ricordi la struttura di un allenamento cartaceo (con l’utilizzo quindi di schede, esercizi, serie, ripetizioni,...). Attraverso una procedura guidata, l’applicazione dovrà seguire l’utente durante il suo allenamento e registrarne i progressi. Questi ultimi dovranno essere memorizzati permanentemente e visualizzati attraverso dei grafici.
L’obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di progettare un sistema gestionale che risponda alle esigenze organizzative delle palestre. In particolar modo verrà implementato un software per piattaforma Windows dedicato ai personal trainer. Questa applicazione dovrà essere in grado di registrare e gestire i clienti del centro sportivo, e permettere la creazione degli allenamenti a loro dedicati (con l’utilizzo quindi di schede, esercizi, serie, ripetizioni, ...). Tutti i dati andranno memorizzati su un server SQL centralizzato, accessibile anche da Internet. Successivamente questi allenamenti potranno esser scaricati e visualizzati dai clienti tramite i propri Smartphone Android.
With the ever growing trend of smart phones and tablets, Android is becoming more and more popular everyday. With more than one billion active users i to date, Android is the leading technology in smart phone arena. In addition to that, Android also runs on Android TV, Android smart watches and cars. Therefore, in recent years, Android applications have become one of the major development sectors in software industry. As of mid 2013, the number of published applications on Google Play had exceeded one million and the cumulative number of downloads was more than 50 billionii. A 2013 survey also revealed that 71% of the mobile application developers work on developing Android applicationsiii. Considering this size of Android applications, it is quite evident that people rely on these applications on a daily basis for the completion of simple tasks like keeping track of weather to rather complex tasks like managing one’s bank accounts. Hence, like every other kind of code, Android code also needs to be verified in order to work properly and achieve a certain confidence level. Because of the gigantic size of the number of applications, it becomes really hard to manually test Android applications specially when it has to be verified for various versions of the OS and also, various device configurations such as different screen sizes and different hardware availability. Hence, recently there has been a lot of work on developing different testing methods for Android applications in Computer Science fraternity. The model of Android attracts researchers because of its open source nature. It makes the whole research model more streamlined when the code for both, application and the platform are readily available to analyze. And hence, there has been a great deal of research in testing and static analysis of Android applications. A great deal of this research has been focused on the input test generation for Android applications. Hence, there are a several testing tools available now, which focus on automatic generation of test cases for Android applications. These tools differ with one another on the basis of their strategies and heuristics used for this generation of test cases. But there is still very little work done on the comparison of these testing tools and the strategies they use. Recently, some research work has been carried outiv in this regard that compared the performance of various available tools with respect to their respective code coverage, fault detection, ability to work on multiple platforms and their ease of use. It was done, by running these tools on a total of 60 real world Android applications. The results of this research showed that although effective, these strategies being used by the tools, also face limitations and hence, have room for improvement. The purpose of this thesis is to extend this research into a more specific and attribute-‐ oriented way. Attributes refer to the tasks that can be completed using the Android platform. It can be anything ranging from a basic system call for receiving an SMS to more complex tasks like sending the user to another application from the current one. The idea is to develop a benchmark for Android testing tools, which is based on the performance related to these attributes. This will allow the comparison of these tools with respect to these attributes. For example, if there is an application that plays some audio file, will the testing tool be able to generate a test input that will warrant the execution of this audio file? Using multiple applications using different attributes, it can be visualized that which testing tool is more useful for which kinds of attributes. In this thesis, it was decided that 9 attributes covering the basic nature of tasks, will be targeted for the assessment of three testing tools. Later this can be done for much more attributes to compare even more testing tools. The aim of this work is to show that this approach is effective and can be used on a much larger scale. One of the flagship features of this work, which also differentiates it with the previous work, is that the applications used, are all specially made for this research. The reason for doing that is to analyze just that specific attribute in isolation, which the application is focused on, and not allow the tool to get bottlenecked by something trivial, which is not the main attribute under testing. This means 9 applications, each focused on one specific attribute. The main contributions of this thesis are: A summary of the three existing testing tools and their respective techniques for automatic test input generation of Android Applications. • A detailed study of the usage of these testing tools using the 9 applications specially designed and developed for this study. • The analysis of the obtained results of the study carried out. And a comparison of the performance of the selected tools.
This paper reports on the experiences of an extracurricular program in English language learning (ELL) that was implemented in an institute of technology in the hinterland of the People's Republic of China (PRC). Following the guidelines set out in an impact study of the reform of curriculum change in Hong Kong (Adamson & Morris, 2000), this study takes account of the context of the particular socio-cultural and political environment in which the research program takes place. Three distinct phases emerged in the career of the extracurricular program - the establishment of the program; successful implementation; and the decline. The study identifies three key factors that shaped these phases: teacher motivation; student motivation and its various influences; and available resources (including collegial and administrative support). The findings suggest that of the key factors impacting on the ELL extracurriculum, student motivation was the most influential.
This research explores gestures used in the context of activities in the workplace and in everyday life in order to understand requirements and devise concepts for the design of gestural information applicances. A collaborative method of video interaction analysis devised to suit design explorations, the Video Card Game, was used to capture and analyse how gesture is used in the context of six different domains: the dentist's office; PDA and mobile phone use; the experimental biologist's laboratory; a city ferry service; a video cassette player repair shop; and a factory flowmeter assembly station. Findings are presented in the form of gestural themes, derived from the tradition of qualitative analysis but bearing some similarity to Alexandrian patterns. Implications for the design of gestural devices are discussed.
An estimation of costs for maintenance and rehabilitation is subject to variation due to the uncertainties of input parameters. This paper presents the results of an analysis to identify input parameters that affect the prediction of variation in road deterioration. Road data obtained from 1688 km of a national highway located in the tropical northeast of Queensland in Australia were used in the analysis. Data were analysed using a probability-based method, the Monte Carlo simulation technique and HDM-4’s roughness prediction model. The results of the analysis indicated that among the input parameters the variability of pavement strength, rut depth, annual equivalent axle load and initial roughness affected the variability of the predicted roughness. The second part of the paper presents an analysis to assess the variation in cost estimates due to the variability of the overall identified critical input parameters.
A Positive Buck- Boost (PBB) converter is a known DC-DC converter that can operate in step up and step down modes. Unlike Buck, Boost, and Inverting Buck Boost converters, the inductor current of a PBB can be controlled independently of its voltage conversion ratio. In other words, the inductor of PBB can be utilised as an energy storage unit in addition to its main function of energy transfer. In this paper, the capability of PBB to store energy has been utilised to achieve robustness against input voltage fluctuations and output current changes. The control strategy has been developed to keep accuracy, affordability, and simplicity acceptable. To improve the efficiency of the system a Smart Load Controller (SLC) has been suggested. Applying SLC extra current storage occurs when there is sudden loads change otherwise little extra current is stored.
A Positive Buck-Boost converter is a known DC-DC converter which may be controlled to act as Buck or Boost converter with same polarity of the input voltage. This converter has four switching states which include all the switching states of the above mentioned DC-DC converters. In addition there is one switching state which provides a degree of freedom for the positive Buck-Boost converter in comparison to the Buck, Boost, and inverting Buck-Boost converters. In other words the Positive Buck-Boost Converter shows a higher level of flexibility for its inductor current control compared to the other DC-DC converters. In this paper this extra degree of freedom is utilised to increase the robustness against input voltage fluctuations and load changes. To address this capacity of the positive Buck-Boost converter, two different control strategies are proposed which control the inductor current and output voltage against any fluctuations in input voltage and load changes. Mathematical analysis for dynamic and steady state conditions are presented in this paper and simulation results verify the proposed method.
This paper presents a new multi-output DC/DC converter topology that has step-up and step-down conversion capabilities. In this topology, several output voltages can be generated which can be used in different applications such as multilevel converters with diode-clamped topology or power supplies with several voltage levels. Steady state and dynamic equations of the proposed multi-output converter have been developed, that can be used for steady state and transient analysis. Two control techniques have been proposed for this topology based on constant and dynamic hysteresis band height control to address different applications. Simulations have been performed for different operating modes and load conditions to verify the proposed topology and its control technique. Additionally, a laboratory prototype is designed and implemented to verify the simulation results.