973 resultados para tungsten ore
At the present time the principal uses for tungsten lie in the manufacture of ferro-alloys and tungsten steels. Due to it’s hardening and strengthening characteristics it holds an important position among steel hardening metals. The great rush for it’s production during the World War years clearly points to it’s importance in the manufacture of armament.
The largest known deposits of tungsten ores occur in the continuation of the Indo-Malayan Mountains, which extends through Burma, Malaya, China, Japan, and Chosen. Production of tungsten concentrates was started in 1910 in Burma, and in 1911 this country was the world's largest producer. China produced but little until 1916, but has since supplied over fifty per cent of the world's requirements.
Processes governing the formation of rare earth element (REE) composition are under consideration for ferromanganese deposits (nodules, separate parts of nodules, and micronodules of different size fractions) within the Clarion-Clipperton ore province in the Pacific Ocean. It is shown that ferromanganese oxyhydroxide deposits with different chemical compositions can be produced in sediments under similar sedimentation conditions. In areas with high bioproductivity size of micronodules has positive correlation with Mn content and Mn/Fe and P/Fe ratios and negative correlation with Fe, P, REE, and Ce anomaly. Behavior of REE in micronodules from sediments within bioproductive zones is related to increase of influence of diagenetic processes in sediments as a response to the growth of size of micronodules. Distinctions in chemical composition of micronodules and nodules are related to their interaction with associated sediments. Micronodules grow in sediments using hydrogenous ferromanganese oxyhydroxides. As they grow, micronodules are enriched in labile fraction of sediments reworked during diagenesis. Sources of material of ferromanganese nodules are governed by their formation at the water bottom interface. Their upper part is formed by direct settling of iron oxyhydroxides from bottom water, whereas the lower part is accumulated due to diagenetic processes in sediments. Differences of REE compositions in ferromanganese deposits are caused by the reduction of manganese during diagenesis and its separation from iron. Iron oxyhydroxides form a sorption complex due to sorption of phosphate-ion from bottom and pore waters. Sorption of phosphate-ion results in additional sorption of REE.
This work aims at the geochemical study of Pitinga cryolite mineralization through REE and Y analyses in disseminated and massive cryolite ore deposits, as well as in fluorite occurrences. REE signatures in fluorite and cryolite are similar to those in the Madeira albite granite. The highest ΣREE values are found in magmatic cryolite (677 to 1345 ppm); ΣREE is lower in massive cryolite. Average values for the different cryolite types are 10.3 ppm, 6.66 ppm and 8.38 ppm (for nucleated, caramel and white types, respectively). Disseminated fluorite displays higher ΣREE values (1708 and 1526ppm) than fluorite in late veins(34.81ppm). Yttrium concentration is higher in disseminated fluorite and in magmatic cryolite. The evolution of several parameters (REEtotal, LREE/HREE, Y) was followed throughout successive stages of evolution in albite granites and associated mineralization. At the end of the process, late cryolite was formed with low REEtotal content. REE data indicate that the MCD was formed by, and the disseminated ore enriched by (additional formation of hydrothermal disseminated cryolite), hydrothermal fluids, residual from albite granite. The presence of tetrads is poorly defined, although nucleated, caramel and white cryolite types show evidence for tetrad effect.
The aim of this work is to study the reaction rate and the morphology of intermediate reaction products during iron ore reduction when iron ore and carbonaceous materials are agglomerated together with or without Portland cement. The reaction was performed at high temperatures, and used small size samples in order to minimise heat transfer constraints. Coke breeze and pure graphite were the carbonaceous materials employed. Portland cement was applied as a binder, and pellet diameters were in the range 5.6-6.5 mm. The experimental technique involved the measurement of the pellet weight loss, as well as the interruption of the reaction at different stages, in order to submit the partially reduced pellet to scanning electron microscopy. The experimental temperature was in the range 1423-1623 K, and the total reaction time varied from 240 to 1200 s. It was observed that above 1523 K the formation of liquid slag occurred inside the pellets, which partially dissolved iron oxides. The apparent activation energies obtained were 255 kJ mol(-1) for coke breeze containing pellets, and 230 kJ mol(-1) for those pellets containing graphite. It was possible to avoid heat transfer control of the reaction rate up to 1523 K by employing small composite pellets.
The aim of this work is to study the reaction rate and the morphology of the intermediary reaction products during reduction of iron ore, when iron ore and carbonaceous material are agglomerated together as a carbon composite iron ore pellet. The reaction was performed at high temperatures, and in order to avoid heat transfer constraints small size samples were used. The carbonaceous materials employed were coke breeze and pure graphite. Portland cement was employed as a binder, and the pellets diameter was 5.2 mm. The experimental technique involved the measurement of the pellets weight loss, as well as interruption of the reaction at different stages in order to submit the partially reduced pellet to scanning electron microscopy. It has been observed that above 1523 K there is the formation of liquid slag inside the pellets, which partially dissolves iron oxides. The apparent activation energies obtained were 255 kJ/mol for coke breeze containing pellets, and 230 kJ/mol for those pellets containing graphite. It was possible to avoid heat transfer control of the reaction rate up to 1523 K by employing small composite pellets.
This work analyses pellets prepared with iron ore that has been mechanically activated by high energy ball milling. Pellet feed iron ore was submitted to high-energy ball milling for 60 minutes, and the resulting material was analysed through measurements of particle size and specific surface area, as well as X-ray diffraction. Pellets were prepared from this material. The pellets were heated at temperatures ranging from 1000 to 1250 degrees C in a muffle furnace, and submitted to the maximum temperature during 10 - 12 minutes. The samples were then tested regarding crushing strength, densification and porosity, and were examined in a scanning electronic microscope. The results were compared to those obtained with similar samples made from non-milled pellet feed. It has been shown that through high-energy ball milling of iron ore it is possible to achieve pellets presenting high densification and compressive strength at firing temperatures lower than the usual ones.
The present study was carried out on six different ore types from the Salitre Alkaline Complex aiming to determine their mineralogical composition and the major features that are relevant in the mineral processing. The P(2)O(5) grades vary from 9 to 25%. The slime content (-0, 020 mm) varies between 20 and 34% (w/w) and carries 17-22% of the P(2)O(5) content. The samples essentially consist of apatite, iron oxi-hydroxides, ilmenite, clay minerals, carbonate, quartz, pyroxene, perovskite, secondary phosphates and other minor accessory minerals. Below 0.21 mm, apatite essentially occurs in free particles showing a clean surface or a weak coating of it-on oxi-hydroxides; the highly covered apatite (not recoverable by flotation) varies from 6 to 9%. In the deslimed fraction (above 0.020 mm) more than 97% of the total phosphor content occurs as apatite; the estimated P 2 0 5 potential recovery in flotation concentration is over 90% (71-76% overall recovery).
Diamond-like carbon (DLC), also known as amorphous hydrogenated carbon (a-C:H), are a class of materials with excellent mechanical, tribological and biological properties. When the DLC films are enhanced with other elements, all of these properties can be changed within a certain range. In this work, reactive magnetron sputtering was used to deposit W-DLC (hydrogenated tungsten carbide) films on Ti6A14V (implant material). Many films were made using pure tungsten (99.99%) target and different plasmas processes, with different ratio among argon and methane. It was possible to change the films composition (from pure amorphous carbon to carbon enhanced with tungsten) according to ratio of argon and methane plasma. Between all films processed, the carbon films enhanced with tungsten showed good results in the ""in vitro"" cytotoxicity testing. Raman spectroscopy was used to analyze the chemical bonds kinds and the chemical bonds quantities. The Rutherford Back Scattering (RBS) was used to analyze the films compositions. The chemical inertness was analyzed by scanning voltametry. W-DLC thin films obtained in these processes have low roughness, high chemical resistance, good adhesion and show a high biocompatibility, when compared with common DLC thin films. Hence we have concluded that the tungsten concentrations in the DLC films make an important role to improve the properties of the DLC layers. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and n-hexadecylamine (HDA) have been used as template in the synthesis of a mesolamellar xerogel tungsten oxide phase (WO(3)/CTAB/HDA). The catalytic properties of the resulting material were investigated in the oxidation of cis-cyclooctene, styrene, and cyclohexane, using hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)), terc-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BOOH), or m-chlorperbenzoic acid (m-CPBA) as oxygen transfer agent. In general, the catalytic results were comparable to those obtained with related systems, thus suggesting the potential application of this material as catalyst for epoxidation reactions. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A large number of ore deposits that formed in the Peruvian Andes during the Miocene (15-5 Ma) are related to the subduction of the Nazea plate beneath the South American plate. Here we show that the spatial and temporal distribution of these deposits correspond with the arrival of relatively buoyant topographic anomalies, namely the Nazca Ridge in central Peru and the now-consumed Inca Plateau in northern Peru, at the subduction zone. Plate reconstruction shows a rapid metallogenic response to the arrival of the topographic anomalies at the subduction trench. This is indicated by clusters of ore deposits situated within the proximity of the laterally migrating zones of ridge subduction. It is accordingly suggested that tectonic changes associated with impingement of the aseismic ridge into the subduction zone may trigger the formation of ore deposits in metallogenically fertile suprasubduction environments. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.