989 resultados para trnS – trnG and rpS16 – trnQ intergenic spacers


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牡丹在中国被称作“花中之王”。我国不仅是全部野生牡丹的原产地,也是栽培牡丹最早的驯化地。野生牡丹共有8个种,分布于云南、四川、湖北、甘肃、陕西、山西、安徽、河南和西藏等9省区,因其具有很大的观赏和药用价值,而在中国和世界温带地区广泛栽培。本研究利用形态特征和4个核基因片段(三个Adh 基因和GPAT基因片断)的核苷酸序列变异对牡丹组的种间系统发育关系进行了分析,并对我国栽培牡丹四个品种群的101个代表品种的可能祖先进行了形态学鉴定和分子诊断标记研究。在此基础上,利用核编码叶绿体表达的GPAT基因的(大内含子)部分序列和叶绿体基因组的trnS trnGrpS16 trnQ两个基因间隔区的DNA序列变异重建了栽培牡丹37个代表品种和26个野生居群间的谱系关系。结果表明:(1)GPAT基因树是迄今得到的分辨率最好,并具有很高自展值支持的牡丹组种间系统发育关系树;(2)GPAT基因树和形态学证据一致支持银屏牡丹(P. suffruticosa ssp. yinpingmudan), 凤丹(P. ostii), 紫斑牡丹(P. rockii), 卵叶牡丹(P. qiui), 和矮牡丹 (P. jishanensis) 参与了栽培牡丹的起源;(3)叶绿体DNA单倍型网络树(network)进一步证实上述5个祖先类群的4个(矮牡丹除外)可能参与了栽培牡丹的母系起源。37个品种的GPAT基因谱系和叶绿体DNA单倍型网络树一致表明银屏牡丹是栽培牡丹最主要的祖先,其次是紫斑牡丹、凤丹、和卵叶牡丹;(4)我们的分子证据不支持形态学证据关于矮牡丹是栽培牡丹最主要的野生祖先的推测;(5)形态学和分子诊断标记证据表明,101个品种中有65.35 % 的品种具有两个以上野生种的特征,18.81 % 品种同时具有 Eco R I (+) 和 InDel51(+)物种特异分子标记。对37个品种的GPAT基因谱系和叶绿体DNA谱系比较发现,其中35个可能是杂种起源。另外,对7个古代牡丹品种(据文献记载)的GPAT基因的不同克隆类型进行测序和谱系分析,结果表明其中4 个为杂种起源。上述证据充分表明杂交和(或)渗入杂交在牡栽培牡丹的起源和进化中发挥了重要作用。根据本研究的结果,结合现有的形态学数据、考古记录,以及有关牡丹栽培和驯化历史的记载,我们对栽培牡丹的起源和驯化历史总结如下。牡丹的栽培迄今有1,600 2,000年,栽培牡丹最迟起源于1,500年前。最初通过驯化和对突变的选择获得原始品种。由于牡丹品种可以通过无性和(或)有性方式进行繁殖,其后新的品种通过如下方式产生:(1)对突变的选择,(2)对栽培类型和野生种之间或栽培类型之间杂交和(或)渗入杂交产生的实生苗的选择。由于绝大部分(如果不是全部)早期的原始品种已绝灭,现有栽培牡丹是起源于各种人工和自然进化力共同作用的结果,其中包括多次驯化、人工选择、突变、杂交和渗入杂交等。据作者所知,栽培牡丹的这种 ‘compilospecies’ 起源和驯化模式是目前已研究过的主要栽培作物中未见报道的。 因此,本研究不仅为栽培牡丹的多系起源和驯化历史提供了可信的分子证据,同时也为利用单拷贝基因的内含子序列构建栽培作物及其近缘野生祖先间的种系发生关系提供了成功的例子。另外,本研究也为同时利用核和叶绿体基因组的非编码DNA序列研究杂交在栽培作物的起源和进化的中作用提供了成功的例子。


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Recently divergent species that can hybridize are ideal models for investigating the genetic exchanges that can occur while preserving the species boundaries. Petunia exserta is an endemic species from a very limited and specific area that grows exclusively in rocky shelters. These shaded spots are an inhospitable habitat for all other Petunia species, including the closely related and widely distributed species P. axillaris. Individuals with intermediate morphologic characteristics have been found near the rocky shelters and were believed to be putative hybrids between P. exserta and P. axillaris, suggesting a situation where Petunia exserta is losing its genetic identity. In the current study, we analyzed the plastid intergenic spacers trnS/trnG and trnH/psbA and six nuclear CAPS markers in a large sampling design of both species to understand the evolutionary process occurring in this biological system. Bayesian clustering methods, cpDNA haplotype networks, genetic diversity statistics, and coalescence-based analyses support a scenario where hybridization occurs while two genetic clusters corresponding to two species are maintained. Our results reinforce the importance of coupling differentially inherited markers with an extensive geographic sample to assess the evolutionary dynamics of recently diverged species that can hybridize. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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The monophyly of the Peltophorum group, one of nine informal groups recognized by Polhill in the Caesalpinieae, was tested using sequence data from the trnL-F, rbcL, and rps16 regions of the chloroplast genome. Exemplars were included from all 16 genera of the Peltophorum group, and from 15 genera representing seven of the other eight informal groups in the tribe. The data were analyzed separately and in combined analyses using parsimony and Bayesian methods. The analysis method had little effect on the topology of well-supported relationships. The molecular data recovered a generally well-supported phylogeny with many intergeneric relationships resolved. Results show that the Peltophorum group as currently delimited is polyphyletic, but that eight genera plus one undescribed genus form a core Peltophorum group, which is referred to here as the Peltophorum group sensu stricto. These genera are Bussea, Conzattia, Colvillea, Delonix, Heteroflorum (inedit.), Lemuropisum, Parkinsonia, Peltophorum, and Schizolobium. The remaining eight genera of the Peltophorum group s.l. are distributed across the Caesalpinieae. Morphological support for the redelimited Peltophorum group and the other recovered clades was assessed, and no unique synapomorphy was found for the Peltophorum group s.s. A proposal for the reclassification of the Peltophorum group s.l. is presented.


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The 23S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene has been sequenced in strains of the fish pathogens Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae (ATCC 33539) and subsp. piscicida (ATCC 29690), showing that 3 nucleotide positions are clearly different between subspecies. In addition, the 5S rRNA gene plus the intergenic spacer region between the 23S and 5S rRNA genes (ITS-2) were amplified, cloned and sequenced for the 2 reference strains as well as the field isolates RG91 (subsp. damselae) and DI21 (subsp. piscicida). A 100% similarity was found for the consensus 5S rRNA gene sequence in the 2 subspecies, although some microheterogeneity was detected as inter-cistronic variability within the same chromosome. Sequence analysis of the spacer region between the 23S and 5S rRNA genes revealed 2 conserved and 3 variable nucleotide sequence blocks, and 4 different modular organizations were found. The ITS-2 spacer region exhibited both inter-subspecies and inter-cistronic polymorphism, with a mosaic-like structure. The EMBL accession numbers for the 23S, 5S and ITS-2 sequences are: P. damselae subsp. piscicida 5S gene (AJ274379), P. damselae subsp. damselae 23S gene (Y18520), subsp. piscicida 23S gene (Y17901), R damselae subsp. piscicida ITS-2 (AJ250695, AJ250696), P. damselae subsp. damselae ITS-2 (AJ250697, AJ250698).


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The DNA barcode potential of three regions (the nuclear ribosomal ITS and the plastid psbA-trnH and trnT-trnL intergenic spacers) was investigated for the plant genus Aspalathus L. (Fabaceac: Crotalarieae). Aspalathus is a large genus (278 species) that revealed low levels of DNA variation in phylogenetic studies. In a 51-species dataset for the psbA-trnH and ITS regions, 45%, and 16% of sequences respectively were identical to the sequence of at least one other species, with two species undiscriminated even when the two regions were combined. In contrast, trnT-trnL, discriminated between all species in this dataset. In a larger ITS and trnT-trnL dataset. including a further 82 species. 7 species in five pairwise comparisons remained Undiscriminated when the two regions were combined. Four of the five pairs of species not discriminated by sequence data were readily distinguished using a combination of qualitative and quantitative morphological data. The difficulty of barcoding in this group is increased by the presence of intraspecific variation in all three regions studied. In the case of psbA-trnH, three intraspecific samples had a sequence identical to at least one other species. Overall, psbA-trnH. currently a candidate for plant barcoding, was the least discriminatory region in our study.


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The present study investigates the systematics and evolution of the Neotropical genus Deuterocohnia Mez (Bromeliaceae). It provides a comprehensive taxonomic revision as well as phylogenetic analyses based on chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequences and presents a hypothesis on the evolution of the genus. A broad morphological, anatomical, biogeographical and ecological overview of the genus is given in the first part of the study. For morphological character assessment more than 700 herbarium specimens from 39 herbaria as well as living plant material in the field and in the living collections of botanical gardens were carefully examined. The arid habitats, in which the species of Deuterocohnia grow, are reflected by the morphological and anatomical characters of the species. Important characters for species delimitation were identified, like the length of the inflorescence, the branching order, the density of flowers on partial inflorescences, the relation of the length of the primary bracts to that of the partial inflorescence, the sizes of floral bracts, sepals and petals, flower colour, the presence or absence of a pedicel, the curvature of the stamina and the petals during anthesis. After scrutinizing the nomenclatural history of the taxa belonging to Deuterocohnia including the 1992 syonymized genus Abromeitiella 17 species, 4 subspecies and 4 varieties are accepted in the present revision. Taxonomic changes were made in the following cases: (I) New combinations: A. abstrusa (A. Cast.) N. Schütz is re-established as defined by Castellanos (1931) and transfered to D. abstrusa; D. brevifolia (Griseb.) M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm. includes accessions of the former D. lorentziana (Mez) M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm., which are not assigned to D. abstrusa; D. bracteosa W. Till is synonymized to D. strobilifera Mez; D. meziana Kuntze ex Mez var. carmineo-viridiflora Rauh is classified as a subspecies of D. meziana (ssp. carmineo-viridiflora (Rauh) N. Schütz); D. pedicellata W. Till is classified as a subspecies of D. meziana (ssp. pedicellata (W. Till) N. Schütz); D. scapigera (Rauh & L. Hrom.) M.A. Spencer & L.B. Sm ssp. sanctae-crucis R. Vásquez & Ibisch is classified as a species (D. sanctae-crucis (R. Vásquez & Ibisch) N. Schütz); (II) New taxa: a new subspecies of D. meziana Kuntze ex Mez is established; a new variety of D. scapigera is established; (the new taxa will be validly published elsewhere); (III) New type: an epitype for D. longipetala was chosen. All other species were kept according to Spencer and Smith (1992) or in the case of more recently described species according to the protologue. Beside the nomenclatural notes and the detailed descriptions, information on distribution, habitat and ecology, etymology and taxonomic delimitation is provided for the genus and for each of its species. An key was constructed for the identification of currently accepted species, subspecies and varieties. The key is based on easily detectable morphological characters. The former synonymization of the genus Abromeitiella into Deuterocohnia (Spencer and Smith 1992) is re-evalutated in the present study. Morphological as well as molecular investigations revealed Deuterocohnia incl. Abromeitiella as being monophyletic, with some indications that a monophyletic Abromeitiella lineage arose from within Deuterocohnia. Thus the union of both genera is confirmed. The second part of the present thesis describes and discusses the molecular phylogenies and networks. Molecular analyses of three chloroplast intergenic spacers (rpl32-trnL, rps16-trnK, trnS-ycf3) were conducted with a sample set of 119 taxa. This set included 103 Deuterocohnia accessions from all 17 described species of the genus and 16 outgroup taxa from the remainder of Pitcairnioideae s.str. (Dyckia (8 sp.), Encholirium (2 sp.), Fosterella (4 sp.) and Pitcairnia (2 sp.)). With its high sampling density, the present investigation by far represents the most comprehensive molecular study of Deuterocohnia up till now. All data sets were analyzed separately as well as in combination, and various optimality criteria for phylogenetic tree construction were applied (Maximum Parsimony, Maximum Likelihood, Bayesian inferences and the distance method Neighbour Joining). Congruent topologies were generally obtained with different algorithms and optimality criteria, but individual clades received different degrees of statistical support in some analyses. The rps16-trnK locus was the most informative among the three spacer regions examined. The results of the chloroplast DNA analyses revealed a highly supported paraphyly of Deuterocohnia. Thus, the cpDNA trees divide the genus into two subclades (A and B), of which Deuterocohnia subclade B is sister to the included Dyckia and Encholirium accessions, and both together are sister to Deuterocohnia subclade A. To further examine the relationship between Deuterocohnia and Dyckia/Encholirium at the generic level, two nuclear low copy markers (PRK exon2-5 and PHYC exon1) were analysed with a reduced taxon set. This set included 22 Deuterocohnia accessions (including members of both cpDNA subclades), 2 Dyckia, 2 Encholirium and 2 Fosterella species. Phylogenetic trees were constructed as described above, and for comparison the same reduced taxon set was also analysed at the three cpDNA data loci. In contrast to the cpDNA results, the nuclear DNA data strongly supported the monophyly of Deuterocohnia, which takes a sister position to a clade of Dyckia and Encholirium samples. As morphology as well as nuclear DNA data generated in the present study and in a former AFLP analysis (Horres 2003) all corroborate the monophyly of Deuterocohnia, the apparent paraphyly displayed in cpDNA analyses is interpreted to be the consequence of a chloroplast capture event. This involves the introgression of the chloroplast genome from the common ancestor of the Dyckia/ Encholirium lineage into the ancestor of Deuterocohnia subclade B species. The chloroplast haplotypes are not species-specific in Deuterocohnia. Thus, one haplotype was sometimes shared by several species, where the same species may harbour different haplotypes. The arrangement of haplotypes followed geographical patterns rather than taxonomic boundaries, which may indicate some residual gene flow among populations from different Deuteroccohnia species. Phenotypic species coherence on the background of ongoing gene flow may then be maintained by sets of co-adapted alleles, as was suggested by the porous genome concept (Wu 2001, Palma-Silva et al. 2011). The results of the present study suggest the following scenario for the evolution of Deuterocohnia and its species. Deuterocohnia longipetala may be envisaged as a representative of the ancestral state within the genus. This is supported by (1) the wide distribution of this species; (2) the overlap in distribution area with species of Dyckia; (3) the laxly flowered inflorescences, which are also typical for Dyckia; (4) the yellow petals with a greenish tip, present in most other Deuterocohnia species. The following six extant lineages within Deuterocohnia might have independently been derived from this ancestral state with a few changes each: (I) D. meziana, D. brevispicata and D. seramisiana (Bolivia, lowland to montane areas, mostly reddish-greenish coloured, very laxly to very densely flowered); (II) D. strobilifera (Bolivia, high Andean mountains, yellow flowers, densely flowered); (III) D. glandulosa (Bolivia, montane areas, yellow-greenish flowers, densely flowered); (IV) D. haumanii, D. schreiteri, D. digitata, and D. chrysantha (Argentina, Chile, E Andean mountains and Atacama desert, yellow-greenish flowers, densely flowered); (V) D. recurvipetala (Argentina, foothills of the Andes, recurved yellow flowers, laxly flowered); (VI) D. gableana, D. scapigera, D. sanctae-crucis, D. abstrusa, D. brevifolia, D. lotteae (former Abromeitiella species, Bolivia, Argentina, higher Andean mountains, greenish-yellow flowers, inflorescence usually simple). Originating from the lower montane Andean regions, at least four lineages of the genus (I, II, IV, VI) adapted in part to higher altitudes by developing densely flowered partial inflorescences, shorter flowers and in at least three lineages (II, IV, VI) smaller rosettes, whereas species spreading into the lowlands (I, V) developed larger plants, laxly flowered, amply branched inflorescences and in part larger flowers (I).


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Previous phylogeographical and palaeontological studies on the biota of northern North America have revealed a complex scenario of glacial survival in multiple refugia and differing patterns of postglacial recolonization. Many putative refugial regions have been proposed both north and south of the ice sheets for species during the Last Glacial Maximum, but the locations of many of these refugia remain a topic of great debate. In this study, we used a phylogeographical approach to elucidate the refugial and recolonization history of the herbaceous plant species Orthilia secunda in North America, which is found in disjunct areas in the west and east of the continent, most of which were either glaciated or lay close to the limits of the ice sheets. Analysis of 596-bp of the chloroplast trnS-trnG intergenic spacer and five microsatellite loci in 84 populations spanning the species' range in North America suggests that O.secunda persisted through the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in western refugia, even though palaeodistribution modelling indicated a suitable climate envelope across the entire south of the continent. The present distribution of the species has resulted from recolonization from refugia north and south of the ice sheets, most likely in Beringia or coastal regions of Alaska and British Columbia, the Washington/Oregon region in the northwest USA, and possibly from the region associated with the putative 'ice-free corridor' between the Laurentide and Cordilleran ice sheets. Our findings also highlight the importance of the Pacific Northwest as an important centre of intraspecific genetic diversity, owing to a combination of refugial persistence in the area and recolonization from other refugia.


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Diese Studie befasst sich mit der Phylogenie und Biogeographie der australischen Camphorosmeae, die ein wichtiges Element der Flora arider Gebiete Australiens sind. Die molekularen Phylogenien wurden mit Hilfe Bayes’scher Statistik und „maximum likelihood”berechnet. Um das Alter der Gruppe und interner Linien abzuschätzen, wurden die Methoden „Nonparametric rate smoothing” und “penalized likelihood” benutzt. Morphologische Merkmale wurden nach Kriterien der Parsimonie auf den molekularen Baum aufgetragen. „Brooks parsimony analysis”, „cladistic analysis of distributions and endemism”, „dispersal-vicariance analysis”,„ancestral area analysis” und „weighted ancestral area analysis” wurden angewandt, um Abfolge und Richtungen der Ausbreitung der Gruppe in Australien zu analysieren.Von sieben getesteten Markern hatten nur die nukleären ETS und ITS genügend Variation für die phylogenetische Analyse der Camphorosmeae. Die plastidären Marker trnL-trnF spacer,trnP-psaJ spacer, rpS16 intron, rpL16 intron und trnS-trnG spacer zeigten kein ausreichendes phylogenetisches Signal. Die gefundenen phylogenetischen Hypothesen widersprechen der jetzigen Taxonomie der Gruppe. Neobassia, Threlkeldia, Osteocarpum und Enchylaena sollten den Gattungen Sclerolaena bzw. Maireana zugeordnet werden. Die kladistische Analyse der Fruchtanhängsel unterstützt die taxonomischen Ergebnisse der auf DNA basierenden Phylogenie. Allerdings hat die Behaarung, die bei anderen Gruppen der Chenopodiaceae als wichtiges taxonomisches Merkmal herangezogen wird, die Phylogenie nicht unterstützt. Vorfahren der heutigen Camphorosmeen sind im Miozän, vor ca. 8-14 Millionen Jahren, durch Fernausbreitung vermutlich aus Asien in Australien eingewandert. Anfängliche Diversifizierung fand während des späten Miozäns bis in das frühe Pliozän vor ca. 4-7 Millionen Jahren statt. Am Ende des Pliozäns existierten schon 45% - 72% der Abstammungslinien der jetzigen Camphorosmeen. Dies weist auf eine schnelle Ausbreitung hin. Das Alter stimmt mit dem Einsetzen der Aridisierung Australiens überein, und deutet darauf hin, dass die Ausbreitung der ariden Gebiete eine große Rolle bei der Diversifizierung der Gruppe spielte. Die Vorfahren der australischen Camphorosmeae scheinen die Südküste Australiens zuerst besiedeln zu haben. Dies geschah vor dem Einsetzen der Aridisierung des Kontinents. Die anschließende Ausbreitung erfolgte in verschiedene Richtungen und folgte der fortschreitenden Austrocknung im späten Tertiär und im ganzen Quartär. Durch ihre Anpassung an Trockenheit ist der Erfolg der Camphorosmeae in den ariden Gebieten zu erklären.Die Abwesenheit von klaren phylogenetischen und artspezifischen Signalen zwischen Arten der australischen Camphorosmeae ist auf das junge Alter und die schnelle Diversifizierung der Gruppe zurückzuführen, welche die Häufung von Mutationen und eine starke morphologische Differenzierung nicht zugelassen haben.


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A new series of lipophilic cholesteryl derivatives of 2,4,6-trichloro-pyrimidine-5-carbaldehyde has been synthesized. Oxyethylene spacers of variable lengths were inserted between the hydrogen bonding promoting pyrimidine core and the cholesteryl tail in order to understand their effect on the selfassembly of these compounds. Only compound 1a with the shortest spacer formed a gel in organic solvents such as n-butanol and n-dodecane. While other members (1b and c) having longer spacers led to sol formation and precipitation in n-butanol and n-dodecane respectively. The self-assembly phenomena associated with the gelation process were investigated using temperature-dependent UVVis and CD-spectroscopy. The morphological features of the freeze-dried gels obtained from different organic solvents were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The solid phase behaviours of these molecules and their associated alkali metal ion complexes were explored using polarized optical microscopy (POM) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The molecular arrangements in the xerogel and in the solid state were further probed using a wide-angle Xray diffraction (WAXD) technique. Analysis of the wide-angle X-ray diffraction data reveals that this class of molecules adopts a hexagonal columnar organization in the gel and in the solid state. Each slice of these hexagonal columnar structures is composed of a dimeric molecular-assembly as a building block. Significant changes in the conformation of the oxyethylene chains could be triggered via the coordination of selected alkali metal ions. This led to the production of interesting metal ion promoted mesogenic behaviour.


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在洲际间断生物地理学研究中,东亚—北美间断分布类群的分子生物地理学研究一直是关注和研究的热点。在本论文中我们选取了水生和半水生的植物代表类群,莲科(Nelumbonaceae)和菖蒲科(Acoraceae)作为研究对象,通过来自叶绿体、线粒体和核基因组的DNA 序列分析和微卫星分析,一方面探讨莲科的系统位置、揭示其间断地理格局的形成过程、重建菖蒲科的系统发育及其地理格局的形成过程的同时,另一方面,在总结前人研究成果的基础上,总结东亚—北美间断分布的基本特点。主要成果总结如下。 1. 菖蒲科的系统发育和分子生物地理学 菖蒲科仅含一属,菖蒲属(Acorus),共5 种。其中北美菖蒲(A. americanus) 分布于北美,其余4 种(A. calamus, A. gramineus, A. tatarinowii and A. rumphianus) 分布于亚洲的东部和南部。北美菖蒲和菖蒲(A. calamus)叶片中间具有明显的中肋;其余3 种不具有明显的中肋。本论文的19 份材料包含了4 个种,(不含较狭域分布的长苞菖蒲A. rumphianus),利用4 个叶绿体基因片段(trnL-F, psbA-trnH, rps16-trnK, rbcL)和1 个核基因片段(ITS)的序列重建菖蒲属的系统发育。结果表明(1)具有中肋和不具中肋的物种各自聚为一支;(2)具有中肋的菖蒲和北美菖蒲亲缘关系最近,构成东亚—北美间断种对关系;(3)在不具有中肋的一支内部,来自台湾的材料与其它材料差异最大,其余的材料也明显的分为了两类。基于rbcL 序列,使用松散分子钟模型、贝叶斯算法估算菖蒲属起源时间约为135.17 百万年(mya),菖蒲和北美菖蒲的间断分歧时间约为3.72mya。该结果支持菖蒲属为古老的单子叶植物,但东亚—北美间断物种分化时间较年轻。我们推测间断的种对可能通过白令陆桥,从东亚扩散到了北美。 2. 莲科的系统位置和分子生物地理学 莲科仅含一属,莲属(Nelumbo),两个种莲(N. nucifera)和美洲黄莲(N. lutea),间断分布于东亚、澳大利亚北部和北美东部。莲科的系统位置在形态和分子证据不一致。本论文使用了核基因18S rDNA、26S rDNA,叶绿体基因atpB、rbcL,线粒体基因NAD1 的序列重新构建莲科的系统位置并进行了分化时间推算。结果为:(1)叶绿体和核基因构建的严格一致树的拓扑结构不一致,叶绿体数据支持莲科和山龙眼科、悬铃木科具有较近的亲缘关系,核基因数据显示莲科位于真双子叶植物的基部;(2)5 个基因片段的合并分析结果显示,莲科与山龙眼科、悬铃木科聚为一支但支持率不高;(3)基于核基因、叶绿体和5 个基因的分别合并数据,使用松散分子钟模型、贝叶斯算法估算莲科起源时间分别为,113.13 、109.38 和110.35mya ,两个间断物种的分化时间为,3.77、4.34、5.85mya;(4)根据间断的时间和两个物种的遗传差异程度,现存的两个物种应是来自于东亚或北美的冰期残遗,而不是来自于两个大陆祖先种的独立进化后裔。 3. 莲的分子谱系地理学研究 我们采集了37 份莲的材料,10 份美洲黄莲的材料,代表了两者的主要分布区。我们选取了叶绿体基因(trnL-trnF, trnS-trnG, petB-petD 和psbA-trnH),线粒体基因COX1,以及11 个微卫星位点进行莲的分子谱系地理研究。DNA 序列显示莲和美洲黄莲均具有很低的遗传多样性;微卫星数据揭示了稍高于DNA 序列的遗传多样性。两物种相比,美洲黄莲的多样性较高。基于微卫星数据的遗传结构分析表明,莲存在明显的3 个地理分化区域,这三个区域的遗传分化显著(FST=0.542),说明莲远距离群体间基因交流有限。基于DNA 序列和微卫星数据的单倍型地理分布关系,我们推测东南亚地区是莲的避难所或冰期残遗区,冰期后群体分别向西和向北扩张。 4. 东亚—北美间断分布的一般特点 (1)东亚—北美东部间断分歧时间范围较长,从始新世中期甚至更早一直持续到1mya 左右;东亚—北美西部间断类群分化时间跨度相对小,集中在中新世时期;东亚—整个北美间断分化时间与东亚—北美东部间断类群一样经历较长时间;草本类群晚于木本类群形成间断分布式样,洲际间断分化时间与类群的起源时间并无相关性。(2)东亚与北美间断分布类群的起源地因类群而异。(3) 东亚与北美间断分布类群扩散方向呈不确定性。(4)东亚与北美间断类群扩散有三条可能的路径,即大西洋陆桥、白令陆桥和南半球跨洋长距离传播。


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Metagentiana striata is an alpine annual herbaceous plant endemic to the east of the Qinghai-Tibet (Q-T) Plateau and adjacent areas. The phylogeography of M. striata was studied by sequencing the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) trnS-trnG intergenic spacer. Ten haplotypes were identified from an investigation of 232 individuals of M. striata from 14 populations covering the entire geographical range of this species. The level of differentiation amongst populations was very high (G(ST) = 0.746; N-ST = 0.774) and a significant phylogeographical structure was observed (P < 0.05). An analysis of molecular variance found a high variation amongst populations (76%), with F-ST = 0.762 (highly significant, P < 0.001), indicating that little gene flow occurred amongst the different regions; this was explained by the isolation of populations by high mountains along the Q-T Plateau and adjacent areas (N-m = 0.156). Only one ancestral haplotype (A) was common and widespread throughout the distributional range of M. striata. The populations of the Hengduan Mountains region of the south-eastern Q-T Plateau showed high diversity and uniqueness of haplotypes. It is suggested that this region was the potential refugium of M. striata during the Quaternary glaciation, and that interglacial and postglacial range expansion occurred from this refugium. This scenario was in good agreement with the results of nested clade analysis, which inferred that the current spatial distribution of cpDNA haplotypes and populations resulted from range expansion, together with past allopatric fragmentation events. (c) 2008 The Linnean Society of London.


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Plastid microsatellite loci developed for Cephalanthera longifolia were used to examine the level of genetic variation within and between populations of the three widespread Cephalanthera species (C. damasonium, C. longifolia and C. rubra). The most detailed sampling was in C. longifolia (42 localities from Ireland to China; 147 individuals). Eight haplotypes were detected. One was detected in the vast majority of individuals and occurred from Ireland to Iran. Three others were only found in Europe (Ireland to Italy, England to Italy and Austria to Croatia). Two were only found in the Middle East and two only in Asia. In C. damasonium, 21 individuals from 10 populations (England to Turkey) were sampled. Only one haplotype was detected. In C. rubra, 34 individuals from eight populations (England to Turkey) were sampled. Although it was not possible to amplify all loci for all samples of this species, nine haplotypes were detected. Short alleles for the trnS-trnG region found in two populations of C. rubra were characterized by sequencing and were caused by deletions of 26 and 30 base pairs. At this level of sampling, it appears that C. rubra shows the greatest genetic variability. Cephalanthera longifolia, C. rubra and C. damasonium have previously been characterized as outbreeding, outbreeding with facultative vegetative reproduction and inbreeding, respectively. Patterns of genetic variation here are discussed in the light of these reproductive system differences. The primers used in these three species of Cephalanthera were also demonstrated to amplify these loci in another five species (C. austiniae, C. calcarata, C. epipactoides, C. falcata and C. yunnanensis). Although it is sometimes treated as a synonym of C. damasonium, the single sample of C. yunnanensis from China had a markedly different haplotype from that found in C. damasonium. All three loci were successfully amplified in two achlorophyllous, myco-heterotrophic species, C. austinae and C. calcarata. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London.