37 resultados para trilayer


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Titanium oxide films with trilayer structure grown on fluorine doped tin oxide substrate were prepared from one-step hydrothermal process. The trilayer structure consists of microflowers, nanorod array and compact nanoparticulates, which is expected to possess the merits of good light harvesting, a high electron transport rate, while avoiding the issues of electron shunting. The photovoltaic performance was comprehensively studied and a 60% enhancement in short circuit photocurrent density was found from microflowers contribution as a light scattering layer. This unique trilayer structure exhibits great potential application in future dye-sensitized solar cells.


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We investigate the vortex behavior of YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films sandwiched between two ferromagnetic layers (La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/YBa2Cu3O7-delta/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3). The magnetization study on La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/YBa2Cu3O7-delta/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 trilayers conspicuously shows the presence of both ferromagnetic and diamagnetic phases. The magnetotransport study on the trilayers reveals a significant reduction in the activation energy (U) for the vortex motion in YBa2Cu3O7-delta. Besides, the ``U'' exhibits a logarithmic dependence on the applied magnetic field which directly indicates the existence of decoupled two-dimensional (2D) pancake vortices present in the CuO2 layers. The evidence of 2D decoupled vortex behavior in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/YBa2Cu3O7-delta/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 is believed to arise from (a) the weakening of superconducting coherence length along the c-axis and (b) enhanced intraplane vortex-vortex interaction due to the presence of ferromagnetic layers. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi: 10.1063/1.3524545]


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We investigate the vortex behavior of YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films sandwiched between two ferromagnetic layers (La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/YBa2Cu3O7−δ/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3). The magnetization study on La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/YBa2Cu3O7−δ/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 trilayers conspicuously shows the presence of both ferromagnetic and diamagnetic phases. The magnetotransport study on the trilayers reveals a significant reduction in the activation energy (U) for the vortex motion in YBa2Cu3O7−δ. Besides, the “U” exhibits a logarithmic dependence on the applied magnetic field which directly indicates the existence of decoupled two-dimensional (2D) pancake vortices present in the CuO2 layers. The evidence of 2D decoupled vortex behavior in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/YBa2Cu3O7−δ/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 is believed to arise from (a) the weakening of superconducting coherence length along the c-axis and (b) enhanced intraplane vortex–vortex interaction due to the presence of ferromagnetic layers.


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The exchange interaction of Gd adjacent to Fe has been characterized by transport measurements on a double spin valve with a Fe/Gd/Fe trilayer as the middle layer. Our measurements show that the ferromagnetism of the Gd is enhanced by the presence of the Fe, and it remains ferromagnetic over its Curie temperature up to a thickness no smaller than 1 nm adjacent to the Fe. This thickness is more than double what has been reported before. Additionally, the saturation magnetization of the thin Gd layer sandwiched in Fe was found to be half of its bulk value. This reduced magnetization does not seem to be related to the proximity of Fe but rather to the incomplete saturation of Gd even for very high fields


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Dodecylamine was successfully intercalated into the layer space of kaolinite by utilizing the methanol treated kaolinite–dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) intercalation complex as an intermediate. The basal spacing of kaolinite, measured by X-ray diffraction (XRD), increased from 0.72 nm to 4.29 nm after the intercalation of dodecylamine. Also, the significant variation observed in the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra of kaolinite when intercalated with dodecylamine verified the feasibility of intercalation of dodecylamine into kaolinite. Isothermal-isobaric (NPT) molecular dynamics simulation with the use of Dreiding force field was performed to probe into the layering behavior and structure of nanoconfined dodecylamine in the kaolinite gallery. The concentration profiles of the nitrogen atom, methyl group and methylene group of intercalated dodecylamine molecules in the direction perpendicular to the kaolinite basal surface indicated that the alkyl chains within the interlayer space of kaolinite exhibited an obvious layering structure. However, the unified bilayer, pseudo-trilayer, or paraffin-type arrangements of alkyl chains deduced based on their chain length combined with the measured basal spacing of organoclays were not found in this study. The alkyl chains aggregated to a mixture of ordered paraffin-type-like structure and disordered gauche conformation in the middle interlayer space of kaolinite, and some alkyl chains arranged in two bilayer structures, in which one was close to the silica tetrahedron surface, and the other was close to the alumina octahedron surface with their alkyl chains parallel to the kaolinite basal surface.


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Here we report on an x-ray specular reflectivity study of Ce-Si-Ge trilayers grown on Si(001) single-crystal substrate by ion beam sputtering deposition at various substrate temperatures. The electron-density profile of the trilayer as a function of depth, obtained from x-ray-reflectivity data, reveals an intermixing of Si and Ge. The x-ray-reflectivity data have been analyzed using a scheme based on the distorted-wave Born approximation, and the validity of the analysis scheme was checked using simulated data. Analyzed results provided information regarding interdiffusion in this system. We notice that although the Si-on-Ge interface is sharp, a Si0.4Ge0.6 alloy is formed at the Ge-on-Si interface.


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We present low-temperature electrical transport experiments in five field-effect transistor devices consisting of monolayer, bilayer, and trilayer MoS(2) films, mechanically exfoliated onto Si/SiO(2) substrate. Our experiments reveal that the electronic states In all films are localized well up to room temperature over the experimentally accessible range of gate voltage. This manifests in two-dimensional (2D) variable range hopping (VRH) at high temperatures, while below similar to 30 K, the conductivity displays oscillatory structures In gate voltage arising from resonant tunneling at the localized sites. From the correlation energy (T(0)) of VRH and gate voltage dependence of conductivity, we suggest that Coulomb potential from trapped charges In the substrate is the dominant source of disorder in MoS(2) field-effect devices, which leads to carrier localization, as well.


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Novel ferroelectric bismuth vanadate, Bi2VO5.5 (BVO), thin films have been grown between lattice matched metallic LaNiO3 (LNO) layers deposited on SrTiO3 (STO) by the pulsed laser deposition technique. LNO/BVO/LNO/STO and Au/BVO/LNO/STO trilayer structures exhibited c‐oriented (001) growth of BVO. LNO has been found to be a good metallic electrode with sheet resistance ∼20 Ω in addition to aiding c‐axis oriented BVO growth. The dielectric constant, ϵr of LNO/BVO/LNO/STO, at 300 K was about 12. However, when an Au electrode was used on top of BVO/LNO/STO film, it showed a significant improvement in the dielectric constant (ϵr=123). The ferroelectric properties of BVO thin films have been confirmed by hysteresis behavior with a remnant polarization, Pr=4.6×10−8 C/cm2 and coercive field, Ec=23 kV/cm at 300 K.


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We present electrical transport arid low frequency (1/f) noise measurements on mechanically exfoliated single, In and triLayer MoS2-based FPI devices on Si/SiO2 substrate. We find that tie electronic states hi MoS2 are localized at low temperatures (T) and conduction happens through variable range hopping (VRH). A steep increase of 1/f noise with decreasing T, typical for localized regime was observed in all of our devices. From gate voltage dependence of noise, we find that the noise power is inversely proportional to square of the number density (proportional to 1/n(2)) for a wide range of T, indicating number density fluctuations to be the dominant source of 1/f noise in these MoS2 FETs.


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Despite significant improvements in their properties as emitters, colloidal quantum dots have not had much success in emerging as suitable materials for laser applications. Gain in most colloidal systems is short lived, and needs to compete with biexcitonic decay. This has necessitated the use of short pulsed lasers to pump quantum dots to thresholds needed for amplified spontaneous emission or lasing. Continuous wave pumping of gain that is possible in some inorganic phosphors has therefore remained a very distant possibility for quantum dots. Here, we demonstrate that trilayer heterostructures could provide optimal conditions for demonstration of continuous wave lasing in colloidal materials. The design considerations for these materials are discussed in terms of a kinetic model. The electronic structure of the proposed dot architectures is modeled within effective mass theory.


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Multi-finger, normally-closed microgrippers made from a bilayer of a metal and diamond-like carbon (DLC) or a trilayer of a polymer, metal and DLC have been analysed, simulated and fabricated. Temperatures of ∼700 K are necessary to open Ni/DLC bimorph structures. Microgrippers made from an SU8/DLC bilayer or SU8/Al/DLC trilayer have also been fabricated, and fully closed microcages with diameters of ∑40 μm have been obtained. Using SU8 reduces the opening temperature of these devices to only ∼400 K.


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Intriguing phenomena and novel physics predicted for two-dimensional (2D) systems formed by electrons in Dirac or Rashba states motivate an active search for new materials or combinations of the already revealed ones. Being very promising ingredients in themselves, interplaying Dirac and Rashba systems can provide a base for next generation of spintronics devices, to a considerable extent, by mixing their striking properties or by improving technically significant characteristics of each other. Here, we demonstrate that in BiTeI@PbSb2Te4 composed of a BiTeI trilayer on top of the topological insulator (TI) PbSb2Te4 weakly- and strongly-coupled Dirac-Rashba hybrid systems are realized. The coupling strength depends on both interface hexagonal stacking and trilayer-stacking order. The weakly-coupled system can serve as a prototype to examine, e.g., plasmonic excitations, frictional drag, spin-polarized transport, and charge-spin separation effect in multilayer helical metals. In the strongly-coupled regime, within similar to 100 meV energy interval of the bulk TI projected bandgap a helical state substituting for the TI surface state appears. This new state is characterized by a larger momentum, similar velocity, and strong localization within BiTeI. We anticipate that our findings pave the way for designing a new type of spintronics devices based on Rashba-Dirac coupled systems.


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On page OP 175, U. Steiner and co-workers destabilise polymer trilayer films using an electric field to generate separated micrometre-sized core-shell pillars, which are further modified by selective polymer dissolution to yield polymer core columns surrounded by a rim and micro-volcano rim structures. When coated with gold and decorated with Raman active probes, all three structure types give rise to substantial enhancement in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Since this SERS enhancement arises from each of the isolated structures in the array, these surface patterns are an ideal platform for multiplexed SERS detection.


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Molybdenum disulpide, a novel two-dimensional semiconductor, was studied using optical-pump terahertz-probe spectroscopy. Mono and trilayer samples grown by chemical vapour deposition were compared to reveal their dynamic electrical response. © 2013 IEEE.