910 resultados para treadmill gait


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Study design: Evaluation of knees of tetraplegic patients who have been walking for several months with the aid of a system that involves neuromuscular stimulation, treadmill and a harness support device. Objectives: To investigate if the training program could cause knee injury to tetraplegic patients. Setting: Hospital das Clinicas - UNICAMP. Campinas-SP, Brazil. Methods: Nine patients were evaluated. Clinical exam and magnetic resonance images (MRIs) were used for evaluation. MRIs were taken before and after the training program, in a 6-month interval for each patient. There were two sessions of training every week. Each session lasted 20 min. Results: No severe clinical abnormality was observed in any patient. Mild knee injury was observed in four of nine patients studied. Conclusions: Tetraplegic patients undergoing treadmill gait training deserve a close follow-up to prevent knee injury.


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Segment poses and joint kinematics estimated from skin markers are highly affected by soft tissue artifact (STA) and its rigid motion component (STARM). While four marker-clusters could decrease the STA non-rigid motion during gait activity, other data, such as marker location or STARM patterns, would be crucial to compensate for STA in clinical gait analysis. The present study proposed 1) to devise a comprehensive average map illustrating the spatial distribution of STA for the lower limb during treadmill gait and 2) to analyze STARM from four marker-clusters assigned to areas extracted from spatial distribution. All experiments were realized using a stereophotogrammetric system to track the skin markers and a bi-plane fluoroscopic system to track the knee prosthesis. Computation of the spatial distribution of STA was realized on 19 subjects using 80 markers apposed on the lower limb. Three different areas were extracted from the distribution map of the thigh. The marker displacement reached a maximum of 24.9mm and 15.3mm in the proximal areas of thigh and shank, respectively. STARM was larger on thigh than the shank with RMS error in cluster orientations between 1.2° and 8.1°. The translation RMS errors were also large (3.0mm to 16.2mm). No marker-cluster correctly compensated for STARM. However, the coefficient of multiple correlations exhibited excellent scores between skin and bone kinematics, as well as for STARM between subjects. These correlations highlight dependencies between STARM and the kinematic components. This study provides new insights for modeling STARM for gait activity.


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Blood pressure pattern was analyzed in 12 complete quadriplegics with chronic lesions after three months of treadmill gait training. Before training, blood pressure values were obtained at rest, during treadmill walking and during the recovery phase. Gait training was performed for 20 min twice a week for three months. Treadmill gait was achieved using neuromuscular electrical stimulation, assisted by partial body weight relief (30-50%). After training, blood pressure was evaluated at rest, during gait and during recovery phase. Before and after training, mean systolic blood pressures and heart rates increased significantly during gait compared to rest (94.16 ± 5.15 to 105 ± 5.22 mmHg and 74.27 ± 10.09 to 106.23 ± 17.31 bpm, respectively), and blood pressure decreased significantly in the recovery phase (86.66 ± 9.84 and 57.5 ± 8.66 mmHg, respectively). After three months of training, systolic blood pressure became higher at rest (94.16 ± 5.15 mmHg before training and 100 ± 8.52 mmHg after training; P < 0.05) and during gait exercise (105 ± 5.22 mmHg before and 110 ± 7.38 mmHg after training; P < 0.05) when compared to the initial values, with no changes in heart rate. No changes occurred in blood pressure during the recovery phase, with the lower values being maintained. A drop in systolic pressure from 105 ± 5.22 to 86.66 ± 9.84 mmHg before training and from 110 ± 7.38 to 90 ± 7.38 mmHg after training was noticed immediately after exercise, thus resulting in hypotensive symptoms when chronic quadriplegics reach the sitting position from the upright position.


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Quadriplegic subjects present extensive muscle mass paralysis which is responsible for the dramatic decrease in bone mass, increasing the risk of bone fractures. There has been much effort to find an efficient treatment to prevent or reverse this significant bone loss. We used 21 male subjects, mean age 31.95 ± 8.01 years, with chronic quadriplegia, between C4 and C8, to evaluate the effect of treadmill gait training using neuromuscular electrical stimulation, with 30-50% weight relief, on bone mass, comparing individual dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry responses and biochemical markers of bone metabolism. Subjects were divided into gait (N = 11) and control (N = 10) groups. The gait group underwent gait training for 6 months, twice a week, for 20 min, while the control group did not perform gait. Bone mineral density (BMD) of lumbar spine, femoral neck, trochanteric area, and total femur, and biochemical markers (osteocalcin, bone alkaline phosphatase, pyridinoline, and deoxypyridinoline) were measured at the beginning of the study and 6 months later. In the gait group, 81.8% of the subjects presented a significant increase in bone formation and 66.7% also presented a significant decrease of bone resorption markers, whereas 30% of the controls did not present any change in markers and 20% presented an increase in bone formation. Marker results did not always agree with BMD data. Indeed, many individuals with increased bone formation presented a decrease in BMD. Most individuals in the gait group presented an increase in bone formation markers and a decrease in bone resorption markers, suggesting that gait training, even with 30-50% body weight support, was efficient in improving the bone mass of chronic quadriplegics.


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Increases in muscular cross-sectional area (CSA) occur in quadriplegics after training, but the effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) along with training are unknown. Thus, we addressed two questions: (1) Does NMES during treadmill gait training increase the quadriceps CSA in complete quadriplegics?; and (2) Is treadmill gait training alone enough to observe an increase in CSA? Fifteen quadriplegics were divided into gait (n = 8) and control (n = 7) groups. The gait group performed training with NMES for 6 months twice a week for 20 minutes each time. After 6 months of traditional therapy, the control group received the same gait training protocol but without NMES for an additional 6 months. Axial images of the thigh were acquired at the beginning of the study, at 6 months (for both groups), and at 12 months for the control group to determine the average quadriceps CSA. After 6 months, there was an increase of CSA in the gait group (from 49.8 +/- A 9.4 cm(2) to 57.3 +/- A 10.3 cm(2)), but not in the control group (from 43.6 +/- A 7.6 cm(2) to 41.8 +/- A 8.4 cm(2)). After another 6 months of gait without NMES in the control group, the CSA did not change (from 41.8 +/- A 8.4 cm(2) to 41.7 +/- A 7.9 cm(2)). The increase in quadriceps CSA after gait training in patients with chronic complete quadriplegia appears associated with NMES.


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Objectivo: A realização deste estudo tem como objectivo identificar a capacidade de modificação dos parâmetros do ciclo da marcha após intervenção a nível dos componentes do membro inferior e uma abordagem na reeducação da marcha no tapete rolante (treadmill). Métodos: Este estudo é um estudo de série de casos, constituído por três indivíduos com sequelas de Acidente Vascular Encefálico (AVE), com comprometimento a nível do membro inferior, capazes de realizar marcha. Os instrumentos de avaliação foram o teste de marcha de 10 metros (10-M), o teste de marcha de 6 minutos (6-Min) e o Time Up and Go (TUG). Os indivíduos receberam intervenção da fisioterapia baseada no conceito de Bobath e na reeducação de marcha no treadmill. Resultados: Após a intervenção verificou-se um aumento da velocidade e cadência da marcha, assim como uma maior tolerância e resistência na capacidade da sua realização. Conclusão: A intervenção realizada a nível dos componentes do membro inferior e na reeducação da marcha utilizando o treadmill permitiu modificar alguns parâmetros espaço-temporais do ciclo da marcha, aumentando a velocidade e cadência da marcha. A utilização conjunta de diferentes abordagens na intervenção ao indivíduo com sequelas de AVE deve ser sempre considerada uma vez que pode trazer benefícios na sua independência e qualidade de vida.


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Introdução: As crianças com Paralisia Cerebral evidenciam frequentemente alterações da sua funcionalidade global, evidenciadas nomeadamente na marcha. Diferentes protocolos de facilitação da marcha em tapete rolante têm vindo a ser alvo de estudos no sentido de clarificar a sua eficácia nesta população. Estes sugerem uma evolução positiva dos diferentes aspectos estudados (funcionalidade global, resistência cardiorespiratória, componentes da marcha), contudo utilizam diferentes metodologias e especificidades do protocolo, não existindo consenso acerca das melhores condições de utilização. Objectivo(s): O presente trabalho teve como objectivo principal avaliar o efeito da aplicação de um protocolo de marcha em tapete rolante (PMTR) em crianças com Paralisia Cerebral (PC) espástica, nos parâmetros biomecânicos da mesma e funcionalidade global. Métodos: Participaram no estudo 9 crianças com PC do tipo diplégico e hemiplégico inscritos na Associação de Paralisia Cerebral de Braga (APCB), com idades compreendidas entre os 3 e os 8 anos de idade. Cada criança foi avaliada antes e após a aplicação do PMTR, através da análise biomecânica da marcha (dinamometria e electromiografia de superfície), bem como da aplicação do teste de medida da função motora (TMFM). A amostra foi dividida em dois grupos – grupo sujeito ao protocolo de marcha em tapete rolante (GPMTR) (n=5) e grupo controlo (GC) (n=4). O protocolo em tapete rolante foi incluído nas sessões de intervenção de fisioterapia, com uma frequência semanal de 2 a 3 vezes por semana, durante um período de 10 semanas consecutivas, após o qual foram repetidas as avaliações iniciais. Resultados: A análise dos resultados permitiu verificar evoluções no GPMTR ao nível do score total da TMFM e especialmente na dimensão E, o que revelou melhorias significativas da funcionalidade motora global neste grupo. Verificaram-se ainda, em termos eletromiográficos um melhor padrão de recrutamento muscular, bem como, no que se refere à análise dinamométrica, evoluções positivas, na componente vertical das forças de reacção do solo.Conclusão: O presente estudo parece sugerir que a inclusão da facilitação da marcha em tapete rolante no plano de intervenção pode contribuir para uma melhoria nos parâmetros biomecânicos da marcha e funcionalidade global de crianças com Paralisia Cerebral do tipo diplégico e hemiplégico, com idades compreendidas entre os 3 e os 8 anos.


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Différents dessins d’implants de prothèse totale de genou (PTG) sont utilisés en pratique clinique et chacun présente des caractéristiques biomécaniques spécifiques. Aucun implant n’a réussi à ce jour à reproduire parfaitement la biomécanique du genou naturel. Les objectifs de cette étude sont de comparer les résultats cliniques et biomécaniques tridimensionnels (3D) de deux types de PTG chez le même patient, puis de comparer la cinématique des PTG à celle d’un groupe de genoux asymptomatiques. Une cohorte de quinze patients avec un implant traditionnel dans un genou et un implant de nouvelle génération permettant un pivot dans le genou contralatéral a été étudiée. Le groupe contrôle était composé de trente-cinq genoux asymptomatiques. L’analyse de la cinématique 3D a été réalisée avec l’outil KneeKG (Emovi Inc. Canada) lors de la marche sur tapis roulant. L’évaluation clinique comprenait l’amplitude de mouvement ainsi que les questionnaires de perception articulaire, KOOS, Womac et SF-12. La comparaison de la cinématique des deux types de PTG a démontré quelques différences statistiquement significatives dans les plans sagittal et frontal alors que la comparaison des PTG et des genoux asymptomatiques a révélé plusieurs différences significatives dans les trois plans. Les scores cliniques des deux PTG ne comportaient pas de différence significative. Dans notre cohorte de patients, le design de l’implant a eu peu d’influence sur les résultats biomécaniques et cliniques. Les PTG n’ont pas reproduit une cinématique normale de genou. Beaucoup de travail et de recherche dans le développement de nouveaux implants sont encore nécessaires afin d’améliorer les résultats cliniques et de mieux reproduire la cinématique du genou naturel.


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Introduction: The intrinsic gait disorders in individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) are one of the most disabling motor symptoms. Among the therapeutic approaches used in attempts to improve the motor function, especially the gait pattern of individuals, stands out the treadmill gait training associated with the addition of load. However, there are few findings that elucidate the benefits arising from such practice. Objective: To assess the effects of adding load on the treadmill gait training in individuals with PD. Material and Methods: A controlled, randomized and blinded clinical trial, was performed with a sample of 27 individuals (18 men and 9 women) with PD, randomly assigned to three experimental conditions, namely: treadmill gait training (n=9), treadmill gait training associated with addition of 5% load (n=9) and treadmill gait training associated with addition of 10% load (n=9). All volunteers were assessed, during phase on of Parkinson's medication, regarding to demographic, clinical and anthropometric (identification form) data, level of disability (Hoehn and Yahr Modified Scale), cognitive function (Mini Mental State Examination), clinical functional - in those areas activity of daily living and motor examination (Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale - UPDRS) and gait cinematic analysis was performed through Qualisys Motion Capture System®. The intervention protocol consisted of gait training in a period of 4 consecutive weeks, with three weekly sessions, lasting 30 minutes each. The post-intervention assessment occurred the next day after the last training session, which was performed cinematic analysis of gait and the UPDRS. Data analysis was performed using the software Statistical Package for Social Sciences® (SPSS) 17.0. Results: The age of volunteers ranged from 41 to 75 years old (62,26 ± 9,07) and the time of clinical diagnosis of PD between 2 to 9 years (4,56 ± 2,42). There was a reduction regarding the score from motor exam domain (p=0,005), only when training with the addition of a 5% load. As for the space-time variables there was no significant difference between groups (p>0,120); however, the training with addition of 5% load presented the following changes: increase in stride length (p=0,028), in step length (p=0,006), in time balance of the most affected member (p=0,006) and reduction in support time of the referred member (p=0,007). Regarding angular variables significant differences between groups submitted to treadmill gait training without addition load and with 5% of load were observed in angle of the ankle at initial contact (p=0,019), in plantar flexion at toe-off (p=0,003) and in the maximum dorsiflexion in swing (p=0,005). While within groups, there was a reduction in amplitude of motion of the ankle (p=0,048), the only workout on the treadmill. Conclusion: The treadmill gait training with addition of 5% load proved to be a better experimental condition than the others because it provided greater gains in a number of variables (space-time and angular gait) and in the motion function, becoming a therapy capable of effectively improving the progress of individuals with PD


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Background: The gait automaticity loss difficults realization of concurrent activities - Dual Task (DT). In these situations, individuals with Parkinson`s disease (PD) show a significant reduction in gait velocity and stride length, as strides variability and asymmetry increased, factors predisposing to falls. However, recent studies have shown that training involving DT may cause subsequent improvements in gait variables with DT in individuals with PD. The treadmill use was adopted by this study, by promoting greater regularity in step and enhance training. Objective:To investigate immediate effects of gait training associated with cognitive tasks on gait in individuals with PD. Methods: Twenty-two volunteers were randomly divided into two groups: control group (n = 11), who performed gait training on a treadmill for 20 minutes, and the experimental group (n = 11), who performed treadmill gait training for 20 minutes associated with cognitive tasks of verbal fluency, memory, and spatial planning. Participants were evaluated in phase on of antiparkinsonian medication as the demographic, clinical and anthropometric (identification form), cognitive status (Montreal Cognitive Assessment - MoCA), executive function (Frontal Assessment Battery), level of physical disability (Hoehn and Yahr Modified), motor and functional status (Unified Rating Scale for Parkinson`s Disease - UPDRS), and kinematics (Qualisys Motion Capture System). Results: There were not differences between groups, but both showed improvement after the intervention. The control group had an increase in velocity (p = 0.008), stride length (p = 0.04), step length (p = 0.02) and decreased double support time(p = 0.03). The experimental group showed an increase in speed (p = 0.002), stride length (p = 0.008), step length (p = 0.02) and cadence (p = 0.01), as well as a decrease in the width stride (p = 0.001) and total support time (p = 0.02). As the angular variables, the experimental group had a significant increase in the initial contact angle of ankle (p = 0.01). Conclusion: The gait training combined with cognitive activities didn`t provide significant improvements in gait variables with DT, but this study was the first to demonstrate that gait training on treadmill as simple task minimized the negative interference of DT in PD


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Study design: Single-blind randomized, controlled clinical study. Objectives: To evaluate, using kinematic gait analysis, the results obtained from gait training on a treadmill with body weight support versus those obtained with conventional gait training and physiotherapy. Setting: Thirty patients with sequelae from traumatic incomplete spinal cord injuries at least 12 months earlier; patients were able to walk and were classified according to motor function as ASIA (American Spinal Injury Association) impairment scale C or D. Methods: Patients were divided randomly into two groups of 15 patients by the drawing of opaque envelopes: group A (weight support) and group B (conventional). After an initial assessment, both groups underwent 30 sessions of gait training. Sessions occurred twice a week, lasted for 30min each and continued for four months. All of the patients were evaluated by a single blinded examiner using movement analysis to measure angular and linear kinematic gait parameters. Six patients (three from group A and three from group B) were excluded because they attended fewer than 85% of the training sessions. Results: There were no statistically significant differences in intra-group comparisons among the spatial-temporal variables in group B. In group A, the following significant differences in the studied spatial-temporal variables were observed: increases in velocity, distance, cadence, step length, swing phase and gait cycle duration, in addition to a reduction in stance phase. There were also no significant differences in intra-group comparisons among the angular variables in group B. However, group A achieved significant improvements in maximum hip extension and plantar flexion during stance. Conclusion: Gait training with body weight support was more effective than conventional physiotherapy for improving the spatial-temporal and kinematic gait parameters among patients with incomplete spinal cord injuries. Spinal Cord (2011) 49, 1001-1007; doi:10.1038/sc.2011.37; published online 3 May 2011


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BACKGROUND: The use of robots for gait training in Parkinson disease (PD) is growing, but no evidence points to an advantage over the standard treadmill. METHODS: In this randomized, single-blind controlled trial, participants aged <75 years with early-stage PD (Hoehn-Yahr <3) were randomly allocated to 2 groups: either 30 minutes of gait training on a treadmill or in the Lokomat for 3 d/wk for 4 weeks. Patients were evaluated by a physical therapist blinded to allocation before and at the end of treatment and then at the 3- and 6-month follow-up. The primary outcome measure was the 6-minute walk test. RESULTS: Of 334 screened patients, the authors randomly allocated 30 to receive gait training with treadmill or the Lokomat. At baseline, the 2 groups did not differ. At the 6-month follow-up, both groups had improved significantly in the primary outcome measure (treadmill: mean = 490.95 m, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 448.56-533.34, P = .0006; Lokomat: 458.6 m, 95% CI = 417.23-499.96, P = .01), but no significant differences were found between the 2 groups (P = .53). DISCUSSION: Robotic gait training with the Lokomat is not superior to treadmill training in improving gait performance in patients with PD. Both approaches are safe, with results maintained for up to 6 months.


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Objective: To assess whether a downhill walking training programme is more effective than the same amount of training applied uphill in chronic stroke survivors. Design: Randomized, single-blind study. Setting: Outpatient rehabilitation service. Methods: Thirty-eight adults with hemiplegia from stroke lasting more than three months were randomly allocated to one of the two groups: 'UP' - 45 minutes of physical therapy + 30 minutes of treadmill with 5% ascending slope; and 'DOWN' - 45 minutes of physical therapy + 30 minutes of treadmill with 5% descending slope. Both groups were treated 5 times a week for six weeks. Patients were evaluated before treatment, at the end of treatment and after three months. Outcome measures: Primary outcome measure was the number of patients showing an improvement in 6-minute walking test (6MWT) greater than 50 m. Secondary outcome measures were: (1) number of patients showing a clinically relevant improvement of gait speed during 10-m walking test (10mWT); (2) number of patients showing an improvement in timed up and go (TUG) greater than minimal detectable change. Results: Both groups had a significant improvement after treatment and at follow-up. At the end of treatment, compared to UP group, more patients in the DOWN group showed clinically significant improvements in primary and secondary outcomes (16/19 patients for 6MWT, 11/19 patients for 10mWT and 9/19 patients for TUG compared with 3/19, 4/19 and 2/19 patients, respectively, P < 0.01). At follow-up, results were similar except for 10mWT. Conclusions: In chronic stroke patients, downhill treadmill training produces a bigger effect than uphill training.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the attentional demands of natural and imposed gait, as well as the attentional costs of transitions between the walking and running co-ordination patterns. Seven healthy young men and four healthy young women undertook an auditory probe reaction time task concurrently with self-selected gait (Experiment 1) and imposed walking and running (Experiment 2) at different speeds on a motor-driven treadmill. In Experiment 1, where participants were free to choose their own movement pattern to match the speed of travel of the treadmill, normal gait control was shown to have a significant attentional cost, and hence not be automatic in the classical sense. However, this attentional cost did not differ between the two gait modes or at the transition point. In Experiment 2, where participants were required to maintain specific gait modes regardless of the treadmill speed, the maintenance of walking at speeds normally associated with running was found to have an attentional cost whereas this was not the case for running at normal walking speeds. Collectively the findings support a model of gait control in which the normal switching between gait modes is determined with minimal attention demand and in which it is possible to sustain non-preferred gait modes although, in the case of walking, only at a significant attentional/cognitive cost. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is currently unclear whether it is the need to maintain metabolic efficiency, the need to keep skeletal loading below critical force levels, or simple mechanical factors that drive the walk-to-run (W R) and run-to-walk (R-W) transitions in human gait. Eighteen adults (9 males and 9 females) locomoted on an instrumented treadmill using their preferred gait. Each completed 2 ascending (W-R) and 2 descending (R-W) series of trials under three levels of loading (0%, 15% and 30% body weight). For each trial, participants locomoted for 60 s at each of 9 different speeds -4 speeds both above and below their preferred transition speed (PTS) plus their PTS. Evidence was sought for critical levels of key kinetic (maximum vertical force, impulse, first peak force, time to first peak force and maximum loading rate), energetic (oxygen consumption, transport cost) and mechanical variables (limb lengths, strength) predictive of the gait transition. Analyses suggested the kinetic variables of time to first peak force and loading rate as the most likely determinants of the W-R and R-W transitions. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.