67 resultados para transmissibility
Dental caries is a transmissible infectious disease in which mutans streptococci are generally considered to be the main etiological agents. Although the transmissibility of dental caries is relatively well established in the literature, little is known whether information regarding this issue is correctly provided to the population. The present study aimed at evaluating, by means of a questionnaire, the knowledge and usual attitude of 640 parents and caretakers regarding the transmissibility of caries disease. Most interviewed adults did not know the concept of dental caries being an infectious and transmissible disease, and reported the habit of blowing and tasting food, sharing utensils and kissing the children on their mouth. 372 (58.1%) adults reported that their children had already been seen by a dentist, 264 (41.3%) answered that their children had never gone to a dentist, and 4 (0.6%) did not know. When the adults were asked whether their children had already had dental caries, 107 (16.7%) answered yes, 489 (76.4%) answered no, and 44 (6.9%) did not know. Taken together, these data reinforce the need to provide the population with some important information regarding the transmission of dental caries in order to facilitate a more comprehensive approach towards the prevention of the disease.
Structures experience various types of loads along their lifetime, which can be either static or dynamic and may be associated to phenomena of corrosion and chemical attack, among others. As a consequence, different types of structural damage can be produced; the deteriorated structure may have its capacity affected, leading to excessive vibration problems or even possible failure. It is very important to develop methods that are able to simultaneously detect the existence of damage and to quantify its extent. In this paper the authors propose a method to detect and quantify structural damage, using response transmissibilities measured along the structure. Some numerical simulations are presented and a comparison is made with results using frequency response functions. Experimental tests are also undertaken to validate the proposed technique. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper, a damage-detection approach using the Mahalanobis distance with structural forced dynamic response data, in the form of transmissibility, is proposed. Transmissibility, as a damage-sensitive feature, varies in accordance with the damage level. Besides, Mahalanobis distance can distinguish the damaged structural state condition from the undamaged one by condensing the baseline data. For comparison reasons, the Mahalanobis distance results using transmissibility are compared with those using frequency response functions. The experiment results reveal quite a significant capacity for damage detection, and the comparison between the use of transmissibility and frequency response functions shows that, in both cases, the different damage scenarios could be well detected. Copyright (c) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
PURPOSE: The aim of this work was to study the central and peripheral thickness of several contact lenses (CL) with different powers and analyze how thickness variation affects CL oxygen transmissibility. METHODS: Four daily disposable and five monthly or biweekly CL were studied. The powers of each CL were: the maximum negative power of each brand; -6.00 D; -3.00 D; zero power (-0.25 D or -0.50 D), +3.00 D and +6.00 D. Central and peripheral thicknesses were measured with an electronic thickness gauge. Each lens was measured five times (central and 3mm paracentral) and the mean value was considered. Using the values of oxygen permeability given by the manufacturers and the measured thicknesses, the variation of oxygen transmissibility with lens power was determined. RESULTS: For monthly or biweekly lenses, central thickness changed between 0.061 ± 0.002 mm and 0.243 ± 0.002 mm, and peripheral thickness varied between 0.084 ± 0.002 mm and 0.231 ± 0.015 mm. Daily disposable lenses showed central values ranging between 0.056 ± 0.0016 mm and 0.205 ± 0.002 mm and peripheral values between 0.108 ± 0.05 and 0.232 ± 0.011 mm. Oxygen transmissibility (in units) of monthly or biweekly CL ranged between 39.4 ± 0.3 and 246.0 ± 14.4 and for daily disposable lenses the values range between 9.5 ± 0.5 and 178.1 ± 5.1. CONCLUSIONS: The central and peripheral thicknesses change significantly when considering the CL power and this has a significant impact on the oxygen transmissibility. Eyecare practitioners must have this fact in account when high power plus or minus lenses are fitted or when continuous wear is considered.
A Leishmania donovani-complex specific DNA probe was usedto confirm the widespread dissemination of amastigotes in apparently normal skinof dogs with canine visceral leishmaniasis. When Lutzomyia longipalpis were fed on abnormal skin of five naturally infected dogs 57 of 163 (35 per cent) fliesbecame infected: four of 65 flies (6 per cent) became infected when fed on apparently normal skin. The bite of a single sandfly that had fed seven days previouslyon a naturally infected dog transmitted the infection to a young dog from a non-endemic area. Within 22 days a lesion had developed at the site of the infectivebite (inner ear): 98 days after infection organisms had not disseminated throughout the skin, bone marrow, spleen or liver and the animal was still serologically negative by indirect immunofluorescence and dot-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. When fed Lu. longipalpis were captured from a kennel with a sick dog known to be infected, 33 out of 49 (67 per cent) of flies contained promastigotes. In contrast only two infections were detected among more than 200 sandflies captured in houses. These observations confirm the ease of transmissibility of L.chagasi from dog to sandfly to dog in Teresina. It is likely that canine VL is the major source of human VL by the transmission route dog-sandfly-human. the Lmet2 DNA probe was a useful epidemiological tool for detecting L. chagasi in sandflies.
Engineers often face the challenge of reducing the level of vibrations experienced by a given payload or those transmitted to the support structure to which a vibrating source is attached. In order to increase the range over which vibrations are isolated, soft mounts are often used in practice. The drawback of this approach is the static displacement may be too large for reasons of available space for example. Ideally, a vibration isolator should have a high-static stiffness, to withstand static loads without too large a displacement, and at the same time, a low dynamic stiffness so that the natural frequency of the system is as low as possible which will result in an increased isolation region. These two effects are mutually exclusive in linear isolators but can be overcome if properly configured nonlinear isolators are used. This paper is concerned with the characterisation of such a nonlinear isolator comprising three springs, two of which are configured to reduce the dynamic stiffness of the isolator. The dynamic behaviour of the isolator supporting a lumped mass is investigated using force and displacement transmissibility, which are derived by modelling the dynamic system as a single-degree-of-freedom system. This results in the system dynamics being approximately described by the Duffing equation. For a linear isolator, the dynamics of the system are the same regardless if the source of the excitation is a harmonic force acting on the payload (force transmissibility) or a harmonic motion of the base (displacement transmissibility) on which the payload is mounted. In this paper these two expressions are compared for the nonlinear isolator and it is shown that they differ. A particular feature of the displacement transmissibility is that the response is unbounded at the nonlinear resonance frequency unless the damping in the isolator is greater than some threshold value, which is not the case for force transmissibility. An explanation for this is offered in the paper. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Transmissibility of dental and jaw characteristics is strongly influenced by environmental factors during the years of extra uterine life when odontogenesis occurs. Through biochemical factors, such as enzymes, proteins, hormones and other mediators, genes are activated or silenced to suit the cell or organism to its environment. These changes are not transmitted to our descendants, because of that, these factors are called epigenetic. Among the most cited epigenetic factors are food, pollution, drugs and exercise. The objective of this study was to assess the transmissibility of dental characteristics in two pairs of twins. In one case, 13-year-old boys had the same basic dental and jaw characteristics with prolonged retention of the second upper deciduous molars and the presence of permanent successors. In the other case, 14-year-old boys had prolonged retention of lower deciduous second molars and absence of permanent successors, but only one of them had the germs of third lower molars. The phenotypic difference in the dentition of twins from clinical case 2 could be due to epigenetic factors, showing the absence of genetic determinism in the transmissibility of dental characteristics.
There is a lack of a common concept on how to estimate transmissibility of Chlamydia trachomatis from cross-sectional sexual partnership studies. Using a mathematical model that takes into account the dynamics of chlamydia transmission and sexual partnership formation, we report refined estimates of chlamydia transmissibility in heterosexual partnerships.
Damage identification under real operating conditions of the structure during its daily use would be suitable and attractive to civil engineers due to the difficulty and problems of carrying out controlled forced excitation tests on this kind of structures. In this case, output-only response measurements would be available, and an output-only damage identification procedure should be implemented. Transmissibility, defined on an output-to-output relationship, is getting increased attention in damage detection applications because of its dependence with output-only data and its sensitivity to local structural changes. In this paper, a method based on the power spectrum density transmissibility (PSDT) is proposed to detect structural damage.
El control del estado en el que se encuentran las estructuras ha experimentado un gran auge desde hace varias décadas, debido a que los costes de rehabilitación de estructuras tales como los oleoductos, los puentes, los edificios y otras más son muy elevados. En las últimas dos décadas, se han desarrollado una gran cantidad de métodos que permiten identificar el estado real de una estructura, basándose en modelos físicos y datos de ensayos. El ensayo modal es el más común; mediante el análisis modal experimental de una estructura se pueden determinar parámetros como la frecuencia, los modos de vibración y la amortiguación y también la función de respuesta en frecuencia de la estructura. Mediante estos parámetros se pueden implementar diferentes indicadores de daño. Sin embargo, para estructuras complejas y grandes, la implementación de metodologías basadas en la función de respuesta en frecuencia requeriría realizar hipótesis sobre la fuerza utilizada para excitar la estructura. Dado que el análisis modal operacional utiliza solamente las señales de respuesta del sistema para extraer los parámetros dinámicos estructurales y, por tanto, para evaluar el estado de una estructura, el uso de la transmisibilidad sería posible. En este sentido, dentro del análisis modal operacional, la transmisibilidad ha concentrado mucha atención en el mundo científico en la última década. Aunque se han publicado muchos trabajos sobre el tema, en esta Tesis se proponen diferentes técnicas para evaluar el estado de una estructura basándose exclusivamente en la transmisibilidad. En primer lugar, se propone un indicador de daño basado en un nuevo parámetro, la coherencia de transmisibilidad; El indicador se ha valido mediante resultados numéricos y experimentales obtenidos sobre un pórtico de tres pisos. En segundo lugar, la distancia de Mahalanobis se aplica sobre la transmisibilidad como procedimiento para detectar variaciones estructurales provocadas por el daño. Este método se ha validado con éxito sobre una viga libre-libre ensayada experimentalmente. En tercer lugar, se ha implementado una red neuronal basada en medidas de transmisibilidad como metodología de predicción de daño sobre una viga simulada numéricamente. ABSTRACT Structural health monitoring has experienced a huge development from several decades ago since the cost of rehabilitation of structures such as oil pipes, bridges and tall buildings is very high. In the last two decades, a lot of methods able to identify the real stage of a structure have been developed basing on both models and experimental data. Modal testing is the most common; by carrying out the experimental modal analysis of a structure, some parameters, such as frequency, mode shapes and damping, as well as the frequency response function of the structure can be obtained. From these parameters, different damage indicators have been proposed. However, for complex and large structures, any frequency domain approach that relies on frequency response function estimation would be of difficult application since an assumption of the input excitations to the system should be carried out. Operational modal analysis uses only output signals to extract the structural dynamic parameters and, therefore, to identify the structural stage. In this sense, within operational modal analysis, transmissibility has attracted a lot of attention in the scientific field in the last decade. In this work new damage detection approaches based on transmissibility are developed. Firstly, a new theory of transmissibility coherence is developed and it is tested with a three-floor-structure both in simulation and in experimental data analysis; secondly, Mahalanobis distance is taken into use with the transmissibility, and a free-free beam is used to test the approach performance; thirdly, neural networks are used in transmissibility for structural health monitoring; a simulated beam is used to validate the proposed method.
El control del estado en el que se encuentran las estructuras ha experimentado un gran auge desde hace varias décadas, debido a que los costes de rehabilitación de estructuras tales como los oleoductos, los puentes, los edificios y otras más son muy elevados. En las últimas dos décadas, se han desarrollado una gran cantidad de métodos que permiten identificar el estado real de una estructura, basándose en modelos físicos y datos de ensayos. El ensayo modal es el más común; mediante el análisis modal experimental de una estructura se pueden determinar parámetros como la frecuencia, los modos de vibración y la amortiguación y también la función de respuesta en frecuencia de la estructura. Mediante estos parámetros se pueden implementar diferentes indicadores de daño. Sin embargo, para estructuras complejas y grandes, la implementación de metodologías basadas en la función de respuesta en frecuencia requeriría realizar hipótesis sobre la fuerza utilizada para excitar la estructura. Dado que el análisis modal operacional utiliza solamente las señales de respuesta del sistema para extraer los parámetros dinámicos estructurales y, por tanto, para evaluar el estado de una estructura, el uso de la transmisibilidad sería posible. En este sentido, dentro del análisis modal operacional, la transmisibilidad ha concentrado mucha atención en el mundo científico en la última década. Aunque se han publicado muchos trabajos sobre el tema, en esta Tesis se proponen diferentes técnicas para evaluar el estado de una estructura basándose exclusivamente en la transmisibilidad. En primer lugar, se propone un indicador de daño basado en un nuevo parámetro, la coherencia de transmisibilidad; El indicador se ha valido mediante resultados numéricos y experimentales obtenidos sobre un pórtico de tres pisos. En segundo lugar, la distancia de Mahalanobis se aplica sobre la transmisibilidad como procedimiento para detectar variaciones estructurales provocadas por el daño. Este método se ha validado con éxito sobre una viga libre-libre ensayada experimentalmente. En tercer lugar, se ha implementado una red neuronal basada en medidas de transmisibilidad como metodología de predicción de daño sobre una viga simulada numéricamente. ABSTRACT Structural health monitoring has experienced a huge development from several decades ago since the cost of rehabilitation of structures such as oil pipes, bridges and tall buildings is very high. In the last two decades, a lot of methods able to identify the real stage of a structure have been developed basing on both models and experimental data. Modal testing is the most common; by carrying out the experimental modal analysis of a structure, some parameters, such as frequency, mode shapes and damping, as well as the frequency response function of the structure can be obtained. From these parameters, different damage indicators have been proposed. However, for complex and large structures, any frequency domain approach that relies on frequency response function estimation would be of difficult application since an assumption of the input excitations to the system should be carried out. Operational modal analysis uses only output signals to extract the structural dynamic parameters and, therefore, to identify the structural stage. In this sense, within operational modal analysis, transmissibility has attracted a lot of attention in the scientific field in the last decade. In this work new damage detection approaches based on transmissibility are developed. Firstly, a new theory of transmissibility coherence is developed and it is tested with a three-floor-structure both in simulation and in experimental data analysis; secondly, Mahalanobis distance is taken into use with the transmissibility, and a free-free beam is used to test the approach performance; thirdly, neural networks are used in transmissibility for structural health monitoring; a simulated beam is used to validate the proposed method.
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The naturally occurring clonal diversity among field isolates of the major human malaria parasite Plasmodium vivax remained unexplored until the early 1990s, when improved molecular methods allowed the use of blood samples obtained directly from patients, without prior in vitro culture, for genotyping purposes. Here we briefly review the molecular strategies currently used to detect genetically distinct clones in patient-derived P. vivax samples, present evidence that multiple-clone P. vivax infections are commonly detected in areas with different levels of malaria transmission and discuss possible evolutionary and epidemiological consequences of the competition between genetically distinct clones in natural human infections. We suggest that, when two or more genetically distinct clones are present in the same host, intra-host competition for limited resources may select for P. vivax traits that represent major public health challenges, such as increased virulence, increased transmissibility and antimalarial drug resistance.