11 resultados para translanguaging
Denna studie har genomförts på en F-6-skola med ca 350 elever, ungefär 30 % av eleverna har ett annat modersmål. Syftet med denna studie var att ur de tvåspråkiga elevernas perspektiv kartlägga hur den undersökta skolans lärare arbetar efter translanguaging-pedagogik. Att arbeta efter translanguaging-pedagogiken innebär att läraren ser på en elevs flerspråkighet som en tillgång i stället för ett hinder i klassrummet. Studiens syfte konkretiserades i följande frågeställningar: Vilket förhållningssätt har lärarna till flerspråkighet i klassrummet ur andraspråkselevernas perspektiv? Vad kännetecknar enligt andraspråkseleverna ett språkutvecklande arbetssätt? Vilka av de metoder eller arbetssätt som lärarna använder anser andraspråkseleverna själva vara gynnsamma för deras förståelse och kunskapsutveckling i ämnesundervisning och andraspråksinlärning? Utifrån mina frågeställningar valde jag att använda mig av den kvalitativa forskningsmetoden fokusgruppmetoden. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av svenska som andraspråkläraren på skolan som gav mig tillgång till sina SVA-grupper på mellanstadiet. Det framkom i mina fokusgruppsintervjuer att man på skolan inte medvetet arbetar efter translanguaging-pedagogiken. Det upplevs bland annat att det inte är tillåtet att tala på sitt modersmål i klassrummet, det finns inget material i klassrummet som stödjer translanguaging-pedagogiken och lärarna uppmuntrar inte eleverna till att, vid diskussioner eller grupparbeten, använda sitt modersmål.
This paper explores the linguistic practice of digital code plays in an online discussion forum, used by the community of English-speaking Germans living in Britain. By adopting a qualitative approach of Computer-Mediated Discourse Analysis, the article examines the ways in which these bilinguals deploy linguistic and other semiotic resources on the forum to co-construct humorous code plays. These performances occur in the context of negotiating language norms and are based on conscious manipulations of both codes, English and German. They involve play with codes at three levels: play with forms, meanings, and frames. Although, at first sight, such alternations appear to be used mainly for a comic effect, there is more to this than just humour. By mixing both codes at all levels, the participants deliberately produce aberrant German ‘polluted’ with English and, in so doing, dismantle the ideology of language purity upheld by the purist movement. The deliberate character of this type of code alternation demonstrates heightened metalinguistic awareness as well as creativity and criticality. By exploring the practice of digital code plays, the current study contributes to the growing body of research on networked multilingualism as well as to practices associated with translanguaging, poly- and metrolingualism.
This paper focuses on the language shift phenomenon in Singapore as a consequence of the top-town policies. By looking at bilingual family language policies it examines the characteristics of Singapore’s multilingual nature and cultural diversity. Specifically, it looks at what languages are practiced and how family language policies are enacted in Singaporean English-Chinese bilingual families, and to what extend macro language policies – i.e. national and educational language policies influence and interact with family language policies. Involving 545 families and including parents and grandparents as participants, the study traces the trajectory of the policy history. Data sources include 2 parts: 1) a prescribed linguistic practices survey; and 2) participant observation of actual negotiation of FLP in face-to-face social interaction in bilingual English-Chinese families. The data provides valuable information on how family language policy is enacted and language practices are negotiated, and what linguistic practices have been changed and abandoned against the background of the Speaking Mandarin Campaign and the current bilingual policy implemented in the 1970s. Importantly, the detailed face-to-face interactions and linguistics practices are able to enhance our understanding of the subtleties and processes of language (dis)continuity in relation to policy interventions. The study also discusses the reality of language management measures in contrast to the government’s ‘separate bilingualism’ (Creese & Blackledge, 2011) expectations with regard to ‘striking a balance’ between Asian and Western culture (Curdt-Christiansen & Silver 2013; Shepherd, 2005) and between English and mother tongue languages (Curdt-Christiansen, 2014). Demonstrating how parents and children negotiate their family language policy through translanguaging or heteroglossia practices (Canagarajah, 2013; Garcia & Li Wei, 2014), this paper argues that ‘striking a balance’ as a political ideology places emphasis on discrete and separate notions of cultural and linguistic categorization and thus downplays the significant influences from historical, political and sociolinguistic contexts in which people find themselves. This simplistic view of culture and linguistic code will inevitably constrain individuals’ language expression as it regards code switching and translanguaging as delimited and incompetent language behaviour.
This thesis presents English-medium instruction (EMI) in the Swedish context, focusing on perspectives and practices in two schools. The research question is as follows: How and why is EMI offered, chosen, and practiced in the Swedish upper secondary school today? The aim is to explore the status of the educational option, the reasons for offering EMI to stakeholders, the stakeholders’ beliefs about and goals of EMI, and the implementation of EMI in the classroom. A survey of all upper secondary schools in Sweden was conducted to ascertain the spread of content teaching through a foreign language. The educational context was studied from an ecological perspective using methods based in linguistic ethnography. Language alternation, academic language, and language hierarchy were all considered. Interviews were analysed for content; and classroom language use was analysed for language choice and function. The concepts of affordance and scaffolding together with translanguaging were key. The de facto policies of the micro contexts of the schools were examined in light of the declared national policy of the macro context of Sweden. The results indicate that the option in Swedish schools has not increased, and also tends to only be EMI—not Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) or instruction through other languages. EMI is offered for prestige, an international profile, marketing potential and personal interest. EMI students are academically motivated and confident, and see the option as “fun”. 100% EMI in the lessons is not the goal or the practice. Translanguaging is abundant, but how language alternation is perceived as an affordance or not differs in the two schools. One focuses on how the languages are used while the other focuses on how much each language is used. In conclusion, the analysis suggests that a development of definitions and practices of EMI in Sweden is needed, especially in relation to language policy and language hierarchy.
Even though English should mainly be used in the EFL-classroom according to the Swedish national curriculum, some recent scholars have argued that a judicious use of the students’ L1 by the teachers in some particular situations may benefit the learning environment there. From this context, this thesis examines what research says about in what particular situations the L1 is used by teachers in upper secondary EFL-classrooms as well as the teachers’ and the students’ attitudes towards this practice. The method used was a systematic literature review, where seven articles from all across the globe were analyzed, compared and synthesized. The results show that the L1 was mainly used by the teachers when managing discipline, when explaining grammar and when teaching vocabulary. However, the articles did not conclude how the L1 could be used strategically by the teachers. Concerning the teachers’ and students’ attitudes, the majority of these were positive towards L1 use by the teacher in the above mentioned situations. However, the teachers were not aware of how the L1 could be used by them in a judicious and a strategic way. Lastly, it can be concluded that more research is needed on how the L1 can be used more strategically by the teachers as well as on the students’ perspective on this.
Over 20,000 Swedish lower high school students are currently learning mathematics in English but little research has been conducted in this area. This study looks into the question of how much second language learner training teachers teaching mathematics in English to Swedish speaking students have acquired and how many of those teachers are using effective teaching practices for second language learners. The study confirms earlier findings that report few teachers receive training in second language learning but indicates that some of the teaching practices shown to be effective with second language learners are being used in some Swedish schools
There is very little focus in previous research on first language (L1) use by teachers in the upper secondary English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom from the students’ perspective. In this context and from a Swedish perspective, this thesis examines what attitudes students in the Swedish upper secondary school have towards their teachers’ use of L1 (Swedish) in the EFL-classroom. The method used was qualitative semi-structured interviews, where nine students in total were interviewed. The collected data was then coded, thematized and categorized. The results show that the students mainly believed Swedish should be used when teaching vocabulary, when teaching grammar and for classroom management. They did not believe the L1 should be used by them in questions and answers and in general talk in the classroom. They also endorsed an overall judicious use of Swedish by their teachers and that their use of this language should be adjusted to the specific teaching group. Finally, it can be concluded that further research is needed on how the L1 can be used judiciously in particular situations and on what attitudes students of varying proficiency and age, as well as students who do not have Swedish as their L1 have towards teachers’ L1 use in the EFL-classroom.
RESUMO: A educação de surdos hoje no Brasil vive um período de transição, de conflitos e contradições: por um lado o discurso da diferença cada vez mais presente na fala de educadores e em parte da legislação educacional em vigor; por outro lado a “diferença” surda continua sendo representada nas práticas escolares em geral sob a ótica da normalização que insiste em invisibilizar as especificidades linguísticas e culturais dessa minoria, apesar dos avanços alcançados pelo decreto 5626. Com esse cenário em mente objetivamos refletir sobre as pressões normativas guiadas por ideologias monolíngues (BLACKLEDGE, 2000) que tentam formatar um suposto uso ideal de português e de Libras. O capítulo está dividido em três partes: primeiro, apresentamos algumas considerações no âmbito da legislação acerca do estatuto de Libras no Brasil. Em seguida, tematizamos o processo de (in)visibilização das línguas de sinais com vistas a mostrar que a (re)construção do conceito de língua como algo fixo, também, em relação às línguas de sinais, pode ser usado para sedimentar desigualdades em relação ao surdo na escola. Por fim, refletimos, a partir de alguns dados de pesquisa, sobre as tensões existentes entre as línguas nos contextos bi-multilíngues que caracterizam a escolarização de surdos e as ideologias linguísticas que geram efeitos de hierarquização sobre os usos de Libras e de Português.
O objetivo do artigo é discutir a condição do inglês como língua franca (ILF) na contemporaneidade, demonstrando que o seu avanço pelo mundo é um fenômeno sui generis, de caráter transcultural e que transcende a concepção tradicional de língua franca (OSTLER, 2010; MAURANEN, 2018). Em diálogo com os estudos de descolonialidade (QUIJANO, 2007; MIGNOLO, 2010), translinguismo (CANAGARAJAH, 2013; GARCÍA; WEI, 2014) e a partir das implicações político-pedagógicas das pesquisas em ILF (SEIDLHOFER, 2011; COGO, 2015), defende-se aqui um processo de descolonização de crenças, atitudes, premissas e métodos nos mais diversos níveis, visando, entre outros aspectos, à des(re)construção de discursos e práticas daqueles envolvidos diretamente com o ensino do idioma.
Resumo:O ensino-aprendizagem da segunda língua numa proposta bilíngue de educação para surdos tem sido um desafio tanto para professores quanto para os pesquisadores, na medida em que muitos fatores estão envolvidos, como a diferença na modalidade da primeira e da segunda língua; o fato de que grande parte dos surdos, filhos de pais ouvintes, chega à escola sem conhecimento da língua de sinais; a falta de formação de professores para ensinar aprendizes surdos. Além desses fatores, pesquisas têm analisado a relação que se estabelece entre a língua de sinais e a língua escrita no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de aprendizes surdos. O interesse em conhecer o que propõe a literatura motivou este trabalho, que tem como objetivo contribuir para a compreensão do processo de ensino-aprendizagem da segunda língua por aprendizes surdos. O processo da leitura em surdos, a relevância da língua de sinais para uma leitura efetiva e estratégias de leitura são alguns dos pontos principais desenvolvidos neste trabalho. Com base em modelos de aprendizagem sugeridos para aprendizes ouvintes bilíngues, pesquisadores têm demonstrado que estratégias por eles utilizadas na leitura de textos da língua oral, como tradução, codeswitching e translanguaging, são usadas também por surdos, embora de forma diferenciada. Como conclusão do trabalho, as autoras ressaltam a necessidade de se ter um currículo específico para o ensino de aprendizes surdos, no qual a língua de sinais seja a língua de instrução, que sejam utilizadas estratégias de ensino específicas para eles e que sejam adotados procedimentos de avaliação do desenvolvimento das duas línguas.Palavras-chave: ensino-aprendizagem de segunda língua para surdos, educação bilíngue para surdos, língua de sinais e processo de leitura de surdos.