79 resultados para transitivity
Tässä tutkielmassa analysoidaan teoksessa ’Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Men-tal Disorders, Fifth Edition’ (DSM-5) ja tarkemmin sen kappaleessa ’Gender Dysphoria’ käytettyä kieltä. DSM-5 on mielenterveydenalan ammattilaisille suunnattu luokittelu virallisesti tunnustetuista mielenterveyden häiriöistä ja se sisältää myös oireiden kuvai-luun perustuvat ohjeet näiden mielenterveyshäiriöiden diagnosoimiseksi. ’Gender dys-phoria’ (vapaasti suomennettuna sukupuolidysforia) on lääketieteellinen termi, joka viittaa biologisesta sukupuolesta eriävän sukupuoli-identiteetin aiheuttamaan henki-seen pahoinvointiin. Sukupuoli-identiteetin ja mielenterveysongelman yhdistäminen sisältää ideologisiin arvoihin pohjautuvia perusteluja ja tässä tutkielmassa analysoi-daan ’Gender Dysphoria’ – kappaleen ideologista sisältöä kriittisestä näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tarkastellaan ’Gender Dysphoria’ – kappaleessa käytetyn kielen ideologi-sia heijastumia ja niiden sosiaalisia vaikutuksia kolmen tutkimuskysymyksen avulla: 1) Kuinka diagnosoitu henkilö esitetään tekstissä? 2) Kuinka tekstissä rakennetaan kuvaa sukupuolidysforiasta mielenterveyshäiriönä? 3) Miten analyysin tulokset saattavat vai-kuttaa käsitykseen sukupuolen yhteydestä mielenterveyteen ja sukupuolidysforian diagnosoimiseen. Analyysissä käytetään metodina M. A. K. Hallidayn transitiivisuusteo-riaa ja tulosten sosiaalisia vaikutuksia analysoidaan Norman Faircloughn diskurssiana-lyysimallin avulla. Transitiivisuusanalyysin avulla tarkastellaan kirjoittajien tekemiä va-lintoja kielenkäytön suhteen, jotka Hallidayn teorian mukaan heijastavat kirjoittajien henkilökohtaisia kokemuksia ympäröivästä maailmasta. Tutkimus paljasti, että sukupuolidysforia esitetään mielenterveysongelmana erotta-malla se yksilöstä erilliseksi toimijaksi, joka suorittaa erilaisia prosesseja yksilön sisällä. Yksilöistä erityisesti lapset esitetään tekstissä voimakkaasti perinteisiin sukupuoliroo-leihin pohjautuvan ideologian valossa, joka heijastuu oireiden kuvailuun. Analyysi osoittaa myös logiikkaongelmia lasten oireiden kuvailussa, jotka johtavat ristiriitoihin oireiden ja mielenterveysongelman yhteydessä ja kumoavat perusteet, joiden pohjalta lapset diagnosoidaan. Tutkimuksen lopussa ehdotetaan, että sukupuolidysforiaan liit-tyvien diagnoosiohjeiden ja – kriteerien perusteita muokataan yleisesti sukupuoli-identiteetin itsemääräämisoikeuteen pohjautuvaksi ja lasten osalta tekstiin sisällytet-täisiin mahdollisia tieteellisiä perusteluja, jotka kumoaisivat diagnoosiohjeiden nyky-muodossaan sisältämät ristiriidat ja perustelisivat lasten diagnosoinnin oikeellisuuden
The rationalizability of a choice function by means of a transitive relation has been analyzed thoroughly in the literature. However, not much seems to be known when transitivity is weakened to quasi-transitivity or acyclicity. We describe the logical relationships between the different notions of rationalizability involving, for example, the transitivity, quasi-transitivity, or acyclicity of the rationalizing relation. Furthermore, we discuss sufficient conditions and necessary conditions for rational choice on arbitrary domains. Transitive, quasi-transitive, and acyclical rationalizability are fully characterized for domains that contain all singletons and all two-element subsets of the universal set.
Although the theory of greatest-element rationalizability and maximal-element rationalizability under general domains and without full transitivity of rationalizing relations is well-developed in the literature, these standard notions of rational choice are often considered to be too demanding. An alternative definition of rationality of choice is that of non-deteriorating choice, which requires that the chosen alternatives must be judged at least as good as a reference alternative. In game theory, this definition is well-known under the name of individual rationality when the reference alternative is construed to be the status quo. This alternative form of rationality of individual and social choice is characterized in this paper on general domains and without full transitivity of rationalizing relations.
We generalize the classical expected-utility criterion by weakening transitivity to Suzumura consistency. In the absence of full transitivity, reflexivity and completeness no longer follow as a consequence of the system of axioms employed and a richer class of rankings of probability distributions results. This class is characterized by means of standard expected-utility axioms in addition to Suzumura consistency. An important feature of some members of our new class is that they allow us to soften the negative impact of wellknown paradoxes without abandoning the expected-utility framework altogether.
We consider Anosov actions of R(k), k >= 2, on a closed connected orientable manifold M, of codimension one, i.e. such that the unstable foliation associated to some element of R(k) has dimension one. We prove that if the ambient manifold has dimension greater than k + 2, then the action is topologically transitive. This generalizes a result of Verjovsky for codimension-one Anosov flows.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We show that if f is a homeomorphism of the 2-torus isotopic to the identity and its lift (f) over tilde is transitive, or even if it is transitive outside the lift of the elliptic islands, then (0,0) is in the interior of the rotation set of (f) over tilde. This proves a particular case of Boyland's conjecture.
In this note we survey recent results on automorphisms of affine algebraic varieties, infinitely transitive group actions and flexibility. We present related constructions and examples, and discuss geometric applications and open problems.
Yukulta’s antipassive construction is obligatorily used to code transitive propositions that involve counterfactuals or marked A-O relationships. Its use and the use of active transitive constructions are strictly regulated by these grammatical features, to the extent that the two constructions have a complementary distribution. The particular functions of Yukulta’s antipassive and its highly conditioned usage are atypical for antipassives cross-linguistically.
Standard tools for the analysis of economic problems involving uncertainty, including risk premiums, certainty equivalents and the notions of absolute and relative risk aversion, are developed without making specific assumptions on functional form beyond the basic requirements of monotonicity, transitivity, continuity, and the presumption that individuals prefer certainty to risk. Individuals are not required to display probabilistic sophistication. The approach relies on the distance and benefit functions to characterize preferences relative to a given state-contingent vector of outcomes. The distance and benefit functions are used to derive absolute and relative risk premiums and to characterize preferences exhibiting constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) and constant relative risk aversion (CRRA). A generalization of the notion of Schur-concavity is presented. If preferences are generalized Schur concave, the absolute and relative risk premiums are generalized Schur convex, and the certainty equivalents are generalized Schur concave.
Three experiments investigated the effect of complexity on children's understanding of a beam balance. In nonconflict problems, weights or distances varied, while the other was held constant. In conflict items, both weight and distance varied, and items were of three kinds: weight dominant, distance dominant, or balance (in which neither was dominant). In Experiment 1, 2-year-old children succeeded on nonconflict-weight and nonconflict-distance problems. This result was replicated in Experiment 2, but performance on conflict items did not exceed chance. In Experiment 3, 3- and 4-year-olds succeeded on all except conflict balance problems, while 5- and 6-year-olds succeeded on all problem types. The results were interpreted in terms of relational complexity theory. Children aged 2 to 4 years succeeded on problems that entailed binary relations, but 5- and 6-year-olds also succeeded on problems that entailed ternary relations. Ternary relations tasks from other domains-transitivity and class inclusion-accounted for 93% of the age-related variance in balance scale scores. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).