968 resultados para transition de phase


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In this work, we investigate the interplay between surface anchoring and finite-size effects on the smectic-isotropic transition in free-standing smectic films. Using an extended McMillan model, we study how a homeotropic anchoring stabilizes the smectic order above the bulk transition temperature. In particular, we determine how the transition temperature depends on the surface ordering and film thickness. We identify a characteristic anchoring for which the transition temperature does not depend on the film thickness. For strong surface ordering, we found that the thickness dependence of the transition temperature can be well represented by a power-law relation. The power-law exponent exhibits a weak dependence on the range of film thicknesses, as well as on the molecular alkyl tail length. Our results reproduce the main experimental findings concerning the layer-thinning transitions in free-standing smectic films.


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Using a new version of the density-matrix renormalization group we determine the phase diagram of a model of an antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chain where the spins interact with quantum phonons. A quantum phase transition from a gapless spin-fluid state to a gapped dimerized phase occurs at a nonzero value of the spin-phonon coupling. The transition is in the same universality class as that of a frustrated spin chain, to which the model maps in the diabatic limit. We argue that realistic modeling of known spin-Peierls materials should include the effects of quantum phonons.


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An effect of multiplicative noise in the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau model is reported, namely, that noise at a relatively low intensity induces a phase transition towards an ordered state, whereas strong noise plays a destructive role, driving the system back to its disordered state through a reentrant phase transition. The phase diagram is calculated analytically using a mean-field theory and a more sophisticated approach and is compared with the results from extensive numerical simulations.


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We investigate the bilayer pre-transition exhibited by some lipids at temperatures below their main phase transition, and which is generally associated to the formation of periodic ripples in the membrane. Experimentally we focus on the anionic lipid dipalmytoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) at different ionic strengths, and on the neutral lipid dipalmytoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC). From the analysis of differential scanning calorimetry traces of the two lipids we find that both pre- and main transitions are part of the same melting process. Electron spin resonance of spin labels and excitation generalized polarization of Laurdan reveal the coexistence of gel and fluid domains at temperatures between the pre- and main transitions of both lipids, reinforcing the first finding. Also, the melting process of DPPG at low ionic strength is found to be less cooperative than that of DPPC. From the theoretical side, we introduce a statistical model in which a next-nearest-neighbor competing interaction is added to the usual two-state model. For the first time, modulated phases (ordered and disordered lipids periodically aligned) emerge between the gel and fluid phases as a natural consequence of the competition between lipid-lipid interactions. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The derivative nonlinear Schrodinger DNLS equation, describing propagation of circularly polarized Alfven waves of finite amplitude in a cold plasma, is truncated to explore the coherent, weakly nonlinear, cubic coupling of three waves near resonance, one wave being linearly unstable and the other waves damped. In a reduced three-wave model equal dampings of daughter waves, three-dimensional flow for two wave amplitudes and one relative phase, no matter how small the growth rate of the unstable wave there exists a parametric domain with the flow exhibiting chaotic relaxation oscillations that are absent for zero growth rate. This hard transition in phase-space behavior occurs for left-hand LH polarized waves, paralleling the known fact that only LH time-harmonic solutions of the DNLS equation are modulationally unstable, with damping less than about unstable wave frequency 2/4 x ion cyclotron frequency. The structural stability of the transition was explored by going into a fully 3-wave model different dampings of daughter waves,four-dimensional flow; both models differ in significant phase-space features but keep common features essential for the transition.


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The derivative nonlinear Schrödinger (DNLS) equation, describing propagation of circularly polarized Alfven waves of finite amplitude in a cold plasma, is truncated to explore the coherent, weakly nonlinear, cubic coupling of three waves near resonance, one wave being linearly unstable and the other waves damped. In a reduced three-wave model (equal damping of daughter waves, three-dimensional flow for two wave amplitudes and one relative phase), no matter how small the growth rate of the unstable wave there exists a parametric domain with the flow exhibiting chaotic dynamics that is absent for zero growth-rate. This hard transition in phase-space behavior occurs for left-hand (LH) polarized waves, paralelling the known fact that only LH time-harmonic solutions of the DNLS equation are modulationally unstable.


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The derivative nonlinear Schrödinger (DNLS) equation, describing propagation of circularly polarized Alfven waves of finite amplitude in a cold plasma, is truncated to explore the coherent, weakly nonlinear coupling of three waves near resonance, one wave being linearly unstable and the other waves damped. No matter how small the growth rate of the unstable wave, the four-dimensional flow for the three wave amplitudes and a relative phase, with both resistive damping and linear Landau damping, exhibits chaotic relaxation oscillations that are absent for zero growth-rate. This hard transition in phase-space behavior occurs for left-hand (LH) polarized waves, paralleling the known fact that only LH time-harmonic solutions of the DNLS equation are modulationally unstable. The parameter domain developing chaos is much broader than the corresponding domain in a reduced 3-wave model that assumes equal dampings of the daughter waves


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In higher eukaryotic cells, the spindle forms along with chromosome condensation in mitotic prophase. In metaphase, chromosomes are aligned on the spindle with sister kinetochores facing toward the opposite poles. In anaphase A, sister chromatids separate from each other without spindle extension, whereas spindle elongation takes place during anaphase B. We have critically examined whether such mitotic stages also occur in a lower eukaryote, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Using the green fluorescent protein tagging technique, early mitotic to late anaphase events were observed in living fission yeast cells. S. pombe has three phases in spindle dynamics, spindle formation (phase 1), constant spindle length (phase 2), and spindle extension (phase 3). Sister centromere separation (anaphase A) rapidly occurred at the end of phase 2. The centromere showed dynamic movements throughout phase 2 as it moved back and forth and was transiently split in two before its separation, suggesting that the centromere was positioned in a bioriented manner toward the poles at metaphase. Microtubule-associating Dis1 was required for the occurrence of constant spindle length and centromere movement in phase 2. Normal transition from phase 2 to 3 needed DNA topoisomerase II and Cut1 but not Cut14. The duration of each phase was highly dependent on temperature.


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Transitions between dynamically stable activity patterns imposed on an associative neural network are shown to be induced by self-organized infinitesimal changes in synaptic connection strength and to be a kind of phase transition. A key event for the neural process of information processing in a population coding scheme is transition between the activity patterns encoding usual entities. We propose that the infinitesimal and short-term synaptic changes based on the Hebbian learning rule are the driving force for the transition. The phase transition between the following two dynamical stable states is studied in detail, the state where the firing pattern is changed temporally so as to itinerate among several patterns and the state where the firing pattern is fixed to one of several patterns. The phase transition from the pattern itinerant state to a pattern fixed state may be induced by the Hebbian learning process under a weak input relevant to the fixed pattern. The reverse transition may be induced by the Hebbian unlearning process without input. The former transition is considered as recognition of the input stimulus, while the latter is considered as clearing of the used input data to get ready for new input. To ensure that information processing based on the phase transition can be made by the infinitesimal and short-term synaptic changes, it is absolutely necessary that the network always stays near the critical state corresponding to the phase transition point.


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Despite record-setting performance demonstrated by superconducting Transition Edge Sensors (TESs) and growing utilization of the technology, a theoretical model of the physics governing TES devices superconducting phase transition has proven elusive. Earlier attempts to describe TESs assumed them to be uniform superconductors. Sadleir et al. 2010 shows that TESs are weak links and that the superconducting order parameter strength has significant spatial variation. Measurements are presented of the temperature T and magnetic field B dependence of the critical current Ic measured over 7 orders of magnitude on square Mo/Au bilayers ranging in length from 8 to 290 microns. We find our measurements have a natural explanation in terms of a spatially varying order parameter that is enhanced in proximity to the higher transition temperature superconducting leads (the longitudinal proximity effect) and suppressed in proximity to the added normal metal structures (the lateral inverse proximity effect). These in-plane proximity effects and scaling relations are observed over unprecedentedly long lengths (in excess of 1000 times the mean free path) and explained in terms of a Ginzburg-Landau model. Our low temperature Ic(B) measurements are found to agree with a general derivation of a superconducting strip with an edge or geometric barrier to vortex entry and we also derive two conditions that lead to Ic rectification. At high temperatures the Ic(B) exhibits distinct Josephson effect behavior over long length scales and following functional dependences not previously reported. We also investigate how film stress changes the transition, explain some transition features in terms of a nonequilibrium superconductivity effect, and show that our measurements of the resistive transition are not consistent with a percolating resistor network model.


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The thermoelastic properties of ferropericlase Mg(1-x)Fe(x)O (x = 0.1875) throughout the iron high-to-low spin cross-over have been investigated by first principles at Earth`s lower mantle conditions. This cross-over has important consequences for elasticity such as an anomalous bulk modulus (K(S)) reduction. At room temperature the anomaly is somewhat sharp in pressure but broadens with increasing temperature. Along a typical geotherm it occurs across most of the lower mantle with a more significant K(S) reduction at approximate to 1,400-1,600 km depth. This anomaly might also cause a reduction in the effective activation energy for diffusion creep and lead to a viscosity minimum in the mid-lower mantle, in apparent agreement with results from inversion of data related with mantle convection and postglacial rebound.


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We consider the magnetoresistance oscillation phenomena in the Bechgaard salts (TMTSF)(2)X, where X = ClO4, PF6, and AsF6 in pulsed magnetic fields to 51 T. Of particular importance is the observation of a new magnetoresistance oscillation for X = ClO4 in its quenched state. In the absence of any Fermi-surface reconstruction due to anion order at low temperatures, all three materials exhibit nonmonotonic temperature dependence of the oscillation amplitude in the spin-density-wave (SDW) state. We discuss a model where, below a characteristic temperature T* within the SDW state, a magnetic breakdown gap opens. [S0163-1829(99)00904-2].


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Nous avons investigué, via les simulations de Monte Carlo, les propriétés non-perturbatives du modèle de Higgs abélien en 2+1 dimensions sans et avec le terme de Chern-Simons dans la phase de symétrie brisée, en termes de ses excitations topologiques: vortex et anti-vortex. Le but du présent travail est de rechercher les phases possibles du système dans ce secteur et d'étudier l'effet du terme de Chern-Simons sur le potentiel de confinement induit par les charges externes trouvé par Samuel. Nous avons formulé une description sur réseau du modèle effectif en utilisant une tesselation tétraédrique de l'espace tridimensionnel Euclidien pour générer des boucles de vortex fermées. En présence du terme de Chern-Simons, dans une configuration donnée, nous avons formulé et calculé le nombre d'enlacement entre les différentes boucles de vortex fermées. Nous avons analysé les propriétés du vide et calculé les valeurs moyennes de la boucle de Wilson, de la boucle de Polyakov à différentes températures et de la boucle de 't Hooft en présence du terme de Chern-Simons. En absence du terme de Chern-Simons, en variant la masse des boucles de vortex, nous avons trouvé deux phases distinctes dans le secteur de la symétrie brisée, la phase de Higgs habituelle et une autre phase caractérisée par l'apparition de boucles infinies. D'autre part, nous avons trouvé que la force entre les charges externes est écrantée correpondant à la loi périmètre pour la boucle de Wilson impliquant qu'il n'y a pas de confinement. Cependant, après la transition, nous avons trouvé qu'il existe toujours une portion de charges externes écrantée, mais qu'après une charge critique, l'énergie libre diverge. En présence du terme de Chern-Simons, et dans la limite de constante de couplage faible de Chern-Simons nous avons trouvé que les comportements de la boucle de Wilson et de la boucle de 't Hooft ne changent pas correspondants à une loi périmètre, impliquant qu'il n'y a pas de confinement. De plus, le terme de Chern-Simons ne contribue pas à la boucle de Wilson.


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La matière sombre est un mystère dans le domaine de l’astrophysique depuis déjà plusieurs années. De nombreuses observations montrent que jusqu’à 85 % de la masse gravitationnelle totale de l’univers serait composée de cette matière de nature inconnue. Une théorie expliquant cette masse manquante considérerait les WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles), particules stables, non chargées, prédites par des extensions du modèle standard, comme candidats. Le projet PICASSO (Projet d’Identification des CAndidats Supersymétriques à la matière Sombre) est une expérience qui tente de détecter directement le WIMP. Le projet utilise des détecteurs à gouttelettes de fréon (C4F10) surchauffées. La collision entre un WIMP et le noyau de fluor crée un recul nucléaire qui cause à son tour une transition de phase de la gouttelette liquide à une bulle gazeuse. Le bruit de ce phénomène est alors capté par des senseurs piézoélectriques montés sur les parois des détecteurs. Le WIMP n’est cependant pas la seule particule pouvant causer une telle transition de phase. D’autres particules environnantes peuvent former des bulles, telles les particules alpha où même des rayons gamma . Le système d’acquisition de données (DAQ) est aussi en proie à du bruit électronique qui peut être enregistré, ainsi que sensible à du bruit acoustique extérieur au détecteur. Finalement, des fractures dans le polymère qui tient les gouttelettes en place peut également causer des transitions de phase spontanées. Il faut donc minimiser l’impact de tous ces différents bruit de fond. La pureté du matériel utilisé dans la fabrication des détecteurs devient alors très importante. On fait aussi appel à des méthodes qui impliquent l’utilisation de variables de discrimination développées dans le but d’améliorer les limites d’exclusion de détection du WIMP.