983 resultados para transfer de techniques


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Macrophage differentiation antigen associated with complement three receptor function (Mac-1) belongs to beta(2) subfamily of integrins that mediate important cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions. Biochemical studies have indicated that Mac-1 is a constitutive heterodimer in vitro. Here, we detected the heterodimerization of Mac-1 subunits in living cells by means of two fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) techniques (fluorescence microscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy) and our results demonstrated that there is constitutive heterodimerization of the Mac-1 subunits and this constitutive heterodimerization of the Mac-1 subunits is cell-type independent. Through FRET imaging, we found that heterodimers of Mac-1 mainly localized in plasma membrane, perinuclear, and Golgi area in living cells. Furthermore, through analysis of the estimated physical distances between cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) fused to Mac-1 subunits, we suggested that the conformation of Mac-1 subunits is not affected by the fusion of CFP or YFP and inferred that Mac-1 subunits take different conformation when expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293T cells, respectively. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Different transfer impression techniques for implant-supported prostheses have been suggested to obtain a working cast. This article describes and illustrates clinical and laboratory pros-thodontic procedures to transfer implant positions with splinted transfer copings and without impression material to form a laboratory analog transfer template. With this technique, a preliminary cast is modified to place the analogs according to a corrected position and obtain the master cast. Although this technique does not record adjacent tissues, it is a simple procedure, less time consuming, and easily performed.


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This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Air-Sea Gas Exchange Models and Theory Laboratory Studies of Air-Water Gas Exchange Large-Scale Estimates of Air-Sea Gas Transfer Local Techniques and Measurements Micrometeorological Techniques and Measurements Parameterizations of Air-Sea Gas Transfer Future Work


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A high-resolution (~4-5cm/kyr) giant piston core record (MD962085) retrieved during an IMAGES II-NAUSICAA cruise from the continental slope of the southeast Atlantic Ocean reveals striking variations in planktonic foraminifer faunal abundances and sea-surface temperatures (SST) during the past 600 000 yr. The location and high-quality sedimentary record of the core provide a good opportunity to assess the variability of the Benguela Current system and associated important features of the ocean-climate system in the southeast Atlantic. The planktonic foraminifer faunal abundances of the core are dominated by three assemblages: (1) Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (right coiling) + Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, (2) Globigerina bulloides, and (3) Globorotalia inflata. The assemblage of N. pachyderma (right coiling) + N. dutertrei shows distinctive abundance changes which are nearly in-phase with glacial-interglacial variations. The high abundances of this assemblage are associated with major glacial conditions, possibly representing low SST/high nutrient level conditions in the southwestern Africa margin. In contrast, the G. bulloides and G. inflata assemblages show greater high-frequency abundance change patterns, which are not parallel to the glacial-interglacial changes. These patterns may indicate rapid oceanic frontal movements from the south, and a rapid change in the intensity of the Benguela upwelling system from the east. A single episode of maximum abundances of a polar water species N. pachyderma (left coiling) occurred in the beginning of stage 9 (~340-330 kyr). The event of the maximum occurrence of this species shown in this record may indicate instability in the Benguela coastal upwelling, or the Antarctic polar front zone position. A winter season SST estimate using transfer function techniques for this record shows primarily glacial-interglacial variations. The SST is maximal during the transitions from the major glacial to interglacial stages (Terminations I, II, IV, V), and is associated with the abundance maxima of a warm water species indicator Globigerinoides ruber. Cross-spectral analyses of the SST record and the SPECMAP stack reveal statistically significant concentrations of variance and coherencies in three major orbital frequency bands. The SST precedes changes in the global ice volume in all orbital frequency bands, indicating a dominant southern Hemispheric climate effect over the Benguela Current region in the southeast Atlantic.


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Sea-surface temperature (SST) estimates in the sediment core MD01-2390 based on planktonic foraminiferal species abundances using five different transfer function techniques suggest nearly unchanged or unusually higher temperatures in the tropical southern South China Sea (SCS) during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) relative to modern temperatures. These results are in contrast to substantial cooling of 2-5 °C inferred by geochemical (Uk'37, Mg/Ca ratios) and terrestrial proxies from the western tropical Pacific region. Using multivariate statistics we show that the glacial southern SCS harboured unique planktonic foraminiferal assemblages that have no modern analogs. Analyses of faunal variation through the core reveal that planktonic foraminiferal assemblages responded to temperature changes inferred from Mg/Ca data but that this signal is subdued by superimposed variations in the relative abundance of Pulleniatina obliquiloculata and Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (dextral). These species occur in glacial samples at proportions that are not observed in the calibration data set. The glacial high abundance of N. pachyderma (dextral) are interpreted to reflect a seasonal (winter) inflow of cold surface water from the northeast via the Bashi Strait due to the combined effects of an intensified winter monsoon, a southward shift of the polar front and the eastward migration of the Kuroshio Current. In contrast, processes controlling the high relative abundances of P. obliquiloculata during the LGM may be unique to the southern SCS. We propose a scenario involving a stronger (winter) mixing or enhanced upwelling due to an intensified winter monsoon that prevented shallow-dwelling, warm indicators to establish larger populations during the LGM. Our results indicate that a no-analog behaviour of planktonic foraminifera faunas is responsible for the warm glacial conditions in this part of the western Pacific warm pool as implied by foraminiferal transfer functions and that a more significant surface cooling in the region as implied by terrestrial and geochemical (Mg/Ca ratios; alkenone unsaturation index) marine proxies is a more likely scenario.


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Esta pesquisa visa a análise da contribuição de cinco variáveis de entrada e a otimização do desempenho termo-hidráulico de trocadores de calor com venezianas combinados com geradores de vórtices delta-winglets. O desempenho termohidráulico de duas geometrias distintas, aqui nomeadas por GEO1 e GEO2, foram avaliadas. Smoothing Spline ANOVA foi usado para avaliar a contribuição dos parâmetros de entrada na transferência de calor e perda de carga. Considerando aplicação automotiva, foram investigados números de Reynolds iguais a 120 e 240, baseados no diâmetro hidráulico. Os resultados indicaram que o ângulo de venezianas é o maior contribuidor para o aumento do fator de atrito para GEO1 e GEO2, para ambos os números de Reynolds. Para o número de Reynolds menor, o parâmetro mais importante em termos de transferência de calor foi o ângulo das venezianas para ambas as geometrias. Para o número de Reynolds maior, o ângulo de ataque dos geradores de vórtices posicionados na primeira fileira é o maior contribuidor para a tranfesferência de calor, no caso da geometria GEO1, enquanto que o ângulo de ataque dos geradores de vórtices na primeira fileira foi tão importante quanto os ângulos das venezianas para a geometria GEO2. Embora as geometrias analisadas possam ser consideradas como técnicas compostas de intensificação da transferência de calor, não foram observadas interações relevantes entre ângulo de venezianas e parâmetros dos geradores de vórtices. O processo de otimização usa NSGA-II (Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm) combinado com redes neurais artificiais. Os resultados mostraram que a adição dos geradores de vórtices em GEO1 aumentaram a transferência de calor em 21% e 23% com aumentos na perda de carga iguais a 24,66% e 36,67% para o menor e maior números de Reynolds, respectivamente. Para GEO2, a transferência de calor aumentou 13% e 15% com aumento na perda de carga de 20,33% e 23,70%, para o menor e maior número de Reynolds, respectivamente. As soluções otimizadas para o fator de Colburn mostraram que a transferência de calor atrás da primeira e da segunda fileiras de geradores de vórtices tem a mesma ordem de magnitude para ambos os números de Reynolds. Os padrões de escoamento e as características de transferência de calor das soluções otimizadas apresentaram comportamentos vi particulares, diferentemente daqueles encontrados quando as duas técnicas de intensificação de transferência de calor são aplicadas separadamente.


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Clusters of temporal optical solitons—stable self-localized light pulses preserving their form during propagation—exhibit properties characteristic of that encountered in crystals. Here, we introduce the concept of temporal solitonic information crystals formed by the lattices of optical pulses with variable phases. The proposed general idea offers new approaches to optical coherent transmission technology and can be generalized to dispersion-managed and dissipative solitons as well as scaled to a variety of physical platforms from fiber optics to silicon chips. We discuss the key properties of such dynamic temporal crystals that mathematically correspond to non-Hermitian lattices and examine the types of collective mode instabilities determining the lifetime of the soliton train. This transfer of techniques and concepts from solid state physics to information theory promises a new outlook on information storage and transmission.


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A la fin du XIXe siècle, les technologies modernes liées à l'électricité et à ses applications ont été introduites au Portugal sans réel décalage par rapport aux autres pays. Toutefois, jusqu’aux années 1910, malgré plusieurs réformes des instituts industriels et des écoles polytechniques, la formation en électrotechnique était restée insuffisante pour que les ingénieurs portugais puissent acquérir les compétences indispensables à l'installation et l'exploitation des technologies électriques. Même si, depuis la fin du siècle précédent, eu égard à l’importance croissante de l’électricité et de ses applications, on tentait de mettre en place des cours spécifiques. Aussi, pour pallier leurs manques, quelques ingénieurs portugais partaient-ils compléter leur formation dans les principales institutions européeennes comme l'Institut Montefiore, annexé à l'Université de Liège, l’Université de Grenoble ou l’Université de Nancy. C’est seulement en 1911 avec la création de l’Institut Supérieur Technique de Lisbonne et l’année suivante de la Faculté technique de Porto, que les cours de génie électrotechnique ont été introduits au Portugal. L’organisation de l’Institut Supérieur Technique fut confiée à Alfredo Bensaúde qui avait fait ses études supérieures en Allemagne. L’enseignement de l’ingénierie dans ce pays fut alors marqué par le principe : « less theory and more pratice ». On cherchait à former des élèves pour les orienter vers l’industrie Après la première Guerre mondiale, on a pu prendre la mesure de la place des ingénieurs électriciens dans l’économie et la société portugaise avec l’organisation de 4 congrès d’électricité entre 1923 et 1931. Au 1er congrès portugais d’ingénierie en 1931, les ingénieurs électriciens ont joué un rôle déterminant, manifestant ainsi l’importance de cette branche du génie dans la société au XIXe siècle.


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Many studies in the area of project management and social networks have identified the significance of project knowledge transfer within and between projects. However, only few studies have examined the intra- and inter-projects knowledge transfer activities. Knowledge in projects can be transferred via face-to-face interactions on the one hand, and via IT-based tools on the other. Although companies have allocated many resources to the IT tools, it has been found that they are not always effectively utilised, and people prefer to look for knowledge using social face-to-face interactions. This paper explores how to effectively leverage two alternative knowledge transfer techniques, face-to-face and IT-based tools to facilitate knowledge transfer and enhance knowledge creation for intra- and inter-project knowledge transfer. The paper extends the previous research on the relationships between and within teams by examining the project’s external and internal knowledge networks concurrently. Social network qualitative analysis, using a case study within a small-medium enterprise, was used to examine the knowledge transfer activities within and between projects, and to investigate knowledge transfer techniques. This paper demonstrates the significance of overlapping employees working simultaneously on two or more projects and their impact on facilitating knowledge transfer between projects within a small/medium organisation. This research is also crucial to gaining better understanding of different knowledge transfer techniques used for intra- and inter-project knowledge exchange. The research provides recommendations on how to achieve better knowledge transfer within and between projects in order to fully utilise a project’s knowledge and achieve better project performance.


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The authors discuss the imaging properties and transfer of amplitude and phase-modulated signals through a phase conjugating lens (PCL). The authors outline the mechanisms of the near-field and far-field subwavelength imaging of Hertzian dipole sources using PCL, particularly the authors show that one-dimensional subwavelength resolution of multiple sources is possible in the far-field using a PCL augmented with specially designed scatterers located in both the adjacent vicinity of the sources and in the mirror symmetric positions in the image plane. These scatterers enable evanescent-to-propagating spectrum and its dual, propagating-to-evanescent, field conversion. Thus, the subwavelength information encoded into propagating waves on the source side can be extracted on the image side. Next, for the first time the transfer of amplitude and phase modulated signals through a PCL augmented with evanescent-to-propagating spectrum conversion is discussed and it has been demonstrated that multiple amplitude or phase modulated dipole sources can be distinguished in the far-field with subwavelength resolution without the necessity for numerical post-processing of the received data. From the study conducted here, it is concluded that a system of transmitters/receivers augmented with a PCL and appropriate scatterers operates without the need for any numerical processing of the receive data in order to separate channel information from very close proximity stations.


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The regenerating amphibian limb provides a useful system for studying genes involved in the establishment of positional information. While a number of candidate genes that may playa role in pattern formation have been identified, their function in vivo is unknown in this system. To better ascertain the role of these genes, it would be useful to be able to alter their normal patterns of expression in vivo and to assess the effects of this misexpression on limb pattern. In order to achieve this, a method of introducing a plasmid containing the eDNA of a gene of interest into a newt blastema (a growth zone of mesenchymal progenitor cells) is needed. Unfortunately, most commonly used transfection techniques cannot be used with newt blastema cells. In this study, I have used the techniques of lipofection and direct gene transfer to introduce plasmid DNA containing reporter genes into the cells of a regenerating newt limb. The technique of lipofection was most effective when the blastema cells were transfected in vitro. The optimal ratio for transfection was shown to be 1:3 DNA:Lipofectin (W/w) , and an increase in the amount of DNA present in the mixture (1:3 ratio maintained) resulted in a corresponding increase in gene expression. The technique of direct gene transfer was used to transfect newt blastema cells with and without prior complex formation with Lipofectin. Injection of plasmid DNA alone provided the most 3 promising results. It was possible to introduce plasmid DNA containing the reporter gene ~-galactosidase and achieve significant gene expression in cells associated with the injection site. In the future, it would be interesting to use this technique to inject plasmid DNA containing a gene which may have a role in pattern formation into specific areas of the newt blastema and to analyze the resulting limb pattern that emerges.


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We have optimised the atmospheric radiation algorithm of the FAMOUS climate model on several hardware platforms. The optimisation involved translating the Fortran code to C and restructuring the algorithm around the computation of a single air column. Instead of the existing MPI-based domain decomposition, we used a task queue and a thread pool to schedule the computation of individual columns on the available processors. Finally, four air columns are packed together in a single data structure and computed simultaneously using Single Instruction Multiple Data operations. The modified algorithm runs more than 50 times faster on the CELL’s Synergistic Processing Elements than on its main PowerPC processing element. On Intel-compatible processors, the new radiation code runs 4 times faster. On the tested graphics processor, using OpenCL, we find a speed-up of more than 2.5 times as compared to the original code on the main CPU. Because the radiation code takes more than 60% of the total CPU time, FAMOUS executes more than twice as fast. Our version of the algorithm returns bit-wise identical results, which demonstrates the robustness of our approach. We estimate that this project required around two and a half man-years of work.


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Purpose: This study evaluated the influence of surface abrasion of transfer copings to obtain a precise master cast for a partially edentulous restoration with different inclinations. Materials and Methods: Replicas (N = 30) of a metal matrix (control group) containing two implants at 90° and 65° in relation to the benchtop were obtained using a polyether impression material and three impression techniques: square impression copings splint with dental floss and autopolymerizing acrylic resin (TRS), square impression copings abraded with aluminum oxide (TA), and square impression copings abraded with aluminum oxide and adhesive-coated (TAA). The replicas obtained in type V stone were digitalized, and the images were exported to AutoCAD software to perform the readings of possible degree alterations in implant inclinations. The results were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test (α < 0.05). Results: Comparing the techniques with regard to the 90° implant inclination, no statistical difference was observed between the three techniques and the control group. Analyzing the three techniques with regard to the 65° implant inclination, no significant difference was seen between technique TA and the control group. Conclusions: Technique TA presented more accurate master casts than TRS and TAA techniques. The angulated implant (65°) tended to generate more imprecise master casts than implants perpendicular to the surface. © 2008 by The American College of Prosthodontists.