33 resultados para transcytosis


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Antibodies can play a protective but non-essential role in natural chlamydial infections dependent on antigen specificity and antibody isotype. IgG is the dominant antibody in both male and female reproductive tract mucosal secretions, and is bi-directionally trafficked across epithelia by the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn). Using physiologically relevant pH-polarized epididymal epithelia grown on Transwells®, IgG specifically targeting an extracellular chlamydial antigen; the Major Outer Membrane Protein (MOMP), enhanced uptake and translocation of infection at pH 6-6.5 but not at neutral pH. This was dependent on FcRn expression. Conversely, FcRn-mediated transport of IgG targeting the intracellular chlamydial inclusion membrane protein A (IncA), induced aberrant inclusion morphology, recruited autophagic proteins independent of lysosomes, and significantly reduced infection. Challenge of female mice with MOMP-specific IgG-opsonized C. muridarum delayed infection clearance but exacerbated oviduct occlusion. In male mice, MOMP-IgG elicited by immunization afforded no protection against testicular chlamydial infection, whereas; the transcytosis of IncA-IgG significantly reduced testicular chlamydial burden. Together these data show that the protective and pathological effects of IgG are dependent on FcRn-mediated transport as well as the specificity of IgG for intracellular or extracellular antigens.


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Transmigration through the liver endothelium is a prerequisite for the homeostatic balance of intrahepatic T cells and a key regulator of inflammatory processes within the liver. Extravasation into the liver parenchyma is regulated by the distinct expression patterns of adhesion molecules and chemokines and their receptors on the lymphocyte and endothelial cell surface. In the present study, we investigated whether liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSEC) inhibit or support the chemokine-driven transmigration and differentially influence the transmigration of pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory CD4(+) T cells, indicating a mechanism of hepatic immunoregulation. Finally, the results shed light on the molecular mechanisms by which LSEC modulate chemokine-dependent transmigration. LSEC significantly enhanced the chemotactic effect of CXC-motif chemokine ligand 12 (CXCL12) and CXCL9, but not of CXCL16 or CCL20, on naive and memory CD4(+) T cells of a T helper 1, T helper 2, or interleukin-10-producing phenotype. In contrast, brain and lymphatic endothelioma cells and ex vivo isolated lung endothelia inhibited chemokine-driven transmigration. As for the molecular mechanisms, chemokine-induced activation of LSEC was excluded by blockage of G(i)-protein-coupled signaling and the use of knockout mice. After preincubation of CXCL12 to the basal side, LSEC took up CXCL12 and enhanced transmigration as efficiently as in the presence of the soluble chemokine. Blockage of transcytosis in LSEC significantly inhibited this effect, and this suggested that chemokines taken up from the basolateral side and presented on the luminal side of endothelial cells trigger T cell transmigration. CONCLUSION: Our findings demonstrate a unique capacity of LSEC to present chemokines to circulating lymphocytes and highlight the importance of endothelial cells for the in vivo effects of chemokines. Chemokine presentation by LSEC could provide a future therapeutic target for inhibiting lymphocyte immigration and suppressing hepatic inflammation.


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Bovine colostrogenesis is distinguished by the specific transfer of IgG1 from the blood to mammary secretions. The process has been shown to be initiated by hormones and occurs during the last weeks of pregnancy when steroid concentrations of estradiol (E2 ) and progesterone (P4 ) are highly elevated. Rodent intestinal uptake of immunoglobulin G is mediated by a receptor termed Fc fragment of IgG, Receptor, Transporter, alpha (FcGRT) and supported by light chain Beta-2-Microglobulin (β2M). We hypothesized that steroid hormone treatments (E2 and P4 ) of bovine mammary epithelial cells in vitro would induce up-regulation of IgG1 transcytosis candidate gene mRNA expression suggesting involvement in IgG1 transcytosis. Two different primary bovine mammary epithelial cell cultures were cultured on plastic and rat tail collagen and treated with hormonal combinations (steroids/lactogenic hormones). Evaluated mRNA components were bLactoferrin (bLf: a control), bFcGRT, β2M, and various small GTPases; the latter components are reported to direct endosomal movements in eukaryotic cells. All tested transcytosis components showed strong expression of mRNA in the cells. Expression of bFcGRT, bRab25 and bRhoB were significantly up-regulated (p < 0.05) by steroid hormones. bRab25 and bRhoB showed increased expression by steroid treatments, but also with lactogenic hormones. Analysis for the oestrogen receptor (ER) mRNA was mostly negative, but 25% of the cultures tested exhibited weak expression, while the progesterone receptor (PR) mRNA was always detected. bRab25 and bRhoB and likely bFcGRT are potential candidate genes for IgG1 transcytosis in bovine mammary cells.


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Biological transport of intact proteins across epithelial cells has been documented for many absorptive and secretory tissues. Immunoglobulins were some of the earliest studied proteins in this category. The transcellular transport (transcytosis) of immunoglobulins in neonatal health and development has been recognized; the process is especially significant with ungulates because they do not transcytose immunoglobulins across the placenta to the neonate. Rather, they depend upon mammary secretion of colostrum and intestinal absorption of immunoglobulins in order to provide intestinal and systemic defense until the young ungulate develops its own humoral defense mechanisms. The neonatal dairy calf's ability to absorb immunoglobulins from colostrum is assisted by a ~24 h "open gut" phenomenon where large proteins pass the intestinal epithelial cells and enter the systemic system. However, a critical problem recognized for newborn dairy calves is that an optimum mass of colostrum Immunoglobulin G (IgG) needs to be absorbed within that 24 h window in order to provide maximal resistance to disease. Many calves do not achieve the optimum because of poor quality colostrum. While many studies have focused on calf absorption, the principal cause of the problem resides with the extreme variation (g to kg) in the mammary gland's capacity to transfer blood IgG1 into colostrum. Colostrum is a unique mammary secretory product that is formed during late pregnancy when mammary cells are proliferating and differentiating in preparation for lactation. In addition to the transcytosis of immunoglobulins, the mammary gland also concentrates a number of circulating hormones into colostrum. Remarkably, the mechanisms in the formation of colostrum in ungulates have been rather modestly studied. The mechanisms and causes of this variation in mammary gland transcytosis of IgG1 are examined, evaluated, and in some cases, explained


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Transcytosis of the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR) is stimulated by binding of its ligand, dimeric IgA (dIgA). During this process, dIgA binding at the basolateral surface of the epithelial cell transmits a signal to the apical region of the cell, which in turn stimulates the transport of dIgA–pIgR complex from a postmicrotubule compartment to the apical surface. We have previously reported that the signal of stimulation was controlled by a protein-tyrosine kinase (PTK) activated upon dIgA binding. We now show that this signal of stimulation moves across the cell independently of pIgR movement or microtubules and acts through the tyrosine kinase activity by releasing Ca++ from inositol trisphosphate–sensitive intracellular stores. Surprisingly we have found that a second independent signal is required to achieve dIgA-stimulated transcytosis of pIgR. This second signal depends on dIgA binding to the pIgR solely at the basolateral surface and the ability of pIgR to dimerize. This enables pIgR molecules that have bound dIgA at the basolateral surface to respond to the signal of stimulation once they reach the postmicrotubule compartment. We propose that the use of two signals may be a general mechanism by which signaling receptors maintain specificity along their signaling and trafficking pathways.


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The polymeric Ig receptor (pIgR) transcytoses its ligand, dimeric IgA (dIgA), from the basolateral to the apical surface of epithelial cells. Although the pIgR is constitutively transcytosed in the absence of ligand, binding of dIgA stimulates transcytosis of the pIgR. We recently reported that dIgA binding to the pIgR induces translocation of protein kinase C, production of inositol triphosphate, and elevation of intracellular free calcium. We now report that dIgA binding causes rapid, transient tyrosine phosphorylation of several proteins, including phosphatidyl inositol-specific phospholipase C-γl. Protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors or deletion of the last 30 amino acids of pIgR cytoplasmic tail prevents IgA-stimulated protein tyrosine kinase activation, tyrosine phosphorylation of phospholipase C-γl, production of inositol triphosphate, and the stimulation of transcytosis by dIgA. Analysis of pIgR deletion mutants reveals that the same discrete portion of the cytoplasmic domain, residues 727–736 (but not the Tyr734), controls both the ability of pIgR to cause dIgA-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the phospholipase C-γl and to undergo dIgA-stimulated transcytosis. In addition, dIgA transcytosis can be strongly stimulated by mimicking phospholipase C-γl activation. In combination with our previous results, we conclude that the protein tyrosine kinase(s) and phospholipase C-γl that are activated upon dIgA binding to the pIgR control dIgA-stimulated pIgR transcytosis.


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By using perfusions and bolus administration, coupled with postembedding immunocytochemical procedures, we have identified the structures involved in the transport of derivatized orosomucoid (α1-acidic glycoprotein) across the continuous microvascular endothelium of the murine myocardium. Our findings indicate that: (i) monomeric orosomucoid binds to the luminal surface of the endothelium; (ii) it is restricted to caveolae during its transport across the endothelium; (iii) it is detected in the perivascular spaces at early time points (by 1 min) and in larger quantities at later time points (>5 min) from the beginning of its perfusion or its intravascular administration; (iv) no orosomucoid molecules are found in the intercellular junctions or at the abluminal exits of interendothelial spaces; and (v) the vesicular transport of orosomucoid is strongly inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide (>80%). Because, by size and shape, the orosomucoid qualifies as a preferential probe for the postulated small pore system, our results are discussed in relation to the pore theory of capillary permeability.


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Cholera toxin (CT) elicits a massive secretory response from intestinal epithelia by binding apical receptors (ganglioside GM1) and ultimately activating basolateral effectors (adenylate cyclase). The mechanism of signal transduction from apical to basolateral membrane, however, remains undefined. We have previously shown that CT action on the polarized human intestinal epithelial cell line T84 requires endocytosis and processing in multiple intracellular compartments. Our aim in the present study was to test the hypothesis that CT may actually move to its site of action on the basolateral membrane by vesicular traffic. After binding apical receptors, CT entered basolaterally directed transcytotic vesicles. Both CT B subunits and to a lesser extent CT A subunits were delivered intact to the serosal surface of the basolateral membrane. The toxin did not traverse the monolayer by diffusion through intercellular junctions. Transcytosis of CT B subunits displayed nearly identical time course and temperature dependency with that of CT-induced Cl- secretion--suggesting the two may be related. These data identify a mechanism that may explain the link between the toxin's apical receptor and basolateral effector.


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In order to effect permanent closure in burns patients suffering from full thickness wounds, replacing their skin via split thickness autografting, is essential. Dermal substitutes in conjunction with widely meshed split thickness autografts (+/- cultured keratinocytes) reduce scarring at the donor and recipient sites of burns patients by reducing demand for autologous skin (both surface area and thickness), without compromising dermal delivery at the wound face. Tissue engineered products such as Integra consist of a dermal template which is rapidly remodelled to form a neodermis, at which time the temporary silicone outer layer is removed and replaced with autologous split thickness skin. Whilst provision of a thick tissue engineered dermis at full thickness burn sites reduces scarring, it is hampered by delays in vascularisation which results in clinical failure. The ultimate success of any skin graft product is dependent upon a number of basic factors including adherence, haemostasis and in the case of viable tissue grafts, success is ultimately dependent upon restoration of a normal blood supply, and hence this study. Ultimately, the goal of this research is to improve the therapeutic properties of tissue replacements, through impregnation with growth factors aimed at stimulating migration and proliferation of microvascular endothelial cells into the donor tissue post grafting. For the purpose of my masters, the aim was to evaluate the responsiveness of a dermal microvascular endothelial cell line to growth factors and haemostatic factors, in the presence of the glycoprotein vitronectin. Vitronectin formed the backbone for my hypothesis and research due to its association with both epithelial and, more specifically, endothelial migration and proliferation. Early work using a platform technology referred to as VitroGro (Tissue Therapies Ltd), which is comprised of vitronectin bound BP5/IGF-1, aided keratinocyte proliferation. I hypothesised that this result would translate to another epithelium - endothelium. VitroGro had no effect on endothelial proliferation or migration. Vitronectin increases the presence of Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) receptors, enhancing cell responsiveness to their respective ligands. So, although Human Microvascular Endothelial Cell line 1 (HMEC-1) VEGF receptor expression is generally low, it was hypothesised that exposure to vitronectin would up-regulate this receptor. HMEC-1 migration, but not proliferation, was enhanced by vitronectin bound VEGF, as well as vitronectin bound Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), both of which could be used to stimulate microvascular endothelial cell migration for the purpose of transplantation. In addition to vitronectin's synergy with various growth factors, it has also been shown to play a role in haemostasis. Vitronectin binds thrombin-antithrombin III (TAT) to form a trimeric complex that takes on many of the attributes of vitronectin, such as heparin affinity, which results in its adherence to endothelium via heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSP), followed by unaltered transcytosis through the endothelium, and ultimately its removal from the circulation. This has been documented as a mechanism designed to remove thrombin from the circulation. Equally, it could be argued that it is a mechanism for delivering vitronectin to the matrix. My results show that matrix-bound vitronectin dramatically alters the effect that conformationally altered antithrombin three (cATIII) has on proliferation of microvascular endothelial cells. cATIII stimulates HMEC-1 proliferation in the presence of matrix-bound vitronectin, as opposed to inhibiting proliferation in its absence. Binding vitronectin to tissues and organs prior to transplant, in the presence of cATIII, will have a profound effect on microvascular infiltration of the graft, by preventing occlusion of existing vessels whilst stimulating migration and proliferation of endothelium within the tissue.


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Chlamydia trachomatis infections of the male and female reproductive tracts are the world's leading sexually transmitted bacterial disease, and can lead to damaging pathology, scarring and infertility. The resolution of chlamydial infection requires the development of adaptive immune responses to infection, and includes cell-mediated and humoral immunity. Whilst cluster of differentiation (CD)4+ T cells are known to be essential in clearance of infection [1], they are also associated with immune cell infiltration, autoimmunity and infertility in the testes [2-3]. Conversely, antibodies are less associated with inflammation, are readily transported into the reproductive tracts, and can offer lumenal neutralization of chlamydiae prior to infection. Antibodies, or immunoglobulins (Ig), play a supportive role in the resolution of chlamydial infections, and this thesis sought to define the function of IgA and IgG, against a variety of chlamydial antigens expressed during the intracellular and extracellular stages of the chlamydial developmental cycle. Transport of IgA and IgG into the mucosal lumen is facilitated by receptor-mediated transcytosis yet the expression profile (under normal conditions and during urogenital chlamydial infection) of the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR) and the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) remains unknown. The expression profile of pIgR and FcRn in the murine male reproductive tract was found to be polarized to the lower and upper reproductive tract tissues respectively. This demonstrates that the two receptors have a tissue tropism, which must be considered when targeting pathogens that colonize different sites. In contrast, the expression of pIgR and FcRn in the female mouse was found to be distributed in both the upper and lower reproductive tracts. When urogenitally infected with Chlamydia muridarum, both male and female reproductive tracts up-regulated expression of pIgR and down-regulated expression of FcRn. Unsurprisingly, the up-regulation of pIgR increased the concentration of IgA in the lumen. However, down-regulation of FcRn, prevented IgG uptake and led to an increase or pooling of IgG in lumenal secretions. As previous studies have identified the importance of pIgR-mediated delivery of IgA, as well as the potential of IgA to bind and neutralize intracellular pathogens, IgA against a variety of chlamydial antigens was investigated. The protection afforded by IgA against the extracellular antigen major outer membrane protein (MOMP), was found to be dependent on pIgR expression in vitro and in vivo. It was also found that in the absence of pIgR, no protection was afforded to mice previously immunized with MOMP. The protection afforded from polyclonal IgA against the intracellular chlamydial antigens; inclusion membrane protein A (IncA), inclusion membrane proteins (IncMem) and secreted chlamydial protease-like activity factor (CPAF) were produced and investigated in vitro. Antigen-specific intracellular IgA was found to bind to the respective antigen within the infected cell, but did not significantly reduce inclusion formation (p > 0.05). This suggests that whilst IgA specific for the selected antigens was transported by pIgR to the chlamydial inclusion, it was unable to prevent growth. Similarly, immunization of male mice with intracellular chlamydial antigens (IncA or IncMem), followed by depletion CD4+ T cells, and subsequent urogenital C. muridarum challenge, provided minimal pIgR-mediated protection. Wild type male mice immunized with IncA showed a 57 % reduction (p < 0.05), and mice deficient in pIgR showed a 35 % reduction (p < 0.05) in reproductive tract chlamydial burden compared to control antigen, and in the absence of CD4+ T cells. This suggests that pIgR and secretory IgA (SIgA) were playing a protective role (21 % pIgR-mediated) in unison with another antigen-specific immune mechanism (36 %). Interestingly, IgA generated during a primary respiratory C. muridarum infection did not provide a significant amount of protection to secondary urogenital C. muridarum challenge. Together, these data suggest that IgA specific for an extracellular antigen (MOMP) can play a strong protective role in chlamydial infections, and that IgA targeting intracellular antigens is also effective but dependent on pIgR expression in tissues. However, whilst not investigated here, IgA targeting and blocking other intracellular chlamydial antigens, that are more essential for replication or type III secretion, may be more efficacious in subunit vaccines. Recently, studies have demonstrated that IgG can neutralize influenza virus by trafficking IgG-bound virus to lysosomes [4]. We sought to determine if this process could also traffic chlamydial antigens for degradation by lysosomes, despite Chlamydia spp. actively inhibiting fusion with the host endocytic pathway. As observed in pIgR-mediated delivery of anti-IncA IgA, FcRn similarly transported IgG specific for IncA which bound the inclusion membrane. Interestingly, FcRn-mediated delivery of anti-IncA IgG significantly decreased inclusion formation by 36 % (p < 0.01), and induced aberrant inclusion morphology. This suggests that unlike IgA, IgG can facilitate additional host cellular responses which affect the intracellular niche of chlamydial growth. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that IgG also bound the inclusion, but unlike influenza studies, did not induce the recruitment of lysosomes. Notably, anti-IncA IgG recruited sequestosomes to the inclusion membrane, markers of the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I loading. To determine if the protection against C. muridarum infection afforded by IncA IgG in vitro translated in vivo, wild type mice and mice deficient in functional FcRn and MHC-I, were immunized, depleted of CD4+, and urogenitally infected with C. muridarum. Unlike in pIgR-deficient mice, the protection afforded from IncA immunization was completely abrogated in mice lacking functional FcRn and MHC-I/CD8+. Thus, both anti-IncA IgA and IgG can bind the inclusion in a pIgR and FcRn-mediated manner, respectively. However, only IgG mediates a higher reduction in chlamydial infection in vitro and in vivo suggesting more than steric blocking of IncA had occurred. Unlike anti-MOMP IgA, which reduced chlamydial infection of epithelial cells and male mouse tissues, IgG was found to enhance infectivity in vitro, and in vivo. Opsonization of EBs with MOMP-IgG enhanced inclusion formation of epithelial cells in a MOMP-IgG dose-dependent and FcRn-dependent manner. When MOMP-IgG opsonized EBs were inoculated into the vagina of female mice, a small but non-significant (p > 0.05) enhancement of cervicovaginal C. muridarum shedding was observed three days post infection in mice with functional FcRn. Interestingly, infection with opsonized EBs reduced the intensity of the peak of infection (day six) but protracted the duration of infection by 60 % in wild type mice only. Infection with EBs opsonized in IgG also significantly increased (p < 0.05) hydrosalpinx formation in the oviducts and induced lymphocyte infiltration uterine horns. As MOMP is an immunodominant antigen, and is widely used in vaccines, the ability of IgG specific to extracellular chlamydial antigens to enhance infection and induce pathology needs to be considered. Together, these data suggest that immunoglobulins play a dichotomous role in chlamydial infections, and are dependent on antigen specificity, FcRn and pIgR expression. FcRn was found to be highly expressed in upper male reproductive tract, whilst pIgR was dominantly expressed in the lower reproductive tract. Conversely, female mice expressed FcRn and pIgR in both the lower and upper reproductive tracts. In response to a normal chlamydial infection, pIgR is up-regulated increasing secretory IgA release, but FcRn is down-regulated preventing IgG uptake. Similarly to other studies [5-6], we demonstrate that IgA and IgG generated during primary chlamydial infections plays a minor role in recall immunity, and that antigen-specific subunit vaccines can offer more protection. We also show that both IgA and IgG can be used to target intracellular chlamydial antigens, but that IgG is more effective. Finally, IgA against the extracellular antigen MOMP can afford protection, whist IgG plays a deleterious role by increasing infectivity and inducing damaging immunopathology. Further investigations with additional antigens or combination subunit vaccines will enhance our understanding the protection afforded by antibodies against intracellular and extracellular pathogenic antigens, and help improve the development of an efficacious chlamydial vaccine.


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IgA is an important mucosal antibody that can neutralize mucosal pathogens by either preventing attachment to epithelia (immune exclusion) or alternatively inhibit intraepithelial replication following transcytosis by the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR). Chlamydia trachomatis is a major human pathogen that initially targets the endocervical or urethral epithelium in women and men, respectively. As both tissues contain abundant SIgA we assessed the protection afforded by IgA targeting different chlamydial antigens expressed during the extra and intraepithelial stages of infection. We developed an in vitro model utilizing polarizing cells expressing the murine pIgR together with antigen-specific mouse IgA, and an in vivo model utilizing pIgR-/- mice. SIgA targeting the extraepithelial chlamydial antigen, the major outer membrane protein (MOMP), significantly reduced infection in vitro by 24 % and in vivo by 44 %. Conversely, pIgR-mediated delivery of IgA targeting the intraepithelial inclusion membrane protein A (IncA) bound to the inclusion but did not reduce infection in vitro or in vivo. Similarly, intraepithelial IgA targeting the secreted protease Chlamydia protease-like activity factor (CPAF) also failed to reduce infection. Together, these data suggest the importance of pIgR-mediated delivery of IgA targeting extra but not intraepithelial chlamydial antigens for protection against a genital tract infection.


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[EN] The aims of this work were (i) to evaluate the potential of nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) as a tool to 24 enhance the oral bioavailability of poorly soluble compounds using saquinavir (SQV), a BCS class IV drug 25 and P-gp substrate as a model drug, and (ii) to study NLC transport mechanisms across the intestinal barrier. 26 Three different NLC formulations were evaluated. SQV transport across Caco-2 monolayers was enhanced up 27 to 3.5-fold by NLCs compared to SQV suspension. M cells did not enhance the transport of NLCs loaded with 28 SQV. The size and amount of surfactant in the NLCs influenced SQV's permeability, the transcytosis pathway 29 and the efflux of SQV by P-gp. An NLC of size 247 nm and 1.5% (w/v) surfactant content circumvented P-gp 30 efflux and used both caveolae- and clathrin-mediated transcytosis, in contrast to the other NLC formulations, 31 which used only caveolae-mediated transcytosis. By modifying critical physicochemical parameters of the 32 NLC formulation, we were thus able to overcome the P-gp drug efflux and alter the transcytosis mechanism 33 of the nanoparticles. These findings support the use of NLCs approaches for oral delivery of poorly 34 water-soluble P-gp substrates.


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Chronic diseases of the central nervous system are poorly treated due to the inability of most therapeutics to cross the blood-brain barrier. The blood-brain barrier is an anatomical and physiological barrier that severely restricts solute influx, including most drugs, from the blood to the brain. One promising method to overcome this obstacle is to use endogenous solute influx systems at the blood-brain barrier to transport drugs. Therapeutics designed to enter the brain through transcytosis by binding the transferrin receptor, however, are restricted within endothelial cells. The focus of this work was to develop a method to increase uptake of transferrin-containing nanoparticles into the brain by overcoming these restrictive processes.

To accomplish this goal, nanoparticles were prepared with surface transferrin molecules bound through various liable chemical bonds. These nanoparticles were designed to shed the targeting molecule during transcytosis to allow increased accumulation of nanoparticles within the brain.

Transferrin was added to the surface of nanoparticles through either redox or pH sensitive chemistry. First, nanoparticles with transferrin bound through disulfide bonds were prepared. These nanoparticles showed decreased avidity for the transferrin receptor after exposure to reducing agents and increased ability to enter the brain in vivo compared to those lacking the disulfide link.

Next, transferrin was attached through a chemical bond that cleaves at mildly acidic pH. Nanoparticles containing a cleavable link between transferrin and gold nanoparticle cores were found to both cross an in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier and accumulate within the brain in significantly higher numbers than similar nanoparticles lacking the cleavable bond. Also, this increased accumulation was not seen when using this same strategy with an antibody to transferrin receptor, indicating that behavior of nanoparticles at the blood-brain barrier varies depending on what type of targeting ligand is used.

Finally, polymeric nanoparticles loaded with dopamine and utilizing a superior acid-cleavable targeting chemistry were investigated as a potential treatment for Parkinson’s disease. These nanoparticles were capable of increasing dopamine quantities in the brains of healthy mice, highlighting the therapeutic potential of this design. Overall, this work describes a novel method to increase targeted nanoparticle accumulation in the brain.


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Poor bioavailability and poor pharmacokinetic characteristics are some of the leading causes of drug development failure. Therefore, poorly-soluble drugs, fragile proteins or nucleic acid products may benefit from their encapsulation in nanosized vehicles, providing enhanced solubilisation, protection against degradation, and increased access to pathological compartments. A key element for the success of drug-loaded nanocarriers (NC) is their ability to either cross biological barriers themselves or allow loaded drugs to traverse them to achieve optimal pharmacological action at pathological sites. Depending on the mode of administration, NC may have to cross different physiological barriers in their journey towards their target. In this review, the crossing of biological barriers by passive targeting strategies will be presented for intravenous delivery (vascular endothelial lining, particularly for tumour vasculature and blood-brain barrier targeting), oral administration (gastrointestinal lining) and upper airway administration (pulmonary epithelium). For each specific barrier, background information will be provided on the structure and biology of the tissues involved as well as available pathways for nano-objects or loaded drugs (diffusion and convection through fenestration, transcytosis, tight junction crossing, etc.). The determinants of passive targeting − size, shape, surface chemistry, surface patterning of nanovectors − will be discussed in light of current results. Perspectives on each mode of administration will be presented. The focus will be on polymeric nanoparticles and dendrimers although advances in liposome technology will be also reported as they represent the largest body in the drug delivery literature.


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Several oral vaccination studies have been undertaken to evoke a better protection against white spot syndrome virus (WSSV), amajor shrimp pathogen. Formalin-inactivated virus andWSSV envelope protein VP28 were suggested as candidate vaccine components, but their uptake mechanism upon oral delivery was not elucidated. In this study the fate of these components and of live WSSV, orally intubated to black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) was investigated by immunohistochemistry, employing antibodies specific for VP28 and haemocytes. The midgut has been identified as the most prominent site of WSSV uptake and processing. The truncated recombinant VP28 (rec-VP28), formalin-inactivated virus (IVP) and live WSSV follow an identical uptake route suggested as receptor-mediated endocytosis that starts with adherence of luminal antigens at the apical layers of gut epithelium. Processing of internalized antigens is performed in endo-lysosomal compartments leading to formation of supra-nuclear vacuoles. However, the majority of WSSV-antigens escape these compartments and are transported to the inter-cellular space via transcytosis. Accumulation of the transcytosed antigens in the connective tissue initiates aggregation and degranulation of haemocytes. Finally the antigens exiting the midgut seem to reach the haemolymph. The nearly identical uptake pattern of the different WSSV-antigens suggests that receptors on the apical membrane of shrimp enterocytes recognize rec-VP28 efficiently. Hence the truncated VP28 can be considered suitable for oral vaccination, when the digestion in the foregut can be bypassed