999 resultados para training packages


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This paper reports on a PhD research project being undertaken through the Faculty of Education, Deakin University. Training Packages and the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) form part of the ruling relations of VET, but how do they operate in practice? Do they provide frameworks within which training professionals are free to use judgement and respond in innovative ways to local learning and assessment contexts? Do they impose rigid 'guidelines' within which the decision-making authority of practitioners over appropriate practices is displaced by that of auditors, constraining creativity and creating pressures towards conformity? Or does their impact vary, depending on how they are interpreted and who is doing the interpreting? My PhD research explores issues relating to the use of Training Packages in workbased learning. Interview data suggests that, in practice, different training organisations respond very differently to a regulatory framework that aims to achieve national consistency. Some practitioners describe working in a compliance-driven environment, in which their ability to meet the needs of learners is stifled by standardised training and assessment practices imposed by Training Packages and the AQTF. This view is reflected in phrases such as 'you're not allowed to…', and 'you always feel uneasy because you've got AQTF compliance, inspections, auditors'. In contrast, other practitioners talk about having freedom to design learning and assessment programs for their particular target group and context, providing they stay within broad guidelines that guarantee national recognition of qualifications they issue. This view is reflected in comments such as 'it just leaves it open … to be as creative and flexible as you like', and 'It just gives us freedom'. This paper explores the proposition that the impact of these abstract and generalised texts is influenced by local interpretations, and it considers the role that organisational culture plays in determining these interpretations.


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The advent of training packages is a further change to the vocational education and training sector and is currently being implemented by teaching professionals. This paper outlines the findings of a project involving teachers in a TAFE institution as they begin the process of implementing the cross-industry Laboratory Operations Training Package into their teaching centre. The impetus for the research was the recognition that the change brought about by the new initiative would present a challenge for the teachers and a further change to their role in vocational education and training (VET). The research was qualitative in the form of a case study. Findings demonstrated that the implementation required a significant change in the philosophy of educational practice within the centre and that the implementation process was causing the teachers anxiety and confusion.


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In response to the rail industry lacking a consistently accepted standard of minimal training to perform incident investigations, the Australasian rail industry requested the development of a unified approach to investigator training. This paper details how the findings from a training needs analysis were applied to inform the development of a standardised training package for rail incident investigators. Data from job descriptions, training documents and subject matter experts sourced from 17 Australasian organisations were analysed and refined to yield a draft set of 10 critical competencies. Finally the draft of critical competencies was reviewed by industry experts to verify the accuracy and completeness of the competency list and to consider the most appropriate level of qualification for training development. The competencies identified and the processes described to translate research into an applied training framework in this paper, can be generalised to assist practitioners and researchers in developing industry approved standardised training packages.


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In this paper I explore the way language is used in Training Packages, and the impact this language has when Training Packages are used to support work-based vocational programs. Training Packages are a fundamental component of the regulatory framework of the national vocational education and training (VET) system [in Australia]. The national strategy for VET places employers and individuals at the centre of VET, and policy commitments to access and equity are enshrined in the auditable standards of the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF). Yet Training Packages and related official VET texts are written in an abstract, generalised and complex language form which acts as an insurmountable barrier to many people at the front line of VET. My PhD research (a work in progress) explores the proposition that this language form is representative of, and constructive in, unequal power relationships. Early data analysis suggests that VET practitioners and training participants talk about their experience of this language in terms of power and exclusion. In contrast, the official VET response generally leaves the official language form above challenge, and instead largely focuses on the presumed deficient language and literacy skills of those who are excluded by these texts.


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Presents a formative perspective on vocational learning that proposes that vocational competence is dependent upon dispositional development, which in turn results in moves towards maturation. Further, that dispositional and maturational outcomes occur as a result of a lifetime goal-setting intervention employed prior to training Reports qualitative and quantitative research with unemployed adults engaging in vocational education that resulted in four findings. Firstly, that while Training Packages describe assessable outcomes in competency-referenced terms, trainees describe learning outcomes in non-competency referenced terms. Secondly, that vocational trainees describe their learning in terms of dispositional outcomes, that is, in terms of values, interests and attitudes. Thirdly, that dispositions can be categorised in terms of maturational concepts. Fourthly, in support of incremental theory, that trainees made moves towards maturation as a result of a lifetime goal-setting intervention employed prior to training.


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Presents a perspective on vocational learning that proposes that vocational competence is dependent upon dispositional development, which in turn, results in moves towards maturation. Reports research with unemployed adults engaging in vocational training and resulting in four findings. First, while training packages describe assessable outcomes in competency-referenced terms, trainees describe learning outcomes in non-competency referenced terms. Second, vocational trainees describe their learning in terms of dispositional outcomes; that is, in terms of values, interests and attitudes. Third, dispositions can be categorised in terms of maturational concepts. Fourth, trainees made moves towards maturation as a result of CBT/NEIS training over the six-week period of the course. The findings have important ramifications for all future VET/CBT trainees since it is the researcher's formative theory that maturation is a subset of competence in every vocational skill domain.


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This thesis uses institutional ethnography to explore the text-based regulatory framework of the Australian Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. Training Packages are national competency standards used to assess local workplace practice. The Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) is a national compliance framework used to audit local learning and assessment practice. These texts operate in a ‘symbiotic relationship’ to achieve a policy goal of national consistency. The researcher explicates the social relations of VET starting from her disquiet as a practitioner. The thesis argues that Training Packages and the AQTF socially organise the content and delivery of local learning and assessment activities. VET practitioners struggle to use these texts to support good practice, and their hidden work maintains an unstable VET system. Yet the extralocal mode of ruling offers no room to challenge VET policy. The thesis explicates three themes. Interview data is used to explore the contrast between the institutional language of Training Packages and the vernacular of workplaces in which these texts are activated. Many practitioners and participants simply do not understand Training Package competency standards. Using these texts to judge employee performance shifts the policing of workplace practice from local sites to external VET authorities. A second theme emerges as the analysis explores why VET practitioners use this excluding language in their work with participants. Interview data reveals that local training organisations achieve different readings as they engage with ruling VET texts. Some organisations use the national texts as broad frameworks, allowing practitioners to create spaces for meaningful learning. Other organisations adopt a narrow and rule-bound reading of national texts, displacing practitioners’ authority over their own practice. A third theme is explored through examination of a sequence of VET texts. The review and redevelopment of the mandatory qualifications for VET practitioners identified the language of the competency standards as a significant accessibility issue. These concerns were reshaped and subsumed in an official response that established the use of this language as a compulsory assessable requirement and a language and literacy benchmark. The thesis presents a new understanding of VET as a regulatory framework established through multiple levels of ruling texts that connect local sites to national government agendas. While some individual practitioners are able to navigate through this system, there is an urgent need for practitioners as a profession to challenge national hegemony.


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Competency-based training and training packages are mandatory for Australian vocational education and training (VET). VET qualifications are designed to provide learners with skills, knowledge, and attributes required for Australian workplaces. Yet, toward the end of December 2011, there were 171,237 international student enrolments in the Australian vocational education sector.

VET currently ranks second behind the university sector by volume of international student enrolments in Australia. The flow of international students into Australian vocational education, their diverse learning characteristics, and their different acquired values have created new challenges as well as possibilities for teachers to transform their pedagogic practices and contribute to reshaping the pedagogy landscape in vocational education.

Drawing on interviews with 50 teachers from VET institutes in three states of Australia, this article discusses the emergence of international vocational education pedagogy that enables international students and indeed all learners to develop necessary skills, knowledge, and attributes in response to the new demands of the changing workplace context and global skills and knowledge mobility.

This article addresses a number of important issues concerning the interrelationship of international pedagogy and learner-centered education, notions of productive and inclusive pedagogies, transnational skills mobility, cultural diversity, and internationalization within the context of the Australian VET sector. Finally, the significance of these issues to educational providers and teachers across different educational levels and national contexts is discussed.


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 In Australia, all vocational education and training (VET) qualifications must be based on competency-based training (CBT) and training packages. Yet, since 2005, there has been a major expansion in the number of VET international students in Australia, 85% of whom are from Asia. Given this development, the teaching and learning contexts in which competency-based training and training packages are located are becoming increasingly diverse and no longer reflect the traditional training characteristics and boundaries that apply for domestic students.
This paper examines the relevance of training packages and CBT for teaching international students in the Australian VET sector. It draws on interviews with teachers and international students from 25 public and private training providers in Australia. The discussion of the findings aims to assist the VET sector create a curriculum framework that supports flexibility, adaptation and responsiveness so that international students’ divergent and shifting study purposes and complex learning characteristics can be catered for effectively. This contributes to helping the sector remain viable in a context in which a VET course is no longer a pathway to migration.


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The volume is a collection of papers that address issues associated with change in the delivery of VET programs in Queensland, foreshadowed by the release of The Queensland Skill Plan in 2006. Issues that relate to the implementation of the Actions identified in the Queensland Skills Plan are the focus of the collection. In particular, the incorporation of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and e-learning approaches in the delivery of training packages is a key topic, how such change can be managed in the delivery of training programs, as well as broader professional development issues for VET practitioners. Change at an organisational level is the focus of two papers. Lyn Ambrose uses ideas from Diffusion of Innovations Theory to consider how the adoption eLearning in a TAFE community can be addressed. The paper by Susan Todhunter also discusses the organisational challenges in change initiatives in TAFE Institutes. Specific issues related to in the professional development of VET teachers are the focus of the papers by Mary Campbell, Sharon Altena, and Judy Gronold. Mary Campbell discusses the importance of building staff capabilities within the TAFE system and how this might be managed. Sharon Altena considers how professional development programs are currently delivered and how new approaches to professional development for TAFE teachers are needed to ensure changes can be sustained in teaching practice. The paper by Judy Gronold takes up a specific challenge for VET practitioners in the Queensland Skills Plan. She addresses issues related to embedding employability skills into training delivery in order to address industries’ need for flexible, multi-skilled productive workers. Mark Driver discusses the issues resulting from increased number of mature-aged learners in VET programs and how this change in the demographic profile of students presents challenges to the VET system. In the paper by David McKee, implications in the incorporation of ICTs into trade training are discussed and the need for effective change management strategies to ensure a smooth transition to new ways of delivering trade training. Finally, in the paper by David Roberts, the potential of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) approaches in VET training and the role of ICTs within such approaches are discussed. David uses horticulture training as an example to discuss the issues in implementing PBL effectively in VET programs. These papers were completed by the authors as a part of their postgraduate studies at QUT. The views reported are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the Queensland Department of Education, Training and the Arts.