953 resultados para tracheal aspiration procedure


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Even though community-acquired methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) was described a decade ago, reports from Brazil are scarce and cases occurred in large urban centers. We report MRSA sepsis in a 16-year-old male from a small town and who had no history of exposure to healthcare or recent travel. After trauma during a soccer match, he presented swelling in the right thigh, which evolved in a month to cellulitis complicated by local abscess, orchitis and pneumonia. The patient presented severe sepsis, with fever and respiratory failure. Laboratory findings included blood leukocyte counts above 40,000/mm3 and thrombocytopenia. He was submitted to mechanical ventilation and therapy with vancomycin and imipenem. He had a slow but favorable response to therapy and was discharged after six weeks of hospitalization. MRSA grew from blood cultures and respiratory aspirates obtained before antimicrobial therapy. The isolate belonged to sequence type 5, spa type t311, harbored SCCmec type IV and genes for Panton-Valentine leukocidin and Enterotoxin A. The pulsed-field gel electrophoresis pattern was distinct from North American classic CA-MRSA clones. However, the sequence type and the spa type revealed that the clone belong to the same clonal complex isolated in Argentina. This is the first CA-MRSA infection reported in that region, with significant epidemiologic and clinical implications. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Stroke is the most common neurological disease in adults that is associated with deglutition disorders. The presence of laryngeal sensitivity is very important in developing safe swallowing without risk of pulmonary complications. The aim of this study was to correlate laryngeal sensitivity with laryngeal penetration and tracheal aspiration after swallows of three food consistencies (puree, thickened liquid, and liquid) in poststroke individuals in the late phase. A cross-sectional clinical study was performed with 91 post-ischemic stroke individuals, with oropharyngeal dysphagia, who were in rehabilitation center treatment from 2009 to 2011. They had a mean age of 68.1 years and average time since injury was 22.6 months; 39 had injury to the right hemisphere and 52 had injury to the left hemisphere. All underwent fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing and evaluation of laryngeal sensitivity by touching the tip of the endoscope to the arytenoids and aryepiglottic folds. The linear correlation coefficient of Spearman was applied to evaluate the correlation between laryngeal penetration and tracheal aspiration and the presence/absence of laryngeal sensitivity. There was a negative correlation between the observation of penetration and tracheal aspiration and laryngeal sensitivity, with all bolus consistencies (p < 0.001 for aspiration and p a parts per thousand currency sign 0.01 for penetration). The absence of laryngeal sensitivity determines the more frequent findings of penetration and tracheal aspiration. This sensory stimulus in the mucosa of the pharynx and larynx is an essential element for safe swallowing and its deficiency associated with altered motor activity can cause laryngeal penetration and aspiration in poststroke individuals regardless of food consistency.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A respiração e a deglutição são vitais para o homem. Enquanto a primeira diz respeito a um ato primitivo da vida, a hematose, a segunda trata da manutenção da vida, oferecendo a energia necessária, nutrindo e hidratando, perpassando pelo prazer alimentar, ato tão importante na sociedade contemporânea. A relação funcional entre essas funções ainda não foi totalmente elucidada, porém é crescente o interesse e o número de estudos sobre esta temática. Considerando que a deglutição eficiente tem como pressuposto a capacidade de proteger via aérea inferior, a alteração de deglutição primária ou secundária a um dano pulmonar pode trazer repercussões severas para a integridade do sistema respiratório. O objetivo desse estudo é analisar o processo sinérgico da deglutição em portadores de bronquiectasia, a fim de verificar se há alteração na fisiologia da deglutição e caracterizá-la, assim como, identificar se há correspondência entre alteração da função pulmonar e alteração da deglutição.Para tal foram selecionados randomicamente 30 pacientes na faixa etária de 18 a 65 anos, atendidos no ambulatório de bronquiectasia do HUPE. Destes, 26 indivíduos responderam a um questionário dirigido sobre hábitos alimentares e possíveis dificuldades de alimentação; foram submetidos à avaliação clínica da deglutição; 22 fizeram espirometria no setor de prova de função pulmonar no HUPE e 17 avaliação videofluoroscópica da deglutição. Dos 26 indivíduos estudados 10 eram homens e 16 mulheres, com média de idade de 46,3 anos. Na avaliação clínica da deglutição observaram-se alterações estruturais e funcionais em todos os indivíduos estudados. As principais alterações estruturais detectadas referem-se e a dinâmica laríngea; enquanto na avaliação funcional detectou-se alterações referentes à ejeção oral, dinâmica hiolaríngea, trânsito faríngeo e presença de deglutições múltiplas. Com relação à espirometria 06 indivíduos apresentaram distúrbio obstrutivo leve; 04 distúrbio obstrutivo moderado e 09 distúrbio obstrutivo acentuado. A videofluoroscopia da deglutição corroborou os achados da avaliação clínica da deglutição e evidenciou episódios de penetração e aspiração laríngea Pode-se concluir que: (1) a avaliação clínica da deglutição associada à avaliação videofluoroscópica são métodos eficientes para a análise do processo sinérgico da deglutição; (2) identificou-se alteração do processo sinérgico da deglutição, nos indivíduos avaliados; (3) a ausculta cervical isoladamente, não demonstrou ser um método eficiente para predizer aspiração e/ou penetração laringotraqueal; (4) houve correspondência entre os resultados da avaliação clínica funcional da deglutição e videofluoroscópica, exceto quanto a presença de penetração e/ou aspiração e quanto a capacidade de avaliar a ejeção oral; (5) não foi possível identificar se há correspondência entre alteração da função pulmonar e processo sinérgico da deglutição.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate through endoscopy the tracheal aspiration cytology in twenty seven Quarter Horses from Curitiba and surroundings, following the Three Barrel Competittion. Upper respiratory tract secretion was obtained by tracheal aspiration using a polyethylene catheter introduced through the endoscopic fiberoptic working channel, at the level of tracheal bifurcation. Cytologic slides were prepared by smear and stained by diff-quick technique and the differential was performed in 500 cells counting by 1,000X optic microscopy. None of the horses presented abnormality, including epixtasis, at the clinical examination. However, hemosiderophages were detected at cytology in three animals, suggesting that some may be suffering of subclinical pulmonary hemorrhage. Differential cell counting of tracheal aspiration results were, in average: 44.09 ± 35.68% of epithelial cells; 1.10 ± 2.18% of Globet cells; 23.10 ± 35.93% of neutrophils; 0.13 ± 0.37% of lymphocytes; 0.91 ± 2.81% of eosinophils; 30.57 ± 23.62% of macrophages and 0.13 + 0.93% of hemosiderophages. In conclusion, based in the present study, the evaluation of cellular populations with the tracheal aspiration may offer important additional information to the clinician, particularly about the inflammatory processes of lower respiratory tract and pulmonary bleeding.


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INTRODUCTION: During mechanical ventilation (MV), the airways may accumulate secretions. Patients are submitted to Respiratory Therapy (RT) and tracheal aspiration when in MV, alone or associated, to eliminate these secretions. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to compare the effects of different protocols of bronchial hygiene in blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation and respiratory rate of patients undergoing MV. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted a prospective, randomized, controlled crossover, with intentional non-probabilistic sample in the Medical School Hospital of Marília. We included patients in invasive MV who were submitted to three different bronchial hygiene protocols: PP - physiotherapy protocol (manual chest compression and manual hyperinflation); AP - aspiration protocol; and PP + AP. Respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), oxygen saturation and heart rate were evaluated in three moments: before (M1), immediately after (M2) and 30 minutes after (M3) for each protocol. The differences among protocols and times were assessed using ANOVA and post hoc Student Newman-Keus (p < 0.05). RESULTS: We studied eighteen 71.2 ± 13.9 year-old patients with 15.1 ± 17.7 days of MV. There were no differences among protocols. There was a significant decreasing in SBP (p = 0.0261) and DBP (p = 0.0119) from M2 to M3 in the aspiration protocol. CONCLUSION: There was a decrease of blood pressure on MV patients after 30 minutes of aspiration and no change in the other variables, and there was no difference among protocols.


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To study mastication and swallowing disorders in patients with temporomanclibular disorders (TMD). Objective: To investigate mastication and swallowing disorders in patients with severe TMD referred to surgery. Materials and Methods: Clinical and experimental study involving ten individuals with TMD submitted to deglutition videofluoroscopy. These patients did not have posterior teeth, mastication pain and food replacement in favor of pasty consistence food. The assessment of the oral and pharyngeal phases approached the following aspects: side of onset and preferential side for chewing, premature escape, remains of food residues in the oral cavity or in the pharyngeal recesses, number of necessary swallowing efforts, laryngeal penetration and/or tracheal aspiration. Results: During mastication and the oral phase we observed tongue compensatory movements upon chewing (n = 7; 70%), premature escape (n = 4; 40%), food remains in the cavity after swallowing (n = 5; 50%) and an excessive number of deglutition efforts (n = 5; 50%). On the pharyngeal phase we observed food remains in the valleculae (n = 6; 60%), in the pyriform sinuses (n = 4; 40%); laryngeal penetration (n = 1; 10%) and tracheal aspiration (n = 4; 40%). Conclusion: TMD patients may have alterations in their chewing and swallowing patterns, with laryngeal penetration and/or tracheal aspiration. The study indicates the need for a multidisciplinary assessment because of dysphagia in TMD patients.


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Data on the influence of unilateral vocal fold paralysis on breathing, especially other than information obtained by spirometry, are relatively scarce. Even less is known about the effect of its treatment by vocal fold medialization. Consequently, there was a need to study the issue by combining multiple instruments capable of assessing airflow dynamics and voice. This need was emphasized by a recently developed medialization technique, autologous fascia injection; its effects on breathing have not previously been investigated. A cohort of ten patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis was studied before and after autologous fascia injection by using flow-volume spirometry, body plethysmography and acoustic analysis of breathing and voice. Preoperative results were compared with those of ten healthy controls. A second cohort of 11 subjects with unilateral vocal fold paralysis was studied pre- and postoperatively by using flow-volume spirometry, impulse oscillometry, acoustic analysis of voice, voice handicap index and subjective assessment of dyspnoea. Preoperative peak inspiratory flow and specific airway conductance were significantly lower and airway resistance was significantly higher in the patients than in the healthy controls (78% vs. 107%, 73% vs. 116% and 182% vs. 125% of predicted; p = 0.004, p = 0.004 and p = 0.026, respectively). Patients had a higher root mean square of spectral power of tracheal sounds than controls, and three of them had wheezes as opposed to no wheezing in healthy subjects. Autologous fascia injection significantly improved acoustic parameters of the voice in both cohorts and voice handicap index in the latter cohort, indicating that this procedure successfully improved voice in unilateral vocal fold paralysis. Peak inspiratory flow decreased significantly as a consequence of this procedure (from 4.54 ± 1.68 l to 4.21 ± 1.26 l, p = 0.03, in pooled data of both cohorts), but no change occurred in the other variables of flow-volume spirometry, body-plethysmography and impulse oscillometry. Eight of the ten patients studied by acoustic analysis of breathing had wheezes after vocal fold medialization compared with only three patients before the procedure, and the numbers of wheezes per recorded inspirium and expirium increased significantly (from 0.02 to 0.42 and from 0.03 to 0.36; p = 0.028 and p = 0.043, respectively). In conclusion, unilateral vocal fold paralysis was observed to disturb forced breathing and also to cause some signs of disturbed tidal breathing. Findings of flow volume spirometry were consistent with variable extra-thoracic obstruction. Vocal fold medialization by autologous fascia injection improved the quality of the voice in patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis, but also decreased peak inspiratory flow and induced wheezing during tidal breathing. However, these airflow changes did not appear to cause significant symptoms in patients.


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Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate if pepsin measured in sputum is a useful marker of pulmonary aspiration secondary to gastroesophageal reflux (GER) in children. It is possible that the induced sputum procedure could cause GER and invalidate the results. The hypothesis stated that healthy children (those without history of respiratory or gastroesophageal symptoms) would not have pepsin detected in induced sputum. Methods Children attending surgical outpatients in the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children (Belfast, Northern Ireland) were recruited. After spirometry, sputum was obtained by induction with hypertonic 3% saline. Spirometry was repeated, and complications were noted. An “in-house” enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to measure pepsin concentration in sputum. The lower limit of detection of pepsin was 1.19 ng/mL. Results Children (n = 21) aged 4 to 16 years were recruited. Twenty children completed the study. No adverse effects were reported. Pepsin was detected in 17 (85%) of 20 sputum samples. Conclusions The act of sputum induction appears to induce physiologic GER in a healthy childhood population. The analysis of pepsin in sputum obtained by sputum induction is therefore not useful in the investigation of reflux-related respiratory disease.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A intubação traqueal associada a operações das vias aéreas faz com que complicações como laringoespasmo, broncoespasmo e períodos de redução da saturação de oxigênio sejam frequentemente relatados em adenotonsilectomias, procedimento que, por sua natureza, eleva a incidência de tais complicações. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a ocorrência de problemas respiratórios comparando-se o uso da máscara laríngea (ML) descartável com a intubação orotraqueal em adenotonsilectomias. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 204 pacientes pediátricos submetidos a anestesia geral para adenotonsilectomias e alocados em dois grupos, aleatoriamente: grupo Cânula Traqueal (CT, n = 100) e grupo Máscara Laríngea (ML, n = 104). Foram observados os níveis de saturação de pulso de oxigênio (SpO2) após a indução anestésica (SpO2-1), após o estabelecimento de campo operatório (SpO2-2), ao término do procedimento cirúrgico (SpO2-3), três minutos após a retirada do dispositivo respiratório (SpO2-4) e na admissão da sala de recuperação anestésica (SpO2-5). As complicações respiratórias foram relatadas. RESULTADOS: Os valores médios e os desvios padrão de SpO2 nos grupos CT e ML foram, respectivamente: SpO2-1: 98,9 ± 1,0 e 98,7 ± 0,8 (p > 0,25); SpO2-2: 97,4 ± 1,0 e 94,9 ± 4,3 (p < 0,001); SpO2-3: 96,9 ± 1,1 e 97,2 ± 1,1 (p = 0,037); SpO2-4: 91,7 ± 9,0 e 95,2 ± 2,2 (p < 0,001); SpO2-5: 94,0 ± 2,1 e 95,8 ± 2,6 (p < 0,001). No grupo ML, em 12 pacientes, foi necessária alguma manobra para ajuste do dispositivo e correção de vazamento durante o ato operatório. A ML foi substituída pela CT em quatro pacientes. As complicações respiratórias foram similares entre os grupos. CONCLUSÕES: Adenotonsilectomias em pacientes pediátricos com o emprego da ML, em comparação com a CT, resulta em menores valores de SpO2 intraoperatórios e, eventualmente, necessidade de substituição da ML pela CT. Apesar de a ML viabilizar a cirurgia, pela segurança, o uso da CT é preferível.


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The objective of this study was to assess the reproductive response of adult and prepubertal goats subjected to repeated laparoscopic ovum pick-up (LOPU). The study animals were divided into two groups, specifically, adult nanny goats (GA, n=10) and prepubertal nanny goats (GP, n=10), which were subjected to estrous synchronization and ovarian stimulation for LOPU. Both groups underwent six LOPU procedures at seven-day intervals and were subsequently subjected to controlled mating and pregnancy diagnosis to evaluate their future fertility. The study showed a reduction in the number of follicles visualized and in the amount and quality of the oocytes that were recovered and exposed to in vitro maturation. As indicated by the fertility test, however, no complications were found during the laparoscopic procedures that would impair the reproductive future of the animals. Therefore, a viable number of oocytes were obtained even with the decreased reproductive efficiency, proving that repeated LOPUs do not interfere with the reproductive of adult and prepubertal nanny goats. These results indicate a positive aspect of this procedure, allowing for increasing reproductive performance of this kind, when used for the production in vitro.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: To evaluate the effect of early fetoscopictracheal occlusion (FETO) (22–24 weeks’ gestation) onpulmonary response and neonatal survival in cases ofextremely severe isolated congenital diaphragmatic hernia(CDH). Methods: This was a multicenter study involving fetuseswith extremely severe CDH (lung-to-head ratio < 0.70,liver herniation into the thoracic cavity and no otherdetectable anomalies). Between August 2010 and December 2011, eight fetuses underwent early FETO. Datawere compared with nine fetuses that underwent standard FETO and 10 without fetoscopic procedure fromJanuary 2006 to July 2010. FETO was performed undermaternal epidural anesthesia, supplemented with fetalintramuscular anesthesia. Fetal lung size and vascularitywere evaluated by ultrasound before and every 2 weeksafter FETO. Postnatal therapy was equivalent for bothtreated fetuses and controls. Primary outcome was infantsurvival to 180 days and secondary outcome was fetalpulmonary response. Results: Maternal and fetal demographic characteristicsand obstetric complications were similar in the threegroups (P > 0.05). Infant survival rate was significantlyhigher in the early FETO group (62.5%) comparedwith the standard group (11.1%) and with controls(0%) (P < 0.01). Early FETO resulted in a significantimprovement in fetal lung size and pulmonary vascularitywhen compared with standard FETO (P < 0.01). Conclusions: Early FETO may improve infant survival byfurther increases of lung size and pulmonary vascularityin cases with extremely severe pulmonary hypoplasia inisolated CDH. This study supports formal testing of thehypothesis with a randomized controlled trial.