13 resultados para toxicogenomics
The introduction of chemicals into the environment by human activities may represent a serious risk to environmental and human health. Environmental risk assessment requires the use of efficient and sensitive tools to determine the impact of contaminants on the ecosystems. The use of zebrafish for the toxicity assessment of pharmaceuticals, drugs, and pollutants, is becoming well accepted due to zebrafish unique advantages for the screening of compounds for hazard identification. The aim of the present work is to apply toxicogenomic approaches to identify novel biomarkers and uncovered potential modes of action of classic and emergent contaminants able to disrupt endocrine systems, such as the Retinoic Acid Receptor, Retinoid X Receptor and the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor. This study relies on different nuclear and cytosolic protein receptors and other conditional (ligand- or stress- activated) transcriptional factors that are intimately involved in the regulation of defensome genes and in mechanisms of chemical toxicity. The transcriptomic effects of organic compounds, endogenous compounds, and nanoparticles were analysed during the early stages of zebrafish development. Studying the gene expression profiles of exposed and unexposed organisms to pollutants using microarrays allowed the identification of specific gene markers and to establish a "genetic code" for the tested compounds. Changes in gene expression were observed at toxicant concentrations that did not cause morphological effects. Even at low toxicant concentrations, the observed changes in transcript levels were robust for some target genes. Microarray responses of selected genes were further complemented by the real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) methodology. The combination of bio-informatic, toxicological analyses of differential gene expression profiles, and biochemical and phenotypic responses across the treatments allowed the identification of uncovered potential mechanisms of action. In addition, this work provides an integrated set of tools that can be used to aid management-decision making by improving the predictive capability to measure environmental stress of contaminants in freshwater ecosystems. This study also illustrates the potential of zebrafish embryos for the systematic, large-scale analysis of chemical effects on developing vertebrates.
Modern toxicology investigates a wide array of both old and new health hazards. Priority setting is needed to select agents for research from the plethora of exposure circumstances. The changing societies and a growing fraction of the aged have to be taken into consideration. A precise exposure assessment is of importance for risk estimation and regulation. Toxicology contributes to the exploration of pathomechanisms to specify the exposure metrics for risk estimation. Combined effects of co-existing agents are not yet sufficiently understood. Animal experiments allow a separate administration of agents which can not be disentangled by epidemiological means, but their value is limited for low exposure levels in many of today’s settings. As an experimental science, toxicology has to keep pace with the rapidly growing knowledge about the language of the genome and the changing paradigms in cancer development. During the pioneer era of assembling a working draft of the human genome, toxicogenomics has been developed. Gene and pathway complexity have to be considered when investigating gene–environment interactions. For a best conduct of studies, modern toxicology needs a close liaison with many other disciplines like epidemiology and bioinformatics.
El pez cebra (Danio rerio) se utiliza como organismo modelo en distintos campos como la biomedicina o la toxicogenómica. Las ventajas que ofrece frente a otros modelos animales, hace que se haya convertido en los últimos años en uno de los organismos modelo más utilizado en experimentación. La similitud de su desarrollo embrionario con el de otros vertebrados superiores o la semejanza de su genoma con la del ser humano lo han colocado en el punto de mira de las principales investigaciones. Pero disponer de ejemplares óptimos tanto de embriones como de adultos para su utilización en investigación, requiere de unos cuidados y de una atención adecuada. Para su mantenimiento se deberán tener en cuenta el tipo de instalaciones para su cría, la calidad del agua donde se encuentran, la alimentación que reciben o los procesos de reproducción utilizados. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido elaborar un protocolo de mantenimiento del pez cebra, que optimice los cuidados necesarios para que el número de embriones viables sea máximo y también poder mantener un número de ejemplares adultos en buenas condiciones.
Polyfluorinated and perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) are used in numerous commercial products and have been ubiquitously detected in the environment as well as in the blood of humans and wildlife. To assess the combined effects caused by PFCs in mixtures, gene expression profiles were generated using a custom cDNA microarray to detect changes in primary cultured hepatocytes of rare minnows exposed to six individual PFCs (perfluorooctanoic acid, perfluorononanoic acid, perfluorodecanoic acid, perfluorododecanoic acid, perfluorooctane sulfonate, and 8:2 fluorotelomer alcohol) and four formulations of the PFCs mixtures. Mixtures as well as individual compounds consistently regulated a particular gene set, which suggests that these conserved genes may play a central role in the toxicity mediated by PFCs. Specifically, a number of genes regulated by the mixtures were identified in this study, which were not affected by exposure to any single component. These genes are implicated in multiple biological functions and processes, including fatty acid metabolism and transport, xenobiotic metabolism, immune responses, and oxidative stress. More than 80% of the altered genes in the PFOA- and PFOS-dominant mixture groups were of the same gene set, while the gene expression profiles from single PFOA and PFOS exposures were not as similar. This work contributes to the development of toxicogenomic approaches in combined toxicity assessment and allows for comprehensive insights into the combined action of PFCs mixtures in multiple environmental matrices. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: Transcriptomic techniques are now being applied in ecotoxicology and toxicology to measure the impact of stressors and develop understanding of mechanisms of toxicity. Microarray technology in particular offers the potential to measure thousands of gene responses simultaneously. However, it is important that microarrays responses should be validated, at least initially, using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR). The accurate measurement of target gene expression requires normalisation to an invariant internal control e. g., total RNA or reference genes. Reference genes are preferable, as they control for variation inherent in the cDNA synthesis and PCR. However, reference gene expression can vary between tissues and experimental conditions, which makes it crucial to validate them prior to application. Results: We evaluated 10 candidate reference genes for QPCR in Daphnia magna following a 24 h exposure to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) ibuprofen (IB) at 0, 20, 40 and 80 mg IB l(-1). Six of the 10 candidates appeared suitable for use as reference genes. As a robust approach, we used a combination normalisation factor (NF), calculated using the geNorm application, based on the geometric mean of three selected reference genes: glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, ubiquitin conjugating enzyme and actin. The effects of normalisation are illustrated using as target gene leukotriene B4 12-hydroxydehydrogenase (Ltb4dh), which was upregulated following 24 h exposure to 63-81 mg IB l(-1). Conclusions: As anticipated, use of the NF clarified the response of Ltb4dh in daphnids exposed to sublethal levels of ibuprofen. Our findings emphasise the importance in toxicogenomics of finding and applying invariant internal QPCR control(s) relevant to the study conditions.
Gli impianti di incenerimento di rifiuti solidi suscitano preoccupazione nella popolazione per i possibili effetti avversi associati all’esposizione. Gli effetti delle polveri sottili (PM2.5), generate dai processi di combustione, sulla salute umana includono l’insorgenza di patologie a carico del sistema respiratorio e cardiovascolare e l’aumento della mortalità per malattie polmonari e probabilmente cancro al polmone. Lo scopo della tesi è quello di valutare il profilo tossicologico e cancerogeno del particolato atmosferico in prossimità dell’inceneritore di Bologna rispetto alle aree adiacenti mediante l’utilizzo di test alternativi alle metodologie in vivo, come il test di trasformazione cellulare e approcci di tossicogenomica (soprattutto trascrittomica) oltre alla valutazione della variazione del rischio cancerogeno indotto dall’esposizione di PM2.5 in diversi siti (massima ricaduta, controllo, fondo urbano e fondo rurale) e in differenti periodi di campionamento (estate 2008 e inverno 2009). Gli estratti di PM2.5 relativi alla stagione invernale sono risultati più tossici rispetto ai campioni estivi, che inducono tossicità soprattutto alle alte dosi. Per i campioni invernali il numero medio di colonie di cellule BALB/c 3T3 A31-1-1 risulta ridotto in modo significativo anche per le dosi più basse saggiate indipendentemente dal sito di provenienza. Tutti i campioni analizzati sono risultati negativi nel test di trasformazione cellulare in vitro. L’analisi dell’espressione genica delle cellule BALB/c 3T3 A31-1-1, in seguito all’esposizione agli estratti di PM2.5, ha mostrato un effetto stagionale evidente. Relativamente ai campioni invernali è stato evidenziato un maggior effetto tossico da parte del sito di controllo rispetto alla massima ricaduta, poiché nel sito di controllo risultano attivati marcatori di morte cellulare per apoptosi. La valutazione del rischio cancerogeno in tutti i siti valutati non mostra situazioni preoccupanti legate alla predizione di eccessi di rischio di tumori imputabili all’attività dell’inceneritore in quanto le stime di rischio non eccedono mai il valore limite riportato in letteratura.
Primaquine (PQ). a clinically important derivative of 8-aminoquinoline used against the hepatic stages (hypnozoites) of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium ova Ie. was studied to evaluate and compare between mRNA expression. and biochemical and histological parameters of hepatic stress in adult Swiss mice (Mus musculus). Following single oral dose of PQ (40 mglkg. bw). alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) along with hematoxylin and eosin stained liver sections did not show any signs of hepatic stress at 6. 12 and 24 h except for ALT activity at 6 h. However. analysis at RNA transcript level revealed consistent and significant deregulation (p<0.01 and twofold) of 16 probes corresponding to important cellular processes such as protein transportation. transcription regulation. intracellular signaling. protein synthesis, hematopoiesis, cell adhesion and cell proliferation. Pathway analysis identified large number of affected genes corresponding to 40 Gene Ontology terms having a z score greaibr than 2. These results indicate that PQ at high doses may affect gene expression in liver and may produce undesirable outcomes if consumed for longer durations.
Some v. distributed to some depository libraries in microfiche; no longer distributed to depository libraries in a physical form after 2004.
Modern toxicology investigates a wide array of both old and new health hazards. Priority setting is needed to select agents for research from the plethora of exposure circumstances. The changing societies and a growing fraction of the aged have to be taken into consideration. A precise exposure assessment is of importance for risk estimation and regulation. Toxicology contributes to the exploration of pathomechanisms to specify the exposure metrics for risk estimation. Combined effects of co-existing agents are not yet sufficiently understood. Animal experiments allow a separate administration of agents which can not be disentangled by epidemiological means, but their value is limited for low exposure levels in many of today's settings. As an experimental science, toxicology has to keep pace with the rapidly growing knowledge about the language of the genome and the changing paradigms in cancer development. During the pioneer era of assembling a working draft of the human genome, toxicogenomics has been developed. Gene and pathway complexity have to be considered when investigating gene-environment interactions. For a best conduct of studies, modem toxicology needs a close liaison with many other disciplines like epidemiology and bioinformatics. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
To contribute with scientific evidence to the grouping strategy for the safety assessment of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), this work describes the investigation of the cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of four benchmark MWCNTs in relation to their physicochemical characteristics, using two types of human respiratory cells. The cytotoxic effects were analysed using the clonogenic assay and replication index determination. A 48h-exposure of cells revealed that NM-401 was the only cytotoxic MWCNT in both cell lines, but after 8-days exposure, the clonogenic assay in A549 cells showed cytotoxic effects for all the tested MWCNTs. Correlation analysis suggested an association between the MWCNTs size in cell culture medium and cytotoxicity. No induction of DNA damage was observed after any MWCNTs in any cell line by the comet assay, while the micronucleus assay revealed that both NM-401 and NM-402 were genotoxic in A549 cells. NM-401 and NM-402 are the two longest MWCNTs analyzed in this work, suggesting that length may be determinant for genotoxicity. No induction of micronuclei was observed in Beas-2B cell line and the different effect in both cell lines is explained in view of the size-distribution of MWCNTs in the cell culture medium, rather than cell's specificities.
Pyrimethanil is a fungicide mostly applied in vineyards. When misused, residue levels detected in grape must or in the environment may be of concern. The present work aimed to analyze mechanisms underlying response to deleterious effects of pyrimethanil in the eukaryotic model Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Pyrimethanil concentration-dependent effects at phenotypic (inhibition of growth) and transcriptomic levels were examined. For transcriptional profiling, analysis focused on two sublethal exposure conditions that inhibited yeast growth by 20% or 50% compared with control cells not exposed to the fungicide. Gene expression modifications increased with the magnitude of growth inhibition, in numbers and fold-change of differentially expressed genes and in diversity of over-represented functional categories. These included mostly biosynthesis of arginine and sulfur amino acids metabolism, as well as energy conservation, antioxidant response, and multidrug transport. Several pyrimethanil-responsive genes encoded proteins sharing significant homology with proteins from phytopathogenic fungi and ecologically relevant higher eukaryotes.