988 resultados para tourism impacts
This paper proposes a method for diagnosing the impacts of second-home tourism and illustrates it for a Mediterranean Spanish destination. This method proposes the application of network analysis software to the analysis of causal maps in order to create a causal network model based on stakeholder-identified impacts. The main innovation is the analysis of indirect relations in causal maps for the identification of the most influential nodes in the model. The results show that the most influential nodes are of a political nature, which contradicts previous diagnoses identifying technical planning as the ultimate cause of problems.
The World Heritage List (WHL) is widely considered a powerful tool for national tourism campaigns. Sites inscribed on the WHL by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) are commonly treated as catholicons in promoting the tourism industry, which in turn helps to promote economic growth and development. This study analyzes local community perceptions of the importance of the World Heritage Site (WHS) classification of the historic center of the Portuguese city of E ́vora. The research also includes an analysis of the local residents’ perceived tourism impacts on the municipality of E ́ vora. The methodology consists of quan- titative research based on a self-administered survey applied to convenience sam- ples of local residents of the municipality of E ́ vora in the beginning of 2014. The local residents’ perceptions of the level of importance of the WHS classification to the municipality and its impact in the increase of tourists is analyzed. Positive and negative tourism impacts are then ranked and a principal components factor analysis is employed separately to the two groups of impacts in order to identify underlying dimensions associated with residents’ perceptions on tourism develop- ment. Based on the results of the factor analysis, independent sample t-tests are used to investigate differences regarding positive and negative tourism impacts between residents that live near and far from the historic center, and between residents who work/have worked in the tourism sector and residents that work/ have worked in other sectors.
International practice-led design research in landscape architecture has identified the need for addressing the loss of biodiversity in urban environments. China has lost much of its biodiversity in rural and urban environments over thousands of years. However some Chinese cities have attempted to conserve what remains and enhance existing vegetation communities in isolated pockets. Island biogeography has been used as the basis for planning and designing landscapes in Australia and North America but not as yet in China, as far as we know. A gap in landscape design knowledge exists regarding how to apply landscape ecology concepts to urban islands of remaining biodiversity being developed for heavy Chinese domestic tourism impacts in the future. This project responded to the demands for harbour-side tourism opportunities in Xiamen City, Fujian Province, by proposing a range of eco-design innovations using concepts of patch, edge and interior to interconnect people and nature in a Chinese setting.
This paper reports on a stakeholder consultation exercise that examined the tourism industry's perception of developing a local tourism branding scheme within the South Downs' protected areas in south-east England. The research shows that such schemes could offer potential benefits that are recognisable by the tourism industry, while helping to meet the statutory aims of the protected area. The paper records the perceptions of small tourism businesses, their fears, awareness of tourism impacts, perceptions of sustainable tourism and of local branding, and key criteria connected to the future organisation of a local tourism branding scheme. The conclusion lists the recommendations for the implementation of a local branding scheme, including grassroots stakeholder consultation that encourages ownership and participation, institutional frameworks that support capacity-building and the importance of developing core values within a local brand.
In this Work Project, it will be assessed how Sintra’s sustainability is affected by the consequences of the visitor flow on its urban historical center. Two research questions will support this case study: What is the main problem affecting Sintra as a tourism destination? How sustainable will Sintra be in the next 10-15 years? The main findings suggest Sintra faces an intense seasonal pressure on its historical city center and its sustainability might be seriously affected in the near future, whereby three domains of the destination deserve a serious strategy reassessment: promotion, management, and supply.
This thesis examines how tourism affects conditions for young adults in rural areas. Such a study lies at the intersection of research about tourism impacts, adult transition, and rural areas. The aim is to examine how largescale tourism affects the opportunities for young adults living in rural areas; their perception of place and the perceived opportunities and obstacles that tourism provides. The thesis utilizes a mixed method approach. A quantitative study based on micro-data on individuals identifies the patterns and magnitudes of the mechanisms by which tourism affects population change among young adults. Interview methods are used in the case study area, Sälen, to investigate these mechanisms in depth. Finally, the rural–urban dichotomy is explored in a conceptual study that asks how tourism affects the perception of a local village as either rural or urban. Young inhabitants in rural areas are rarely considered in tourism research; therefore, the main contribution of this thesis is that it illuminates how tourism affects conditions for young adults in rural areas. The thesis reveals a substantial impact on the adult transition, mainly due to easier access to the labor market and a good supply of jobs during the high season. Further, the large number of people passing through creates flows of opportunities to make friends, get a job, or just meet people. All of these factors contribute to high mobility in these places, and to the perception of them as places where things happen. The high mobility in Sälen implies that fixed migrant categories (such as stayers and leavers) are largely insufficient. The tourism environment creates a space that is always under construction and continually producing new social relations mainly perceived as opportunities. Conceptualizing this as a modern rurality is a way to move beyond the often implicit notions of urban as modern and rural as traditional.
En los últimos años han aparecido nuevas formas de turismo más sostenibles, donde existen elementos relacionados con el descanso, el disfrute y la protección del medio ambiente o el conocimiento de la cultura local, a través de políticas que favorecen la sostenibilidad del destino. En este sentido, el ecoturismo se configura como una tipología turística que se desarrolla en contacto con la naturaleza. Este turismo ayuda a mejorar el desarrollo socioeconómico de las comunidades locales, a la vez, que fomenta la conservación de los recursos naturales y el respeto hacia el medio ambiente. Aunque, esta tipología de turismo también genera importantes impactos negativos. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es analizar los impactos socioeconómicos, culturales y medioambientales percibidos por el ecoturismo por parte de los residentes de comunidades rurales de República Dominicana. La técnica de recolección de datos utilizada ha consistido en un cuestionario. Entre las principales conclusiones, cabe destacar que actualmente no se perciben impactos negativos, pero si hay una serie de elementos que hay que ir considerando, con la finalidad de que no se conviertan en un impacto a corto plazo para la comunidad rural.
A nível mundial, a população em geral preocupa-se cada vez mais com o ambiente e com os problemas graves que lhe surgem associados. De forma a reduzir os impactes, foram desenvolvidos métodos de avaliação no que concerne à sustentabilidade. O setor turístico é uma das atividades que causa elevados impactes ambientais e, por isso, é importante a aplicação destas metodologias de modo a diminuir ou mesmo eliminar as consequências nefastas para o ambiente. Atualmente, não só existem preocupações a nível ambiental como também a nível económico e sociocultural. Assim e pelo atrás exposto, surgiu a ideia de adaptar a metodologia SBTool, desenvolvendo-a para classificar os edifícios turísticos relativamente à sua sustentabilidade, utilizando o triângulo do desenvolvimento sustentável que consiste nas três vertentes já referidas. Esta metodologia pretende avaliar os hotéis urbanos com aproximadamente 4* durante a fase de operação. Nesta dissertação, pretende-se ter em conta essa avaliação tripartida, bem como sensibilizar os intervenientes do mercado da construção de edifícios turísticos em Portugal e ajudar a implementar políticas e soluções mais adequadas para a construção e utilização destes edifícios.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Show caves provide tourists with the opportunity to have close contact with natural underground spaces. However, visitation to these places also creates a need for management measures, mainly the definition of tourist carrying capacity. The present work describes the results of climate monitoring and atmospheric profiling performed in Santana Cave (Alto Ribeira State and Tourist Park - PETAR, Brazil) between 2008 and 2011. Based on the results, distinct preliminary zones with different levels of thermal variation were identified, which classify Santana Cave as a warm trap. Two critical points along the tourist route (Cristo and Encontro Halls) were identified where the temperature of the locality increased by 1.3 degrees C when tourists were present. Air flow from the inner cave to the outside occurs during the austral summer, and the opposite flow occurs when the outside environment is colder than the air inside the cave during the austral winter. The temperature was used to establish thresholds to the tourist carrying capacity by computing the recovery time of the atmospheric conditions after the changes caused by the presence of tourists. This method suggests a maximum limit of approximately 350 visits per day to Santana Cave. The conclusion of the study is that Santana Cave has an atmosphere that is highly connected with the outside; daily variations in temperature and, to a lesser extent, in the relative humidity occur throughout the entire studied area of the cave. Therefore, the tourist carrying capacity in Santana Cave can be flexible and can be implemented based on the climate seasonality, the tourism demand and other management strategies.
Trampling by human visitors to rocky shores is a known stressor on macroorganisms. However, the effects of trampling on rocky intertidal biofilm, a complex association of microorganisms of ecological importance in coastal communities, have not been quantified. We evaluated the impact of trampling frequency and intensity on total biomass of epilithic microalgae on intertidal rocky shores in the southeast of Brazil. There was a trend of increase in the variability of biomass of biofilm in function of intensity of trampling, but no significant effects emerged among trampling treatments. The low influence of trampling on biofilm might be a result of the small dimensions of the organisms coupled with their natural resilience and roughness of the substrate; the former preventing the removal of biofilm layers by shoes and facilitating their quick recovery. Our results provide insights for management and conservation of coastal ecosystems revealing a weaker impact of trampling on biofilm than that reported on macroorganisms. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Este artículo presenta la novedad metodológica de aplicar los programas informáticos de análisis de redes sociales (Ucinet® y Netdraw®) al análisis de mapas causales con la finalidad de mejorar los procesos de diagnóstico del turismo residencial a escala local. En concreto, esta propuesta metodológica se articula en los siguientes pasos: primero, la identificación de los impactos a escala local y la elaboración de sus mapas causales con la participación de actores locales relevantes; segundo, el análisis de redes de los mapas causales. Mediante este análisis es posible identificar las variables de mayor repercusión sobre las estructuras ambiental, económica y social de los municipios turísticos. Esta propuesta metodológica consigue sistematizar un gran volumen de información que ayuda al planificador local a discriminar las variables más influyentes con las que elaborar itinerarios de actuación más rentables en términos de inversión de recursos. El caso de estudio es el municipio de Dénia, situado en el norte de la provincia de Alicante. Los resultados muestran que las causas profundas de los impactos negativos inducidos por el turismo residencial están conectados con el déficit democrático en el proceso de gestión municipal del desarrollo turístico-residencial.
Este artículo presenta una propuesta metodológica para la evaluación participativa de impactos sociales. Se ejemplifica mediante la descripción del proceso y resultados de una investigación realizada en la comunidad turística de Pipa (Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil) en la que se desarrolló un proceso de participación orientado a discutir el modelo de turismo residencial implantado en este territorio mediante el identificación y evaluación de sus impactos sociales. La novedad de esta propuesta reside en que se añade, a los beneficios y utilidades de la evaluación participativa de impactos sociales, un meta-análisis realizado sobre los resultados del proceso de participación. Este meta-análisis hace uso de las herramientas informáticas propias del Análisis de Redes Sociales aplicadas al estudio de los mapas causa-efecto elaborados por los participantes. Los resultados de este análisis cuantitativo se completan e interpretan con la información obtenida a través de entrevistas en profundidad y revisión documental, permitiendo: 1) identificar las causas últimas de los impactos sociales derivados del turismo residencial a escala local y 2) una mejor comprensión de la complejidad causal de estos impactos. El meta-análisis ha identificado que la primacía de los intereses de las empresas inmobiliarias internacionales sobre el interés general local se sustenta sobre su capacidad ilusoria de controlar la demanda mediante agresivas campañas de marketing. Esta información permite la deconstrucción del discurso desarrollista del turismo y posibilita la demarcación de nuevas áreas de acción estratégica orientadas a la maximización del beneficio colectivo.
Despite being areas of socioeconomic and ecological importance, the reef environments in northeastern Brazil have been suffering with cluttered tourism impacts, such as trampling, activity that leads to decrease in abundance of organisms, especially benthic, and loss of biodiversity. The objectives of this study were 1) to characterize the benthic community in the shallow sandstone reef of Pirangi/RN, identifying patterns of zonation, and 2) evaluate its process of structuring under different degrees of impact of trampling, providing information to the proper use of the area. Data on abundance of organisms, the percentage coverage of the substrate and physic-chemical parameters were collected. The formation of two zones on the reef was observed: one that considers submerged areas and ones with shorter time of exposure, lower roughness and higher heterogeneity in the coverage of the substrate, with a predominance of sand, foliose algae, rodolit, being related to organisms such as gastropods, crabs and sea-urchin; the second zone comprises areas with longer time of exposure, greater roughness and predominance of bedrock uncovered, being associated with organisms such as barnacles, gastropods, bivalves and crabs. It is concluded that the studied reef presents its own zonation pattern, influenced by both the time of immersion and the substrate characteristics, such as roughness and type of coverage. To answer the second objective of this study, four experimental blocks were mounted on each of the three areas of different intensities of trampling, containing the following treatments: control (isolated from trampling), shaved isolated, trampling and shaved trampling, with data collection by 11 months. The data in abundance, diversity indices and living coverage of the substrate were compared between areas and treatments. The results showed that at the trampling areas, at the end of the experiment, differences were observed between the intensities of the impact, where higher values of abundance and richness of mobile fauna and richness of live coverage (ANOVA, p <0.05) were found in the area of higher trampling intensity. For fauna withdrawal of trampled scraped treatments, it was observed in the area of greatest impact that the abundance of small benthic invertebrates is more than three times smaller than that at the area of intermediate trampling (ANOVA, p <0.05). Initial isolated areas and final ones differed only as to the percentage of live coverage, with an increase of 35% at the end of this experiment. As for the areas that were completely scraped and isolated at the end of the experiment was observed an increase in the percentage of live coverage of 11.11% compared to the initial amount in the area of intermediate impact and 37.5% in the area with greater impact, indicating recovery of the area. It is suggested that the current use of the reef of Pirangi be reviewed, with a decentralization of trampling, or a decrease in visits, so that it does not occur at high intensities
Este artículo desarrolla el diagnostico de los impactos del turismo en el ambiente, en Montezuma, Puntarenas. Se evaluó los efectos de la actividad turísticas en los recursos hídricos, fauna, vegetación y tenencia de la tierra, encontrando que el desarrollo de la actividad, en Montezuma, ha sido sin ninguna planificación y ha venido a alterar la cotidianidad de este pueblo. Aunque se han presentado algunos efectos positivos como son el nacimiento de una conciencia ambiental entre los diversos grupos de la comunidad, se han desarrollado varios problemas ambientales que están íntimamente ligados a la falta de planificación.Este problema es la alta contaminación del agua, porque no existen sistemas de tratamiento de la misma, además que los antes responsables no supervisan el tratamiento de las aguas tanto potables como servidas en las instalaciones turísticas, las cuales aumentaron aceleradamente durante los últimos cinco años. Por otro lado, se han presentado cambios en el paisaje, han introducido especies exóticas que alteran las condiciones naturales del medio. En cuanto a la tenencia de la tierra en la zona marítima terrestre, ésta se encuentra bajo el dominio de los extranjeros, los costarricenses tienen más números de concesiones pero los extranjeros tienen más superficie (69%). Todos los efectos negativos de turismo en Montezuma, se relaciona con la falta de planificación, por lo que resulta urgente realizar una estrategia de turismo sustentable para el área.ABSTRACTS This article diagnosed the tourism impacts on the environment, in Montezuma, Puntarenas. It e evaluated the effects of tourism in water, wildlife, vegetation and land tenure. It found that tourism in Montezuma have been without planning and it altered the routine life of this town, Even there have been some positive effects like increasing of environmental education, there have been several problems that are very related to the planning lack. Those problems are high water pollution because there is not any system to treat water and also none monitored the water treatment in the hotels, even those increased very fast during the last five years. Changing in the landscape are provoking to loose species even plants or animal, due they have used exotic species in the new hotel. The land tenure in the marine terrestrial zone is controled by foreigners, Costa Ricans have more numbers of concessions but foreigners have more surface (More 69%). Because, all the negative effects of tourism in Montezuma, are related to lack of planning, it is urgent to carry out a management plan for a sustainable tourism in this place.