957 resultados para tour operators


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This paper identifies subjects which are relevant for Swedish suppliers of tourism services beforeapproaching foreign markets. Most suppliers are micro, small or medium sized companies anduse intermediaries, such as tour operators, for internationalization. The research considers theopinion of British and German tour operators, which require some criteria beforehand in orderto simplify both the initialization and the development of cooperation. Destination marketingorganizations (DMOs) are hereby the go-betweens since they not only represent small-scalesuppliers on international markets, but also initiate first encounters between suppliers and touroperators. Suppliers need to provide DMOs with accurate information in order to ensure thebest possible representation. After initializing collaboration, business relationships are sought todevelop in order to facilitate long-term cooperation. Proper preparation forms therefore the basefor strengthening the competitiveness of Swedish tourism prior approaching internationalmarkets. The enhancement of distributing Swedish tourism services on foreign markets appearedto be a profitable way to enable further growth, which is strongly limited on the domestic market.Increasing the export share therefore secures and further facilitates tourism’s valuablecontributions to the Swedish economy.


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Common dolphins, Delphinus sp., are one of the marine mammal species tourism operations in New Zealand focus on. While effects of cetacean-watching activities have previously been examined in coastal regions in New Zealand, this study is the first to investigate effects of commercial tourism and recreational vessels on common dolphins in an open oceanic habitat. Observations from both an independent research vessel and aboard commercial tour vessels operating off the central and east coast Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand were used to assess dolphin behaviour and record the level of compliance by permitted commercial tour operators and private recreational vessels with New Zealand regulations. Dolphin behaviour was assessed using two different approaches to Markov chain analysis in order to examine variation of responses of dolphins to vessels. Results showed that, regardless of the variance in Markov methods, dolphin foraging behaviour was significantly altered by boat interactions. Dolphins spent less time foraging during interactions and took significantly longer to return to foraging once disrupted by vessel presence. This research raises concerns about the potential disruption to feeding, a biologically critical behaviour. This may be particularly important in an open oceanic habitat, where prey resources are typically widely dispersed and unpredictable in abundance. Furthermore, because tourism in this region focuses on common dolphins transiting between adjacent coastal locations, the potential for cumulative effects could exacerbate the local effects demonstrated in this study. While the overall level of compliance by commercial operators was relatively high, non-compliance to the regulations was observed with time restriction, number or speed of vessels interacting with dolphins not being respected. Additionally, prohibited swimming with calves did occur. The effects shown in this study should be carefully considered within conservation management plans, in order to reduce the risk of detrimental effects on common dolphins within the region.


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The tourism development nexus in southern Africa involves highly topical issues related to tourism planning, power relations, community participation, and natural resources. Namibia offers a particularly interesting context for the study of these issues due to its colonial legacy, vast tourism potential, recently adopted tourism policy and community-based approaches to tourism and natural resource management. This study is an interdisciplinary endeavour to analyse the role of tourism in Namibia s post-apartheid transformation process by focusing on Namibian tourism policy and local tourism enterprises' policy knowledge. Major attention is paid to how the tourism policy's national development objectives are understood and conceptualised by the representatives of different tourism enterprises and the ways in which they relate to the practical needs of the enterprises. Through such local policy knowledge the study explores various opportunities, challenges and constraints related to the promotion of tourism as a development strategy. The study utilises a political economy approach to tourism and development through three current and interrelated discourses which are relevant in the Namibian context. These are tourism, power and inequality, tourism and sustainable development, and tourism and poverty reduction. The qualitative research material was gathered in Namibia in 2006-2007 and 2008. This material consists of 34 semi-structured interviews in 16 tourism enterprises, including private trophy hunting farms and private lodges, small tour operators and community-based tourism enterprises. In addition, the research material consists of observations in the enterprises, and 37 informal and 23 expert interviews. The findings indicate that in the light of local tourism enterprises the tourism policy objectives appear more complex and ambiguous. Furthermore, they involve multiple meanings and interpretations which reflect the socio-economic stratification of the informants and Namibian society, together with the professional stratification of the tourism enterprises and restrictions on the capacity of tourism to address the development objectives. In the light of such findings it is obvious that aspects of power and inequality affect the tourism development nexus in Namibia. The study concludes that, as in the case of other southern African countries, in order to promote sustainable development and reduce poverty, Namibia should not only target tourism growth but pay attention to who benefits from that growth and how. From a political economy point of view, it is important that prevailing structural challenges are addressed equally in the planning of tourism, development and natural resource management. Such approach would help the Namibian majority to enjoy the benefits of increasing tourism in the country.


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En los últimos años han aparecido nuevas formas de turismo más sostenibles, donde existen elementos relacionados con el descanso, el disfrute y la protección del medio ambiente o el conocimiento de la cultura local, a través de políticas que favorecen la sostenibilidad del destino. En este sentido, el ecoturismo se configura como una tipología turística que se desarrolla en contacto con la naturaleza. Este turismo ayuda a mejorar el desarrollo socioeconómico de las comunidades locales, a la vez, que fomenta la conservación de los recursos naturales y el respeto hacia el medio ambiente. Aunque, esta tipología de turismo también genera importantes impactos negativos. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es analizar los impactos socioeconómicos, culturales y medioambientales percibidos por el ecoturismo por parte de los residentes de comunidades rurales de República Dominicana. La técnica de recolección de datos utilizada ha consistido en un cuestionario. Entre las principales conclusiones, cabe destacar que actualmente no se perciben impactos negativos, pero si hay una serie de elementos que hay que ir considerando, con la finalidad de que no se conviertan en un impacto a corto plazo para la comunidad rural.


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Partindo de uma hipótese que se veio a demonstrar válida, de que os Operadores Turísticos em Portugal têm muito pouca informação sobre a consulta do viajante e o seu papel em responsabilidade na promoção da saúde dos seus clientes, apresenta-se neste trabalho não só uma análise da situação anteriormente referida como uma estratégia de comunicação visando consciencializar os Operadores Turísticos para a necessidade de fomentarem a adesão dos seus clientes à consulta do viajante. Dois temas emergem como centrais, nomeadamente a questão do turismo na nossa contemporaneidade e a saúde dos que viajem essencialmente para fora da Europa em turismo. Transversal a todo o trabalho encontra-se a noção de comunicação e saúde, especialmente na sua vertente de comunicação para a saúde. Defende-se que a comunicação para a saúde pode ser pensada como um fator competitivo para os Operadores Turísticos e apresenta-se uma estratégia de comunicação subordinada ao título: “Projeto de Consciencialização dos Operadores para a Consulta do Viajante”. Na primeira parte apresenta-se uma revisão da literatura e de outras fontes sobre os temas: Turismo, Consulta do Viajante e Comunicação para a Saúde, e na segunda parte o projeto que já referi. Partindo da hipótese inicialmente formulada, para uma análise completa da situação utilizaram-se metodologias de análise qualitativa e quantitativa junto dos principais públicos envolvidos a saber os Operadores Turísticos.


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L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és analitzar els preus hotelers, que inclouen tant el preu que cobra l'hoteler com el que paga el turista. Més en concret, aquesta tesi pretén entendre i explicar la política de preus del sector hoteler, utilitzant per aquest fi els conceptes, instruments i models de l'anàlisi econòmica. L'explotació exhaustiva dels catàlegs dels operadors turístics representa la principal aposta metodològica d'aquest treball. També s'han creat diferents bases de dades de preus hotelers, s'han explotat les dades i preus de guies hoteleres, i s'han fet enquestes als hotelers per conèixer el preu que paga un turista particular. Les aportacions més importants fan referència als preus del sector hoteler, que és el nucli principal del treball, i es podrien resumir de la manera següent: -Determinar com es determinen els preus en el sector hoteler -Conèixer el grau de competència entre operadors turístics -Disposar d'una evolució temporal i estacional dels preus dels hotels. En aquest sentit, la metodologia i les dades emprades podrien ser un punt de partida per elaborar una sèrie temporal de preus i d'aquesta manera corregir la mancança actual d'un índex de preus hoteler -Identificar els serveis i les característiques dels hotels que no tenen un preu explícit, però que resulten rellevants a l'hora de negociar uns preus superiors -Examinar les estratègies de preus d'alguns operadors turístics estrangers -I, en general, millorar el coneixement sobre els preus hotelers


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El Volcán Arenal es un joven estratovolcán (7ka) localizado en el noroeste de Costa Rica. Inicio su presente ciclo eruptivo el 29 de Julio de 1968 con una gran explosión lateral que mató alrededor de 90 personas. En el momento inicial de la erupción los alrededores del volcán estaban ocupados principalmente por fincas ganaderas. Hoy día, 40 años después de constante actividad volcánica las tierras dedicadas a la ganadería en los alrededores del volcán han retrocedido como principal actividad económica para dar paso a la creciente infraestructura turística. La población de La Fortuna, la ciudad más cercana al volcán (5 km) ha crecido aceleradamente como producto del desarrollo del turismo y la cercanía al volcán. Considerando los peligros volcánicos presentes, las tendencias de crecimiento de la población, y la extensión de la actividad turística, se propone una zonificación de los usos del suelo en La Fortuna de San Carlos y alrededores del Volcán Arenal. El estudio de percepción del riesgo en la población fue implementado en La Fortuna y alrededores con posee una población de aproximadamente 12000 personas. La población fue dividida en dos segmentos para el análisis. Lo primero fue una muestra (N=32) de la población directamente involucrada en la actividad turística (dueños de hotel, empleados, dueños de restaurante, operadora de tour, etc). La segunda (N=40) fue una muestra de la población residente en la ciudad de La Fortuna y alrededores, relacionados o no con las actividades turísticas. Se diseño una entrevista para cada segmento investigado. Así se investigó la percepción del riesgo de la población directamente beneficiada por el turismo atreves de la actividad volcánica y la población residente. El Volcán Arenal es visto de dos formas diferentes por la población que vive en la zona de La Fortuna. Por un lado, la población que vive directamente de la actividad turística, mencionan que el volcán es la razón del acelerado crecimiento económico en el lugar durante la última década. Además, para este grupo el Arenal es la fuente de cientos de empleos y la fuerza que ha transformado a La Fortuna de un poblado rural a una prospera ciudad con una inusual oferta de servicios para los turistas y residentes. Por otra parte, los residentes que no dependen directamente de la actividad turística creen que el volcán es el más importante peligro natural en la zona, sin embargo han aprendido a convivir con él.


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This study examines the complex hotel buyer decision process in front of the tourism distribution channels. Its objective is to describe the influence level of the tourism marketing intermediaries, mainly the travel agents and tour operators, over the hotel decision process by the buyer-tourist. The data collection process was done trough a survey with three hundred brazilian tourists hosted in nineteen hotels of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The data analysis was done using some multivariate statistic techniques as correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, factor analysis and multiple discriminant analysis. The research characterizes the hotel services consumers profile and his trip, and identifying the distribution channels used by them. Furthermore, the research verifies the intermediaries influence exercised over hotel buyer decision process, looking for identify causality relations between the influence level and the buyer profile. Verifies that information about hotels available on internet reduces the probability that this influence can be practiced; however it was possible identifying those consumers considers this information complementary and non-substitutes than the information from intermediaries. The characteristics of the data do not allow indentifying the factors that constraint the intermediaries influence neither identifying discriminant functions of the specific distribution channel choice by consumers. The study concludes that consumers don t agree in have been influenced by intermediaries or don t know if they have, still considering important to consult them and internet doesn t substitute their function as information source


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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This text is aimed at disseminating cultural and environmental wealth of a region little known of major tour operators - which is strongly marked by historical traditions, in a bucolic rural still and by the hospitality of its residents. The Historic Valley of Rio Paraíba do Sul, although located in the Rio - Sao Paulo road lives in the shadow of the remarkable progress of the industrial cities in the main Valley. This paper presents results of research that deepened the knowledge of this region, with notable findings from the standpoint of culture and tourism, regional and national history. Isolated by considerable geographical barriers, this region has two aspects: the rebirth of nature after the decline of coffee plantations, with ecological sanctuaries that can now point toward environmental sustainability, and the formation of a culture with two historical times - refinement inherited from the barons coffee, paradoxically linked to the rustic countryside and modernity derived of its proximity to major centers. The results presented here are part of exploratory research, but were presented at different events, emphasizing the baroque character of practices derived from these two historical times and tourist potential related to the “cultura tropeira” and to hospitality that marks this countryside.


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Die südamerikanischen Staaten Guyana und Suriname sind ehemalige Kolonien, die über gigantische Rohstoffressourcen verfügen. In den Regenwäldern, die die Länder zu 80 - 90% bedecken, lagern Gold und Bauxit und es wachsen wertvolle Hölzer. Außerdem haben beide Länder das Potential für eine touristische Inwertsetzung ihres Landesinneren. rnEbenso vielfältig wie die Ressourcen der Guayanas sind die Interessen daran. International agierende Unternehmen, einheimische Goldsucher sowie Indigene, Naturschützer und Dienstleister aus der Tourismusbranche stellen sich widersprechende Ansprüche an Rohstofflagerstätten sowie an touristisch vermarktbare Landschaft und Natur. Die Regierungen stehen vor der Herausforderung, die politischen Rahmenbedingungen für die Nutzung der Ressourcen des Regenwaldes festzulegen. rnDie vorliegende empirische Studie analysiert vergleichend die Motivationen der Akteure und den Einfluss von Institutionen auf die Akteure in den unterschiedlichen politischen Systemen der Staaten Guyana und Suriname. Um die Strategien der Akteure zu verstehen, wird geklärt, welche institutionelle und länderspezifische Regelungssysteme – formeller und informeller Art – die Akteure beeinflussen und inwiefern sich dabei der Einfluss der kolonialen Vergangenheit beider Staaten bemerkbar macht. rnIm Fokus der Untersuchung stehen Akteure, die an der Inwertsetzung des Regenwaldes durch Bergbau, Forstwirtschaft und (Natur-)Tourismus auf lokaler Ebene beteiligt sind sowie länderspezifischen Institutionen, die den Handlungsrahmen für diese Akteure definieren. rn


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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This study seeks to investigate how stakeholder power and an organization's pursuit of legitimacy influence its reaction to conflict with a supplier. We conducted an empirical study among travel agents and tour operators to test the relationship between conflict and stakeholder power and legitimacy derived from three different stakeholders. Our findings imply that power has a dual role. Whereas supplier power reduces buyer–supplier conflict, stakeholder power increases it. Moreover, this study shows that the quest to achieve greater legitimacy from the firm's competitive arena increases conflict. This study is one of the few that test stakeholder theory empirically. We demonstrate that stakeholder theory provides additional explanations above the hitherto taken dyadic approach toward understanding conflict. This study also shows that power can simultaneously reduce and increase conflict depending on which party possesses power. Greater supplier power decreases conflict, while greater stakeholder power and stakeholder-derived legitimacy increases it. Therefore, organizations have to balance their stakeholder and supplier interests.


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Through the application of importance- performance analysis (/PA), the author investigated the conceptualization and measurement of service quality for tour operators in the scuba diving industry Findings from a study of consumer perceptions of service quality as they relate to a dive tour operator in Western Australia revealed the core service quality dimensions hat need to be improved for the operator and demonstrated the values and relative simplicity of the importance-performance analyses for dive tour operators generally


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Tourism studies related to small island destinations have become a research stream amongst many academics in recent years. The current study investigates tourist satisfaction related to a tour operator on the island of Aruba that specializes in jeep and bus tours. As there is an increased expenditure pattern for these types of activities, companies are looking for ways to improve customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Results indicate that tourists are generally satisfied with the tour company; however a difference in satisfaction ratings was obtained for respondents 61 years old or above. Four factors were extracted from tourists’ satisfaction attributes and three of these factors, including the overall tour value, tour guide, and sound systems used during these tours, were found to be strong predictors of behavioral intentions measured by the likelihood to rebook and the likelihood to recommend the tour company to family and friends. Operational and marketing strategies were suggested based on the findings of the study.