5 resultados para tosquia
Os objetivos deste estudo foram determinar a variação da temperatura após a tosquia de ovinos em condição ambiental quente e seca e comparar as mudanças de temperatura com variações de frequências cardíaca e respiratória, movimentos ruminais e estado de hidratação. Vinte ovelhas Suffolk não tosquiadas foram estudadas. O exame físico foi realizado em todos os animais três vezes ao dia às 7:00, 1:00 PM e 7:00 PM, durante 42 dias (22 dias antes do corte e 20 dias após o corte). A temperatura da superfície corporal foi medida pelo termómetro de infravermelho sobre vários pontos. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, para comparações entre os grupos (tosquiado x não tosquiado) em cada tempo, e a diferença significativa foi avaliada em nível de P<0,05 pelo teste de Tukey. A frequência respiratória foi estatisticamente significativa em todos os horários de cólera (P<0,05). Quando a umidade do ar estava alta, as freqüências respiratórias foram baixas (P= -1). O estresse térmico foi claro em ovinos deste estudo, refletindo mudanças acentuadas nas frequências cardíaca e respiratória e temperatura retal. A frequência respiratória foi o parâmetro mais confiável para estabelecer um quadro de estresse térmico em ovelhas não tosquiadas, com valores em média de três vezes maior do que os relatados na literatura. A correlação entre as temperaturas de superfície corpórea com a temperatura ambiente e umidade do ar foi negativa, explicado pelo efeito de isolamento de lã, ou seja, mesmo com um aumento da temperatura ambiente e umidade, a temperatura do corpo tende a manter um equilíbrio de compensação. Nos animais tosquiados, a correlação entre a temperatura da pele com a temperatura ambiente e umidade do ar mostraram que a temperatura da pele aumenta quando aumenta a temperatura ambiente. O aumento da temperatura ambiente não afeta a temperatura do corpo dos animais não tosquiados devido ao efeito isolante da lã. No entanto, quando a temperatura ambiente sobe, a presença da lã começa a afetar o conforto térmico, já que a presença desta dificulta a perda de calor pela sudação. Neste estudo, os melhores indicadores de estresse térmico foram a frequência respiratória e temperaturas retais e da pele. As temperaturas da pele medidas na face interna da coxa, axilas e períneo foram consideradas as mais confiáveis.
The aim of this study was to determine the variation of the temperature after shearing in sheep under dry and hot environment conditions and to compare the temperature changes with variation in cardiac and respiratory frequencies, ruminal movements and hydration status. Twenty Suffolk unshorn ewes were studied. Physical examination was performed in all animals three times a day at 7:00 AM, 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM, during 42 days (22 days before shearing and 20 days after shearing). The skin temperature was measured by infrared thermometer over several surfaces of the body. Data were submitted to analysis of variance, for comparisons between groups (shorn versus unshorn) at each time, and the significant difference was evaluated at level of P<0.05 by Tukey test. The respiratory frequency was statistically significant at all times. When air humidity was high, the respiratory frequencies were low. The thermal stress was clear in sheep of this study, reflecting marked changes in cardiac and respiratory frequencies and rectal temperature. The respiratory frequency was the parameter more reliable to establish a framework of thermal stress in the unshorn sheep, with values on average three times higher than those reported in the literature. The heart rate monitors the thermal variation of the environment and is also an indicator of heat stress. This variation shows the Suffolk breed is well adapted to hot climates. The correlation between the body surface temperatures with environment temperature and air humidity was negative, as explained by the effect of wool insulation, i.e. even with an increase in environment temperature and humidity, the body temperature tends to maintain a compensating balance. In the shorn animals, the correlation between skin temperature with environment temperature and air humidity showed that the skin temperature increases when the environment temperature increases. The increase in the environment temperature does not affect the body temperature of unshorn animals due the insulating effect of the wool. However, when environment temperature rises, the presence of the wool starts to affect the thermal comfort as the heat absorption is larger than the capacity of heat loss. In this study, the best thermal stress indicators were the respiratory frequency and rectal and skin temperatures. The temperatures of the skin measured at the perineum, axillae and inner thigh were considered the most reliable.
The experiment evaluated the effects of strategic shearing on feeding behavior in Ile de France ewes in Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) grazing during breeding season. A total of 20 ewes, female, Ile de France breed, 4 years old, 71.10 kg of body weight, in grazing, in a completely randomized design with two treatments and ten repetitions, in which the treatments were composed by shorn and non-shorn animals. The length of the breeding season was 90 days, where the evaluations occurred in the 86th, 87th and 88th day of the experimental period. The grazing time (6.50 hours), rumination (1.59 hours) and idle (3.97 hours) have not changed (P> 0.05) by strategic shearing of the animals, as well as the frequency and the time by frequency grazing (18.33 grazing and 21.49 min/grazing), rumination (10.71 ruminations and 8.83 min/rumination) and idle (18.83 idles and 12.66 min/idle). In the same way, the number of bits per minute (26.37 bits) and the total daily bits (19.116 bits) of the animals were not affected. Thus, the strategic shearing in Ile de France ewes in Bermudagrass grazing during the breeding season does not alter animal feeding behavior.
Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA
The introduction of wool sheep in warm temperature regions of Brazil has also raised concerns regarding the warm stress and its consequent decrease in animal production. The understanding of the physiology of thermal balance in sheep, as well as the consequences of this phenomenon, should be studied in order to improve animal thermal comfort in association with the production and reproduction indices of these animals. The majority of available research findings related to thermal balance in sheep is derived from countries with temperate climates and therefore might be different from those performed in our climate conditions. This essay presents a literature review that intends to discuss this theme.