996 resultados para topology optimisation


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Optimisation techniques have become more and more important as the possibility of simulating complex mechanical structures has become a reality. A common tool in the layout design of structural parts is the topology optimisation method, which finds an optimum material distribution within a given geometrical design space to best meet loading conditions and constraints. Another important method is shape optimisation, which optimises weight given parametric geometric constraints. In the case of complex shaped parts or elaborate assemblies, for example automobile body structures, shape optimisation is still hard to do; mainly due to the difficulty in translating shape design parameters into meaningful analysis models. Tools like the parametric geometry package SFE CONCEPT are designed to mitigate these issues. Nevertheless, shape methods usually cannot suggest new load path configurations, while topology methods are often confined to single parts. To overcome these limitations the authors have developed a method that combines both approaches into an Integral Shape/Topology Method (IST) that is capable of finding new optimal solutions. This is achieved by an automated optimisation loop and can be applied for both thin walled structures as well as solid 3D geometries. When optimising structures by applying IST, global optimum solutions can be determined that may not be obtained with isolated shape- or topology-optimisation methods.


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In mechanical engineering, simulation and optimisation methods have become indispensable. The thesis looks into a novel way to combine shape and topology optimisation approaches. The proposed method - named IST for Integrated Shape And Topology Optimisation - proves to be beneficial for many application in the automotive and aerospace industry.


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The Bi-directional Evolutionary Structural Optimisation (BESO) method is a numerical topology optimisation method developed for use in finite element analysis. This paper presents a particular application of the BESO method to optimise the energy absorbing capability of metallic structures. The optimisation objective is to evolve a structural geometry of minimum mass while ensuring that the kinetic energy of an impacting projectile is reduced to a level which prevents perforation. Individual elements in a finite element mesh are deleted when a prescribed damage criterion is exceeded. An energy absorbing structure subjected to projectile impact will fail once the level of damage results in a critical perforation size. It is therefore necessary to constrain an optimisation algorithm from producing such candidate solutions. An algorithm to detect perforation was implemented within a BESO framework which incorporated a ductile material damage model.


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Designing a rock bolt reinforcement system for underground excavation involves determining bolt pattern, spacing, and size. In this paper, a topology optimisation technique is presented and employed to simultaneously optimise these design variables. To improve rock bolt design, the proposed technique minimises a displacement based function around the opening after bolt installation. This optimisation technique is independent of the material model and can be easily applied to any material model for rock and bolts. It is also extremely flexible in that it can be applied to any mechanical analysis method. To illustrate the capabilities of this method, numerical examples with non-linear material models and discontinuities in the host rock are presented. It is shown that the complexity of systems optimised using this approach is only restricted by limitations of the method used to analyse mechanical system responses.


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In the empirical methods for reinforcement design of underground excavations, an even distribution of rock bolts is generally recommended. This work proves that this design is not necessarily optimal and shows how the state-of-the-art reinforcement design could be improved through topology optimisation techniques. The Bidirectional Evolutionary Structural Optimisation (BESO) method has been extended to consider nonlinear material behaviour. An elastic perfectly-plastic Mohr-Coulomb model is utilised for both original rock and reinforced rock. External work along the tunnel wall is considered as the objective function. Various in situ stress conditions with different horizontal stress ratios and different geostatic stress magnitudes are investigated through several examples. The outcomes show that the proposed approach is capable of improving tunnel reinforcement design. Also, significant difference in optimal reinforcement distribution for the cases of linear and nonlinear analysis results proves the importance of the influence of realistic nonlinear material properties on the final outcome.


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A optimização estrutural é uma temática antiga em engenharia. No entanto, com o crescimento do método dos elementos finitos em décadas recentes, dá origem a um crescente número de aplicações. A optimização topológica, especificamente, surge associada a uma fase de definição de domínio efectivo de um processo global de optimização estrutural. Com base neste tipo de optimização, é possível obter a distribuição óptima de material para diversas aplicações e solicitações. Os materiais compósitos e alguns materiais celulares, em particular, encontram-se entre os materiais mais proeminentes dos nossos dias, em termos das suas aplicações e de investigação e desenvolvimento. No entanto, a sua estrutura potencialmente complexa e natureza heterogénea acarretam grandes complexidades, tanto ao nível da previsão das suas propriedades constitutivas quanto na obtenção das distribuições óptimas de constituintes. Procedimentos de homogeneização podem fornecer algumas respostas em ambos os casos. Em particular, a homogeneização por expansão assimptótica pode ser utilizada para determinar propriedades termomecânicas efectivas e globais a partir de volumes representativos, de forma flexível e independente da distribuição de constituintes. Além disso, integra processos de localização e fornece informação detalhada acerca de sensibilidades locais em metodologias de optimização multiescala. A conjugação destas áreas pode conduzir a metodologias de optimização topológica multiescala, nas quais de procede à obtenção não só de estruturas óptimas mas também das distribuições ideais de materiais constituintes. Os problemas associados a estas abordagens tendem, no entanto, a exigir recursos computacionais assinaláveis, criando muitas vezes sérias limitações à exequibilidade da sua resolução. Neste sentido, técnicas de cálculo paralelo e distribuído apresentam-se como uma potencial solução. Ao dividir os problemas por diferentes unidades memória e de processamento, é possível abordar problemas que, de outra forma, seriam proibitivos. O principal foco deste trabalho centra-se na importância do desenvolvimento de procedimentos computacionais para as aplicações referidas. Adicionalmente, estas conduzem a diversas abordagens alternativas na procura simultânea de estruturas e materiais para responder a aplicações termomecânicas. Face ao exposto, tudo isto é integrado numa plataforma computacional de optimização multiobjectivo multiescala em termoelasticidade, desenvolvida e implementada ao longo deste trabalho. Adicionalmente, o trabalho é complementado com a montagem e configuração de um cluster do tipo Beowulf, assim como com o desenvolvimento do código com vista ao cálculo paralelo e distribuído.