996 resultados para topographic effect


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Flood flows in inundated urban environment constitute a natural hazard. During the 12- 13 January 2011 flood of the Brisbane River, detailed water elevation, velocity and suspended sediment data were recorded in an inundated street at the peak of the flood. The field observations highlighted a number of unusual flow interactions with the urban surroundings. These included some slow fluctuations in water elevations and velocity with distinctive periods between 50 and 100 s caused by some local topographic effect (choking), superposed with some fast turbulent fluctuations. The suspended sediment data highlighted some significant suspended sediment loads in the inundated zone.


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The banded patterns of cloud and wind are among the most striking features of the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn, but their dynamical origin remains poorly understood. Most approaches towards understanding zonation so far (also in the terrestrial oceans) have used highly idealized models to show that it might originate from dynamical anisotropy in a shallow turbulent fluid layer due to the planetary β-effect. Here we report the results of laboratory experiments, conducted on a 14-m diameter turntable, which quantitatively confirm that multiple zonal jets may indeed be generated and maintained by this mechanism in the presence of deep convection and a topographic β-effect. At the very small values of Ekman number (≤2 × 10−5) and large local Reynolds numbers (≥2000, based on jet scales) achieved, the kinetic energy spectra suggest the presence of both energy-cascading and enstrophy-cascading inertial ranges in addition to the zonation near twice the Rhines wave number.


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The rain occurrence is one of the most important phenomena to determinate the climate and, as most of the other climatic phenomena, shows a continuous spatial variability that can be detected through special geostatistical methods. Besides the great influence of the topographic relief on the specific climate of each region, it is normal to expect spatial correlations of this variable with the precipitations; the determinism of this correlation may help to elaborate more precise conclusions involving these phenomena. In this paper, the spatial variability of altitude and of the pluviometric precipitations was rigorously analyzed, besides the existing correlation between these variables. It was concluded that these variables show strong spatial dependence and they are directly correlated. The mapping of the occurrence of both the phenomena was done by geostatistical methods pased on the infomiation concerning the spatial variability of each one.


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Conectivity between the hydrologic regimen and the distribution of the vegetation there is already a lot is recognized by several researchers in the works of fluvial ecology. It can be affirmed that the geomorphology of the alluvial plain has an important paper in the constitution of the riparian vegetation. On the proposed study, traverse topographical profiles were elaborated in the island, recognition of the distribution of the vegetation and the zoning geomorphologic presented in profiles for the Mutum Island. It's located in the upper course of the Parana River, between the mouth of the Paranapanema River and the mouth of the Ivinhema River. It elapses of this study the succession of the strata of the riparian vegetation and the relationship with the morphology of the surface, in this case the relief as the main controller abiotic and selective of the species in the environmental. For the whole island it was possible to define three classes: Mutum Upper Unit, Mutum Lower Unit and Paleochannel. The presented discussion is resulted partial of the project called Processes of Conectivity and the Riparian Vegetacion in the high course of the Parana River, PR/MS.


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O efeito da topografia de um vale, uma colina, um declive e um aclive, em sondagens eletromagnéticas bidimensionais no domínio da freqüência, causa uma variação nos valores da amplitude e da fase da componente Hz devido a um meio homogêneo. A amplitude é menos afetada que a fase. A parede do vale mais próxima da linha de corrente causa uma forte diminuição dos valores da fase, enquanto que a parede do vale mais distante da linha causa um forte aumento. Os efeitos de uma colina são opostos aos do vale. Os efeitos do declive e do aclive num meio homogêneo, são similares, respectivamente, aos observados pelas paredes do vale e da colina mais próximas da linha de corrente. A resposta de um corpo condutivo retangular num meio homogêneo próximo a uma linha de corrente sofre pequenas variações devido a presença de um vale ou de uma colina situada longe da linha de corrente. Porém, se essas feições topográficas estiverem sobre o corpo, elas afetam fortemente a fase e a amplitude da componente Hz e apenas a amplitude, no caso da componente Hx. A resposta transiente não é afetada pela topografia para tempos muito baixos, pois nesse caso se investiga uma finíssima camada da superfície, assim como para tempos muito altos porque a profundidade de investigação é muito grande comparada com a dimensão da topografia. Para os modelos aqui estudados, a maior influência se dá para tempos intermediários, ao redor de 7 ms, ocasionando um retardo do ponto de "cross over" nas curvas de sondagens.


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Millennial to orbital-scale rainfall changes in the Mediterranean region and corresponding variations in vegetation patterns were the result of large-scale atmospheric reorganizations. In spite of recent efforts to reconstruct this variability using a range of proxy archives, the underlying physical mechanisms have remained elusive. Through the analysis of a new high-resolution sedimentary section from Lake Van (Turkey) along with climate modeling experiments, we identify massive droughts in the Eastern Med- iterranean for the past four glacial cycles, which have a pervasive link with known intervals of enhanced North Atlantic glacial iceberg calving, weaker Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Dansgaard-Oeschger cold conditions. On orbital timescales, the topographic effect of large Northern Hemisphere ice sheets and periods with minimum insolation seasonality further exacerbated drought intensities by suppressing both summer and winter precipitation.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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It has been suggested that materials with interesting and useful bulk non-linear optical properties might result by substituting vanadium, the lightest element in the group V of periodic table, for Nb or Ta atoms along with Li and three oxygens. It is with this motivation that we have been making attempts to grow single crystals of LiNbO3 doped with various concentrations of V2O5. Unfortunately the results obtained on the ceramic samples of this material have not been very encouraging, owing to their hygroscopic nature. However, our attempts to prepare both ceramic and single-crystalline samples of potassium lithium niobate (K3Li2Nb5O15; KLN) doped V2O5 were successful. In this letter we report the preliminary results concerning our studies on the effect of V2O5 doping on the structural as well as topographic features of both ceramic and single-crystalline samples of KLN.


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The susceptibility of a catchment to flooding is affected by its soil moisture prior to an extreme rainfall event. While soil moisture is routinely observed by satellite instruments, results from previous work on the assimilation of remotely sensed soil moisture into hydrologic models have been mixed. This may have been due in part to the low spatial resolution of the observations used. In this study, the remote sensing aspects of a project attempting to improve flow predictions from a distributed hydrologic model by assimilating soil moisture measurements are described. Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) Wide Swath data were used to measure soil moisture as, unlike low resolution microwave data, they have sufficient resolution to allow soil moisture variations due to local topography to be detected, which may help to take into account the spatial heterogeneity of hydrological processes. Surface soil moisture content (SSMC) was measured over the catchments of the Severn and Avon rivers in the South West UK. To reduce the influence of vegetation, measurements were made only over homogeneous pixels of improved grassland determined from a land cover map. Radar backscatter was corrected for terrain variations and normalized to a common incidence angle. SSMC was calculated using change detection. To search for evidence of a topographic signal, the mean SSMC from improved grassland pixels on low slopes near rivers was compared to that on higher slopes. When the mean SSMC on low slopes was 30–90%, the higher slopes were slightly drier than the low slopes. The effect was reversed for lower SSMC values. It was also more pronounced during a drying event. These findings contribute to the scant information in the literature on the use of high resolution SAR soil moisture measurement to improve hydrologic models.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro the effect of different in-office bleaching systems on the surface morphology of bovine dentin. Thirty tooth fragments measuring 4 x 4mm, containing enamel and dentin, were obtained from the crowns of extracted bovine incisors. Samples were subjected to simulated intracoronal bleaching techniques using conventional (Opalescence Endo (R) and Whiteness Super Endo (R)) and light-activated systems (Opalescence Xtra (R) and Whiteness HP Maxx (R)). Controls were treated with either sodium perborate mixed with 10% hydrogen peroxide or no bleaching agent. The samples were observed under SEM and the recorded images were evaluated for topographic alterations. The ultrastructural alterations of dentin observed in this study varied greatly between groups according to the products used. Higher pH products (Whiteness HP Maxx (R) and Opalescence Xtra (R)) associated with in-office techniques yielded better maintenance of dentin ultrastructure. Apparently, both low pH and hydrogen peroxide oxidation play a role in altering the ultrastructure of dentin during internal dental bleaching. The use of alkaline products with reduced time of application (in-office techniques) may decrease such morphological alterations.


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The reliable evaluation of the flood forecasting is a crucial problem for assessing flood risk and consequent damages. Different hydrological models (distributed, semi-distributed or lumped) have been proposed in order to deal with this issue. The choice of the proper model structure has been investigated by many authors and it is one of the main sources of uncertainty for a correct evaluation of the outflow hydrograph. In addition, the recent increasing of data availability makes possible to update hydrological models as response of real-time observations. For these reasons, the aim of this work it is to evaluate the effect of different structure of a semi-distributed hydrological model in the assimilation of distributed uncertain discharge observations. The study was applied to the Bacchiglione catchment, located in Italy. The first methodological step was to divide the basin in different sub-basins according to topographic characteristics. Secondly, two different structures of the semi-distributed hydrological model were implemented in order to estimate the outflow hydrograph. Then, synthetic observations of uncertain value of discharge were generated, as a function of the observed and simulated value of flow at the basin outlet, and assimilated in the semi-distributed models using a Kalman Filter. Finally, different spatial patterns of sensors location were assumed to update the model state as response of the uncertain discharge observations. The results of this work pointed out that, overall, the assimilation of uncertain observations can improve the hydrologic model performance. In particular, it was found that the model structure is an important factor, of difficult characterization, since can induce different forecasts in terms of outflow discharge. This study is partly supported by the FP7 EU Project WeSenseIt.


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Background: Chemical modification of implant surface is typically associated with surface topographic alterations that may affect early osseointegration. This study investigates the effects of controlled surface alterations in early osseointegration in an animal model.Methods: Five implant surfaces were evaluated: 1) alumina-blasting, 2) biologic blasting, 3) plasma, 4) microblasted resorbable blasting media (microblasted RBM), and 5) alumina-blasting/acid-etched (AB/AE). Surface topography was characterized by scanning electron microscopy and optical interferometry, and chemical assessment by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The implants were placed in the radius of six dogs, remaining 2 and 4 weeks in vivo. After euthanization, specimens were torqued-to-interface failure and non-decalcified - processed for histomorphologic bone-implant contact, and bone area fraction-occupied evaluation. Statistical evaluation was performed by one-way analysis of variance (P < 0.05) and post hoc testing by the Tukey test.Results: The alumina-blasting surface presented the highest average surface roughness and mean root square of the surface values, the biologic blasting the lowest, and AB/AE an intermediate value. The remaining surfaces presented intermediate values between the biologic blasting and AB/AE. The x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy spectra revealed calcium and phosphorus for the biologic blasting and microblasted RBM surfaces, and the highest oxygen levels for the plasma, microblasted RBM, and AB/AE surfaces. Significantly higher torque was observed at 2 weeks for the microblasted RBM surface (P < 0.04), but no differences existed between surfaces at 4 weeks (P > 0.74). No significant differences in bone-implant contact and bone area fraction-occupied values were observed at 2 and 4 weeks.Conclusion: The five surfaces were osteoconductive and resulted in high degrees of osseointegration and biomechanical fixation. J Periodontol 2011;82:742-750.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of disinfectant solutions (1% sodium hypochlorite, 2% chlorhexidine digluconate, 2% glutaraldehyde, 100% vinegar, tabs of sodium perborate-based denture cleanser, and 3.8% sodium perborate) in the disinfection of acrylic resin specimens (n = 10/group) contaminated in vitro by Candida albicans, Streptococcus mutans, S. aureus, Escherichia coli, or Bacillus subtilis as measured by residual colony-forming unit (CFU). In a separate experiment, acrylic resin was treated with disinfectants to monitor potential effects on surface roughness, Ra (μm), which might facilitate microbial adherence. Materials and Methods: Three hundred fifty acrylic resin specimens contaminated in vitro with 1×10 6 cells/ml suspensions of standard strains of the cited microorganisms were immersed in the disinfectants for 10 minutes; the control group was not submitted to any disinfection process. Final counts of microorganisms per ml were performed by plating method for the evaluation of microbial level reduction. Results were compared statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test (p ≤ 0.05). In a parallel study aiming to evaluate the effect of the tested disinfectant on resin surface, 60 specimens were analyzed in a digital rugosimeter before and after ten cycles of 10-minute immersion in the disinfectants. Measurements of superficial roughness, Ra (μm), were compared statistically by paired t-test (p ≤ 0.05). Results: The results showed that 1% sodium hypochlorite, 2% glutaraldehyde, and 2% chlorhexidine digluconate were most effective against the analyzed microorganisms, followed by 100% vinegar, 3.8% sodium perborate, and tabs of sodium perborate-based denture cleanser. Superficial roughness of the specimens was higher after disinfection cycles with 3.8% sodium perborate (p = 0.03) and lower after the cycles with 2% chlorhexidine digluconate (p = 0.04). Conclusion: Within the limits of this experiment, it could be concluded that 1% sodium hypochlorite, 2% glutaraldehyde, 2% chlorexidine, 100% vinegar, and 3.8% sodium perborate are valid alternatives for the disinfection of acrylic resin. © 2008 by The American College of Prosthodontists.


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The aim of this study was to assess the effect of bleaching agents (10% and 16% carbamide peroxide) on the roughness of two dental ceramics in vitro, and to analyze the surface by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). Two bleaching agents (10% and 16%/Whiteness, FGM Gel) and two microparticle feldspathic ceramics (Vita VM7 and Vita VM13) were used. Forty disks of Vita VM7 and Vita VM13 ceramic were manufactured, measuring 4 mm in diameter and 4 mm high, in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations, and were divided into 4 groups (n = 10): (1) VM7 + Whiteness 10%; (2) VM7 + Whiteness 16%; (3) VM13 + Whiteness 10%; (4) VM13 + Whiteness 16%. The bleaching agent was applied for 8 hours a day for 15 days and during the intervals the test specimens were stored in distilled water at 37 degrees C. The roughness (Ra) of the test specimens was evaluated before and after exposure to the bleaching agents using a laser roughness meter and the topographic description was analyzed by SEM. The statistical analysis of roughness data showed significant differences in the VM7 groups, using paired t-test, p = 0.05 (VM7 + Whiteness 10%: p = 0.002; VM7 + Whiteness 16%: p = 0.001) and two-sample t-test (VM7 p = 0.047), and no significant difference was found among VM13 groups. The qualitative SEM analysis showed different degrees of surface changes. The results suggest that the roughness of the tested ceramic surfaces increased after exposure to the bleaching agents.


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This study aimed to evaluate Y-TZP surface after different airborne particle abrasion protocols. Seventy-six Y-TZP ceramic blocks (5×4×4) mm3 were sintered and polished. Specimens were randomly divided into 19 groups (n=4) according to control group and 3 factors: a) protocol duration (2 and 4 s); b) particle size (30 μm, alumina coated silica particle; 45 μm, alumina particle; and 145 μm, alumina particle) and; c) pressure (1.5, 2.5 and 4.5 bar). Airborne particle abrasion was performed following a strict protocol. For qualitative and quantitative results, topography surfaces were analyzed in a digital optical profilometer (Interference Microscopic), using different roughness parameters (Ra, Rq, Rz, X-crossing, Mr1, Mr2 and Sdr) and 3D images. Surface roughness also was analyzed following the primer and silane applications on Y-TZP surfaces. One-way ANOVA revealed that treatments (application period, particle size and pressure of particle blasting) provided significant difference for all roughness parameters. The Tukey test determined that the significant differences between groups were different among roughness parameters. In qualitative analysis, the bonding agent application reduced roughness, filing the valleys in the surface. The protocols performed in this study verified that application period, particle size and pressure influenced the topographic pattern and amplitude of roughness.