7 resultados para titanosilicates


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The local environment of Er3+ ions in microporous titanosilicate ETS-10 and in synthetic narsarsukite and glassy materials obtained by calcination of ETS-10 has been investigated by EXAFS, Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopies. Er L-III-edge EXAFS studies of Er3+-doped ETS-10 support the view that the exchanged Er3+ ions reside close to the (negatively charged) TiO6 octahedra. In ETS-10, Er3+ is partially bonded to framework oxygen atoms and hydration water molecules. The Er...Ti distance (3.3 Angstrom) is similar to the Na...Ti distances (3.15-3.20 Angstrom) reported previously for Na-ETS-10. Although the exact location of the ErO6 units within the host structure of Er3+-doped synthetic narsarsukite is still an open question, it is most likely that Er3+ substitutes Ti4+ rather than Na+ ions. EXAFS spectroscopy indicates that no significant clustering of erbium atoms occurs in the titanosilicate samples studied. Evidence for the insertion of Er3+ ions in the framework of narsarsukite has been obtained by Raman spectroscopy. This is indicated by the increasing full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the 775 cm(-1) peak and the increasing intensity of the anatase peaks as the erbium content increases. In addition, as the narsarsukite Er3+ content increases a band at ca. 515 cm(-1) firstly broadens and subsequently a new peak appears at ca. 507 cm(-1).Er3+-doped narsarsukite exhibits a characteristic local vibrational frequency, (h) over bar omega ca. 330 cm(-1), with an electron-phonon coupling, g ca. 0.2, which constitutes additional evidence for framework Er3+ insertion. The number of lines in the infrared emission spectrum of synthetic narsarsukite indicates the presence of two optically-active erbium centres with very similar local environments and an average I-4(13/2) lifetime of 7.8 +/- 0.2 ms.


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This work reports on the synthesis of nanosheets of layered titanosilicate JDF-L1 supported on commercial E-type glass fibers with the aim of developing novel nanoarchitectures useful as robust and easy to handle hydrogen adsorbents. The preparation of those materials is carried out by hydrothermal reaction from the corresponding gel precursor in the presence of the glass support. Because of the basic character of the synthesis media, silica from the silicate-based glass fibers can be involved in the reaction, cementing its associated titanosilicate and giving rise to strong linkages on the support with the result of very stable heterostructures. The nanoarchitectures built up by this approach promote the growth and disposition of the titanosilicate nanosheets as a house-of-cards radially distributed around the fiber axis. Such an open arrangement represents suitable geometry for potential uses in adsorption and catalytic applications where the active surface has to be available. The content of the titanosilicate crystalline phase in the system represents about 12 wt %, and this percentage of the adsorbent fraction can achieve, at 298 K and 20 MPa, 0.14 wt % hydrogen adsorption with respect to the total mass of the system. Following postsynthesis treatments, small amounts of Pd (<0.1 wt %) have been incorporated into the resulting nanoarchitectures in order to improve their hydrogen adsorption capacity. In this way, Pd-layered titanosilicate supported on glass fibers has been tested as a hydrogen adsorbent at diverse pressures and temperatures, giving rise to values around 0.46 wt % at 298 K and 20 MPa. A mechanism of hydrogen spillover involving the titanosilicate framework and the Pd nanoparticules has been proposed to explain the high increase in the hydrogen uptake capacity after the incorporation of Pd into the nanoarchitecture.


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Harnessing the power of nuclear reactions has brought huge benefits in terms of nuclear energy, medicine and defence as well as risks including the management of nuclear wastes. One of the main issues for radioactive waste management is liquid radioactive waste (LRW). Different methods have been applied to remediate LRW, thereunder ion exchange and adsorption. Comparative studies have demonstrated that Na2Ti2O3SiO4·2H2O titanosilicate sorption materials are the most promising in terms of Cs+ and Sr2+ retention from LRW. Therefore these TiSi materials became the object of this study. The recently developed in Ukraine sol-gel method of synthesizing these materials was chosen among the other reported approaches since it allows obtaining the TiSi materials in the form of particles with size ≥ 4mm. utilizing inexpensive and bulk stable inorganic precursors and yielded the materials with desirable properties by alteration of the comparatively mild synthesis conditions. The main aim of this study was to investigate the physico-chemical properties of sol-gel synthesized titanosilicates for radionuclide uptake from aqueous solutions. The effect of synthesis conditions on the structural and sorption parameters of TiSi xerogels was planned to determine in order to obtain a highly efficient sorption material. The ability of the obtained TiSis to retain Cs+, Sr2+ and other potentially toxic metal cations from the synthetic and real aqueous solutions was intended to assess. To our expectations, abovementioned studies will illustrate the efficiency and profitability of the chosen synthesis approach, synthesis conditions and the obtained materials. X-ray diffraction, low temperature adsorption/desorption surface area analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy was used for xerogels characterization. The sorption capability of the synthesized TiSi gels was studied as a function of pH, adsorbent mass, initial concentration of target ion, contact time, temperature, composition and concentration of the background solution. It was found that the applied sol-gel approach yielded materials with a poorly crystalline sodium titanosilicate structure under relatively mild synthesis conditions. The temperature of HTT has the strongest influence on the structure of the materials and consequently was concluded to be the control factor for the preparation of gels with the desired properties. The obtained materials proved to be effective and selective for both Sr2+ and Cs+ decontamination from synthetic and real aqueous solutions like drinking, ground, sea and mine waters, blood plasma and liquid radioactive wastes.


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The electronic structure of a microporous titanosilicate framework, ETS-10 is calculated by means of a first-principles self-consistent method. It is shown that without the inclusion of the alkali atoms whose positions in the framework are unknown, ETS-10 is an electron deficient system with 32 electrons per unit cell missing at the top of an otherwise semiconductor-like band structure. The calculated density of slates are resolved into partial components. It is shown that the states of the missing electrons primarily originate from the Ti-O bond. The local density of states of the Ti-3d orbitals in the ETS-10 framework is quite different from the perovskite BaTiO3. The possibilities of ETS-10 crystal being ferroelectric or having other interesting properties are discussed.


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The structure of EST-10, a member of synthetic microporous titanosilicates, was recently determined by an ingenious combination of experimental and simulational techniques. However, the locations of the alkali atoms in the framework remain elusive and its electronic structure is totally unknown. Based on first-principles local density calculations, the possible locations of the alkali atoms are identified and its electronic structure and bonding fully elucidated. ETS-10 is a semiconductor with a direct band gap of 2.33 eV. The Na atoms are likely to locate inside the seven-member ring pore adjacent to the one-dimensional Ti-O-Ti-O- chain.


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O Mercúrio é um dos metais pesados mais tóxicos existentes no meio ambiente, é persistente e caracteriza-se por bioamplificar e bioacumular ao longo da cadeia trófica. A poluição com mercúrio é um problema à escala global devido à combinação de emissões naturais e emissões antropogénicas, o que obriga a políticas ambientais mais restritivas sobre a descarga de metais pesados. Consequentemente o desenvolvimento de novos e eficientes materiais e de novas tecnologias para remover mercúrio de efluentes é necessário e urgente. Neste contexto, alguns materiais microporosos provenientes de duas famílias, titanossilicatos e zirconossilicatos, foram investigados com o objectivo de avaliar a sua capacidade para remover iões Hg2+ de soluções aquosas. De um modo geral, quase todos os materiais estudados apresentaram elevadas percentagens de remoção, confirmando que são bons permutadores iónicos e que têm capacidade para serem utilizados como agentes descontaminantes. O titanossilicato ETS-4 foi o material mais estudado devido à sua elevada eficiência de remoção (>98%), aliada à pequena quantidade de massa necessária para atingir essa elevada percentagem de remoção. Com apenas 4 mg⋅dm-3 de ETS-4 foi possível tratar uma solução com uma concentração igual ao valor máximo admissível para descargas de efluentes em cursos de água (50 μg⋅dm-3) e obter água com qualidade para consumo humano (<1.0 μg⋅dm-3), de acordo com a legislação Portuguesa (DL 236/98). Tal como para outros adsorbentes, a capacidade de remoção de Hg2+ do ETS- 4 depende de várias condições experimentais, tais como o tempo de contacto, a massa, a concentração inicial de mercúrio, o pH e a temperatura. Do ponto de vista industrial as condições óptimas para a aplicação do ETS-4 são bastante atractivas, uma vez que não requerem grandes quantidades de material e o tratamento da solução pode ser feito à temperatura ambiente. A aplicação do ETS-4 torna-se ainda mais interessante no caso de efluentes hospitalares, de processos de electro-deposição com níquel, metalúrgica, extracção de minérios, especialmente ouro, e indústrias de fabrico de cloro e soda cáustica, uma vez que estes efluentes apresentam valores de pH semelhantes ao valor de pH óptimo para a aplicação do ETS-4. A cinética do processo de troca iónica é bem descrita pelo modelo Nernst-Planck, enquanto que os dados de equilíbrio são bem ajustados pelas isotérmicas de Langmuir e de Freundlich. Os parâmetros termodinâmicos, ΔG° and ΔH° indicam que a remoção de Hg2+ pelo ETS-4 é um processo espontâneo e exotérmico. A elevada eficiência do ETS-4 é confirmada pelos valores da capacidade de remoção de outros materiais para os iões Hg2+, descritos na literatura. A utilização de coluna de ETS-4 preparada no nosso laboratório, para a remoção em contínuo de Hg2+ confirma que este material apresenta um grande potencial para ser utilizado no tratamento de águas. ABSTRACT: Mercury is one of the most toxic heavy metals, exhibiting a persistent character in the environment and biota as well as bioamplification and bioaccumulation along the food chain. Natural inputs combined with the global anthropogenic sources make mercury pollution a planetary-scale problem, and strict environmental policies on metal discharges have been enforced. The development of efficient new materials and clean-up technologies for removing mercury from effluents is, thus, timely. In this context, in my study, several microporous materials from two families, titanosilicates and zirconosilicates were investigated in order to assess their Hg2+ sorption capacity and removal efficiency, under different operating conditions. In general, almost all microporous materials studied exhibited high removal efficiencies, confirming that they are good ion exchangers and have potential to be used as Hg2+ decontaminant agents. Titanosilicate ETS-4 was the material most studied here, by its highest removal efficiency (>98%) and lowest mass necessary to attain it. Moreover, according with the Portuguese legislation (DL 236/98) it is possible to attain drinking water quality (i.e. [Hg2+]< 1.0 μg⋅dm-3) by treating a solution with a Hg2+ concentration equal to the maximum value admissible for effluents discharges into water bodies (50 μg⋅dm-3), using only 4 mg⋅dm-3 of ETS-4. Even in the presence of major freshwater cations, ETS-4 removal efficiency remains high. Like for other adsorbents, the sorption capacity of ETS-4 for Hg2+ ions is strongly dependent on the operating conditions, such as contact time, mass, initial Hg2+ concentration and solution pH and, to a lesser extent, temperature. The optimum operating conditions found for ETS-4 are very attractive from the industrial point of view because the application of ETS-4 for the treatment of wastewater and/or industrial effluents will not require larges amounts of adsorbent, neither energy supply for temperature adjustments becoming the removal process economically competitive. These conditions become even more interesting in the case of medical institutions liquid, nickel electroplating process, copper smelter, gold ore tailings and chlor-alkali effluents, since no significant pH adjustments to the effluent are necessary. The ion exchange kinetics of Hg2+ uptake is successfully described by the Nernst-Planck based model, while the ion exchange equilibrium is well fitted by both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. Moreover, the feasibility of the removal process was confirmed by the thermodynamic parameters (ΔG° and ΔH°) which indicate that the Hg2+ sorption by ETS-4 is spontaneous and exothermic. The higher efficiency of ETS-4 for Hg2+ ions is corroborate by the values reported in literature for the sorption capacity of other adsorbents for Hg2+ ions. The use of an ETS-4 fixed-bed ion exchange column, manufactured in our laboratory, in the continuous removal of Hg2+ ions from solutions confirms that this titanosilicate has potential to be used in industrial water treatment.


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Os materiais microporosos e mesoporosos são potenciais catalisadores heterogéneos. Os zeólitos e outros materiais microporosos do tipo zeolítico tradicionais, têm átomos tetracoordenados no esqueleto. Nos últimos anos, um vasto número de titanossilicatos contendo Ti(IV) hexacoordenado e Si(IV) tetracoordenado, com estruturas tridimensionais, têm sido alvo de grande interesse. Um dos objectivos desta tese foi preparar silicatos microporosos, contendo átomos metálicos com número de coordenação superior a quatro, e possuindo quer novas estruturas quer propriedades físicas e químicas interessantes. Neste contexto, foi preparado um novo ítriossilicato de sódio, AV-1, análogo do raro mineral montregianite, Na4K2Y2Si16O38·10H2O. Este material é o primeiro sólido microporoso que contem quantidades estequiométricas de sódio (e ítrio) no esqueleto. Foi, também, sintetizado um silicato de cério, AV-5, análogo estrutural do mineral montregianite com potencial aplicação em optoelectrónica. Nesta tese é, ainda, descrita a síntese e caracterização estrutural de um silicato de cálcio hidratado, AV-2, análogo do raro mineral rhodesite (K2Ca4Na2Si16O38.12H2O). Na continuação do trabalho desenvolvido em Aveiro na síntese de novos titanossilicatos surgiu o interesse de preparar novos zirconossilicatos microporosos por síntese hidrotérmica. Foram preparados dois novos materiais análogos dos minerais petarasite Na5Zr2Si3O18(Cl,OH)·2H2O (AV-3) e kostylevite, K2Si3O9·H2O (AV-8). Foram, também, obtidos análogos sintéticos dos minerais parakeldyshite e wadeite, por calcinação a alta temperatura de AV-3 e de umbite sintética. A heterogeneização de complexos organometálicos na superfície de materiais mesoporosos do tipo M41S permite associar a grande actividade catalítica e a presença de sítios activos localizados típicos dos complexos organometálicos, com a robustez e fácil separação, características dos materiais mesoporosos siliciosos. Nesta dissertação relata-se a derivatização dos materiais MCM-41 e MCM-48 através da reacção de [SiMe2{(h5-C5H4)2}]Fe e [SiMe2{(h5-C5H4)2}]TiCl2 com os grupos silanol das superfícies mesoporosas. Os materiais MCMs derivatizados com ansa-titanoceno foram testados na epoxidação de cicloocteno a 323 K na presença de hidrogenoperóxido de t-butilo. Estudou-se a heterogeneização dos sais de complexos com ligação metal-metal [Mo2(MeCN)10][BF4]4, [Mo2(m-O2CMe)2(MeCN)6][BF4]2 e [Mo2(m- O2CMe)2(dppa)2(MeCN)2][BF4]2 via imobilização nos canais do MCM-41. A imobilização dos catalisadores homogéneos na superfície do MCM-41 envolve a saída dos ligandos nitrilo lábeis, preferencialmente em posição axial, através da reacção com os grupos Si-OH da sílica. Verificou-se que a ligação Mo-Mo se mantém intacta nos produtos finais. É provável que estes materiais sejam eficientes catalisadores heterogéneos em reacções de polimerização. As técnicas de caracterização utilizadas nesta tese foram a difracção de raios-X de pós, a microscopia electrónica de varrimento, a espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear do estado sólido (núcleos 13C, 23Na e 29Si), as espectroscopias de Raman e infravermelho com transformadas de Fourier, as análises termogravimétricas e as análises de adsorção de água e azoto.