682 resultados para timed automata
We identify a class of timed automata, which we call counter-free input-determined automata, which characterize the class of timed languages definable by several timed temporal logics in the literature, including MTL. We make use of this characterization to show that MTL+Past satisfies an “ultimate stability” property with respect to periodic sequences of timed words. Our results hold for both the pointwise and continuous semantics. Along the way we generalize the result of McNaughton-Papert to show a counter-free automata characterization of FO-definable finitely varying functions.
We consider a general class of timed automata parameterized by a set of “input-determined” operators, in a continuous time setting. We show that for any such set of operators, we have a monadic second order logic characterization of the class of timed languages accepted by the corresponding class of automata. Further, we consider natural timed temporal logics based on these operators, and show that they are expressively equivalent to the first-order fragment of the corresponding MSO logics. As a corollary of these general results we obtain an expressive completeness result for the continuous version of MTL.
Mixed Reality (MR) aims to link virtual entities with the real world and has many applications such as military and medical domains [JBL+00, NFB07]. In many MR systems and more precisely in augmented scenes, one needs the application to render the virtual part accurately at the right time. To achieve this, such systems acquire data related to the real world from a set of sensors before rendering virtual entities. A suitable system architecture should minimize the delays to keep the overall system delay (also called end-to-end latency) within the requirements for real-time performance. In this context, we propose a compositional modeling framework for MR software architectures in order to specify, simulate and validate formally the time constraints of such systems. Our approach is first based on a functional decomposition of such systems into generic components. The obtained elements as well as their typical interactions give rise to generic representations in terms of timed automata. A whole system is then obtained as a composition of such defined components. To write specifications, a textual language named MIRELA (MIxed REality LAnguage) is proposed along with the corresponding compilation tools. The generated output contains timed automata in UPPAAL format for simulation and verification of time constraints. These automata may also be used to generate source code skeletons for an implementation on a MR platform. The approach is illustrated first on a small example. A realistic case study is also developed. It is modeled by several timed automata synchronizing through channels and including a large number of time constraints. Both systems have been simulated in UPPAAL and checked against the required behavioral properties.
随着工业化程度的提高,对模型的检测方法受到越来越大的重视。通常的检测方法有推理验证和模型检测。而相对于推理验证,模型检测由于其高度自动化的检测过程,在工业界有着更广泛的应用。 模型检测自从概念雏形开始之时,就受到状态爆炸问题的困扰。为了解决这个问题,不同的技术被提了出来。McMillan提出利用OBDD的符号模型检测方法在一定程度上解决了这个问题。另外,本文所主要讲述的有界模型检测,经大量的实践证明,对符号模型检测也是一个很好的补充。 由于问题的特殊性,科学家提出来不同的模型来描述不同情况的系统。由于时间自动机能够很好地描述异步系统,而且这种系统广泛地存在于现实生活中,对时间自动机这种特殊模型的验证方法的研究变得很有必要。另外,由于时间自动机带有实数域的时钟变量,这导致了时间自动机有一个无限域的状态迁移图。为了利用模型检测的方法对其进行验证,需要对时间变量进行预处理。一般的方法是把时钟所对应的时钟区或时钟域根据等价性,化为有限的域,相应地,把时间自动机转化为有限的状态迁移图。 为了避免在对时间自动机有界模型检测过程中对变量进行布尔编码以及对时间自动机模型中的时钟进行预处理,本文给出一个利用SMT工具进行的对时间自动机进行有界模型检测的方法。该方法的主要优点是无需将时间自动机中的时钟进行预处理,也不需要将模型中的变量进行布尔编码,只需将时间自动机转变为SMT工具可解的逻辑公式,利用SMT的高效求解来进行模型检测。实验结果表明,对于某些可达性性质的验证,这种方法的效率有一定的优势。
依据有穷状态自动机模型,面向程序规范的并发系统和分布式系统测试方法的研究已经取得许多结果.由于特殊的实时和同步要求,这些结果不能直接应用于分布式多媒体软件系统的测试.为此,作者提出一种面向媒体对象时序描述的带时间自动机(Tim ed autom ata)的自动构造方法,根据带时间自动机,对分布式多媒体软件系统进行非确定性测试时,可以较容易地判断运行结果正确与否;在进行确定性测试时,可以辅助自动生成测试用例
基于SAT的限界模型检测在处理实时系统时具有很高的复杂度.SMT求解器在计算可满足性的同时,还能处理算术和其他可判定性理论.在对实时系统进行检测时,用SMT求解器代替SAT求解器,系统里的时钟就可以用整型或实型变量表示,时钟约束则可以直接表示成线性算术表达式,从而使整个检测过程更加高效.带时间参数的计算树逻辑(timed computation tree logic,简称TCTL)被用来描述实时系统里的性质.同时,还对检测方法作了相应的改进.
为了避免在有界模型检测过程中对变量进行布尔编码以及对时间自动机模型中的时钟进行预处理,给出一个利用SMT(satisfiability modulo theories)工具进行的对时间自动机进行有界模型检测的方法。该方法将时间自动机模型直接转换成SMT工具可识别的逻辑公式,利用SMT工具可求解包含有整数型和实数型变量逻辑公式的能力来进行模型检测。实验结果表明,对于某些可达性性质的验证,该方法的效率有一定的优势。
Software-based control of life-critical embedded systems has become increasingly complex, and to a large extent has come to determine the safety of the human being. For example, implantable cardiac pacemakers have over 80,000 lines of code which are responsible for maintaining the heart within safe operating limits. As firmware-related recalls accounted for over 41% of the 600,000 devices recalled in the last decade, there is a need for rigorous model-driven design tools to generate verified code from verified software models. To this effect, we have developed the UPP2SF model-translation tool, which facilitates automatic conversion of verified models (in UPPAAL) to models that may be simulated and tested (in Simulink/Stateflow). We describe the translation rules that ensure correct model conversion, applicable to a large class of models. We demonstrate how UPP2SF is used in themodel-driven design of a pacemaker whosemodel is (a) designed and verified in UPPAAL (using timed automata), (b) automatically translated to Stateflow for simulation-based testing, and then (c) automatically generated into modular code for hardware-level integration testing of timing-related errors. In addition, we show how UPP2SF may be used for worst-case execution time estimation early in the design stage. Using UPP2SF, we demonstrate the value of integrated end-to-end modeling, verification, code-generation and testing process for complex software-controlled embedded systems. © 2014 ACM.