997 resultados para time constraint


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Time control plays a critical role within the online mastery learning (OML) approach. This paper examines the two commonly implemented mastery learning strategies – personalised system of instructions and learning for mastery (LFM) – by focusing on what occurs when there is an instructional time constraint. Using a large data set from a postgraduate finance course offered at an Australian university, we explore students' online quiz-completion patterns, then empirically investigate whether the imposition of an instructional time constraint in the OML approach has an impact on their final-examination performance. Our results suggest that the LFM strategy with an instructional time constraint has a positive impact on students' learning behaviour and contributes to better overall academic performance. Further, our findings suggest that facilitators should be encouraged to implement an instructional time constraint when adopting an OML approach.


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We experimentally explore the effects of time limitation on decision making. Under different time allowance conditions, subjects are presented with a queueing situation and asked to join one of the two given queues. The results can be grouped under two main categories. The first one concerns the factors driving decisions in a queueing system. Only some subjects behave consistently with rationality principles and use the relevant information efficiently. The rest of the subjects seem to adopt a simpler strategy that does not incorporate some information into their decision. The second category is related to the effects of time limitation on decision performance. A substantial proportion of the population is not affected by time limitations and shows consistent behavior throughout the treatments. On the other hand, some subjects’ performance is impaired by time limitations. More importantly, this impairment is not due to the stringency of the limitation but rather to being exposed to a time constraint.


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Railway timetabling is an important process in train service provision as it matches the transportation demand with the infrastructure capacity while customer satisfaction is also considered. It is a multi-objective optimisation problem, in which a feasible solution, rather than the optimal one, is usually taken in practice because of the time constraint. The quality of services may suffer as a result. In a railway open market, timetabling usually involves rounds of negotiations among a number of self-interested and independent stakeholders and hence additional objectives and constraints are imposed on the timetabling problem. While the requirements of all stakeholders are taken into consideration simultaneously, the computation demand is inevitably immense. Intelligent solution-searching techniques provide a possible solution. This paper attempts to employ a particle swarm optimisation (PSO) approach to devise a railway timetable in an open market. The suitability and performance of PSO are studied on a multi-agent-based railway open-market negotiation simulation platform.


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To enhance the performance of the k-nearest neighbors approach in forecasting short-term traffic volume, this paper proposed and tested a two-step approach with the ability of forecasting multiple steps. In selecting k-nearest neighbors, a time constraint window is introduced, and then local minima of the distances between the state vectors are ranked to avoid overlappings among candidates. Moreover, to control extreme values’ undesirable impact, a novel algorithm with attractive analytical features is developed based on the principle component. The enhanced KNN method has been evaluated using the field data, and our comparison analysis shows that it outperformed the competing algorithms in most cases.


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The timing of widespread continental emergence is generally considered to have had a dramatic effect on the hydrological cycle, atmospheric conditions, and climate. New secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) oxygen and laser-ablation–multicollector–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA-MC-ICP-MS) Lu-Hf isotopic results from dated zircon grains in the granitic Neoarchean Rum Jungle Complex provide a minimum time constraint on the emergence of continental crust above sea level for the North Australian craton. A 2535 ± 7 Ma monzogranite is characterized by magmatic zircon with slightly elevated δ18O (6.0‰–7.5‰ relative to Vienna standard mean ocean water [VSMOW]), consistent with some contribution to the magma from reworked supracrustal material. A supracrustal contribution to magma genesis is supported by the presence of metasedimentary rock enclaves, a large population of inherited zircon grains, and subchondritic zircon Hf (εHf = −6.6 to −4.1). A separate, distinct crustal source to the same magma is indicated by inherited zircon grains that are dominated by low δ18O values (2.5‰–4.8‰, n = 9 of 15) across a range of ages (3536–2598 Ma; εHf = −18.2 to +0.4). The low δ18O grains may be the product of one of two processes: (1) grain-scale diffusion of oxygen in zircon by exchange with a low δ18O magma or (2) several episodes of magmatic reworking of a Mesoarchean or older low δ18O source. Both scenarios require shallow crustal magmatism in emergent crust, to allow interaction with rocks altered by hydrothermal meteoric water in order to generate the low δ18O zircon. In the first scenario, assimilation of these altered rocks during Neoarchean magmatism generated low δ18O magma with which residual detrital zircons were able to exchange oxygen, while preserving their U-Pb systematics. In the second scenario, wholesale melting of the altered rocks occurred in several distinct events through the Mesoarchean, generating low δ18O magma from which zircon crystallized. Ultimately, in either scenario, the low δ18O zircons were entrained as inherited grains in a Neoarchean granite. The data suggest operation of a modern hydrological cycle by the Neoarchean and add to evidence for the increased emergence of continents by this time


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发布/订阅系统技术具有异步、松散耦合和多对多通信的特点,有着广阔的应用前景.但是,已有的发布/订阅系统技术不能满足动态环境下有延迟需求的应用要求.针对时间约束问题,扩展了发布/订阅系统的语法,建立了延迟模型,提出了一种基于收益机制的分布式发布/订阅系统时间约束保障技术和使系统获益最大化的调度算法MTEP(maximumto tal earning priority),其特点是能够满足订阅者和发布者指定延迟约束的需求,通过与订阅者商定的价格和违约成本信息来有效地利用网络带宽,适应网络环境的动态变化.实验结果表明,该调度策略和FCFS(first come first service)、最短时间优先和固定优先级等传统策略相比,可使订阅者接收到的有效事件明显增多,并使系统收益显著改善.


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The large increase of distributed energy resources, including distributed generation, storage systems and demand response, especially in distribution networks, makes the management of the available resources a more complex and crucial process. With wind based generation gaining relevance, in terms of the generation mix, the fact that wind forecasting accuracy rapidly drops with the increase of the forecast anticipation time requires to undertake short-term and very short-term re-scheduling so the final implemented solution enables the lowest possible operation costs. This paper proposes a methodology for energy resource scheduling in smart grids, considering day ahead, hour ahead and five minutes ahead scheduling. The short-term scheduling, undertaken five minutes ahead, takes advantage of the high accuracy of the very-short term wind forecasting providing the user with more efficient scheduling solutions. The proposed method uses a Genetic Algorithm based approach for optimization that is able to cope with the hard execution time constraint of short-term scheduling. Realistic power system simulation, based on PSCAD , is used to validate the obtained solutions. The paper includes a case study with a 33 bus distribution network with high penetration of distributed energy resources implemented in PSCAD .


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Cette thèse comporte trois essais sur les interactions sociales en sciences économiques. Ces essais s’intéressent à la fois au côté théeorique qu’empirique des interactions sociales. Le premier essai (chapitre 2) se concentre sur l’étude (théorique et empirique) de la formation de réseaux sociaux au sein de petites économies lorsque les individus ont des préférences homophilique et une contrainte de temps. Le deuxième essai (chapitre 3) se concentre sur l’étude (principalement empirique) de la formation de réseau sociaux au sein de larges économies où les comportement d’individus très distants sont aproximativement indépendants. Le dernier essai (chapitre 4) est une étude empirique des effets de pairs en éducation au sein des écoles secondaires du Québec. La méthode structurelle utilisée permet l’identification et l’estimation de l’effet de pairs endogène et des effets de pairs exogènes, tout en contrôlant pour la présence de chocs communs.


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This paper reports on a survey of 17 value management exercises recently carried out within the UK construction industry. Twelve leading value management practitioners were asked to describe an example of a value management study which ‘worked well’ and one which ‘did not work well’. They were further asked to explain the underlying factors which they considered had influenced the eventual outcome of the value management study. The subsequent analysis of the interview transcripts reveals six recurring themes which were held to have had a significant influence: expectations, implementation, participation, power, time constraint and uncertainty. Whilst caution is necessary in extracting the themes from their individual contexts, they do provide a valuable insight into the factors which influence the outcome of value management studies.


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The Ribeira belt in SE Brazil is a Neoproterozoic to Early Palaeozoic orogen, whose architecture and history is not yet fully understood. The depositional age of many of the sedimentary sequences in the Ribeira Belt remains unconstrained, and with debate concerning their depositional environment and tectonic setting. In this paper we present SHRIMP zircon U/Pb age constraints for one such problematic unit in the Ribeira Belt the lporanga Formation - and discuss the significance of this age with regards to the timing of Neoproterozoic glacial events in southeast Brazil. Using a felsic volcanic unit immediately under the lporanga Formation and granite cobbles from breccias in its basal parts a reconnaissance SHRIMP U/Pb zircon maximum depositional age of 580 Ma is assigned for the base of this unit. This age is marginally younger than the 625605 Ma ages for intrusions into the Lajeado and Ribeira subgroups, with which the lporanga Formation is in tectonic contact. This indicates that the Lajeado and Ribeira subgroups are not stratigraphically equivalent to the lporanga Formation, as thought previously by some workers. The maximum depositional age of 580 Ma also places a maximum time constraint on the tectonic juxtaposition of the lporanga Formation with other supracrustal units, and on the greenschist facies metamorphism and isoclinal folding that affected it. The potential glacial origin for the lporanga Formation, if correct, would place it in the late Ediacaran - provisionally equivalent to the Gaskiers glaciation. (c) 2007 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The demand for various multimedia applications is rapidly increasing due to the recent advance in the computing and network infrastructure, together with the widespread use of digital video technology. Among the key elements for the success of these applications is how to effectively and efficiently manage and store a huge amount of audio visual information, while at the same time providing user-friendly access to the stored data. This has fueled a quickly evolving research area known as video abstraction. As the name implies, video abstraction is a mechanism for generating a short summary of a video, which can either be a sequence of stationary images (keyframes) or moving images (video skims). In terms of browsing and navigation, a good video abstract will enable the user to gain maximum information about the target video sequence in a specified time constraint or sufficient information in the minimum time. Over past years, various ideas and techniques have been proposed towards the effective abstraction of video contents. The purpose of this article is to provide a systematic classification of these works. We identify and detail, for each approach, the underlying components and how they are addressed in specific works. © 2007 ACM.


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P2P collusive piracy, where paid P2P clients share the content with unpaid clients, has drawn significant concerns in recent years. Study on the follow relationship provides an emerging track of research in capturing the followee (e.g., paid client) for the blocking of piracy spread from all his followers (e.g., unpaid clients). Unfortunately, existing research efforts on the follow relationship in online social network have largely overlooked the time constraint and the content feedback in sequential behavior analysis. Hence, how to consider these two characteristics for effective P2P collusive piracy prevention remains an open problem. In this paper, we proposed a multi-bloom filter circle to facilitate the time-constraint storage and query of P2P sequential behaviors. Then, a probabilistic follow with content feedback model to fast discover and quantify the probabilistic follow relationship is further developed, and then, the corresponding approach to piracy prevention is designed. The extensive experimental analysis demonstrates the capability of the proposed approach.


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Dentro da literatura de Comportamento do Consumidor e Teoria da Decisão existe considerável corpo teórico que analisa sentimentos negativos e reações adversas no processo decisório de compras de produtos de alto e baixo envolvimento. Vários fenômenos são identificados como negativos no processo, principalmente a Confusão do Consumidor, que compreende três dimensões: i) muitas informações similares sobre produtos, ii) muitas informações sobre diferentes produtos e iii) informações falsas e ambíguas. Tal fenômeno, no entanto, parece ser moderado por um conjunto de variáveis, como o Envolvimento, a Experiência e a Restrição de Tempo (moderadoras da relação entre Confusão do Consumidor e Intenção de Compra). Este fato foi identificado através de entrevistas em profundidade. Os resultados das entrevistas permitiram identificar as variáveis moderadoras, assim como a existência do fenômeno e sua relação com a decisão final de compra. Na segunda fase da pesquisa, supõe-se que indivíduos com baixo Envolvimento e Restrição de Tempo possuam uma propensão maior à confusão. No Estudo 2 foram utilizados como moderadores o Envolvimento e a Restrição de Tempo, ambos manipulados por instrução, sendo as variáveis dependentes a Intenção de Compra e a Confusão do Consumidor. Os resultados do Estudo 2 permitiram inferir que existem diferenças significativas entre os grupos, quando analisada a variável Confusão do Consumidor, mas, em alguns grupos, a Intenção de Compra não era significativamente diferente. No Estudo 3 foram manipuladas a Experiência (forte e fraca) e a Confusão do Consumidor, sendo a variável dependente a Intenção de Compra. Os resultados do Estudo 3 também permitiram inferir que existem diferenças significativas entre os grupos na Intenção de compra, quando consideradas baixa ou alta confusão, assim como Experiência forte ou fraca. Na última fase da pesquisa foram destacadas as estratégias dos consumidores para lidar com o fenômeno Confusão do Consumidor. Tais estratégias, muitas vezes, são mediadoras de comportamentos posteriores, como a compra do produto. No Estudo 4 manipulou-se a Confusão do Consumidor em duas de suas dimensões. Foi possível destacar a preponderância da estratégia por busca de informações e postergação da decisão, quando o consumidor se depara com situações confusas.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC