870 resultados para timber supply
"September 1994."
Le processus de planification forestière hiérarchique présentement en place sur les terres publiques risque d’échouer à deux niveaux. Au niveau supérieur, le processus en place ne fournit pas une preuve suffisante de la durabilité du niveau de récolte actuel. À un niveau inférieur, le processus en place n’appuie pas la réalisation du plein potentiel de création de valeur de la ressource forestière, contraignant parfois inutilement la planification à court terme de la récolte. Ces échecs sont attribuables à certaines hypothèses implicites au modèle d’optimisation de la possibilité forestière, ce qui pourrait expliquer pourquoi ce problème n’est pas bien documenté dans la littérature. Nous utilisons la théorie de l’agence pour modéliser le processus de planification forestière hiérarchique sur les terres publiques. Nous développons un cadre de simulation itératif en deux étapes pour estimer l’effet à long terme de l’interaction entre l’État et le consommateur de fibre, nous permettant ainsi d’établir certaines conditions pouvant mener à des ruptures de stock. Nous proposons ensuite une formulation améliorée du modèle d’optimisation de la possibilité forestière. La formulation classique du modèle d’optimisation de la possibilité forestière (c.-à-d., maximisation du rendement soutenu en fibre) ne considère pas que le consommateur de fibre industriel souhaite maximiser son profit, mais suppose plutôt la consommation totale de l’offre de fibre à chaque période, peu importe le potentiel de création de valeur de celle-ci. Nous étendons la formulation classique du modèle d’optimisation de la possibilité forestière afin de permettre l’anticipation du comportement du consommateur de fibre, augmentant ainsi la probabilité que l’offre de fibre soit entièrement consommée, rétablissant ainsi la validité de l’hypothèse de consommation totale de l’offre de fibre implicite au modèle d’optimisation. Nous modélisons la relation principal-agent entre le gouvernement et l’industrie à l’aide d’une formulation biniveau du modèle optimisation, où le niveau supérieur représente le processus de détermination de la possibilité forestière (responsabilité du gouvernement), et le niveau inférieur représente le processus de consommation de la fibre (responsabilité de l’industrie). Nous montrons que la formulation biniveau peux atténuer le risque de ruptures de stock, améliorant ainsi la crédibilité du processus de planification forestière hiérarchique. Ensemble, le modèle biniveau d’optimisation de la possibilité forestière et la méthodologie que nous avons développée pour résoudre celui-ci à l’optimalité, représentent une alternative aux méthodes actuellement utilisées. Notre modèle biniveau et le cadre de simulation itérative représentent un pas vers l’avant en matière de technologie de planification forestière axée sur la création de valeur. L’intégration explicite d’objectifs et de contraintes industrielles au processus de planification forestière, dès la détermination de la possibilité forestière, devrait favoriser une collaboration accrue entre les instances gouvernementales et industrielles, permettant ainsi d’exploiter le plein potentiel de création de valeur de la ressource forestière.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää kuinka raakapuumarkkinat muodostuvat ja mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat raakapuun tarjontaan ja hankintaan. Lisäksi tarkastellaan onko tuontipuu korvaava vai täydentävä raaka-aine ja millainen rooli valtiovallalla on luodessaan yrityksille toimintaympäristöä. Työ on voimakkaasti teoreettispainotteinen. Teorian tarkoituksena on esittää se tieteellinen perusta, jolle raakapuumarkkinat sijoittuvat. Lisäksi on hyväksikäytetty aiemmin tehtyjä tutkimuksia, joiden tarkoituksena on valaista asiaa hieman käytännönläheisemmin. Työn tuloksena saadaan vastaukset tutkimuksen tavoitteisiin. Tulosten perusteella on ilmeistä, että keskeisin tarjontaan vaikuttava tekijä on puun hinta ja etenkin siihen liittyvät hintaodotukset. Kysyntään on puolestaan vaikuttanut teollisuuden kapasiteetin kehitys, tuotteiden menekki ja tuontipuun saatavuus. Tuotu koivukuitu on pikemminkin täydentänyt kuin korvannut kotimaan koivukuitua teollisuuden puun hankinnassa. Tuotu mäntykuitu toimii korvaavana tuotteena, mutta kuusikuidun kohdalla kotimaan hinnalla ei ole vaikutusta tuonnin määrään, ainoastaan tuontipuun omalla hinnalla näyttää olevan vaikutus tuontimäärään.
Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on tutkia pienyritysten, erityisesti puunkorjuuyritysten, mahdollisuuksia tuottaa entistä monipuolisempia palveluja puunhankintakentässä. Puunkorjuuyritysten lisäksi keskeisessä roolissa tutkimuksessa ovat puunhankintaorganisaatiot ja metsänomistajat (puunmyyjät), jotka joko suoraan tai välillisesti ovat puunkorjuuyritysten asiakkaita. Tutkimuksessa pohditaan puumarkkinakenttää sekä vaihtoehtoisia ja uusia toimintamalleja siten, että niistä olisi kaikille osapuolille hyötyä. Tutkimuksen teoriaosassa käsitellään puumarkkinoiden toimintaa, esitellään nykyiset puukauppatavat, käytössä olevat puunhankinnan toimintamallit, arvoketjuajattelu sekä Porterin viiden kilpailuvoiman malli. Tutkimuksen empiriaosa koostuu haastattelutuloksista sekä niiden analysoinnista. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin kahdeksaa puunhankintaorganisaation edustajaa. Metsänomistajia edustaa alueellinen metsänomistajajärjestön edustaja. Haastatteluihin valittiin vain Kaakkois-Suomen alueella toimivia organisaatioita. Puunhankintaorganisaatioiden viitoittamien mahdollisuuksien mukaan muodostettiin puunkorjuuyrityksen kannalta mahdollisia toimintavisioita, joista on esitetty myös suuntaa antavia laskelmia. Toimintavisioita on pohdittu myös Porterin viiden kilpailuvoiman avulla.
Silvicultural treatments have been shown to alter the composition of species assemblages in numerous taxa. However, the intensity and persistence of these effects have rarely been documented. We used a before-after, control-impact (BACI) paired design, i.e., five pairs of 25-ha study plots, 1-control and 1-treated plot, to quantify changes in the density of eight forest bird species in response to selection harvesting over six breeding seasons, one year pre- and five years postharvest. Focal species included mature forest associates, i.e., Northern Parula (Setophaga americana) and Black-throated Green Warbler (Setophaga virens), forest generalists, i.e., Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) and Swainson’s Thrush (Catharus ustulatus), early-seral specialists, i.e., Mourning Warbler (Geothlypis philadelphia) and Chestnut-sided Warbler (Setophaga pensylvanica), species associated with shrubby forest gaps, i.e., Black-throated Blue Warbler (Setophaga caerulescens), and mid-seral species, i.e., American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla). As predicted, we found a negative numerical response to the treatment in the Black-throated Green Warbler, no treatment effect in the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, and a positive treatment effect in early-seral specialists. We only detected a year effect in the Northern Parula and the American Redstart. There was evidence for a positive treatment effect on the Swainson’s Thrush when the regeneration started to reach the pole stage, i.e., fifth year postharvest. These findings suggest that selection harvesting has the potential to maintain diverse avian assemblages while allowing sustainable management of timber supply, but future studies should determine whether mature-forest associates can sustain second- and third-entry selection harvest treatments.
A large number of socio-economic research projects have been conducted in north Queensland which have drawn on observations from, or been otherwise inspired by, the Community Rainforest Reforestation Program (CRRP). The research may be considered under the headings of financial performance of farm-grown timber, externalities (or environmental values), impediments to tree planting on farms, analysis of the timber supply chain including timber marketing, and facilitation of forest industry development. This paper summarises a variety of insights generated by the research, on small-scale forestry based on native tree species and on policy measures which may be adopted to promote tree growing on farms in tropical north Queensland.
Mode of access: Internet.
This paper summarises the results of using image processing technique to get information about the load of timber trucks before their arrival using digital images or geo tagged images. Once the images are captured and sent to sawmill by drivers from forest, we can predict their arrival time using geo tagged coordinates, count the number of (timber) logs piled up in a truck, identify their type and calculate their diameter. With this information we can schedule and prioritise the inflow and unloading of trucks in the light of production schedules and raw material stocks available at the sawmill yard. It is important to keep all the actors in a supply chain integrated coordinated, so that optimal working routines can be reached in the sawmill yard.
On covers: Contract for the supply of ... [materials] Order [s] ...
In Brazil, the study of pedestrian-induced vibration on footbridges has been undertaken since the early 1990s, for concrete and steel footbridges. However, there are no recorded studies of this kind for timber footbridges. Brazilian code ABNT NBR 7190 (1997) gives design requirements only for static loads in the case of timber footbridges, without considering the serviceability limit state from pedestrian-induced vibrations. The aim of this work is to perform a theoretical dynamic, numerical and experimental analysis on simply-supported timber footbridges, by using a small-scale model developed from a 24 m span and 2 m width timber footbridge, with two main timber beams. Span and width were scaled down (1:4) to 6 m e 0.5 in, respectively. Among the conclusions reached herein, it is emphasized that the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory is suitable for calculating the vertical and lateral first natural frequencies in simply-supported timber footbridges; however, special attention should be given to the evaluation of lateral bending stiffness, as it leads to conservative values.
Colostrum intake in neonatal calves is essential to obtain passive immunity and to influence metabolism, endocrine systems and the nutritional state. This study compares morphologic features of small intestine of calves fed a colostrum second meal at 12 hours of life with concentrations of immunoglobulin G (IgG) higher than 100mg mL(-1) (fresh colostrum or artificially prepared with addition of lyophilized colostrum) or smaller than 30mg mL(-1). Twenty-four Holstein calves were randomly grouped according to concentration of IgG intake at 12 hours of life: low (less than 30mg mL(-1)); high (more than 100mg mL(-1)); plus lyophilized colostrum (more than 120mg mL(-1)). Intestinal tissue samples were collected at 0, 10, 24 and 72 hours after birth to evaluate morphology in segments: duodenum; proximal, middle and distal jejunum and ileum by examined with a scanning electron microscope. Villi of all segments showed more organized and uniform morphology characteristics with age. Only the animals fed colostrum with more than 100mg mL(-1) of IgG at 24 hours after birth still showed the distal jejunum villi disoriented and more united in comparison to the other ages and groups. Intake of lyophilized colostrum affected ileum morphology along experiment period. Higher concentration of immunologic and bioactive elements supplied for longer period of time could be responsible for promoting effects on the enterocytes. Use of colostrum with high IgG concentrations, with or without addition of lyophilized colostrum, influenced the precocity of the intestinal mucosa development in newborn calves, suggesting earlier maturation of the mucosa.
We describe the design and implementation of a high voltage pulse power supply (pulser) that supports the operation of a repetitively pulsed filtered vacuum arc plasma deposition facility in plasma immersion ion implantation and deposition (Mepiiid) mode. Negative pulses (micropulses) of up to 20 kV in magnitude and 20 A peak current are provided in gated pulse packets (macropulses) over a broad range of possible pulse width and duty cycle. Application of the system consisting of filtered vacuum arc and high voltage pulser is demonstrated by forming diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin films with and without substrate bias provided by the pulser. Significantly enhanced film/substrate adhesion is observed when the pulser is used to induce interface mixing between the DLC film and the underlying Si substrate. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3518969]
Supply of competent larvae to the benthic habitat is a major determinant of population dynamics in coastal and estuarine invertebrates with an indirect life cycle. Larval delivery may depend not only on physical transport mechanisms, but also on larval behavior and physiological progress to the competent stage. Yet, the combined analysis of such factors has seldom been attempted. We used time-series analyses to examine tide- and wind-driven mechanisms responsible for the supply of crab megalopae to an estuarine river under a major marine influence in SW Spain, and monitored the vertical distribution of upstream moving megalopae, their net flux and competent state. The species Panopeus africanus (estuarine), Brachynotus sexdentatus (euryhaline) and Nepinnotheres pinnotheres (coastal) comprised 80% of the whole sample, and responded in a similar way to tide and wind forcing. Tidal range was positively correlated to supply, with maxima 0 to 1 d after spring tides, suggesting selective tidal stream transport. Despite being extensively subjected to upwelling, downwind drift under the effect of westerlies, not Ekman transport, explained residual supply variation at our sampling area. Once in the estuary, net flux and competence state matched the expected trends. Net upstream flux increased from B. sexdentatus to P. africanus, favoring transport to a sheltered coastal habitat (N. pinnotheres), or to the upper estuary (P. africanus). Competence state was highest in N. pinnotheres, intermediate in B. sexdentatus and lowest in P. africanus, as expected if larvae respond to cues from adequate benthic habitat. P. africanus megalopae were found close to the bottom, not above, rendering slower upstream transport than anticipated.
Thermal action on timber causes it to degrade through combustion of its chemical components, which leads to the release of vapors, combustible gases and surface char. This diminishes its load capacity, due to the reduction of its cross section by charring and to changes in its mechanical properties of strength and stiffness as a function of its exposure to high temperatures. This paper reports the charring rates observed on Eucalyptus structural beams and presents a numerical and experimental study of the behavior of these beams when exposed to fire, in which the properties of strength and stiffness were evaluated as a function of rising temperatures, allowing an analysis of the effect of the section factor on the internal rise in temperature of structural Eucalyptus beams.