67 resultados para thrombocyte
Background: Hematology tests are useful to evaluate physiologic disturbances in fish and can provide important information for the diagnosis and prognosis of disease. Objectives: the primary purpose of this study was to define reference intervals for thrombocytes and leukocytes in healthy channel catfish (Ictalurus punctactus). In addition, the morphologic, cytochernical, and ultrastructural features of blood cells were assessed. Methods: Blood samples (0.5 mL were collected into EDTA from 40 clinically healthy catfish on a commercial fish farm in Jaboticabal, Brazil. Thrombocyte, total WBC, and differential WBC counts were determined and reference intervals were calculated as the 25-95th percentiles of data. Thrombocyte and leukocyte morphology was assessed in blood smears stained with May Griinwald-Giemsa-Wright and ultrastructurally by transmission electron microscopy. Cytochemical staining patterns were described using periodic acid-Schiff (PAS), peroxidase, nonspecific esterase, alkaline phosphatase, and toluidine blue. Results: Reference intervals were as follows: thrombocytes 58,802-99,569/mu L; total WBCs 27,460-41,523/mu L; lymphocytes 5380-11,581/mu L; monocytes 2949-7459/mu L; neutrophils 12,529-22,748/mu L, and basophils 736-2003/mu L. Neutrophils were positive for peroxidase and PAS; monocytes were positive for nonspecific esterase; and basophils were positive with toluidine blue. Conclusion: the morphologic and staining features of neutrophils and monocytes of channel catfish are similar to those of mammals, and the presence of basophils in this species was verified. These reference intervals and morphologic findings provide a foundation for future investigations on the functions and alterations of blood cells in channel catfish.
This study investigates the thrombocyte aggregation process in the South American fresh water turtle (Phrynopys hilarii) using electron microscopy. Blood was taken from surgically exposed lateral neck vessels often turtles Phrynopys hilarii during the spring and summer seasons, when the mean temperature is 37°C. Blood samples were fixed with Karnovsky solution for processing by transmission electron microscopy. The turtle thrombocytes were spindle-shaped with lobulated nuclei. Prominent vesicles and canaliculi were found throughout the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm organelles showed an agranular endoplasmatic reticulum, Golgi complex near the centrioles and scattered free ribosomes. These cells are similar to bird thrombocytes but distinct from fish and frog thrombocytes. Blood clotting time was 5 min ± 30 sec measured by the Lee and White method. Structural alterations resulting from the aggregation process occurred after activation. Thrombocytes developed numerous filopodial projections, an increased number of vacuoles and changed from spindle to spherical shape. P. hilarii thrombocytes have different morphologic characteristics compared to other non-mammalian vertebrate cells. These cells can participate in the aggregation process, as observed in birds.
The aim of this study was not only to determine the red blood cells parameters, thrombocyte and leukocyte counts in farmed Brycon amazonicus (matrinxã), to compare these parameters among Bryconinae species from literature, and also to investigate the presence of special granulocytic cells in these fish. The results of the blood cells parameters here established for farmed B. amazonicus, a species of great economic importance in Brazilian aquaculture, could help a better understanding of the blood features in natural populations of this Amazon species. Blood parameters varied between Bryconinae species investigated, mainly the red blood cell counts, hemoglobin, hematocrit and mean corpuscular volume (MCV). The presence of the blood granulocytes, neutrophils and heterophils in matrinxã suggest that both leukocytes can be a characteristic for Bryconinae family. Furthermore, it indicates that the existence of special granulocytic cells in the blood of Bryconinae species from literature is an artifact, and this was herein discussed.
Although gravity drainage has been the standard technique for cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), the development of min imally invasive techniques for cardiac surgery has renewed interest in using vacuum assisted venous drainage (VAVD) Dideco (Mirandola, Italy) has modified the D903 Avant oxygenator to apply a vacuum to its venous reservoir. The impact of VAVD on blood damage with this device is analyzed. Six calves (mean body weight, 71.3 +/- 4.1 kg) were con nected to CPB by jugular venous and carotid arterial cannu lation, with a flow rate of 4-4.51 L/min for 6 h. They were assigned to gravity drainage (standard D903 Avant oxygen ator, n = 3) or VAVD (modified D903 Avant oxygenator, n = 3). The animals were allowed to survive for 7 days. A standard battery of blood samples was taken before bypass, throughout bypass, and 24 h, 48 h, and 7 days after bypass. Analysis of variance was used for repeated measurements. Thrombocyte and white blood cell counts, corrected by hematocrit and normalized by prebypass values, were not significantly different between groups throughout all study periods. The same holds true for hemolytic parameters (lactate dehydrogenase [LDH] and plasma hemoglobin). Both peaked at 24 hr in the standard and VAVD groups: LDH, 2,845 +/- 974 IU/L vs. 2,537 +/- 476 IU/L (p = 0.65), respectively; and plasma hemoglobin, 115 +/- 31 mg/L vs. 89 +/- 455 mg/L (p = 0.45), respectively. In this experimental setup with prolonged perfusion time, VAVD does not increase trauma to blood cells in comparison with standard gravity drainage.
The authors evaluated ten years of surgical reanimation in the University Centre of Lausanne (CHUV). Irreversible coagulopathy (IC) is the predominant cause of death for the polytraumatized patient. Acidosis, hypothermy, and coagulation troubles are crucial elements of this coagulopathy. The authors looked for a criterion allowing the identification of dying of IC. In a retrospective study, laboratory results of pH, TP, PTT, thrombocyte count and the need for blood transfusion units were checked for each major step of the primary evaluation and treatment of the polytraumatized patients. These results were considered as critical according to criteria of the literature (30). The authors conclude that the apparation of a third critical value may be useful to identify the polytraumatized patient at risk of dying of IC status. This criterion may also guide the trauma team in selecting a damage control surgical approach (DCS). This criterion was then introduced into an algorithm involving the Emergency Department, the operating room and the Intensive Care Unit. This criterion is a new tool to address the patient at the crucial moment to the appropriate hospital structure.
OBJECTIVE: Standard cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) circuits with their large surface area and volume contribute to postoperative systemic inflammatory reaction and hemodilution. In order to minimize these problems a new approach has been developed resulting in a single disposable, compact arterio-venous loop, which has integral kinetic-assist pumping, oxygenating, air removal, and gross filtration capabilities (CardioVention Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA). The impact of this system on gas exchange capacity, blood elements and hemolysis is compared to that of a conventional circuit in a model of prolonged perfusion. METHODS: Twelve calves (mean body weight: 72.2+/-3.7 kg) were placed on cardiopulmonary bypass for 6 h with a flow of 5 l/min, and randomly assigned to the CardioVention system (n=6) or a standard CPB circuit (n=6). A standard battery of blood samples was taken before bypass and throughout bypass. Analysis of variance was used for comparison. RESULTS: The hematocrit remained stable throughout the experiment in the CardioVention group, whereas it dropped in the standard group in the early phase of perfusion. When normalized for prebypass values, both profiles differed significantly (P<0.01). Both O2 and CO2 transfers were significantly improved in the CardioVention group (P=0.04 and P<0.001, respectively). There was a slightly higher pressure drop in the CardioVention group but no single value exceeded 112 mmHg. No hemolysis could be detected in either group with all free plasma Hb values below 15 mg/l. Thrombocyte count, when corrected by hematocrit and normalized by prebypass values, exhibited an increased drop in the standard group (P=0.03). CONCLUSION: The CardioVention system with its concept of limited priming volume and exposed foreign surface area, improves gas exchange probably because of the absence of detectable hemodilution, and appears to limit the decrease in the thrombocyte count which may be ascribed to the reduced surface. Despite the volume and surface constraints, no hemolysis could be detected throughout the 6 h full-flow perfusion period.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present work, studied the effect of 0, 1,000, 1,500 and 2,000 mg of garlic powder/kg dry ration for Piaractus mesopotamicus (Osteichthyes Characidae), weighting 73.6+/-39.4 9 and measuring 15.0+/-2.7 cm, fed for a period of 15, 30 and 45 days. Fifteen days after treatment with 1,000 and 2,000 Prig of garlic/kg dry ration, significant reduction of Anacanthorus penilabiatus (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) in the gills was related. Nevertheless, the addition of garlic to the ration caused significant increase in the erythrocyte number and in the thrombocyte percentage in the circulating blood. However, a decrease in the lymphocyte percentage was also observed. After 45 days, fish fed with garlic showed significant increase in the erythrocyte number, leucocyte, haemoglobin rate, hematocrit and thrombocyte.
The inflammatory response and hernatological parameters among Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) supplemented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae were evaluated six and 24 h after inoculation with inactivated Aeromonas hydrophila into the swim bladder. Six groups were formed (n = 10 each): G1 was treated with non-supplemented feed+injection with 0.65% saline solution; G2 with non-supplemented feed+ inoculation with A. hydrophila: G3 with feed containing 2% yeast+ injection with saline; G4 with feed containing 2% yeast + inoculation with A. hydrophila: G5 with feed containing 0.3% cell wall + injection with saline: and G6 with feed containing 0.3% cell wall + inoculation with A. hydrophila. In the groups inoculated with bacteria, the responses were more intense (P<0.05) than in those injected with saline. The groups receiving supplement that were inoculated with A. hydrophila accumulated a greater total number of cells at the lesion site (P<0.05) than did the non-supplemented groups, after six and 24 h. The groups receiving cell wall presented greater total accumulation of cells (P<0.005) that did those receiving yeast. The differential count showed that there were significantly greater number of thrombocytes (P< 0.05) and lower number of neutrophils, macrophages and lymphocytes (P<0.05) in the groups that received supplement, after 6 and 24 h, in relation to the non-supplemented groups. The values in the erythrocyte count, hemoglobin concentration and blood measurement indices did not differ statistically. The variation in circulating thrombocyte and leukocyte counts suggests that the inflammatory stimulus caused recruitment from reserve compartments to the blood. The groups that received yeast or yeast cell wall supplements presented increased nonspecific acute inflammatory response, thus suggesting that this has a beneficial effect on the immunological defense system. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The effects of two probiotics (P(1) - Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Enterococcus faecium and P(2) - Bacillus subtilis) supplemented to commercial feed (40% crude protein) on the haematological and immunological parameters of the bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus were studied. Two doses of each probiotic (5 and 10 g kg-1 of food) were added to the diets and fed to frogs, totalling five treatments over 112 days. Haematological analyses consisted of total and differential leucocyte counts, erythrocyte and thrombocyte counts, haematocrit, haemoglobin levels and RBC indices (mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin - and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration) and the immunological parameters included phagocytic capacity and phagocytic index of peritoneal phagocytes. The results showed that the probiotics did not significantly influence any of the haematological parameters measured. However, immunological assays showed that the probiotics had an immunostimulating effect. The greatest effects were seen with probiotic P(1) fed at a dose of 10 g kg-1 of diet and probiotic P(2) fed at 5 g kg-1 of diet.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Estudou-se efeito da infecção por Goezia leporini Martins & Yoshitoshi, 2003 (Nematoda: Anisakidae) sobre as características hematológicas de Leporinus macrocephalus (Osteichthyes:Anostomidae) cultivado. Palidez das brânquias, rins, fígado e coração, pontos negros nos rins e acúmulo de líquido na cavidade visceral, estômago e intestinos foram observados. O conteúdo da vesícula biliar tinha aparência pálida e translúcida. Observaram-se alta e moderada correlações positivas entre número de nematóides e peso do peixe estimadas dentro dos grupos de peixe de 0-100g e 100-200g, respectivamente. As extensões sangüíneas revelaram variações no tamanho (anisocitose) e forma (poiquilocitose) dos eritrócitos, bem como eritrócitos em divisão. Não houve alteração (P>0,05) na contagem total de eritrócitos, de leucócitos, na taxa de hemoglobina e nos percentuais de trombócitos e monócitos. A infecção provocou redução (P<0,05) no percentual de hematócrito, no volume corpuscular médio, na concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média e no percentual de linfócitos, e aumento (P<0,05) no percentual de neutrófilos e eosinófilos no sangue circulante de peixes infectados. Este é o primeiro relato no Brasil que relaciona hematologia e infecção por nematóides em peixes cultivados.
As ectothermic animals, snakes depend exclusively on the environment for proper temperature maintenance, which may greatly influence their activity. Twenty-five adult Boa constrictor amarali snakes maintained in captivity were used to determine the influence of seasons on their hematologic values and electrophoretic profile of hemoglobin. A complete blood cell count (CBC) and examination for hemoparasites were performed in the summer and winter of 2004. Hemoglobin was stored for later electrophoresis. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were obtained in RBC, WBC. lymphocyte, thrombocyte, and monocyte counts, demonstrating the importance of the period of the year in the interpretation of reference values in these animals. Two snakes were detected with blood parasites (Hepatozoon sp.) in the winter and four in the summer. although it appears that their presence did not cause any significant alterations in the CBC. The electrophoretic analysis of the samples demonstrated two-four hemoglobin bands in this species.
The present work evaluated the efficacy of mebendazole (MBZ) treatment against infections with the monogenean helminths Anacanthorus penilabiatus, gill parasites of young cultivated pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus. A short-term bath treatment using 100, 200 and 500 mg MBZ/l of water for 10 and 30 min and a long-term-bath using 1, 10 and 100 mg MBZ/l of water for 24 h were utilized. Seven days after, fish were sacrificed and parasites counted. Concentrations of 500 and 200 mg MBZ/l for 10 and 30 min showed reduced efficacy (0.0 and 0.7%) and (14.2 and 11.0%), respectively. Nevertheless, 100 mg MBZ/l (10 min) and 10 nag MBZ/l (24 h) showed better efficacy (79.6 and 8 1.4%, respectively). Treatments for 24 h provoked increases in hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration and leukocyte number when compared to those untreated fish. Mebendazole treatments also provoked alterations in the defense blood cells especially in lymphocyte and thrombocyte numbers, when the fishes were submitted to 10 and 30 min baths.