991 resultados para three-nucleon force


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In this work we describe a subtle effect in nuclear physics, associated with three-nucleon forces, which is nevertheless fundamental in the interpretation of experimental results. It is important to notice that three-body effects are of non-pertubative origins, which makes this problem more involving theoretically. The use of Quantum Chromodynamics is fundamental in the understanding of the physics process.


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We have investigated the mechanisms leading to two and three body photon absorption in nuclei. At photon energies around the pion production threshold we obtain a fraction of three body absorption of less than 10% of the total, contradicting previous theoretical claims that it dominates the absorption process. The strength of the three body channel grows smoothly with the photon energy reaching a maximum of about 60% of the total direct absorption at energies of the photon around 400 MeV.


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We have investigated the mechanisms leading to two and three body photon absorption in nuclei. At photon energies around the pion production threshold we obtain a fraction of three body absorption of less than 10% of the total, contradicting previous theoretical claims that it dominates the absorption process. The strength of the three body channel grows smoothly with the photon energy reaching a maximum of about 60% of the total direct absorption at energies of the photon around 400 MeV.


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A stress-wave force balance for measurement of thrust, lift, and pitching moment on a large scramjet model (40 kg in mass, 1.165 in in length) in a reflected shock tunnel has been designed, calibrated, and tested. Transient finite element analysis was used to model the performance of the balance. This modeling indicates that good decoupling of signals and low sensitivity of the balance to the distribution of. the load can be achieved with a three-bar balance. The balance was constructed and calibrated by applying a series of point loads to the model. A good comparison between finite element analysis and experimental results was obtained with finite element analysis aiding in the interpretation of some experimental results. Force measurements were made in a shock tunnel both with and without fuel injection, and measurements were compared with predictions using simple models of the scramjet and combustion. Results indicate that the balance is capable of resolving lift, thrust, and pitching moments with and without combustion. However vibrations associated with tunnel operation interfered with the signals indicating the importance of vibration isolation for accurate measurements.


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The main goal of this dissertation was to study two- and three-nucleon Short Range Correlations (SRCs) in high energy three-body breakup of 3He nucleus in 3He(e, e'NN) N reaction. SRCs are characterized by quantum fluctuations in nuclei during which constituent nucleons partially overlap with each other. ^ A theoretical framework is developed within the Generalized Eikonal Approximation (GEA) which upgrades existing medium-energy methods that are inapplicable for high momentum and energy transfer reactions. High momentum and energy transfer is required to provide sufficient resolution for probing SRCs. GEA is a covariant theory which is formulated through the effective Feynman diagrammatic rules. It allows self-consistent calculation of single and double re-scatterings amplitudes which are present in three-body breakup processes. The calculations were carried out in detail and the analytical result for the differential cross section of 3He(e, e'NN)N reaction was derived in a form applicable for programming and numerical calculations. The corresponding computer code has been developed and the results of computation were compared to the published experimental data, showing satisfactory agreement for a wide range of values of missing momenta. ^ In addition to the high energy approximation this study exploited the exclusive nature of the process under investigation to gain more information about the SRCs. The description of the exclusive 3He( e, e'NN)N reaction has been done using the formalism of the nuclear decay function, which is a practically unexplored quantity and is related to the conventional spectral function through the integration of the phase space of the recoil nucleons. Detailed investigation showed that the decay function clearly exhibits the main features of two- and three-nucleon correlations. Four highly practical types of SRCs in 3He nucleus were discussed in great detail for different orders of the final state re-interactions using the decay function as an unique identifying tool. ^ The overall conclusion in this dissertation suggests that the investigation of the decay function opens up a completely new venue in studies of short range nuclear properties. ^


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The main goal of this dissertation was to study two- and three-nucleon Short Range Correlations (SRCs) in high energy three-body breakup of 3He nucleus in 3He(e, e'NN)N reaction. SRCs are characterized by quantum fluctuations in nuclei during which constituent nucleons partially overlap with each other. A theoretical framework is developed within the Generalized Eikonal Approximation (GEA) which upgrades existing medium-energy methods that are inapplicable for high momentum and energy transfer reactions. High momentum and energy transfer is required to provide sufficient resolution for probing SRCs. GEA is a covariant theory which is formulated through the effective Feynman diagrammatic rules. It allows self-consistent calculation of single and double re-scatterings amplitudes which are present in three-body breakup processes. The calculations were carried out in detail and the analytical result for the differential cross section of 3He(e, e'NN)Nreaction was derived in a form applicable for programming and numerical calculations. The corresponding computer code has been developed and the results of computation were compared to the published experimental data, showing satisfactory agreement for a wide range of values of missing momenta. In addition to the high energy approximation this study exploited the exclusive nature of the process under investigation to gain more information about the SRCs. The description of the exclusive 3He(e, e'NN)N reaction has been done using the formalism of the nuclear decay function, which is a practically unexplored quantity and is related to the conventional spectral function through the integration of the phase space of the recoil nucleons. Detailed investigation showed that the decay function clearly exhibits the main features of two- and three-nucleon correlations. Four highly practical types of SRCs in 3He nucleus were discussed in great detail for different orders of the final state re-interactions using the decay function as an unique identifying tool. The overall conclusion in this dissertation suggests that the investigation of the decay function opens up a completely new venue in studies of short range nuclear properties.


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The purpose of this research was to develop a theory of high-energy exclusive electrodisintegration of three-nucleon systems on the example of 3He(e, e'NN)N reaction with knocked-out nucleon in the final state. The scattering amplitudes and differential cross section of the reaction were calculated in details within the Generalized Eikonal Approximation(GEA). The manifestly covariant nature of Feynman diagrams derived in GEA allowed us to preserve both the relativistic dynamics and kinematics of the scattering while identifying the low momentum nuclear part of the amplitude with a nonrelativistic nuclear wave function. Numerical calculations of the residual system's total and relative momentum distribution were performed which show reasonable agreement with available experimental data. The theoretical framework of GEA, which was applied previously only for the case of two-body (deuteron) high energy break up reactions, has been practically implemented and shown to provide a valid description for more complex A = 3 systems.


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As an application of the new realistic three-dimensional (3D) formalism reported recently for three-nucleon (3N) bound states, an attempt is made to study the effect of three-nucleon forces (3NFs) in triton binding energy in a non partial wave (PW) approach. The spin-isospin dependent 3N Faddeev integral equations with the inclusion of 3NFs, which are formulated as function of vector Jacobi momenta, specifically the magnitudes of the momenta and the angle between them, are solved with Bonn-B and Tucson-Melbourne NN and 3N forces in operator forms which can be incorporated in our 3D formalism. The comparison with numerical results in both, novel 3D and standard PW schemes, shows that non PW calculations avoid the very involved angular momentum algebra occurring for the permutations and transformations and it is more efficient and less cumbersome for considering the 3NF.


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Bulk and single-particle properties of hot hyperonic matter are studied within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approximation extended to finite temperature. The bare interaction in the nucleon sector is the Argonne V18 potential supplemented with an effective three-body force to reproduce the saturating properties of nuclear matter. The modern Nijmegen NSC97e potential is employed for the hyperon-nucleon and hyperon-hyperon interactions. The effect of temperature on the in-medium effective interaction is found to be, in general, very small and the single-particle potentials differ by at most 25% for temperatures in the range from 0 to 60 MeV. The bulk properties of infinite matter of baryons, either nuclear isospin symmetric or a Beta-stable composition that includes a nonzero fraction of hyperons, are obtained. It is found that the presence of hyperons can modify the thermodynamical properties of the system in a non-negligible way.


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Bulk and single-particle properties of hot hyperonic matter are studied within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approximation extended to finite temperature. The bare interaction in the nucleon sector is the Argonne V18 potential supplemented with an effective three-body force to reproduce the saturating properties of nuclear matter. The modern Nijmegen NSC97e potential is employed for the hyperon-nucleon and hyperon-hyperon interactions. The effect of temperature on the in-medium effective interaction is found to be, in general, very small and the single-particle potentials differ by at most 25% for temperatures in the range from 0 to 60 MeV. The bulk properties of infinite matter of baryons, either nuclear isospin symmetric or a Beta-stable composition that includes a nonzero fraction of hyperons, are obtained. It is found that the presence of hyperons can modify the thermodynamical properties of the system in a non-negligible way.


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This study examined the electromyographic, cerebral and muscle hemodynamic responses during intermittent isometric contractions of biceps brachii at 20, 40, and 60% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). Eleven volunteers completed 2 min of intermittent isometric contractions (12/min) at an elbow angle of 90° interspersed with 3 min rest between intensities in systematic order. Surface electromyography (EMG) was recorded from the right biceps brachii and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to simultaneously measure left prefrontal and right biceps brachii oxyhemoglobin (HbO2), deoxyhemoglobin (HHb), and total hemoglobin (Hbtot). Transcranial Doppler ultrasound was used to measure middle cerebral artery velocity (MCAv) bilaterally. Finger photoplethysmography was used to record beat-to-beat blood pressure and heart rate. EMG increased with force output from 20 to 60% MVC (P < 0.05). Cerebral HbO2 and Hbtot increased while HHb decreased during contractions with differences observed between 60% vs. 40% and 20% MVC (P < 0.05). Muscle HbO2 decreased while HHb increased during contractions with differences being observed among intensities (P < 0.05). Muscle Hbtot increased from rest at 20% MVC (P < 0.05), while no further change was observed at 40 and 60% MVC (P > 0.05). MCAv increased from rest to exercise but was not different among intensities (P > 0.05). Force output correlated with the root mean square EMG and changes in muscle HbO2 (P < 0.05), but not changes in cerebral HbO2 (P > 0.05) at all three intensities. Force output declined by 8% from the 1st to the 24th contraction only at 60% MVC and was accompanied by systematic increases in RMS, cerebral HbO2 and Hbtot with a leveling off in muscle HbO2 and Hbtot. These changes were independent of alterations in mean arterial pressure. Since cerebral blood flow and oxygenation were elevated at 60% MVC, we attribute the development of fatigue to reduced muscle oxygen availability rather than impaired central neuronal activation.


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Bulk and single-particle properties of hot hyperonic matter are studied within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approximation extended to finite temperature. The bare interaction in the nucleon sector is the Argonne V18 potential supplemented with an effective three-body force to reproduce the saturating properties of nuclear matter. The modern Nijmegen NSC97e potential is employed for the hyperon-nucleon and hyperon-hyperon interactions. The effect of temperature on the in-medium effective interaction is found to be, in general, very small and the single-particle potentials differ by at most 25% for temperatures in the range from 0 to 60 MeV. The bulk properties of infinite matter of baryons, either nuclear isospin symmetric or a Beta-stable composition that includes a nonzero fraction of hyperons, are obtained. It is found that the presence of hyperons can modify the thermodynamical properties of the system in a non-negligible way.


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Bulk and single-particle properties of hot hyperonic matter are studied within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approximation extended to finite temperature. The bare interaction in the nucleon sector is the Argonne V18 potential supplemented with an effective three-body force to reproduce the saturating properties of nuclear matter. The modern Nijmegen NSC97e potential is employed for the hyperon-nucleon and hyperon-hyperon interactions. The effect of temperature on the in-medium effective interaction is found to be, in general, very small and the single-particle potentials differ by at most 25% for temperatures in the range from 0 to 60 MeV. The bulk properties of infinite matter of baryons, either nuclear isospin symmetric or a Beta-stable composition that includes a nonzero fraction of hyperons, are obtained. It is found that the presence of hyperons can modify the thermodynamical properties of the system in a non-negligible way.