9 resultados para thiocarbamate


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The effect of thiocarbamates (S-ethyldipropylthiocarbamate and diallate), substituted ureas (monuron and diuron), and uracils (bromacil and terbacil) on lipid metabolism in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) leaves was investigated under nonphotosynthetic conditions. The uptake of [1-14C]acetate by leaf disks was inhibited by the thiocarbamates and marginally by the substituted ureas, but not by the uracil herbicides. The uptake of [methyl-14C]choline was inhibited to a lesser extent by thiocarbamates, while the other herbicides showed a slight stimulation. The thiocarbamates almost completely inhibited uptake of [32P]orthophosphate at 1.0 mM concentration, while diuron and terbacil showed significant inhibition. [1-14C]Acetate incorporation into lipids was inhibited only by diallate. [methyl-14C]Choline incorporation into the choline phosphoglycerides was inhibited by diallate, diuron, and bromacil. The incorporation of [32P]orthophosphate into phospholipids was substantially inhibited (over 90% at 1.0 mM) by the thiocarbamates, but not by the other herbicides. [35S]Sulfate incorporation into sulfoquinovosyl diglycerides was markedly inhibited only by the thiocarbamates. Fatty acid synthesis by isolated chloroplasts was inhibited 40–85% by thiocarbamates, substituted ureas, and bromacil, but not by terbacil. The inhibitory effect of the urea derivatives was reversible, but that of thiocarbamates was irreversible. sn-Glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase(s) of the chloroplast and microsomal fractions were profoundly inhibited by thiocarbamates, but not by the other two groups of herbicides. Phosphatidic acid phosphatase was insensitive to all the herbicides tested.


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Facile in situ Cu(II) mediated transformation of p-tolylsulfonyldithiocarbimate in conjunction with polypyridyl or phosphine ligands into corresponding carbamate and thiocarbamate led to the formation of new copper complexes with varying nuclearities and geometries, via C-S bond activation of the ligand within identical reaction systems.


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This paper reports, the Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) studies and structure elucidation of compounds isolated from the fruit extract of Moringa oleifera and also deals with their possible effects on some bacterial strains viz. Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The extract was found to be active against all four microorganisms used. Extent of inhibitory effect of extract was assessed at different concentrations of 25, 50, 75 mg/ml by measuring diameter of inhibition zone (DIZ). Our results clearly showed that the 75 mg/ml concentration of the extract had 14, 12 and 18 mm of the DIZ against Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and 14 mm with 50 mg/ml concentration against Escherichia coli. The results were compared with the standard antibiotic `ampicillin' of 1 mg/ml concentration. LIBS was recorded with high power pulsed laser beam from Nd: YAG Laser (Continuum Surelite III-10), focused on the surface of the material, which was in liquid form, to generate plasma on the surface of the sample. LIBS data clearly demonstrate the presence of trace elements, magnesium and iron, in high concentration in the extract. Whereas, from the phytochemical profile reveals the presence of two new compounds, S-ethyl-N-{4-[(alpha-L-rhamnosyloxy) benzyl]} thiocarbamate and 2-acetoxy {4-[(2',3',4'-tri-O-acetyl-alpha-L-rhamnosyloxy) benzyl]} acetonitrile as the major constituents. This study is the first report on synergetic effect of the phytoconstituents and certain set of elements present in their defined role in bacterial management against different bacterial strains.


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The fragmentation processes in the mass spectra of a series of organophosphorus, organochlorine, thio and dithiocarbamate as well as a number of miscellaneous pesticides have been studied i n detail by using the Bendix timeof- flight, MS-12 single-focussing and MS-30 double-focussing mass spectrometers. Interpretation of all the spectra have been presented; their mode s of dissociation elucidated, aided by metastable transitions wherever possible and the structures of the various f ragmentation species postulated wherever f easible. The fragmentation mechanisms are based on the concepts of inductive, resonance and steric ef~ects. Multiple bond cleavages accompanied by simultaneous bond formation and rearrangement reactions involving cycli c t r ansition states have clarified t he formation of various ions . Due emphasis has been placed on the effect of the functional groups or substituents in altering the mass spectral behaviour of the pesticides as they form the basis for the identifi cation of the otherwise identical pesticides. The organophosphorus pesticides which have been studied include i) the phosphates (eg: DDVP and Phosdrin ); ii) phosphorothionates (eg: Parathion, 0-2, 4 dichloro phenyl 0, O-diethyl thionophosphate); iii) phosphorothioites (eg: Tributyl phosphorotrithioite); i V) phosphorothioates (eg: Ethion) and v) phosphorodithioates (eg: Carbophenolthion). Cleavages and rearrangements of the ester moiety dominate the spectrum of phosdrin while that of DDVP is + dominated by t he fragmentation modes of the (OH30)2P=0 + moiety. Fragmentation §f the (CH30)2P=S characterises the spectrum of (OH30)2"P -Cl while cleavages of the + (C2H50 )2P=S species mark the spectra of parathion and 0-2, 4- di chlorophenyl O, O-diethyl thiophosphate. The 0(, cl eavages of the thioether f unction rather than + cleavages of the (C2H50)2P=S signify the spectrum of carbophenolthion. Tributyl phosphorotrithioite behaves more like an aliphatic hydrocarbon than like the corresponding phosphites. The isopropyl and butyl esters of 2, 4 dichlorophenoxy acetic acid show cleavage and rearrangement ions typical of an ester. In spite of its structural similari ty to pp' - DDT and pp' - DDD, Kalthane has a completely different mass spectral behaviour due to the influence of its hydroxyl function. The thiocarbamate pesticides studied include Eptam and Perbulate. Both are structurally similar but having different alkyl substituents on nitrogen and sulphur. This structurQlsimilarity leads to similar types of (N-C), (O-S) and (S-alkyl cleavages). However, perbulate differs from Eptam in showing a rearrangement ion at mle 161 and in forming an isocyanate ion as the base peak. In Eptam the base peak i s the alkyl ion. The dithiocarbamate, Vegadex, resembles the thiocarbamates in undergoing simple cleavages but it differs from them in having a weak parent ion; in the formation of its base peak and in undergoing a series of rearrangement reactions. The miscellaneous pesticides studied include 1-Naphthalene acetic aCid- methyl ester, Fiperonyl butoxide and Allethrin. The ester i s stable to electron impact and shows only fewer ions. Piper onyl butoxide, a polyether, shows characteristics of an et her, alcohol and aldehyde . Allethrin is regarded as an ester of the type R-C-O-R1 with n R being a substituted cyclopr opane moiety and o Rt, a substituted cyclopentenone mOiety. Accordingly it shows cleavage ions typical of an aliphatic ester and undergoes bond ruptures of the cyclic moieties to give unusual ions. Its base peak is an odd electron ion, quite contrary to expectations.


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Pure O-methyl N-methoxycarbonyl thiocarbamate CH(3)OC(S)N(H)C(O)OCH(3) (I) and O-ethyl N-methoxycarbonyl thiocarbamate, CH(3)CH(2)OC(S)N(H)C(O)OCH(3) (II), are quantitatively prepared by the addition reaction between the CH(3)OC(O)NCS and the corresponding alcohols. The compounds are characterized by multinuclear ((1)H and (13)C) and bi-dimensional ((13)C HSQC) NMR, GC-MS and FTIR spectroscopy techniques. Structural and conformational properties are analyzed using a combined approach involving crystallographic data, vibration spectra and theoretical calculations. The low-temperature (150 K) crystal structure of II was determined by X-ray diffraction methods. The substance crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/n with a = 4.088(1)angstrom. b = 22.346(1)angstrom, c = 8.284(1)angstrom, beta = 100.687(3)degrees and Z = 4 molecules per unit cell. The conformation adopted by the thiocarbamate group -OC(S)N(H)- is syn (C=S double bond in synperiplanar orientation with respect to the N-H single bond), while the methoxycarbonyl C=O double bond is in antiperiplanar orientation with respect to the N-H bond. The non-H atoms in II are essentially coplanar and the molecules are arranged in the crystal lattice as centro-symmetric dimeric units held by N-H center dot center dot center dot S=C hydrogen bonds Id(N center dot center dot center dot S) = 3.387(1)angstrom, <(N-H center dot center dot center dot S) = 166.4(2)degrees]. Furthermore, the effect of the it electronic resonance in the structural and vibrational properties is also discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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1-Benzoyl-3-benzylguanidine and 1-benzoyl-3-benzyl-O-ethylisourea were synthesized in good yields (68 and 76%, respectively) from 1-benzoyl-3-benzylthiourea and benzoyl-ethylthiocarbamate in dry media conditions using KF-Al2O3 under microwave irradiation. Strong nucleophilic amines promoted the sulfur elimination by attack on the thiocarbonyl group in both thiourea and thiocarbamates to afford guanidines and isourea, respectively. Transesterification products were obtained from p-TsOH catalyzed reaction of thiocarbamate with alcohols under MW-solvent-free conditions. Very important non-purely thermal MW specific effects were evidenced and attributed to stabilization by coulombic interactions between materials and waves. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Dichloroacetamide safeners protect maize (Zea mays L.) against injury from chloroacetanilide and thiocarbamate herbicides. Etiolated maize seedlings have a high-affinity cytosolic-binding site for the safener [3H](R,S)-3-dichloroacetyl-2,2,5-trimethyl-1,3-oxazol-idine ([3H]Saf), and this safener-binding activity (SafBA) is competitively inhibited by the herbicides. The safener-binding protein (SafBP), purified to homogeneity, has a relative molecular weight of 39,000, as shown by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and an isoelectric point of 5.5. Antiserum raised against purified SafBP specifically recognizes a 39-kD protein in etiolated maize and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), which have SafBA, but not in etiolated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), oat (Avena sativa L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), or Arabidopsis, which lack SafBA. SafBP is most abundant in the coleoptile and scarcest in the leaves, consistent with the distribution of SafBA. SBP1, a cDNA encoding SafBP, was cloned using polymerase chain reaction primers based on purified proteolytic peptides. Extracts of Escherichia coli cells expressing SBP1 have strong [3H]Saf binding, which, like binding to the native maize protein, is competitively inhibited by the safener dichlormid and the herbicides S-ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate, alachlor, and metolachlor. SBP1 is predicted to encode a phenolic O-methyltransferase, but SafBP does not O-methylate catechol or caffeic acid. The acquisition of its encoding gene opens experimental approaches for the evaluation of the role of SafBP in response to the relevant safeners and herbicides.


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Investigations of a southern Australian marine sponge, Oceanapia sp., have yielded two new methyl branched bisthiocyanates, thiocyanatins D-1 (3a) and D-2 (3b), along with two new thiocarbamate thiocyanates, thiocyanatins E-l (4a) and E-2 (4b). The new thiocyanatins belong to a rare class of bioactive marine metabolite previously only represented by thiocyanatins A-C (1, 2a/b). Structures were assigned on the basis of detailed spectroscopic analysis, with comparisons to the known bisthiocyanate thiocyanatin A (1) and synthetic model compounds (5-7). The thiocyanatins exhibit potent nematocidal activity, and preliminary structure-activity relationship investigations have confirmed key characteristics of the thiocyanatin pharmacophore.