961 resultados para thermomechanical pulp


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The first objective of this study was to find out reliable laboratory methods to predict the effect of enzymes on specific energy consumption and fiber properties of TMP pulp. The second one was to find with interactive software called “Knowledge discovery in databases” enzymes or other additives that can be used in finding a solution to reduce energy consumption of TMP pulp. The chemical composition of wood and enzymes, which have activity on main wood components were presented in the literature part of the work. The results of previous research in energy reduction of TMP process with enzymes were also highlighted. The main principles of knowledge discovery have been included in literature part too. The experimental part of the work contains the methods description in which the standard size chip, crushed chip and fiberized spruce chip (fiberized pulp) were used. Different types of enzymatic treatment with different dosages and time were tested during the experiments and showed. Pectinase, endoglucanase and mixture of enzymes were used for evaluation of method reliability. The fines content and fiber length of pulp was measured and used as evidence of enzymes' effect. The refining method with “Bauer” laboratory disc refiner was evaluated as not highly reliable. It was not able to provide high repeatability of results, because of uncontrolled feeding capacity and refining consistency. The refining method with Valley refiner did not have a lot of variables and showed stable and repeatable results in energy saving. The results of experiments showed that efficient enzymes impregnation is probably the main target with enzymes application for energy saving. During the work the fiberized pulp showed high accessibility to enzymatic treatment and liquid penetration without special impregnating equipment. The reason was that fiberized pulp has larger wood surface area and thereby the contact area between the enzymatic solution and wood is also larger. Standard size chip and crushed chip treatment without special impregnator of enzymatic solution was evaluated as not efficient and did not show visible, repeatable results in energy consumption decrease. Thereby it was concluded that using of fiberized pulp and Valley refiner for measurements of enzymes' effectiveness in SEC decrease is more suitable than normal size chip and crushed chip with “Bauer” refiner. Endoglucanase with 5 kg/t dosage showed about 20% energy consumption decrease. Mixture of enzymes with 1.5 kg/t dosage showed about 15% decrease of energy consumption during the refining. Pectinase at different dosages and treatment times did not show significant effect on energy consumption. Results of knowledge discovery in databases showed the xylanase, cellulase and pectinase blend as most promising for energy reduction in TMP process. Surfactants were determined as effective additives for energy saving with enzymes.


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The aim of this thesis was to produce information for the estimation of the flow balance of wood resin in mechanical pulping and to demonstrate the possibilities for improving the efficiency of deresination in practice. It was observed that chemical changes in wood resin take place only during peroxide bleaching, a significant amount of water dispersed wood resin is retained in the pulp mat during dewatering and the amount of wood resin in the solid phase of the process filtrates is very small. On the basis of this information there exist three parameters related to behaviour of wood resin that determine the flow balance in the process: 1. The liberation of wood resin to the pulp water phase 2. Theretention of water dispersed wood resin in dewatering 3. The proportion of wood resin degraded in the peroxide bleaching The effect of different factors on these parameters was evaluated with the help of laboratory studies and a literature survey. Also, information related to the values of these parameters in existing processes was obtained in mill measurements. With the help of this information, it was possible to evaluate the deresination efficiency and the effect of different factors on this efficiency in a pulping plant that produced low-freeness mechanical pulp. This evaluation showed that the wood resin content of mechanical pulp can be significantly decreased if there exists, in the process, a peroxide bleaching and subsequent washing stage. In the case of an optimal process configuration, as high as a 85 percent deresination efficiency seems to be possible with a water usage level of 8 m3/o.d.t.


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The accumulation of aqueous pollutants is becoming a global problem. The search for suitable methods and/or combinations of water treatment processes is a task that can slow down and stop the process of water pollution. In this work, the method of wet oxidation was considered as an appropriate technique for the elimination of the impurities present in paper mill process waters. It has been shown that, when combined with traditional wastewater treatment processes, wet oxidation offers many advantages. The combination of coagulation and wet oxidation offers a new opportunity for the improvement of the quality of wastewater designated for discharge or recycling. First of all, the utilization of coagulated sludge via wet oxidation provides a conditioning process for the sludge, i.e. dewatering, which is rather difficult to carry out with untreated waste. Secondly, Fe2(SO4)3, which is employed earlier as a coagulant, transforms the conventional wet oxidation process into a catalytic one. The use of coagulation as the post-treatment for wet oxidation can offer the possibility of the brown hue that usually accompanies the partial oxidation to be reduced. As a result, the supernatant is less colored and also contains a rather low amount of Fe ions to beconsidered for recycling inside mills. The thickened part that consists of metal ions is then recycled back to the wet oxidation system. It was also observed that wet oxidation is favorable for the degradation of pitch substances (LWEs) and lignin that are present in the process waters of paper mills. Rather low operating temperatures are needed for wet oxidation in order to destruct LWEs. The oxidation in the alkaline media provides not only the faster elimination of pitch and lignin but also significantly improves the biodegradable characteristics of wastewater that contains lignin and pitch substances. During the course of the kinetic studies, a model, which can predict the enhancements of the biodegradability of wastewater, was elaborated. The model includes lumped concentrations suchas the chemical oxygen demand and biochemical oxygen demand and reflects a generalized reaction network of oxidative transformations. Later developments incorporated a new lump, the immediately available biochemical oxygen demand, which increased the fidelity of the predictions made by the model. Since changes in biodegradability occur simultaneously with the destruction of LWEs, an attempt was made to combine these two facts for modeling purposes.


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Tässä työssä Oy Keskuslaboratoriossa sijaitsevalla kiertovesisimulaattorilla on tutkittiu ditioniittivalkaisun ja hylyn määrän vaikutusta pH:n stabiilisuuteen ja häiriöaineiden määrään neutraalissa LWC-prosessissa. Lisäksi on tutkittu ditioniitin määrän seisokkien ja valkaisuviiveiden vaikutusta. Kirjallisuusosassa tutustutaan ditioniittivalkaisuun ja valkaisun kemiaan sekä kalsiumkarbonaatin liukenemiseen. Lyhyesti selvitetään myös paperikoneen vesikiertoja sekä prosessissa olevia häiriöaineita. Karbonaatin liukenemisen osalta tarkastellaan myös mahdollisuutta mallintaa prosessia. Diplomityön aikana ajettiin yhdeksän simulaattoriajoa, jotka ajettiin kahden tai kolmen ajon sarjoissa. Ajoja ajettiin kolmella eri hylkymäärällä. Ditioniittivalkaisun lisäksi suoritettiin referenssiajoja ilman valkaisua. Lyhyen kierron pH pyrittiin pääosin säätämään seitsemään. Valkaisuviiveiden ja yli-yön kestävien seisokkien vaikutusta tutkittiin myös. Kokeissa todettiin ditioniitin alentavan pH tasoa. Tämä pH:n aleneminen johtaa kalsiumkarbonaatin liukenemiseen kalsiumkarbonaatin pyrkiessä puskuroimaan pH:n laskua. Valkaisureaktiossa syntyy negatiivisesti varauruneita yhdisteitä, jotka lisäävät prosessin anionisuutta. Ditioniitin valkaisuvaikutus näkyi lopputuotteen vaaleuden kasvuna sekä kieroveden värillisten yhdisteiden vähenemisenä. Ditioniittivalkaisu näytti poistavan myös noin 30% ligniinistä. Lipofiilisiin uuteaineisiin ditioniitilla ei ollut vaikutusta. Riittävä ditioniittiannos kokeiden perusteella on korkeintaan 1% ditioniittiä käytetyn mekaanisen massan määrästä. Korkeammalla annostuksella ei ollut vaikutusta vaaleuteen. Valkaisuaikana 30 minuuttia on riittävä. Pidempien valkaisuviiveiden ja seisokkien aikana valkaisussa syntyvän sulfiitin todettiin muuttuvan sulfaatiksi. Hylyn määrän lisääminen nosti pH:ta, varausta, johtokykyä ja liuenneen kalsiumin määrään. Hylyn määrän lisäminen paransi myös optisia ominaisuuksia, mikä johtui osin hylyn sisältämästä kalsiumkarbonaatista ja osin hylyn sisältämästä mekaanisesta massasta, joka oli valkaistua.


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Tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan kuumahierteen lajittimien akseptimassan laadun hallintaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tarkastelussa keskitytään pääasiassa roottorin pyörintänopeuden ja syöttösakeuden vaikutukseen lajittimien lajittelutuloksiin. Lisäksi työssä tarkastellaan lajittimen roottorin pyörintänopeuden muuttamiseen perustuvaa akseptimassan freeness-säädön toimintaa ja sen käyttökelpoisuutta akseptimassan freeness-tason hallitsemiseksi. Tulosten perusteella painelajittimien roottorin pyörintänopeudella on vaikutusta aksepti- ja rejektimassan laatuominaisuuksiin. Roottorin pyörintänopeuden muuttamiseen perustuva akseptimassan freeness-tason säätö on periaatteeltaan toimiva. Säätö toimii parhaiten tilanteissa, joissa lajittimen syöttömassan freeness nousee. Tarkastelujakson aikana roottorin pyörintänopeussäätö oli uusi, lisäksi lajittelussa tehtiin muutakin säätökehitystä, joten se miten paljon säädöstä on hyötyä freeness-huojunnan tasaajana, jäi selvittämättä. Työssä osoitettiin myös se, että syöttösakeudella voidaan vaikuttaa akseptimassan freeness-tasoon. Vaikutus ei ole kuitenkaan yhtä selkeä kuin roottorin pyörintänopeussäädön.


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Wood contains only a very small amount of lipophilic extractives, commonly known as wood pitch. The pitch is known to cause severe problems in papermaking processes. The amount of pitch in process waters can be decreased by seasoning of the raw material prior to pulping, pulp washing, removal of pitch by flotation, adsorption of pitch onto various mineral surfaces, and retention of pitch to the fibre material by cationic polymers. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of pH on some of the methods used for pitch control. Experiments were performed using laboratory-made wood pitch emulsions with varying pH, salt concentration, hemicellulose concentration and pitch composition. These emulsions were used to study the phase distribution of resin and fatty acids, the colloidal stability of pitch with and without steric stabilisation by galactoglucomannans, and the interactions between wood pitch and mineral particles. Purification of unbleached and peroxidebleached mill process water was performed by froth flotation in combination with a foaming agent. The distribution of resin and fatty acids (RFAs) between colloidal pitch droplets and the water phase was very dependent on pH. At pH 3, almost all of the RFAs were attached to the pitch droplets, while increasing the pH led to increasing concentration of dissolved RFAs in the water phase. The presence of salt shifted the release of RFAs towards higher pH, while lower ratio of neutral pitch in the emulsion resulted in release of RFAs at lower pH. It was also seen that the dissolution and adsorption of RFAs at sudden pHchanges takes place very quickly. Colloidal pitch was more stable against electrolyte-induced aggregation at higher pH, due to its higher anionic charge. The concentration of cationic polymers needed to aggregate colloidal pitch also increased with increasing pH. The surface characteristics of solid particles, such as amount of charged groups, were very important for understanding their interactions with colloidal wood pitch. Water-soluble galactoglucomannans stabilised the colloidal pitch sterically against aggregation, but could not completely prevent interactions between wood pitch and hydrophilic particles. Froth flotation of unbleached and peroxidebleached process water showed that the pitch could be removed more effectively and selectively at low pH, compared to at neutral pH. The pitch was removed more effectively, using lower concentrations of foaming agent, from peroxide-bleached water than from unbleached water. The results show that pH has a major impact on various pulping and papermaking processes. It determines the anionic charge of the colloidal pitch and the solubility of certain pitch components. Because of this, the pH influences the effectiveness of pitch retention and removal of pitch. The results indicate that pitch problems could be diminished by acknowledging the importance of pH in various papermaking processes.


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Inorganic-organic sol-gel hybrid coatings can be used for improving and modifying properties of wood-based materials. By selecting a proper precursor, wood can be made water repellent, decay-, moisture- or UV-resistant. However, to control the barrier properties of sol-gel coatings on wood substrates against moisture uptake and weathering, an understanding of the surface morphology and chemistry of the deposited sol-gel coatings on wood substrates is needed. Mechanical pulp is used in production of wood-containing printing papers. The physical and chemical fiber surface characteristics, as created in the chosen mechanical pulp manufacturing process, play a key role in controlling the properties of the end-use product. A detailed understanding of how process parameters influence fiber surfaces can help improving cost-effectiveness of pulp and paper production. The current work focuses on physico-chemical characterization of modified wood-based materials with surface sensitive analytical tools. The overall objectives were, through advanced microscopy and chemical analysis techniques, (i) to collect versatile information about the surface structures of Norway spruce thermomechanical pulp fiber walls and understand how they are influenced by the selected chemical treatments, and (ii) to clarify the effect of various sol-gel coatings on surface structural and chemical properties of wood-based substrates. A special emphasis was on understanding the effect of sol-gel coatings on the water repellency of modified wood and paper surfaces. In the first part of the work, effects of chemical treatment on micro- and nano-scale surface structure of 1st stage TMP latewood fibers from Norway spruce were investigated. The chemicals applied were buffered sodium oxalate and hydrochloric acid. The outer and the inner fiber wall layers of the untreated and chemically treated fibers were separately analyzed by light microscopy, atomic force microscopy and field-emission scanning electron microscopy. The selected characterization methods enabled the demonstration of the effect of different treatments on the fiber surface structure, both visually and quantitatively. The outer fiber wall areas appeared as intact bands surrounding the fiber and they were clearly rougher than areas of exposed inner fiber wall. The roughness of the outer fiber wall areas increased most in the sodium oxalate treatment. The results indicated formation of more surface pores on the exposed inner fiber wall areas than on the corresponding outer fiber wall areas as a result of the chemical treatments. The hydrochloric acid treatment seemed to increase the surface porosity of the inner wall areas. In the second part of the work, three silane-based sol-gel hybrid coatings were selected in order to improve moisture resistance of wood and paper substrates. The coatings differed from each other in terms of having different alkyl (CH3–, CH3-(CH2)7–) and fluorocarbon (CF3–) chains attached to the trialkoxysilane sol-gel precursor. The sol-gel coatings were deposited by a wet coating method, i.e. spraying or spreading by brush. The effect of solgel coatings on surface structural and chemical properties of wood-based substrates was studied by using advanced surface analyzing tools: atomic force microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and time-of-flight secondary ion spectroscopy. The results show that the applied sol-gel coatings, deposited as thin films or particulate coatings, have different effects on surface characteristics of wood and wood-based materials. The coating which has a long hydrocarbon chain (CH3-(CH2)7–) attached to the silane backbone (octyltriethoxysilane) produced the highest hydrophobicity for wood and wood-based materials.


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Träfibrernas naturliga egenskaper begränsar deras användning i många tillämpningar. Träfibrernas egenskaper kan modifieras genom att binda nya komponenter med önskade egenskaper till fiberns yta. DI Stina Grönqvist bevisade i sin avhandling att nya funktionella grupper kan bindas till ligninhaltiga träfibrer genom att aktivera ytligninet med lackasenzym. Resultaten kan utnyttjas till att förbättra de traditionella träfibrernas och fiberprodukternas egenskaper samt att hitta nya tillämpningar för träfibrerna. ”Om träfibrerna t.ex. modifieras så att de blir vattenavstötande kan de modifierade träfibrerna användas istället för plast i förpackningar” berättar Stina Grönqvist. Syftet med denna avhandling var att undersöka effekterna av lackasenzym på TMP (termomekanisk massa) och dess fraktioner. I Finland tillverkas TMP av gran och massan innehåller rikligt med lignin. När ytligninet på träfibrernas yta modifieras med hjälp av oxiderande enzymer, såsom lackas, bildas reaktiva radikaler i ligninen på fibrernas ytor. De bildade radikalerna kan utnyttjas till att binda komponenter med nya egenskaper till fiberytan. För att kunna utnyttja den fulla potentialen av den lackasbaserade modifieringsmetoden behövs mera information om så väl de faktorer som påverkar bildningen av radikaler som om mekanismerna hur de nya komponenterna binds till fibrerna ___________________________________ Puukuitujen luontaiset ominaisuudet rajoittavat niiden hyödyntämistä joissakin sovelluksissa. Ominaisuuksia voidaan kuitenkin muuttaa liittämällä kuidun pintaan uusia yhdisteitä. DI Stina Grönqvist osoitti väitöstyössään, että uusia kuitujen ominaisuuksia muuttavia funktionaalisia yhdisteitä voidaan sitoa ligniinipitoisiin puukuituihin aktivoimalla kuitujen pinnan ligniiniä lakkaasi-entsyymillä. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää ligniinipitoisten puukuitujen ominaisuuksien parantamiseen ja jopa täysin uusien ominaisuuksien kehittämiseen. ”Jos kuituja muutetaan vettä hylkiväksi sitomalla kuituihin vettä hylkiviä yhdisteitä entsyymien avulla, voidaan puukuituja käyttää korvaamaan muovia pakkauksissa”, kertoo Stina Grönqvist. Väitöstyön kohteena oli TMP-massan eli kuumahiertämällä valmistetun mekaanisen puumassojen ja niiden fraktioiden muokkaaminen lakkaasi-entsyymillä (TMP, Thermomechanical pulp). Suomalainen TMP-massa valmistetaan kuusesta ja siinä on runsaasti muokkaamatonta ligniiniä. Kun puukuidun pinnan ligniiniä muokataan hapettavilla entsyymeillä, muodostuu kuidun pintaan reaktiivisia radikaaleja. Syntyneiden radikaalien avulla kuituihin voidaan liittää yhdisteitä, jotka antavat kuidulle uusia ominaisuuksia. Menetelmän tarjoamien mahdollisuuksien hyödyntämiseksi tarvitaan tietoa kuidun radikalisointiin ja yhdisteiden liittämiseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä.


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Revascularization outcome depends on microbial elimination because apical repair will not happen in the presence of infected tissues. This study evaluated the microbial composition of traumatized immature teeth and assessed their reduction during different stages of the revascularization procedures performed with 2 intracanal medicaments. Fifteen patients (7-17 years old) with immature teeth were submitted to the revascularization procedures; they were divided into 2 groups according to the intracanal medicament used: TAP group (n = 7), medicated with a triple antibiotic paste, and CHP group (n = 8), dressed with calcium hydroxide + 2% chlorhexidine gel. Samples were taken before any treatment (S1), after irrigation with 6% NaOCl (S2), after irrigation with 2% chlorhexidine (S3), after intracanal dressing (S4), and after 17% EDTA irrigation (S5). Cultivable bacteria recovered from the 5 stages were counted and identified by means of polymerase chain reaction assay (16S rRNA). Both groups had colony-forming unit counts significantly reduced after S2 (P < .05); however, no significant difference was found between the irrigants (S2 and S3, P = .99). No difference in bacteria counts was found between the intracanal medicaments used (P = .95). The most prevalent bacteria detected were Actinomyces naeslundii (66.67%), followed by Porphyromonas endodontalis, Parvimonas micra, and Fusobacterium nucleatum, which were detected in 33.34% of the root canals. An average of 2.13 species per canal was found, and no statistical correlation was observed between bacterial species and clinical/radiographic features. The microbial profile of infected immature teeth is similar to that of primarily infected permanent teeth. The greatest bacterial reduction was promoted by the irrigation solutions. The revascularization protocols that used the tested intracanal medicaments were efficient in reducing viable bacteria in necrotic immature teeth.


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Originally from Asia, Dovyalis hebecarpa is a dark purple/red exotic berry now also produced in Brazil. However, no reports were found in the literature about phenolic extraction or characterisation of this berry. In this study we evaluate the extraction optimisation of anthocyanins and total phenolics in D. hebecarpa berries aiming at the development of a simple and mild analytical technique. Multivariate analysis was used to optimise the extraction variables (ethanol:water:acetone solvent proportions, times, and acid concentrations) at different levels. Acetone/water (20/80 v/v) gave the highest anthocyanin extraction yield, but pure water and different proportions of acetone/water or acetone/ethanol/water (with >50% of water) were also effective. Neither acid concentration nor time had a significant effect on extraction efficiency allowing to fix the recommended parameters at the lowest values tested (0.35% formic acid v/v, and 17.6 min). Under optimised conditions, extraction efficiencies were increased by 31.5% and 11% for anthocyanin and total phenolics, respectively as compared to traditional methods that use more solvent and time. Thus, the optimised methodology increased yields being less hazardous and time consuming than traditional methods. Finally, freeze-dried D. hebecarpa showed high content of target phytochemicals (319 mg/100g and 1,421 mg/100g of total anthocyanin and total phenolic content, respectively).


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Teeth are often included in the radiation field during head and neck radiotherapy, and recent clinical evidence suggests that dental pulp is negatively affected by the direct effects of radiation, leading to impaired sensitivity of the dental pulp. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the direct effects of radiation on the microvasculature, innervation, and extracellular matrix of the dental pulp of patients who have undergone head and neck radiotherapy. Twenty-three samples of dental pulp from patients who finished head and neck radiotherapy were analyzed. Samples were histologically processed and stained with hematoxylin-eosin for morphologic evaluation of the microvasculature, innervation, and extracellular matrix. Subsequently, immunohistochemical analysis of proteins related to vascularization (CD34 and smooth muscle actin), innervation (S-100, NCAM/CD56, and neurofilament), and extracellular matrix (vimentin) of the dental pulp was performed. The morphologic study identified preservation of the microvasculature, nerve bundles, and components of the extracellular matrix in all studied samples. The immunohistochemical analysis confirmed the morphologic findings and showed a normal pattern of expression for the studied proteins in all samples. Direct effects of radiotherapy are not able to generate morphologic changes in the microvasculature, innervation, and extracellular matrix components of the dental pulp in head and neck cancer patients.


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SHED (stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth) represent a population of postnatal stem cells capable of extensive proliferation and multipotential differentiation. Primary teeth may be an ideal source of postnatal stem cells to regenerate tooth structures and bone, and possibly to treat neural tissue injury or degenerative diseases. SHED are highly proliferative cells derived from an accessible tissue source, and therefore hold potential for providing enough cells for clinical applications. In this review, we describe the current knowledge about dental pulp stem cells and discuss tissue engineering approaches that use SHED to replace irreversibly inflamed or necrotic pulps with a healthy and functionally competent tissue that is capable of forming new dentin.


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This study evaluated in vitro the pulp chamber temperature rise induced by the light-activated dental bleaching technique using different light sources. The root portions of 78 extracted sound human mandibular incisors were sectioned approximately 2 mm below the cementoenamel junction. The root cavities of the crowns were enlarged to facilitate the correct placing of the sensor into the pulp chamber. Half of specimens (n=39) was assigned to receive a 35% hydrogen peroxide gel on the buccal surface and the other halt (n=39) not to receive the bleaching agent. Three groups (n=13) were formed for each condition (bleach or no bleach) according to the use of 3 light sources recommended for dental bleaching: a light-emitting diode (LED)laser system, a LED unit and a conventional halogen light. The light sources were positioned perpendicular to the buccal surface at a distance of 5 mm and activated during 30 s. The differences between the initial and the highest temperature readings for each specimen were obtained, and, from the temperature changes, the means for each specimen and each group were calculated. The values of temperature rise were compared using Kruskal-Wallis test at 1% significance level. Temperature rise varied significantly depending on the light-curing unit, with statistically significant differences (p<0.01) among the groups. When the bleaching agent was not applied, the halogen light induced the highest temperature rise (2.38±0.66ºC). The LED unit produced the lowest temperature increase (0.29±0.13ºC); but there was no significant difference between LED unit and LED-laser system (0.35±0.15ºC) (p>0.01). When the bleaching agent was applied, there were significant differences among groups (p<0.01): halogen light induced the highest temperature rise (1.41±0.64ºC), and LED-laser system the lowest (0.33±0.12ºC); however, there was no difference between LED-laser system and LED unit (0.44±0.11ºC). LED and LED-laser system did not differ significantly from each other regardless the temperature rise occurred with or without bleaching agent application. It may be concluded that during light-activated tooth bleaching, with or without the bleaching agent, halogen light promoted higher pulp chamber temperature rise than LED unit and LED-laser system. The tested light-curing units provided increases in the pulp chamber temperature that were compatible with pulpal health.


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Pulp repair is a complex process whose mechanisms are not yet fully understood. The first immune cells to reach the damaged pulp are neutrophils that play an important role in releasing cytokines and in phagocytosis. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of different pulp-capping materials on the secretion of interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) and interleukin-8 (IL-8) by migrating human neutrophils. Neutrophils were obtained from the blood of three healthy donors. The experimental groups were calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2], an adhesive system (Single Bond), and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). Untreated cells were used as control. Transwell chambers were used in performing the assays to mimic an in vivo situation of neutrophil chemotaxis. The pulp-capping materials were placed in the lower chamber and the human neutrophils, in the upper chamber. The cells were counted and the culture medium was assayed using ELISA kits for detecting and quantifying IL-1β and IL8. The data were compared by ANOVA followed by Tukey's test (p < 0.05). The secretion of IL-8 was significantly higher in all groups in comparison to the control group (p < 0.05). The adhesive system group showed higher IL-8 than the MTA group (p < 0.05). The secretion of IL-1β was significantly greater only in the MTA group (p < 0.001). It was concluded that only MTA is able to improve the secretion of IL-1β, and all materials tested increased IL-8 secretion. These results combined with all the other biological advantages of MTA indicate that it could be considered the material of choice for dental pulp capping.


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The present work describes non-conventional sisal (Agave sisalana) chemical (organosolv) pulp from residues of cordage as reinforcement to cement based materials. Sisal organosolv pulp was produced in a 1:1 ethanol/water mixture and post chemically and physically characterized in order to compare its properties with sisal kraft pulp. Cement based composites reinforced with organosolv or kraft pulps and combined with polypropylene (PP) fibres were produced by the slurry de-watering and pressing method as a crude simulation of the Hatschek process. Composites were evaluated at 28 days of age, after exposition to accelerated carbonation and after 100 soak/dry cycles. Composites containing organosolv pulp presented lower mechanical strength, water absorption and apparent porosity than composites reinforced with kraft pulp. The best mechanical performance after ageing was also achieved by samples reinforced with kraft pulp. The addition of PP fibres favoured the maintenance of toughness after ageing. Accelerated carbonation promoted the densification of the composites reinforced with sisal organosolv + PP fibres.