999 resultados para thermodynamic model


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We present a new thermodynamic activity-composition model for di-trioctahedral chlorite in the system FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O that is based on the Holland–Powell internally consistent thermodynamic data set. The model is formulated in terms of four linearly independent end-members, which are amesite, clinochlore, daphnite and sudoite. These account for the most important crystal-chemical substitutions in chlorite, the Fe–Mg, Tschermak and di-trioctahedral substitution. The ideal part of end-member activities is modeled with a mixing-on-site formalism, and non-ideality is described by a macroscopic symmetric (regular) formalism. The symmetric interaction parameters were calibrated using a set of 271 published chlorite analyses for which robust independent temperature estimates are available. In addition, adjustment of the standard state thermodynamic properties of sudoite was required to accurately reproduce experimental brackets involving sudoite. This new model was tested by calculating representative P–T sections for metasediments at low temperatures (<400 °C), in particular sudoite and chlorite bearing metapelites from Crete. Comparison between the calculated mineral assemblages and field data shows that the new model is able to predict the coexistence of chlorite and sudoite at low metamorphic temperatures. The predicted lower limit of the chloritoid stability field is also in better agreement with petrological observations. For practical applications to metamorphic and hydrothermal environments, two new semi-empirical chlorite geothermometers named Chl(1) and Chl(2) were calibrated based on the chlorite + quartz + water equilibrium (2 clinochlore + 3 sudoite = 4 amesite + 4 H2O + 7 quartz). The Chl(1) thermometer requires knowledge of the (Fe3+/ΣFe) ratio in chlorite and predicts correct temperatures for a range of redox conditions. The Chl(2) geothermometer which assumes that all iron in chlorite is ferrous has been applied to partially recrystallized detrital chlorite from the Zone houillère in the French Western Alps.


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An extensive research program focused on the characterization of various metallurgical complex smelting and coal combustion slags is being undertaken. The research combines both experimental and thermodynamic modeling studies. The approach is illustrated by work on the PbO-ZnO-Al2O3-FeO-Fe2O3-CaO-SiO2 system. Experimental measurements of the liquidus and solidus have been undertaken under oxidizing and reducing conditions using equilibration, quenching, and electron probe X-ray microanalysis. The experimental program has been planned so as to obtain data for thermodynamic model development as well as for pseudo-ternary Liquidus diagrams that can be used directly by process operators. Thermodynamic modeling has been carried out using the computer system FACT, which contains thermodynamic databases with over 5000 compounds and evaluated solution models. The FACT package is used for the calculation of multiphase equilibria in multicomponent systems of industrial interest. A modified quasi-chemical solution model is used for the liquid slag phase. New optimizations have been carried out, which significantly improve the accuracy of the thermodynamic models for lead/zinc smelting and coal combustion processes. Examples of experimentally determined and calculated liquidus diagrams are presented. These examples provide information of direct relevance to various metallurgical smelting and coal combustion processes.


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The protein shells, or capsids, of nearly all spherelike viruses adopt icosahedral symmetry. In the present Letter, we propose a statistical thermodynamic model for viral self-assembly. We find that icosahedral symmetry is not expected for viral capsids constructed from structurally identical protein subunits and that this symmetry requires (at least) two internal switching configurations of the protein. Our results indicate that icosahedral symmetry is not a generic consequence of free energy minimization but requires optimization of internal structural parameters of the capsid proteins


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The protein shells, or capsids, of nearly all spherelike viruses adopt icosahedral symmetry. In the present Letter, we propose a statistical thermodynamic model for viral self-assembly. We find that icosahedral symmetry is not expected for viral capsids constructed from structurally identical protein subunits and that this symmetry requires (at least) two internal switching configurations of the protein. Our results indicate that icosahedral symmetry is not a generic consequence of free energy minimization but requires optimization of internal structural parameters of the capsid proteins


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Density of binary solutions and combinations of sucrose, glucose, fructose, citric acid, malic acid, pectin, and inorganic salts were measured with an oscillating tube density meter in the temperature range from 10degrees to 60degreesC, at varying concentrations. Density can be predicted with accuracy better than 5 x 10(-5) g cm(-3) using predictive equations obtained by fitting the experimental data. Available literature values agreed well with experimental data. Relations for the excess molar volume of these solutions were derived in terms of mole fraction and temperature. A thermodynamic model for the volumetric analysis of multicomponent aqueous solutions containing electrolyte and non-electrolyte compounds was also proposed. These models can be used for prediction of density of liquid food systems, specially fruit juices and beverages, based on composition and temperature, with high accuracy and without elaborate experimental work.


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The flammability zone boundaries are very important properties to prevent explosions in the process industries. Within the boundaries, a flame or explosion can occur so it is important to understand these boundaries to prevent fires and explosions. Very little work has been reported in the literature to model the flammability zone boundaries. Two boundaries are defined and studied: the upper flammability zone boundary and the lower flammability zone boundary. Three methods are presented to predict the upper and lower flammability zone boundaries: The linear model The extended linear model, and An empirical model The linear model is a thermodynamic model that uses the upper flammability limit (UFL) and lower flammability limit (LFL) to calculate two adiabatic flame temperatures. When the proper assumptions are applied, the linear model can be reduced to the well-known equation yLOC = zyLFL for estimation of the limiting oxygen concentration. The extended linear model attempts to account for the changes in the reactions along the UFL boundary. Finally, the empirical method fits the boundaries with linear equations between the UFL or LFL and the intercept with the oxygen axis. xx Comparison of the models to experimental data of the flammability zone shows that the best model for estimating the flammability zone boundaries is the empirical method. It is shown that is fits the limiting oxygen concentration (LOC), upper oxygen limit (UOL), and the lower oxygen limit (LOL) quite well. The regression coefficient values for the fits to the LOC, UOL, and LOL are 0.672, 0.968, and 0.959, respectively. This is better than the fit of the "zyLFL" method for the LOC in which the regression coefficient’s value is 0.416.


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A fundamental combustion model for spark-ignition engine is studied in this report. The model is implemented in SIMULINK to simulate engine outputs (mass fraction burn and in-cylinder pressure) under various engine operation conditions. The combustion model includes a turbulent propagation and eddy burning processes based on literature [1]. The turbulence propagation and eddy burning processes are simulated by zero-dimensional method and the flame is assumed as sphere. To predict pressure, temperature and other in-cylinder variables, a two-zone thermodynamic model is used. The predicted results of this model match well with the engine test data under various engine speeds, loads, spark ignition timings and air fuel mass ratios. The developed model is used to study cyclic variation and combustion stability at lean (or diluted) combustion conditions. Several variation sources are introduced into the combustion model to simulate engine performance observed in experimental data. The relations between combustion stability and the introduced variation amount are analyzed at various lean combustion levels.


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A structurally based viscosity model for fully liquid silicate slags has been proposed and applied to the Al2O3-CaO-'FeO'-SiO2 system at metallic iron saturation. The model links the slag viscosity to the internal structure of melts through the concentrations of various anion/cation structural units (SUs). The concentrations of structural units are equivalent to the second nearest neighbor bond concentrations calculated by the quasi-chemical thermodynamic model. This viscosity model describes experimental data over the entire temperature and composition range within the Al2O3-CaO-'FeO'-SiO2 system at metallic iron saturation and can be extended to other industrial slag systems.


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Equilibrium adsorption and desorption in mesoporous adsorbents is considered on the basis of rigorous thermodynamic analysis, in which the curvature-dependent solid-fluid potential and the compressibility of the adsorbed phase are accounted for. The compressibility of the adsorbed phase is considered for the first time in the literature in the framework of a rigorous thermodynamic approach. Our model is a further development of continuum thermodynamic approaches proposed by Derjaguin and Broekhoff and de Boer, and it is based on a reference isotherm of a non-porous material having the same chemical structure as that of the pore wall. In this improved thermodynamic model, we incorporated a prescription for transforming the solid-fluid potential exerted by the flat reference surface to the potential inside cylindrical and spherical pores. We relax the assumption that the adsorbed film density is constant and equal to that of the saturated liquid. Instead, the density of the adsorbed fluid is allowed to vary over the adsorbed film thickness and is calculated by an equation of state. As a result, the model is capable to describe the adsorption-desorption reversibility in cylindrical pores having diameter less than 2 nm. The generalized thermodynamic model may be applied to the pore size characterization of mesoporous materials instead of much more time-consuming molecular approaches. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A structurally-based quasi-chemical viscosity model for fully liquid slags in the Al2O3 CaO-'FeO'-MgO-SiO2 system has been developed. The model links the slag viscosities to the internal structures of the melts through the concentrations of various Si0.5O, Me2/nn+O and Me1/nn+Si0.25O viscous flow structural units. The concentrations of these structural units are derived from a quasi-chemical thermodynamic model of the system. The model described in this series of papers enables the viscosities of liquid slags to be predicted within experimental uncertainties over the whole range of temperatures and compositions in the Al2O3 CaOMgO-SiO2 system.


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A structurally-based quasi-chemical viscosity model has been developed for the Al2O3 CaO-'FeO'-MgO-SiO2 system. The model links the slag viscosity to the internal structure of melts through the concentrations of various anion/cation Si0.5O, Me2/nn+O and Me1/nn+Si0.25O viscous flow structural units. The concentrations of structural units are derived from the quasi-chemical thermodynamic model. The focus of the work described in the present paper is the analysis of experimental data and the viscosity models for fully liquid slags in the Al2O3-CaO-MgO, Al2O3 MgO-SiO2 and CaO-MgO-SiO2 systems.


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The caffeine solubility in supercritical CO2 was studied by assessing the effects of pressure and temperature on the extraction of green coffee oil (GCO). The Peng-Robinson¹ equation of state was used to correlate the solubility of caffeine with a thermodynamic model and two mixing rules were evaluated: the classical mixing rule of van der Waals with two adjustable parameters (PR-VDW) and a density dependent one, proposed by Mohamed and Holder² with two (PR-MH, two parameters adjusted to the attractive term) and three (PR-MH3 two parameters adjusted to the attractive and one to the repulsive term) adjustable parameters. The best results were obtained with the mixing rule of Mohamed and Holder² with three parameters.


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Recent works have pointed to the use of volatile electrolytes such as carbon dioxide (CO(2)) dissolved in aqueous solutions as a promising alternative to the precipitating agents conventionally used for protein recovery in the food and pharmaceutical industries. In this work we investigated experimental and theoretical aspects of the precipitation of porcine insulin, a biomolecule of pharmaceutical interest, using CO(2) as an acid- precipitating agent. The Solubility of porcine insulin in NaHCO(3) solutions in pressurized CO(2) was determined as a function of temperature and pressure, with a minimum being observed close to the protein isoclectric point. A thermodynamic model was developed and successfully utilized to correlate the experimental data. Insulin was considered a polyelectrolyte in the model and its self-association reactions were also taken into account. The biological activity of insulin was maintained after precipitation With CO(2), although some activity can be lost if foam is formed in the depressurization step. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;103: 909-919. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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A range of materials is treated in zinc fuming processes to recover metal values and produce benign slag waste products. The selection of the optimum process conditions in these various technologies can be greatly assisted by the use of a chemical thermodynamic model of the system. In this paper the effects of slag chemistry on the liquidus temperatures, subliquidus phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties are described by the F*A*C*T computer package with the new thermodynamic database of the ZnO-PbO-FeO-Fe2O3-CaO-SiO2 system. The implications of these findings for plant practice are discussed.