1000 resultados para thermodynamic function


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The Gedunin compound (C28H34O6) is a natural product extracted from Trichilia pallida that has shown a wide activity. The crystallographic structure shows two conformers in the asymmetric unit, which differ in a rotation of the furan group. To understand this molecular arrangement, the density functional calculations. Molecular Electrostatic Potential (MEP) and thermodynamic function calculation have been performed at the B3LYP/6-311++g(d,p) level. Both conformers were optimized and the agreement with the experimental structure was very good, making possible further theoretical analysis of the structure. The inter-conversion between two conformers depends on the energy barrier. This process is studied in the vacuum and shows two transition states with a low energetic barrier for a potential energy curve scanning rigid around furan group: 4.37 kcal/mol and 16.52 kcal/mol. As the first transition state has a notably lower energetic barrier, the preferred inter-conversion pathway between the conformers involves the first rather than the second transition state. Understanding this transition state in detail led us to perform its optimization, showing an energetic barrier around 3.66 kcal/mol. The negative free energy and low enthalpy confirm that the process is spontaneous and exothermic. The results show that this requirement makes the existence of the two conformers in the asymmetric unit possible. The structure of molecules in the asymmetric unit is better understood when the MEP is used on the interaction between molecules. For Gedunin, both molecules have shown MEP with well-defined regions, and this behavior contributes to the observed link between molecules and for the negative regions complementing positive regions of another molecule. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Anaerobic digestion is a multistep process, mediated by a functionally and phylogenetically diverse microbial population. One of the crucial steps is oxidation of organic acids, with electron transfer via hydrogen or formate from acetogenic bacteria to methanogens. This syntrophic microbiological process is strongly restricted by a thermodynamic limitation on the allowable hydrogen or formate concentration. In order to study this process in more detail, we developed an individual-based biofilm model which enables to describe the processes at a microbial resolution. The biochemical model is the ADM1, implemented in a multidimensional domain. With this model, we evaluated three important issues for the syntrophic relationship: (i) is there a fundamental difference in using hydrogen or formate as electron carrier? (ii) Does a thermodynamic-based inhibition function produced substantially different results from an empirical function? and; (iii) Does the physical colocation of acetogens and methanogens follow directly from a general model. Hydrogen or formate as electron carrier had no substantial impact on model results. Standard inhibition functions or thermodynamic inhibition function gave similar results at larger substrate field grid sizes (> 10 mu m), but at smaller grid sizes, the thermodynamic-based function reduced the number of cells with long interspecies distances (> 2.5 mu m). Therefore, a very fine grid resolution is needed to reflect differences between the thermodynamic function, and a more generic inhibition form. The co-location of syntrophic bacteria was well predicted without a need to assume a microbiological based mechanism (e.g., through chemotaxis) of biofilm formation.


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The Jackfruit tree is one of the most significant trees in tropical home gardens and perhaps the most widespread and useful tree in the important genus Artocarpus. The fruit is susceptible to mechanical and biological damage in the mature state, and some people find the aroma of the fruit objectionable, particularly in confined spaces. The dehydration process could be an alternative for the exploitation of this product, and the relationship between moisture content and water activity provides useful information for its processing and storage. The aim of this study was to determine the thermodynamic properties of the water sorption of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) as a function of moisture content. Desorption isotherms of the different parts of the jackfruit (pulp, peduncle, mesocarp, peel, and seed) were determined at four different temperatures (313.15, 323.15, 333.15, and 343.15 K) in a water activity range of 0.02-0.753 using the static gravimetric method. Theoretical and empirical models were used to model the desorption isotherms. An analytical solution of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation was proposed to calculate the isosteric heat of sorption, the differential entropy, and Gibbs' free energy using the Guggenhein-Anderson-de Boer and Oswin models considering the effect of temperature on the hygroscopic equilibrium.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Cloud-aerosol interaction is a key issue in the climate system, affecting the water cycle, the weather, and the total energy balance including the spatial and temporal distribution of latent heat release. Information on the vertical distribution of cloud droplet microphysics and thermodynamic phase as a function of temperature or height, can be correlated with details of the aerosol field to provide insight on how these particles are affecting cloud properties and their consequences to cloud lifetime, precipitation, water cycle, and general energy balance. Unfortunately, today's experimental methods still lack the observational tools that can characterize the true evolution of the cloud microphysical, spatial and temporal structure in the cloud droplet scale, and then link these characteristics to environmental factors and properties of the cloud condensation nuclei. Here we propose and demonstrate a new experimental approach (the cloud scanner instrument) that provides the microphysical information missed in current experiments and remote sensing options. Cloud scanner measurements can be performed from aircraft, ground, or satellite by scanning the side of the clouds from the base to the top, providing us with the unique opportunity of obtaining snapshots of the cloud droplet microphysical and thermodynamic states as a function of height and brightness temperature in clouds at several development stages. The brightness temperature profile of the cloud side can be directly associated with the thermodynamic phase of the droplets to provide information on the glaciation temperature as a function of different ambient conditions, aerosol concentration, and type. An aircraft prototype of the cloud scanner was built and flew in a field campaign in Brazil. The CLAIM-3D (3-Dimensional Cloud Aerosol Interaction Mission) satellite concept proposed here combines several techniques to simultaneously measure the vertical profile of cloud microphysics, thermodynamic phase, brightness temperature, and aerosol amount and type in the neighborhood of the clouds. The wide wavelength range, and the use of multi-angle polarization measurements proposed for this mission allow us to estimate the availability and characteristics of aerosol particles acting as cloud condensation nuclei, and their effects on the cloud microphysical structure. These results can provide unprecedented details on the response of cloud droplet microphysics to natural and anthropogenic aerosols in the size scale where the interaction really happens.


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Thermodynamic properties of bread dough (fusion enthalpy, apparent specific heat, initial freezing point and unfreezable water) were measured at temperatures from -40 degrees C to 35 degrees C using differential scanning calorimetry. The initial freezing point was also calculated based on the water activity of dough. The apparent specific heat varied as a function of temperature: specific heat in the freezing region varied from (1.7-23.1) J g(-1) degrees C(-1), and was constant at temperatures above freezing (2.7 J g(-1) degrees C(-1)). Unfreezable water content varied from (0.174-0.182) g/g of total product. Values of heat capacity as a function of temperature were correlated using thermodynamic models. A modification for low-moisture foodstuffs (such as bread dough) was successfully applied to the experimental data. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Thermodynamic relations between the solubility of a protein and the solution pH are presented in this work. The hypotheses behind the development are that the protein chemical potential in liquid phase can be described by Henry`s law and that the solid-liquid equilibrium is established only between neutral molecules. The mathematical development results in an analytical expression of the solubility curve, as a function of the ionization equilibrium constants, the pH and the solubility at the isoelectric point. It is shown that the same equation can be obtained either by directly calculating the fraction of neutral protein molecules or by integrating the curve of the protein average charge. The methodology was successfully applied to the description of the solubility of porcine insulin as a function of pH at three different temperatures and of bovine beta-lactoglobulin at four different ionic strengths. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A thermodynamic approach based on the Bender equation of state is suggested for the analysis of supercritical gas adsorption on activated carbons at high pressure. The approach accounts for the equality of the chemical potential in the adsorbed phase and that in the corresponding bulk phase and the distribution of elements of the adsorption volume (EAV) over the potential energy for gas-solid interaction. This scheme is extended to subcritical fluid adsorption and takes into account the phase transition in EAV The method is adapted to gravimetric measurements of mass excess adsorption and has been applied to the adsorption of argon, nitrogen, methane, ethane, carbon dioxide, and helium on activated carbon Norit R I in the temperature range from 25 to 70 C. The distribution function of adsorption volume elements over potentials exhibits overlapping peaks and is consistently reproduced for different gases. It was found that the distribution function changes weakly with temperature, which was confirmed by its comparison with the distribution function obtained by the same method using nitrogen adsorption isotherm at 77 K. It was shown that parameters such as pore volume and skeleton density can be determined directly from adsorption measurements, while the conventional approach of helium expansion at room temperature can lead to erroneous results due to the adsorption of helium in small pores of activated carbon. The approach is a convenient tool for analysis and correlation of excess adsorption isotherms over a wide range of pressure and temperature. This approach can be readily extended to the analysis of multicomponent adsorption systems. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).


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Thermodynamic stability of black holes, described by the Rényi formula as equilibrium compatible entropy function, is investigated. It is shown that within this approach, asymptotically flat, Schwarzschild black holes can be in stable equilibrium with thermal radiation at a fixed temperature. This implies that the canonical ensemble exists just like in anti-de Sitter space, and nonextensive effects can stabilize the black holes in a very similar way as it is done by the gravitational potential of an anti-de Sitter space. Furthermore, it is also shown that a Hawking–Page-like black hole phase transition occurs at a critical temperature which depends on the q-parameter of the Rényi formula.


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A systematic time-dependent perturbation scheme for classical canonical systems is developed based on a Wick's theorem for thermal averages of time-ordered products. The occurrence of the derivatives with respect to the canonical variables noted by Martin, Siggia, and Rose implies that two types of Green's functions have to be considered, the propagator and the response function. The diagrams resulting from Wick's theorem are "double graphs" analogous to those introduced by Dyson and also by Kawasaki, in which the response-function lines form a "tree structure" completed by propagator lines. The implication of a fluctuation-dissipation theorem on the self-energies is analyzed and compared with recent results by Deker and Haake.


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Classical Monte Carlo simulations were carried out on the NPT ensemble at 25°C and 1 atm, aiming to investigate the ability of the TIP4P water model [Jorgensen, Chandrasekhar, Madura, Impey and Klein; J. Chem. Phys., 79 (1983) 926] to reproduce the newest structural picture of liquid water. The results were compared with recent neutron diffraction data [Soper; Bruni and Ricci; J. Chem. Phys., 106 (1997) 247]. The influence of the computational conditions on the thermodynamic and structural results obtained with this model was also analyzed. The findings were compared with the original ones from Jorgensen et al [above-cited reference plus Mol. Phys., 56 (1985) 1381]. It is notice that the thermodynamic results are dependent on the boundary conditions used, whereas the usual radial distribution functions g(O/O(r)) and g(O/H(r)) do not depend on them.


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We study the phonon dispersion, cohesive and thermal properties of raxe gas solids Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe, using a variety of potentials obtained from different approaches; such as, fitting to crystal properties, purely ab initio calculations for molecules and dimers or ab initio calculations for solid crystalline phase, a combination of ab initio calculations and fitting to either gas phase data or sohd state properties. We explore whether potentials derived with a certain approaxih have any obvious benefit over the others in reproducing the solid state properties. In particular, we study phonon dispersion, isothermal ajid adiabatic bulk moduli, thermal expansion, and elastic (shear) constants as a function of temperatiue. Anharmonic effects on thermal expansion, specific heat, and bulk moduli have been studied using A^ perturbation theory in the high temperature limit using the neaxest-neighbor central force (nncf) model as developed by Shukla and MacDonald [4]. In our study, we find that potentials based on fitting to the crystal properties have some advantage, particularly for Kr and Xe, in terms of reproducing the thermodynamic properties over an extended range of temperatiures, but agreement with the phonon frequencies with the measured values is not guaranteed. For the lighter element Ne, the LJ potential which is based on fitting to the gas phase data produces best results for the thermodynamic properties; however, the Eggenberger potential for Ne, where the potential is based on combining ab initio quantum chemical calculations and molecular dynamics simulations, produces results that have better agreement with the measured dispersion, and elastic (shear) values. For At, the Morse-type potential, which is based on M0ller-Plesset perturbation theory to fourth order (MP4) ab initio calculations, yields the best results for the thermodynamic properties, elastic (shear) constants, and the phonon dispersion curves.


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We have calculated the equation of state and the various thermodynamic properties of monatomic fcc crystals by minimizing the Helmholtz free energy derived in the high temperature limit for the quasiharmonic theory, QH, and the lowest-order (cubic and quartic), 'A2, anharmonic terms of the perturbation theory, PT. The total energy in each case is obtained by adding the static energy. The calculation of the thermal properties was carried out for a nearest-neighbour central-force model of the fcc lattice by means of the appropriate thermodynamic relations. We have calculated the lattice constant, the thermal expansion, the coefficient of volume expansion, the specific heat at constant volume and at constant pressure, the isothermal and adiabatic bulk moduli, and the Griineisen parameter, for the rare-gas solids Kr and Xe, and gold. Morse potential and modified Morse potential were each used to represent the atomic interaction for the three fcc materials. For most of the calculated thermodynamic properties from the QH theory, the results for Kr and Xe with the modified Morse potential show an improvement over the results for the Morse potential when compared with the experimental data. However, the results of the 'A 2 equation of state with the modified Morse potential are in good agreement with experiment only in the case of the specific heat at constant volume and at constant pressure. For Au we have calculated the lattice contribution from the QH and 'A 2 PT and the electronic contribution to the thermal properties. The electronic contribution was taken into account by using the free electron model. The results of the thermodynamic properties calculated with the modified Morse potential were similar to those obtained with the Morse potential. U sing the minimized equation of state we also calculated the Mossbauer recoilless fraction for Kr and Xe and the Debye-Waller factor (DWF) for Pb, AI, eu, Ag, and Au. The Mossbauer recoilless fraction was obtained for the above two potentials and Lennard-Jones potential. The L-J potential gives the best agreement with experiment for Kr. No experimental data exists for Xe. At low temperature the calculated DWF results for Pb, AI, and eu show a good agreement with experimental values, but at high temperature the experimental DWF results increase very rapidly. For Ag the computed values were below the expected results at all temperatures. The DWF results of the modified Morse potential for Pb, AI, eu and Ag were slightly better than those of the Morse potential. In the case of Au the calculated values were in poor agreement with experimental results. We have calculated the quasiharmonic phonon dispersion curves for Kr, Xe, eu, Ag, and Au. The calculated and experimental results of the frequencies agree quite well for all the materials except for Au where the longitudinal modes show serious discrepancies with the experimental results. In addition, the two lowest-order anharmonic contributions to the phonon frequency were derived using the Green's function method. The A 2 phonon dispersion curves have been calculated only for eu, and the results were similar to those of the QH dispersion curves. Finally, an expression for the Griineisen parameter "( has been derived from the anharmonic frequencies, and calculated for these materials. The "( results are comparable with those obtained from the thermodynamic definition.