6 resultados para thermalhydraulics
The present study focuses on two effects of the presence of a noncondensable gas on the thermal-hydraulic behavior of thecoolant of the primary circuit of a nuclear reactor in the VVER-440 geometry inabnormal situations. First, steam condensation with the presence of air was studied in the horizontal tubes of the steam generator (SG) of the PACTEL test facility. The French thermal-hydraulic CATHARE code was used to study the heat transfer between the primary and secondary side in conditions derived from preliminary experiments performed by VTT using PACTEL. In natural circulation and single-phase vapor conditions, the injection of a volume of air, equivalent to the totalvolume of the primary side of the SG at the entrance of the hot collector, did not stop the heat transfer from the primary to the secondary side. The calculated results indicate that air is located in the second half-length (from the mid-length of the tubes to the cold collector) in all the tubes of the steam generator The hot collector remained full of steam during the transient. Secondly, the potential release of the nitrogen gas dissolved in the water of the accumulators of the emergency core coolant system of the Loviisa nuclear power plant (NPP) was investigated. The author implemented a model of the dissolution and release ofnitrogen gas in the CATHARE code; the model created by the CATHARE developers. In collaboration with VTT, an analytical experiment was performed with some components of PACTEL to determine, in particular, the value of the release time constant of the nitrogen gas in the depressurization conditions representative of the small and intermediate break transients postulated for the Loviisa NPP. Such transients, with simplified operating procedures, were calculated using the modified CATHARE code for various values of the release time constant used in the dissolution and release model. For the small breaks, nitrogen gas is trapped in thecollectors of the SGs in rather large proportions. There, the levels oscillate until the actuation of the low-pressure injection pumps (LPIS) that refill the primary circuit. In the case of the intermediate breaks, most of the nitrogen gas is expelled at the break and almost no nitrogen gas is trapped in the SGs. In comparison with the cases calculated without taking into account the release of nitrogen gas, the start of the LPIS is delayed by between 1 and 1.75 h. Applicability of the obtained results to the real safety conditions must take into accountthe real operating procedures used in the nuclear power plant.
In nuclear reactors, the occurrence of critical heat flux leads to fuel rod overheating with clad fusion and radioactive products leakage. To predict the effects of such phenomenon, experiments are performed using electrically heated rods to simulate operational and accidental conditions of nuclear fuel rods. In the present work, it is performed a theoretical analysis of the drying and rewetting front propagation during a critical heat flux experiment, starting with the application of an electrical power step from steady state condition. After the occurrence of critical heat flux, the drying front propagation is predicted. After a few seconds, a power cut is considered and the rewetting front behavior is analytically observed. Studies performed with various values of coolant mass flow rate show that this variable has more influence on the drying front velocity than on the rewetting one.
Within the framework of the Collaborative Project for a European Sodium Fast Reactor, the reactor physics group at UPM is working on the extension of its in-house multi-scale advanced deterministic code COBAYA3 to Sodium Fast Reactors (SFR). COBAYA3 is a 3D multigroup neutron kinetics diffusion code that can be used either as a pin-by-pin code or as a stand-alone nodal code by using the analytic nodal diffusion solver ANDES. It is coupled with thermalhydraulics codes such as COBRA-TF and FLICA, allowing transient analysis of LWR at both fine-mesh and coarse-mesh scales. In order to enable also 3D pin-by-pin and nodal coupled NK-TH simulations of SFR, different developments are in progress. This paper presents the first steps towards the application of COBAYA3 to this type of reactors. ANDES solver, already extended to triangular-Z geometry, has been applied to fast reactor steady-state calculations. The required cross section libraries were generated with ERANOS code for several configurations. The limitations encountered in the application of the Analytic Coarse Mesh Finite Difference (ACMFD) method –implemented inside ANDES– to fast reactors are presented and the sensitivity of the method when using a high number of energy groups is studied. ANDES performance is assessed by comparison with the results provided by ERANOS, using a mini-core model in 33 energy groups. Furthermore, a benchmark from the NEA for a small 3D FBR in hexagonal-Z geometry and 4 energy groups is also employed to verify the behavior of the code with few energy groups.
The need to refine models for best-estimate calculations, based on good-quality experimental data, has been expressed in many recent meetings in the field of nuclear applications. The modeling needs arising in this respect should not be limited to the currently available macroscopic methods but should be extended to next-generation analysis techniques that focus on more microscopic processes. One of the most valuable databases identified for the thermalhydraulics modeling was developed by the Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation (NUPEC), Japan. From 1987 to 1995, NUPEC performed steady-state and transient critical power and departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) test series based on the equivalent full-size mock-ups. Considering the reliability not only of the measured data, but also other relevant parameters such as the system pressure, inlet sub-cooling and rod surface temperature, these test series supplied the first substantial database for the development of truly mechanistic and consistent models for boiling transition and critical heat flux. Over the last few years the Pennsylvania State University (PSU) under the sponsorship of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has prepared, organized, conducted and summarized the OECD/NRC Full-size Fine-mesh Bundle Tests (BFBT) Benchmark. The international benchmark activities have been conducted in cooperation with the Nuclear Energy Agency/Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (NEA/OECD) and Japan Nuclear Energy Safety (JNES) organization, Japan. Consequently, the JNES has made available the Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) NUPEC database for the purposes of the benchmark. Based on the success of the OECD/NRC BFBT benchmark the JNES has decided to release also the data based on the NUPEC Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) subchannel and bundle tests for another follow-up international benchmark entitled OECD/NRC PWR Subchannel and Bundle Tests (PSBT) benchmark. This paper presents an application of the joint Penn State University/Technical University of Madrid (UPM) version of the well-known subchannel code COBRA-TF, namely CTF, to the critical power and departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) exercises of the OECD/NRC BFBT and PSBT benchmarks
Historically, the prediction of safety margins has been based on system level thermal-hydraulic calculations employing suitable empirical formulations for assembly specific geometries and fuel-element grid spacers. These works have assessed response, margins, and consequences for the system based on one-dimensional two-fluid or drift-flux type thermalhydraulics formulations with fuel-vendor specific hydraulic losses and heat transfer characteristics for various fuel assemblies, including the so-called hot channel. Analysis of the hot channel gives important information on flow rates, fuel element centerline temperature, fuel sheath temperature, and margin to the departure from nucleate boiling. Given the reliance of the above approaches on empirical formulations obtained from complex and often difficult experiments, there is significant interest in obtaining reliable and accurate results from computation tools which employ more fundamental empirical relationships which can be obtained from subsets of the domain or from other scaled experiments.
Damage to insulation materials located near to a primary circuit coolant leak may compromise the operation of the emergency core cooling system (ECCS). Insulation material in the form of mineral wool fiber agglomerates (MWFA) maybe transported to the containment sump strainers, where they may block or penetrate the strainers. Though the impact of MWFA on the pressure drop across the strainers is minimal, corrosion products formed over time may also accumulate in the fiber cakes on the strainers, which can lead to a significant increase in the strainer pressure drop and result in cavitation in the ECCS. An experimental and theoretical study performed by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and the Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz is investigating the phenomena that maybe observed in the containment vessel during a primary circuit coolant leak. The study entails the generation of fiber agglomerates, the determination of their transport properties in single and multi-effect experiments and the long-term effect that corrosion and erosion of the containment internals by the coolant has on the strainer pressure drop. The focus of this paper is on the verification and validation of numerical models that can predict the transport of MWFA. A number of pseudo-continuous dispersed phases of spherical wetted agglomerates represent the MWFA. The size, density, the relative viscosity of the fluid-fiber agglomerate mixture and the turbulent dispersion all affect how the fiber agglomerates are transported. In the cases described here, the size is kept constant while the density is modified. This definition affects both the terminal velocity and volume fraction of the dispersed phases. Note that the relative viscosity is only significant at high concentrations. Three single effect experiments were used to provide validation data on the transport of the fiber agglomerates under conditions of sedimentation in quiescent fluid, sedimentation in a horizontal flow and suspension in a horizontal flow. The experiments were performed in a rectangular column for the quiescent fluid and a racetrack type channel that provided a near uniform horizontal flow. The numerical models of sedimentation in the column and the racetrack channel found that the sedimentation characteristics are consistent with the experiments. For channel suspension, the heavier fibers tend to accumulate at the channel base even at high velocities, while lighter phases are more likely to be transported around the channel.